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imprinting after all there is actually

nothing more profound than the

realization that we are imprinted and

that this is the very nature of our

being is to accept imprinting when I was

first given the knowledge of the the

foundation of that was that we had

subatomic particles called neutrinos and

that we were living in a very very dense

neutrino ocean the thing that was

interesting for me was that I had quite

a background in science and when I was

going to school when I was studying

physics neutrinos were not something

that were mass they they were considered

to be energy as far as science

understood they traveled at the speed of

light they were the same as electrons I

can remember what it was like here on

the island

it was st. Valentine's Day February the

14th 1992

in a little village called San Miguel

and there was a whole bunch of a beasts

of friends and it was the first time I

tried to explain to them the information

I had been given as a matter of fact

that recording still exists it you can

actually get it at joking because it's

interesting for those of there have been

many people who said well you know

you've changed all this from the

beginning of blah blah blah if you

listen to my lecture in 1992 it's

astonishing to realize that I'm still

telling you exactly the same story but

what was interesting was the premise of

neutrinos with mass and the moment that

you really begin to understand and of

course this was eventually verified

scientifically this is something that's

been part of science now for seven or

eight years and of course there's an

enormous change that's taking place in

the way in which we understand cosmology

it's very hard for them to understand

what it means for us to be in a physical

consciousness field that is penetrating

us all the time I started in the I think

it was in 1994 that I began to

demonstrate the way in which the

mechanics of our interaction with the

environment operates see that was my

first experience when when I went

through in 1987 receiving the

information I was I was basically an

existential nihilist who was a drug

freak it it it struck me as astonishing

the the premise of what I had received

and in a very very rudimentary way I did

a kind of ephemeris for the moon so that

I could actually experience the moon in

relationship to my design and I was also

fortunate with the timing of the year it

was that time of the year in which my

solar plex Center and the potential of

its activations was open to the the very

transiting position of the Sun

the earth parted that that binary and

with Mercury and Venus and so I watched

the moon and I've described this many

times it was the most extraordinary

thing for me to become emotionalized

simply by the presence of the moon in

some abstract position in the sky the

scientist in me and the realist in me

and the deeply Western man in me was

shocked by that I was shocked that this

cold rock somehow in some way was

altering my nature and that in that I

began a long journey of the recognition

of helplessness a helplessness that is

so profound now that it has become the

comedy of my life this joke of

incompetence and helplessness that is so

beautiful about what it is to be and

what it is to surrender to what it is to

be to let go of trying to be the Masters

of these vehicles because these vehicles

are perfect in and of themselves and

that we cannot control them because they

are in fact in a deep deep deep deep

program and that the program is not a

mystery I mean it's not a mystery not


it's so obvious and it's so mechanical

and it really is a turning of a wheel in

94 I began to do what I call neutrino

forecasts you know I began to show the

interrelationship between somebody's

design and the transiting program you

know there's many of you here it's a

it's a mix today but there are many of

you here that have experienced this for

luck for a very long time and understand

the impact of these forces only once in

all the gears that I've been teaching

did I really teach larger cycles in Taos

New Mexico and I think it goes back to

to 1996 was the only time that I


sat with a group and laid out what

global cycles were thanks it was

actually really a joke because they

certainly at that point didn't have the

background to really be able to grasp it

and it was really fun in a sense to yeah

you know I never know what I'm going to

say and it was so interesting for me to

talk about those things the first time

and to begin to see how this larger

mechanic how through that larger

mechanic we begin to be able to

participate in the evolutionary process

and for me that's fun

you know our lives are nothing it's bang

I mean bang you know and it's gone and

there is a sense that most most of

humanity never really appreciates their

place in the flow I know so clearly

because we're living in the most deeply

of mutate of times I mean the most

deeply of mutate of times there has

never ever ever been such mutated

pressure on humanity as there is no and

it's time for us to be allowed to see

that mechanism to see how the mechanism

works and to be prepared for what's

coming there's a there's a darkness

that's coming and I don't mean to play

melodrama but it's fun and it is Sunday

morning after all

there's this darkness that's coming and

it's settling down over all of us the

human specie what we are what we

experience what I like to call the

killer monkey the killer monkey is

coming to an end it's coming to an end

we are terminal and we are in the

terminal phase of our species existence

now I'm not talking about some kind of

great mystical biblical end as a matter

of fact this is the den you mom that

will lead up to the end because there's

something else that's coming that is

going to emerge out of us it's seen in

so many different ways and by so many

different cultures and mysticisms this

understanding that we are approaching a

very very important time of transition

what I want to show you today and

tomorrow is the actual mechanics of

what's taking place to see what we have

been involved in for the last 400 years

since 1610 and that the framework of the

way in which we look at civilization no

matter where you look at civilization on

this planet that the framework that was

established from 1610 which is going to

change in 2027 is not simply a

transition that's going to lead to some

you know some magical Pleasant future

it's going to lead into an era that we

are as a whole not prepared for and even

more so not equipped for we're at a

point where the expansion of knowing and

the expansion of knowledge is coming to

an end there is a door closing in on us

you know I have friends of mine who

adore science fiction and they adore the

zum-zum zip zip and they would all love

to be me aboard Scottie and they all

assumed it'd be me aboard Scotty is just

around the corner well it isn't and the

infrastructure to support it is dying

and the ability for us to replenish the

stock our stock is dying fast much

faster than any of us are ready to admit

and our immune system the global immune

system is deteriorating so quickly you

can see this by the onrush of antiviral

madness you know we have a world filled

with antiviral madness because we're not

equipped anymore because our specie is

no longer fertile so I'm gonna take you

on a kind of I like these these journeys

take you on a journey through the

mechanism of the era that we are in and

the one that is coming and I will focus

on that today and tomorrow I'll give you

some real science fiction I'll take you

to the closing of the round and I'll

show you how in the beautiful mechanics

of all this that all the pieces locked

together and the door simply closes when

I first began to introduce human design

I used to do these very long intro

lectures did thousands and thousands of

them around the planet and I would

always talk about the basic physical

infrastructure in the nature of the

physics and how all these things come

together and then I would talk about the

fact that it's a synthesis that it's a

synthesis of many different disciplines

whether those disciplines are

pseudoscience or whether those

disciplines are true science and one of

those elements is the Eastern astrology

and the precession of the equinoxes and

everything that I'm going to be

discussing is a global cycle that is

rooted in the procession of the

equinoxes now by the way this graphing

here this is a PDF and I was caught in

my birthday celebrations and I did not

manage to get this up on the web last

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