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night so I will put it up on the web

tonight and I'll give you the address

now so you know and you can download it

and have it wwhd VC org /r Oz office

forward slash cycle lowercase C Y C le

did I okay let me give it another name

global let's just call it global

okay lowercase GL obal dot zip there's a

couple of things that you need to

understand about the nature of this

graphing and the first thing to

understand is that there are two

elements in the way in which we are

going to look at the way in which the

cycles operate and that the first thing

to see is that we are moving backwards

in other words we are moving count that

we are actually moving clockwise if

you're looking at the movement in the

wheel and if you look here you can see

running through here this is where we

are now this is a period it started in

1615 pardon me I said 16 10 16 15 and

this is going to end

actually at 2027 in other words it's

going to go through this process and at

this particular time and we talked about

it a lot that we're dealing with the

Cross of planning that is the 37 to 40

the 9 and the 16 and all of us know that

we are in the thirty seventh gate in the

first line that's where the precession

of the equinoxes is right now and in

2027 it's going to move back a step

which is going to place it into the 55th

gate and the 55th gate the sixth line

and as we know the 55th gate is a mutate

of gate this is the chemistry of the

genetic code on of histidine this is

where the mutation is taking place in

the solar plex center this is where you

have the impact on prostate cancer

autism all of these things through this

mutation but when you're looking at this

configuration I want you to recognize

something that

this movement of the procession that

these elements of the procession are

called keys but there is a lock in other

words each of these keys fits into a

lock now the key is the procession and

its structure itself and the lock are

humans in other words this is the way in

which any global cycle directly imprints

into humanity and global cycles on the

imprint into humanity through people who

happen to be vessels or sphinxes now

it's not just people who are vessels and

sphinxes it also pertains to anyone who

has any of the gates of the G Center in

other words what we're looking at is

that we're looking at something actually

very fascinating what we're looking at

is the nature of the magic of the

magnetic monopole I mean it is really

something to understand about this

phenomena this holding us together in

the illusion of our separateness and

moving us along our fractal line moving

us along our line of geometry and that

movement along our G other line of

geometry the thing that holds us

together as a specie the thing that

holds us together as a totality within

the programming of the whole that all of

this is rooted in the G Center the G

Center when we're looking at the G

Center of course we are looking at

identity in other words when we're

looking at it in an individual chart

what we're looking at is the quality of

identity in that beam we've got role

gates here the the roles of our

interaction with the world around us you

know we have directional gates we have

gates in which here specifically when

you're looking at the cross of the

Sphinx or you're looking at the cross of

the vessel these are the only

incarnation crosses as an example that

operate exclusively out of one Center

that the G Center is very special

because it forms specifically the eight

different corners or the eight different

points of the wheel remember when you're

looking at the structure in terms of the

way that the hexagrams of the eaching


what you're looking at is the wheel

naturally breaks up first into its four

quarters and we know from the fourth

quarters that we're always going from a

Sphynx cape which is a gate of direction

and we're going to close with one of the

gates of the four ways before we get to

the next Finks gate the other thing is

that between each in the middle of each

quarter exactly in the middle of each

quarter is a vessel of love gate and

it's one of my early earliest comments

about the nature of identity and again

when you look at the G Center what

you're looking at is this capacity to be

able to go out and to touch everything

that is there in the hole and at the

same time to be able to see that that's

the way that everything from the hole

gets taken inward so when we're looking

at the G Center in terms of general

programming the gates here become very

significant in other words anyone who is

carrying one of these lock gates is part

of the way in which the program as a

whole gets to manifest in the world I

mean one of the things to realize about

the program is that you're only dealing

with input you know the program is just

this huge ocean of consciousness but the

ocean of consciousness is transformed by

the mass of uniqueness that filters it

you know here we all are filtering this

consciousness field and one of the

things that you get to see in design

whenever you're looking at analysis is

that you get to see that there that each

and every human being is truly unique in

the way in which they interact with the

program and also in the way in which

they provide a contribution to the whole

I mean the damn things an illusion so

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