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understanding that all of us in the yin

and yang this and that of what the

spectrum is that we've all been caught

in the material wheel and don't think

that it's going to be a great relief

when it goes away because it isn't but

nonetheless this is what the 4037

brought us now when you think about the

thirty seventh gate as a key think about

the lock that it opens this deep need

because it is a need in the thirty

seventh gate this deep need for the

infrastructure of community has become

is the very spirit of us and that that

very spirit through the twenty-fifth

gate the twenty-fifth gate is the gate

of the priest and the priest s you know

it is the gate of blood it is the gate

sacrament and that so much of what we

have seen over the last 400 years is

that this whole search has tied us

deeply deeply to old tribal myths we

have never lived in a more religious

time ever I mean ever I mean it's one of

the things that's so spooky to me I mean

I'm not religious you know I mean I'm

talking about religion I'm not talking

about spirituality I'm not talking about

mysticism I'm not talking about magic

I'm talking about institutions it's like

this whole movie with the Pope what a

movie this thing called institution

thousands of years you know and it is

this institution that's going to come

down you see the moment that we move

away from an imprint that flows through

every single human being on the planet

that you cannot escape that locks us

into this tribal configuration when that

goes out the window all of these

institutions will begin to crumble

they will not be sustainable it's not

going to be in us to even want to I mean

think about that

we are not naturally designed as humans

to get along with each other so well I

mean after all institutions are

artificial ways of maintaining peace I

mean it's what they do it's a way of

controlling the killer monkey our

savageness see I have

it's very difficult to find a way to be

impressed with the not-self of what it

is to be human and to see the the the

ugliness and pain that an epoch such as

this has brought to so many the very

imperative to reproduce to create so

many human beings is not about the

excuses that people come up with that it

has to do with poverty and they need

more children or they don't have

contraception or they don't know this if

they don't know that it's not true we've

been living in an age where reproduction

is a theme that is pumped through

everybody the tribe cannot survive

without it

power to the people well you need the

people and the 4037 demands more and

more and more and more and more and more

and more of them more workers to build

the temples to maintain the temples to

kneel in the temples I mean you know

it's one of the jokes the more the more

human beings you get the more people in

the bureaucracy you know it just goes on

and on and on but this is our around

every single human being that carries

the twenty-fifth gate I carried the

twenty-fifth gate you know I'm a lock

that allows that key in I mean I'm I'm

as responsible for maintaining this

theme of materialism as anybody else

even more so in some cases and you know

you pay a lot of money for me and all

that stuff I'm not poor all that stuff

we live in an age of materialism and

it's coming to an end good thing man

that it's going to be in 2027 you know

because I can hang up my shingle you

know and just sort of retired watch

watch the wheel turn and that we see

within the whole nature of the 4037

materialism that one of the things about

the tribe is that they're always those

that are not allowed to come to the


and we live in a world in which so many

are not allowed to come to the table and

then we think that there is villains and

we look to blame you know it's their

fault it's this fault you know let's

change the political system let's change

the leadership let's change the spirit

of humanity can't do that it's like

somebody saying to you you should change

you know smack them they say that the

hell are they talking about

nobody changes we are what we are it is

what it is it's going to be what it's

going to be and no raging against the

wind is going to stop this curtain from

dropping nothing nothing when you look

at the 40th game the 40th gate being the

opposition to the 37 and the 40th gate

is connected to the 46 and remember that

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