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the 46 gate the 46 gate is all about the

body and it's the body as the temple

this is the place and this whole body is

the temple that one of the things to see

about the 40th gate the 40th gate is an

is a gate of denial it's a gate of

denying God it's a gate of denying the

value of relationships of friendship of

all of these things and yet of course

when it's bound to the 37 gate you get

this whole community structure but think

about the relationship to the 46 K which

is about the body and one of the things

to understand is that the body is

deteriorating at a very rapid rate and

one of the first things that came with

this cycle was what we call medicine

when we were doing looking at a tone

tonin base and chain

you know I was talking about this

phenomena of you know juxtaposition

makes things happen you know the moment

that you have two things and you bring

them into proximity to another there is

a quantum effect and that quantum is the

hole that's larger than the sum of its

parts and one of the things to see about

the nature of the mutation remember that

when we entered into the cycle in 1615

we were already in a process that was

opening up to mutation in 1781 we had

the advent of the ninth centered be you

know this is the beginning of the

mutation that leads to the fulfillment

of that transition that's going to take

place post 2027 and it's also one of the

things to see about us as humans is that

since 1781 we have no longer had at the

deepest level of our genetic imprinting

a future in front of us and there has

been a slow deterioration in the immune

system and when you think about it in a

holistic way think about it this way in

1781 as our body temperatures began to

increase we began to pollute the

environment in a way that had never been

done before we began to put additives

into the environment that we're going to

go along with the fact that our very

vehicles themselves were beginning to

deteriorate in other words all of these

things were built into the fact that we

are being sterilized slowly that we are

losing our capacity to be creative that

all of this is pointing us down this

road of transition and it's been going

on for a long time complementary to that

because you cannot you know in order to

stop a gene from wanting to be alive you

got to put a stake through its heart you

know it's the basic premise of

and so the counterpoint and there is

always the yin-yang the counterpoint is

the moment the body is beginning to go

bad science gets good medicine gets good

you know the moment the immune system

begins to go into the toilet we start

inventing all kinds of ways of

protecting the immune system I mean the

fact that people live longer one of the

whole things about the life program is

that the only thing that provides for

the potential of consciousness is

longevity it's why that most of the

really ancient and wise societies had

enormous respect for the Aged an

enormous respect for the Aged and not

necessarily because they were

automatically wise with age but this

understanding of the basic program the

program demands that if we don't live

long enough we never get that

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