IELTS Target 7 0

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Pubtshod by Gamat Pubtsring Lid 8 Souham Gout ‘Saugh Stes Fading Rt 408, UK Copyright © Garnet Pubbaing Lid 204 “The ight of Chris Gough to be Martie as the author of tis woe has bean assertad in accordance withthe Copyright, (signs ane Patonts Act 1988, Al ights reserved. No pat of tis aubication may be reproduoed, stored i a retrial aysta, or transmitiod nay frm oy ary meen, ‘ecttons, mechaneal, phctocanying, recording or omerwen, vwthout the prior passion ofthe Publisher, Any parson who doea ary unauthorized act In relaton to his publeation may be lable to ciminal prosecution and ch cams fr damaqas. ISBN 978 1 90861 401 9 [in Library Catalogu n-Pubtcation Data AAcalaloguefsoord for his bok is avalabl rom tha Ertish Ubrery, Production Projsct manger Clare Chander Eiicra: Clare Chandi, Su Go, Kale Kero, Keren Kirra Pah CBosign ane yes Nal oli, Mie Hiks liustaton: ug Nosh Photogrepiy- Alam Cipert, Carle, Gatty mages, iStoekpnota Shutterstock, ‘uo recordad and prociocad by Sher Suoct Stusos. Printed and boul In Lebaron by ntemational Press: atrpresnGintprees.onm __ Contents Book map Introduction ja ln Unit 1 Live and loam Unit 2 Sooner or later Unit 3 Haves and have-nots Unit 4 Man and beast Exam Practice Writing tasks Key exam vocabulary Answer key 218 Si Ble Tapescript Acknowledgements Bias Book map ‘Unie 4 Listening Reading Writing ‘Speaking Sooner or later Practise istoning / language development practise reading / language development Understanding the task and deciding what ta say / organizing and expressing ideas / language development ‘eatures of intaraction / directed interaction / open interaction ‘Manand beast practise listening / language development practise reading / language development Understanding the task and deciding what to say / organizing and expressing ideas / language development features of intoraction / directed interaction / open interaction bea Introduction How IELTS Target 7.0 works IELTS Target 7.0 82 short course for students who wish to achieve an IELTS score higher than 6.5 and who want to develop thelr allround English toa truly advanoed level. The short course consists of four units, each containing five madues, The recordings and texts are as challonging. t not sightly more challenging, than those you will encounter in the exam, Writing practica concentrates on Task 2 writing tasks and practises more sophisticated discursive discussions, Frequent refloctive exercises encourage you to think about haw you approached an exam task, why you performed wall or not 2s wells you'd hoped, and hows ta go about pperforrring better next time. IELTS Target 7.0 aims to help you develop your all-round English, as well as to help you attain a higher score in the exam. “The organvation of the five modules is bristly summarized below. The approach differs from IELTS Target 5.0 and IELTS Targot 6.5 in that the Speaking Module comes after the Listening, Reading and Writing Modules and consolidates what has praviously been leamt. Vocabulary is dealt with in the language development section at the end of the Listening, Roading and Writing Modules. Key vocabulary from recordings, texts and compositions is analyzed and follow-up exercises develop lexical areas throughout each module. You are frequently required to compare English expressions with equivalents in your own language. There is an Exam Practice Module at the end of each unit which focuses on listening and reading exam techniques. Additional exam-style umiting tasks are provided in a separate section at the back of the Course Bock, Listening {At this lovel, you vel not have the sort of pro-task preparation and scaffolding that was a major feature of IELTS Target 6.5. You wil focus on key vocabulary and, occasionally, on ‘grammer points once you have completed the tasks, Practice largely concentrates on Soctions 3 and 4 of the Listening test, as those are the more challenging, Some of the recordings are probably sightly longer than willbe the case in the exam and there are also more questions fo answer rated to one recording, Reading The Reading Module is designed Ike the Listening Module, The texts are the eame length as those you will encounter in the exam, bul more questions are applied to-one text than willbe the case in the exam. Texls are generally about mare specific topics — the ‘environment, sclantifie research, ate. - and you wil not knew’ as much about them before you read. The language development section of the module wil sometimes focus on text ‘organization and sometimes on discourse features. Writing ‘The Whiting Module concentrates on Task 2 writing tasks, the more challenging af the two tasks. Each unit provides analysis of and practice with a particular wrting skil or technique required for the exam. A frequent approach is to compare good and poor model ‘compositions, Four additional tasks are provided in a separate section at the end of the course, and, again, a good model is provided for each. 6 Ere ‘The Grammar checks occur in the Wing Module in this short course. Grammar is treated ‘38 revision and if you feel that you need more rigorous practice with a particular point you ‘shoud use an appropriate grammar resource in your own time or ask your teacher to help you in the lesson, Speaking You will practise exchanges typical of Parts 2 and 3 of the Speaking test, rather than answering simple questions. Some of the speaking activities involve using more sophisticated language than you will probably need to use in the actual Speaking test and there are.@ number of exercises that involve discussing the meaning of proverbs. Exam Practice Tha Exam Practice Modula alternately practises listening and reading skis, Four adcitional writing tasks are provided in a separate section at the end of the course. Recordings and texts are generally the same length as those you wil encounter in the exam, but a greater ‘umber of questions are applied than will be the case in tha exam. Exam tips ‘These tips occur all the way through the short Course, They are there to help you know: ‘how to approach the various tasks that make up the exam and to provide acivice an how to go about getting the highest soore possible in the exam. They also give advice that wil help you to improve your altround level of general English 1 Live and learn key Listening 1: practise listening Exam tip: In the exam, you will not be told anything about the topi¢ of any of the sections before you listen. You must use the 39 seconds you have to read through questions to make predictions. Use the tasicand any supporting visual information to work out what the overall theme is, and make predictions about the infarmation you will hear. The more quickly you can tune in, the more you will understand and the more questions you will answer correctly. ~ J spend 30 seconds reading the questions. Make predictions about what you will hear. ~E] Compare your predictions with a partner. Which section of the Listening test is this? THE Gitte ane srmvar ne ginetonn: For questions 1-2, choose the correct latter a, b orc, 1. Beth says that a teacher who cannot create a good leaming experience ... a. isapoorteache. b. is probably too busy, ¢. has been daing the job too long. 2. Aacorcing to he conversation, wal the diference between a class of hits and a class of chien” |@. Children lear more quickly. b. Children are more likely to co-operate as a group. ©, Adults are often difficult to manage. For questions 3-5, choose THREE letters A~G. The order of your answers is not important. Which of tha following are trua acconding to tha cenversation? ‘A Teachers forget that respect is a two-way process, B Children answer a lot of questions inooractly. G Teachers should look at students when they are in conversation, (D Teachers should give advice about job prospects, E Most young children are bullied at same time, F Itis essential to deal with bulying straightaway G Children need to be told when they have made a mistake, a 4 5. For question 6, choose the correct letter a, b ore 6. Beth says thal, ia her class, bulls a, have to.compensats. b. are severely punished. c. must apologize for thelr actions. For questions 7-11, complete the summary. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS foreach answer. ‘A good way af boosting corvidence in tha classroom i ta always (7) moro than one answer to @ question. Students often feel anxious if they think they will be (8) to answer a question before they have planned an answer, 0 they need time to prepare. One of the teachers tals @ story about ine-ups. The students artange themselves in a lina depencing on the contribution they have made that week. Each student decides where in the ine his or her i) should be placed, The general opinion is that this could work as long as the Si6-up relecis now Fad students have tied, and not wit they have (10) Individuals with litthe (11) may end up feeling even mare insecure. 3 Er "EE Check the key on page 68. How many questions did you answer correctly? Tick the sentences about the Listening task that are true for you and think about how you could answer more questions correctly next time. (14. Tread enough of each task in 20 seconds to make same predictions 2. tuned into the theme of the conversation quite quickly 3. found it tery easy to read the options in the frst three tasks as | istered, 4. LYound it fairly easy to read the summary in the last task as | istened, Listening 2: language development "BIJ Betow aro spoken exprossions trom the conversation. Complete oach with a word from the box. 4. Inmy. ‘teacher who says ... 2... has probably run out of 9. Its probably time they called it a 4... you have to take the 5... to make @ group 6. We take it for 7... nippedin the betore .. 8. ... someone's going to on their back: 9. ... they have to. Lup for t. 410... hoping that the teacher doesn’t you "TE In pairs, discuss the meaning of each expression. Check the tapescrint if necessary. TYEE work in pairs. Show each other tha moaning of the words and phrasos trom tha conversation in the box below. make eye contact yawn sigh ~ E) Cheek the verbs in the box below in a dictionary. Show each ather what they mean. scowl gin frown stare Glare sik wink pout beam "Ty Divide the verbs below into two categories. Explain your categories to a partner, praise / s00id / reprimand / commend / rebuke / congratulate / acimonish / eppleud. ~ 5) The phrases and expressions below are all related to learning and learning from ‘experience. In pairs, discuss what each means and whether you have a similar phrase or expression in your own language 1. hope you've learnt your lesson. 2. You ean't teach an old dog new tricks. 8. Itwas certainly alearning cue. 4. 'msstill learning the ropes. 5. You'll soon get the hang of i 6. He's sill bit green. 7. He's an old hand at this, 88 It's second nature to me now. “EI Cover Exercise F. Complete each expression with ONE word. 1. learning 2. get the oft, 3. teach an old new tricks 4. an old 5. i's second 6. stil earning the zy ‘ken Reading 1: practise reading ~ ET Talk in pairs. What should you do before you start answering the questions in each section of the Reading test? Exam tip: Before you start answering the questions in cack section of the ~ Reading test, you need to get a general idea of what the passage is about and what you have to do. You should: + read the heading and look at any visual support. - + skim the passage to gata general idea of what it's about. This will usually mean reading the topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. + read the instructions and questions carefully and think about where in the text you will find the answers. ‘You should aim to spend five or six minutes of the 20 minutes you have for each section preparing like this. ~E] Read the heading of the passage below. Answer the question with a partner, TZ Rona tho topic sontanca at tho boginning of aach soetion. Thon, in pairs, fiscuss what more you have learnt about the content of the passage, "YE Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Learning styles: Why do some people learn faster than others? ‘A In both the public and private sectors of post-16 education the buzz phrases of the age are Lifelong Learning (Continuous Professional Development and Kay Skills. Large sums of government and private sector money are Poured into trying to equip the workforce with the skills for the ob role they are, or will be, required to fulfil, ‘Some leamers succeed and some fail, some learning intervertions are popular with the learner, others are regarded as 8 waste of time and effort, Often it seems that good money {5 throvin after bad in a bid to address {he problem of workforce skills net measuring up to employers’ expectations in the fast-changing world we inhabit. The demands of commerce change faster than education and training can raspond. Perhaps we need to {ake a step back and took at how we all lear and apply knowledgs, in the hope that the money spent wil ave a lasting Impact on education and training, and produce the abiities and skills ‘Tequired by today's employers, How can we measure learning and the efficaey of teaching and training if we do not understand how we beaen’? How can we understand learning sufficient to improve our own jeaming and that of our students? ts the way ante Dereon leas so ferent from the way ancther does? What fetes affect the vy wo lea? Hor can we quant leaming? Do leaming styles work? Due to the myriad of leaming styles currently avaiable which is the best? ‘With the publication of two reports in 2004, Professor Frark Coffeld raised the question, ‘Should we be using learning styles?’ The twin reports were commissloned by the Leaming and Skills Research Centre (ASC)and Produced by the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at the University of Newcastle, The frst report was a systematic critical iterature review on leaming styles and pedagogy in pst-16 learning. ‘The second report looked at wnat research has to offer as an answer to Colfield’s question. ‘The wide range and extensive nature of leaming styles astounded even the researchers, who identified 71 separate ‘earring styles models. Frm this plethora of informatica, the researchers Identiied the 13 most influential models that are in common usage today. These were then grouped onto a continuum aoeording to whether the author Galmed them to be fred, constitutonaly-based leaming sles or flee, opé-to-chango learning sts. ‘© This croatod te families. or groups, of learning sbles. Each madel was analyzed according to the same ‘remework to ensure comparability of evaluation and an independently researched minimum standard of ‘application. Most of the 13 models that were stud closely exhibited clear psychometric flaws. Three ofthe ‘madels could not meet any criteria in the minimum standard, four of the models could only mest one of the ‘minimum standards, a futher four could only meet two, one met three and only one of the original 13 could ‘meet all four ofthe minimum standard criteria. The researchers concluded that some of the best known and widely used learning style instruments have tow ‘ellabilty, poor valety and negligble impact on post-16 education, and recommended that the use in research and practice be discontinued. in an effortto ensure that students eam and retain informaton, teachers and iraners have developed a range ‘of sills and approaches 10 aid retention. A mainstay ofa teachers tool kit has been learing styles, promoting the dea that students learn in ctferent ays and only by adopting a variety of aches Wl & teacher ensure ‘that ne or she etfectvely reaches esch student, Generations of teachers and wraers have been mace 1 eel ‘uit if they cannot use a myriad of teacting sives, and that they are sadvantaging those students whose brelerted approach they are not expart at exploting, Over the years, psychologists and researchers have [Promoted models of earring which have been incorperaed into mainstream education without ther validity being questioned, o thelr usefuinass being gauged ‘Student leaming styles can be categorized in a number of ways. Some psychological research asserts that ‘students are thought to prefer using one hemisphere ol the brain to the oes. Learning in a logical and sequential sty, breaking subjects and problems down into smaller bite-sized chunks, doing one thing at a ‘ime and dealing with dotal denotes a lft-brain preference. Those wih a right braln preference tend to deal wih a viele concent at once, and then focus on similares, pattems and connections with other information they are aware of. They are more intuitive and tke to geta feel for the subject before dealing with the deta ‘Loft Brainers’ are sometimes catagoried as lacking creathity and imagination, while ‘Right brainers’ might be stigmatized as being disorganized. Petty, 1996, claims, ‘ideally, 2 teacher should adopt both right-brain and left-brain approachs’ and that‘ght- brain approaches are often ignored,’ Among the activities te lists as crucial for some students and of at ast, ‘some benefit to al are: explaining ty analogy or metaphor overview, summarizing, using mind mags and other \wisual representations, modeling, demonstrating, using case studies and anecdotes, and using imaginative visualizations, fr example, imagine you are a water mofecute passing through a body. Unfortunately, Petty does ‘not explain what research any of this is based on, nor Which criteria he has used ta justify act es as ‘ruc. Conversely, Reece and Walker, advocate the use of Honey and Mumford's Leaming Styles Questionnaire, which ‘denties four styes of learners: Activists, Reflectors, Taeanstsand Pragmatsts. They note, We found at an arly stage In oUF teaching careers that slucents learn in diferent ways. The differences may bo slight, but also signfcant. You may have experienced a lessen and thought, “Thal was really good. learnt alt from that” However, some of your fiends may have said, "That was useless, What @ waste of time." This may indicate your leaming styles are different.’ Again, the advice Is forthright, ut extremely vague, using words ad phrases such as ‘slight, ‘maybe and ‘may have’, prior to exhorting the use af a questionnaire that Itself may have no ‘measurable scientific basis despite the fact it tums up repeatedly in textbooks for trainee teachers. Professor Corfield arques in his report that Honey and Munford's Learning Styles Questionnaire ‘Has been widely used in business, tut needs to be redesigned to overcome weaknesses ideniied by researchers,” “ieventors’ of leaming styles tend to have their own websites, where you can fil in innumerable questionnaires !n an effortto establish what type of leamer you are, One of the most widely used questionnaires of this type fs ‘the Myers Briggs, I records your preferences for E rather than |, § rather than N, T rather than F and J rather than P, and then draws the conclusion that you have a personality type such as INTJ, ESFP or INTE. ‘Not surprisingly, websites like these cary the disclaimer that ‘As with ail persorality questionnaires, the Tesults of any of these can be wrong.’ Of course al questionnaires recognized by the psychological establishments have relablity and valdty research which shows just how wrong they usually aret {i my opinion, learning styles are only useful in the broadest of senses, when they help identfy a preference \which you can then use to your advantage viften revising or learning crucial information. However, nobody Should exclusively adont ane learning style. t makes cbvious sense to have a number of metheds availabe to Ou, and to experiment with otter styles that might increase your ability to lear and retain irfaration, For questions 1-8, identify the section which contains the following information. Write the letter of the section A-F in the space. You will need to use one letter more than ance, 1. an identification of serious falings €n account of the nature of and the surprising results of an investigation @ judgement on the real benefits of recognizing ones" learning style harsh ertcism of same wel documented theories of learning an outline ofthe relationship between education and the jobs market septiciam as to the usefulness of some popular online aearches 2 Clear distinction between two models of thought process a. claim that commonly adopted procedures were never tried and tasted @yeeseN For quostions 9-17, decide ifthe information given bolow agroos with information given in the text. Wiite (T} true, (F) false or (NG) not given, if there is no information on this. 9. The government and private companies waste money on ineficint job training. 10. O71 learning styles, only 13 were considered to be of any use, +11. Thirteen models of learning styla were loosely dividad into two groups. 12, Most of the 13 models failed to meet any ofthe standard oriteria set for valicty. 119. Many teachers are unable to motivate stucents with certain specific leaming styles. “14. Some psychological research suggests that stuclents with 2 right-brain preference tend to see a bigger picture than those with a lett-brain preference: 15, Petty questions the value of most right-brain approaches, 18. Reoce and Waker firmly balieve that learning styles shoud play an important role iteducation. 17, Businesses have been dissatisfied with Honey and Muniford's Learning Styles Questionnaire. For questions 18-20, complete the sentences with words from the text. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 418, The Myers Briggs Questionnaire aims tolabela person's ‘vith eeries of eters, 19. The write fees that issued by certain webeies should come as no surprise. 20, The iter is of the view that learning styles are only relevant i can be exploited beneficially "NEG check the kay on page 665. How many questions did you answer correctly? ~ EJ] Tick the sentences about the Reading task that are true for you and think about how you could answer more questions correctly next ti =] 1. Reading the heading and topic sentences helped me get a general idea of what the passage was about. C2. Thad enough time to read the questions and the passage and answer all the questions, —] 3. Reading the topic sentences helpad me know where to look for answers to spectic ‘questions. <1 4. quickly identified the parts of the text that provided answers. 15. Lam happy with how many questions | answered corectl. Reading 2: language development Exam tip: In most of the reading tasks, you need to look quickly for parts of the text that mean the same-as words and phrases in the questions ~languago that is paraphrased. When you are reading quicldy, you might want to guess answers. Sometimes that's possible, but you will feel more confident if you identify the part of the text that provides the answer, 2 ee Look at the words and phrases from the passage below. Which question did each help you to answer? [pouedinto “astounded “faws gauged bite-szadchunks achooate disclaimer § Exam tip: Remember that working out the meaning of unimown words and See as ~“E] ln pairs, discuss the meaning of the items below from the passage. The section letter is given in brackets. bid (A) measuring up to (A) efficacy (A) myriad (4/D} plethora (B) negligible (0) mainstay (D) stigmatized (E) forthright (F} exhorting) _ innumerable (G) "EJ Divide the adjectives below into two categories. Explain your categories to a partner. ‘forthright / candid / tactful / hesitant / cagey / frank / blunt / guarded / upfront / slippery “YD Think about the title of this unit. What does the phrase you live and feam mean, and ‘when do people say it? Compare thoughts with a partner, “TD There are many expressions and sayings in English about life and life experience. in pairs, discuss what each expression below means, when people say it and whether you Say something simitar in your own language, 1. You only live once. 2. Life's what you make i 8. Life's too short, 4. Thats life! 5. Life must go on. 6. Variaty is the spice of life, 7. Live and it ive 8. Life's not (always) a bed of roses, "Ej Match the expressions above with the meanings a-h below. ‘a. Something ike this can happen at any time to anyone. 'b. Take the opportunity - you might regret not doing so. c. Everyone neads a change from routine d. You can’t expect to enjoy every moment. 8, Don't waste time worrying about things that don’t matter, f. You can't let a bad experience or event ruin your ie g. Do what you enjoy and con't jacige others for wht they enjoy. |, You're responsible for what ie offers, TE) Cover Exercise E. Read the meanings again and see if you can remember the sayings. nnr- ey Writing 1: understanding the task and deciding what to say FE] Look at these instructions fora typical IELTS Writing task, Is it a topic you can write about confidently? \Wite about the following topic: {With an ever higher percentage of young people gotng fo university, hhaving a degree fs becoming Increasingly fess mearinotu. School Jeavers might now be bettor advised to go straight Into the job ‘market whioro they can leam irom experience. To what extent do you agroo with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience Wit at ieat 250 words Not having 4 degree or fimilar qualification guts people at even more of disadvantage. | Relevant oxarales freee my kecwled ge / experience ________ “My father was_in minority at aniversity, / my smother dida’t. qo / some very successful | people didn’t, qo ~ Bill Gates / Richard Branson, ete. Writing 2: organizing and expressing ideas ~ J A student has written a composition which is divided into five paragraphs. Read the topic sentences that begin each paragraph. In pairs, discuss how each paragraph could continue. Nowadays, mone people have a university degree. a On tthe Face of it, this seems a good thing, Many people feel that having 4 degree doce not haw the significance it did ~ iF everyone has one, haw can you stand owt? To my mind, there are tno sides to the issue. Young people opting to go inte the jobs market is not aluays 4 move that wories out “TEE Road the second sentence of each paragraph below. Decicle which paragraph each belongs to. Write the letter in the first space in Exercise A. &. More people get the opportunity to better thesaselves, 60 society is more equal. b, | agree that everyone having « degree i « problem, bit this is being rectified, ©. Is true that Bill Gates dropped out of enllege to become an entreprentur, 4d there are plenty of similar stories. d My father ays that when he went to wniversity, only ISX of the popilation did #0, ©. People alto claim there are too many new courses, like Sports Psychology, which are less challenging and act academic. YE Read the remaining supparting sentences below. Decide which paragraph each belongs to. Write the letter in the second and third spaces in Exercise A. 1. Not only do the vast majority of the world’s movers and shakers have « degres, they have @ degree from a ton university. Unengloyment may be high among graduates now, tank it if even higher among those without qualifications. u. These courses demear the value of the qualification. \ However even if the qualification does not necessarily mean getting the best job, the exparieace oF studying, gaining knowledge aad wanting other students is one that everyone has a right to. Ww. However these people were especially talented and resourceful. For most people, not haviag A university education is a distinct disadvantage. x. People of my generation are far more likely to qo into further education. | think three-quarters of young people in my country study wt university. y. The best universities dasaand the highest exam grades And eupliyars recngaize the best candidates. A degree with a lower grade from a less prestigions university counts for little. 2. Homever, we mast think about why this is happening. Dees it reMect real change in education, or is it a cynical attempt by the government to hide the loss of traditional jobs in inductry and keep wnemployment Figure? dann? ~ “Y Read the model composition an page 66 ta check the correct order of points. “EE In pairs, discuss what you like about the composition, Is there anything you feel could be improved? TE] write your own answer to the Writing task. Use the notes you made in Writing 18. ~ EE Go to page 60 for an additional Exam Practice Writing task. Writing 3: language development "Wy Divide the introductory expressions below into two categories. Explain your categories, toa partner. (On the face of it / To my mind / Personally / At frst glance / In my opinion / Ifyou ask me / ‘Seomingly / Ostensibly / As far as 'm concerned ~ YE] Study the sentence from the mode! composition in Writing 2. In pairs, discuss the grammatical structure and explain wity it is used. Not only do the wast majority of the world’s mevers and shakers have a degree, they have & degree from 4 top university. Grammar check D ‘To make @ point more emphatic, especially in writen language, we sometimes Watch out! place a imited number of negative adverbs and phrases at the beginningof typical exrors the sentence. When we do this, the ausdiary vert is inverted — I's placed Nc cnt stadt rut ty hard, before the subject of the sentence, instead afin ts usual position next tothe ty aa. main verb. if the original sentence contains an aunliary verb, itis inverted. If Net un yous your oro the original sentence does not contain an ausdiary verb, the verb do is used youl. K in theinverted sentence. Not oniy i she talented, she's also wery resourceful ‘Not only di she pass ail har exams, (but) she passed them ail with A graces. Note that in the second example, its common to use but at the beginning of the second clause. ‘Not only do the vast majority of the world's movers anc! shakers have a degree, but they have a degree from 2 top university Inversion lke this is commonly used with adverbs of frequency. Rarely dle people without 2 degree reach the vary top of their profession. ‘Never before have so many graauates bean out of work for such long periods. Inversion can be used with when and afier to emphasize the sequence of events. ‘Only when ¢ after he had retired, dic he ful appreciate what he had achieved Its bast 10 only use examples that you have practised and know woll, Not all nagative adverbials ‘can be used in this way. YGF Rewrite tne sontonces bolow using negative adverbial phrases. 1, Employers are demanding the right qualifications. They are also looking for people with relewant eparience 2. Students who hawe not attained A grades in their exams are rarely accepted onto the course. 3, People regret dropping out of university when they have been in a low-paid job for several years. 44 The stunts id no eal the course was too easy at any tema “TE Without looking at the model composition again, spell the words iin the box on the | cinical right correctly. Se : ~“E Is the missing letter in each word below an for ay? 1.g_stem 2.c_wl 3. ¢_gnily 4, ¢_berspaos 5, s_mmetry 6. c_clone 7. ¢_tnus 8, s_noerity 9. 5_mbolic sychic ~ JJ Spelt the words in the box on the right correctly. psichiatry skopath “Tl Talk in pairs. Which language do the loanwords below come from? What do they mean? entrepreneur tsunami macho blitz fiasco bazaar _kowtow _ tsar «de CE maf Speaking 1: features of interaction "EY Match each statement 1-5 with a follow-up comment ae. 1. found it really dificult at frst, but a. | guess ife must go on 2. Iwas a really stupid thing to do, but bi [earnt a valuable lesson from I 3. [sill think about her every cay, but ©. don't think | take him for granted. 4. Alot of poopie would get fed up with the routine, but ....d. 's00n gat the hang of it 5. I guess Iddon't always show the gratitude | should, but... 9. Hs second nature to me now, TH) @ Listen and check your answers. TYE Practica saying the complete sentences as you hoard them on the recording, Speaking 2: directed interaction "ET Here are two typical task cards for Part 2 of the Speaking test. Work with a partner —-one of ‘you is A, the other is B, Think about the topic for a minute and make notes. 5 8 ‘Talk about a positive learning, Talk about a negative ‘experience you remember: si ‘you remember. a | were learnings mei sho eels ie ee teaching eS eae + how you felt about the experience: ‘how you fle abouc the experience, ~ EE) @ Before you start talking, ‘their performance. fon to two students talking to the examiner. In pairs, assess “TE Take turns to speak about what's on your task card for about two minutes. Speaking 3: open interaction TE] choose one of the sayings in the yellow box and explain to | Lies what you make a apartner why you agree or disagree with it. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, Variety is the spice of Iie, Live and lt live, TE) in pairs, answer the quastions below. 1. Do you think people become wiser as they grow older? 2. Why do you think some people learn move effortiessly than others? 3. Do most people spond too much time worrying abeut the future rather than enjoying the present? 4, Do you believe people who say that they have no regrets? 5. Do you think itis important to keep learning new things as you go through life? Disadvantages of being « saature student a 1 Kins feelé (16) whan trying to condbina studies with parenting le Tins. Kins fos on aahan tages / ronember that (17) re ual Listening ~ YE] Spend 30 seconds reading the questions, Make predictions about what you will hear YE] @ tisten and answer the questions. For quastions 1-4, complote the information. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for Mite: don't try to appear wise / don't try to act young - you're too old to be their best (18) TE) @ Listen and answer the questions. act aimee For questions 19-20, choose the correct letter a, b orc. 18. The lecturer believes that most people ... Name: Mike Name: Kim «have no idea what learning curve means. Age: (1) ____ Age: 3) », think that learning curve is a ciffcutt technical concent. have too simplistic an idea of what a learning curve is 20. Which of the folowing is not typically depicted on a learning curve graph? a how difficult a new skil is to aequire compared ta other new oklis 'b. bow quickly @ particular new skill is acqured by the average individual Subject: (2)_______ Subject: (4) For questions 5-6, choose TWO letters A-E. The order of your answers is not important. Which of the following paints does Kim make about age difference? 3 how quickly an individual learns & new skill compared to other learners: A Young peopie notice that peopie in their 40s look mush older. For questions 21-24, complete the notes. Use ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for Manly people in thelr 40s foo! older than seme of thelr friends. each answer. People in thot carly 20s feet older than people who stare in thai lal toons. Hermann Ebbinghaus ~ (21)___ psychologist Clate C19% Somebody in their mid-20s may prefer to mix with older people rather than teenagers. Most ponte foal conscious oftheir age at some point Memory: A Contribution to Erperinental Psychology (published in @2)__ = description of learning carve Cknowledge acquired? and (23) curve Ckrcwledge lost) Es ave (coe a meres Gs OHTA WG HDS a cs ea Beseapeniy wand A ther tay In order to maintain a policy of (7) _ interviewers are not allowed to ask mature Ee cee ee eee eee ie ree eae sludents quactions related to har age or peo (6) they may have fo manage. 25. Which graph below shows a steep leaming curva? However, the interviersee may decide to introduce the (3) cof maturity into the a = ° conversation himself or hers, For quastions 10-13, complete the sentences. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer, 10, Kim's helped her settle in on the frst day. 11, Mike feels that the younger students may have viewed their tutors as 12, kim admits that the mature students formed of their own. 18. Mike accuses some of the younger students of being predictably _. 26. What does the lecturer say about learning to play the piano? For questions 14-18, complete the notes, Use ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. LAS Wena aca itl eke Gc Advantages of bei qa mature student b. It takes awhile to see results, © Very fow peapi have the required patience, Kime havi (14) MEARS des) with ‘} soe) ae ee in pairs, think of some more skils and processes that would typically be a steep Mikal vaniected by piel a learning curve and a shallow learning curv «te array Ae 2, sooner or later ey WE Spend 20 seconds reading questions 1-14, Make predictions about what you will hear, Then compare your predictions with a partner. ~ YE] @ Listen and answer the questions, For questions 1-3, complete the sentences. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer, 1. The tall is about realistic methods of transport rather than transport. 2. Currently, most vehicles are. rather than solar-powered. 8, The speaker feels that cosmetic rather than developments have occurred in mainstream car design. Listening 1: practise listening For questions 4-6, label the diagrams below. Use ONE WORD ONLY for each answer It 4, oa is 5. conversion to electricity }—=[_ maton] 6. transmission of data to vehicle For questions 7-9, label the flow chart below. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Solar energy production Solar vehiole energy wm eneray yy ¥ sunight ‘sunight ¥ es [eat 7 ectiicity Stimulation of electrons Le | For questions 10-14, complete the notes. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Advantages Running cost - recharging free / no need For (10) Environmental benefit ~ reduced dependence on (11) reduced (12) lent panels 7 no greenhouse gases “Initial cost - vehicles 4 panelé expantive 7 frequent damage to (13) panel Reliance on sunshine ~ need for (14) AE contingency "TJ Spend 30 seconds reading questions 15-24, Make predictions about what you will hear. Then compare your predictions with a partner. ~ ED) G Listen to the next part of the lecture and answer the questions. Lock at the ideas 15-20 and the list of vehicles in the box. For questions 15-20, match each statement with the correct vehicle A, Bor C, 15. @ wider application of solar power options ean 16, conventional mod cons utilized in & diferent way 'B buses 17. higher amount of anergy intake iG eecle tied veticles 18, acceptance of lower performance levels 19, suitabilty 10 particular tanctions 20. a range of soler panel options For questions 21-24, complete the summary. Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. ‘Many solar cars accommodate na more than (21)______ and this encourages thelr use in ‘competition, The Eghtweight materials used in construction make them expensive, Soon, (22) might be @ cheaper eption. Most racers are students, but (23) are keen for their workers to ‘experience the event. In the race, each solar car is lad by and followed by (24) YG Check the key on pages 66 and 67. How many questions did you answer correctly? TYE Tick the sentences about the Listening task that are irue for you and think about how you could answer more questions correctly noxt time, 7] 4. Tread the questions, made predictions and tuned Into the theme ofthe lecture quite quick’ (5 2. Hound fairly easy to answer questions as listened Listening 2: language development HEI The first wordin each list below was usod in the lacture. Three of the othor words are near synonyms and one is not, Delete the odd word out in each list, 1. revolutionary / radical / groundbreaking / conventional / pioneering 2, mainsiream / typical / conventional ‘innovative / predictable 3. slimulate / excita ‘animate / deadan / agitate 4. viable / impractical / workable / feasibe / achievable 5, supplement / support / enhance / undermine / augment 6. sizeable / substantial / considerable / ample / meagre ~ YE) In pairs, discuss the meaning of the noun highlighted below that is made from a phrasal verb. You need a BGK electric battery Match each of the highlighted phrasal verbs 14 with their detinitions a-d. | hope you" BH re Min this meeting 4. Not do something that was agreed 1 2, You can’t EGRIBUT of the deal now. . stop controling / erticizing 8, Neither side is wiling to (SERS, c, admit defeat 4. W's tne to RIGHT and trust theen to do it. d. support YE in pairs, ciscuss tho meaning of the phrases below. ‘backtie (¥) / backlash (n} / back to front / backtrack (¥) / backwash (n) YE Diviao tno acjoctives bolow into two catagories. Explain your catogoros toa partnor fragile / weedy / robust / delicate / flimsy / brittle / vigorous / sturdy / feeble / hearty / trail ea 2 nr Reading 1: practise reading ~ EY Read the heading of the passage below. Answer the question with a partner. "ED Put the key words below into the topic sentences at the beginning of each section as you skim the passage. computing defunct power rou possibly faith case ~¥ In pairs, discuss what more you have learnt about the content of the passage. "EE) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow, What is the fiiwre oF COMmpuiers? Computing power doubles every year, making last year's model out of date in no time, But will computers, 8s they become more powerful, make humans obsolete? ‘The passage has seven sections labelied A-G. For questions 1~7, choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings in the box. You do not need to use all the headings. ( 5. Tha matching headings task was quite straightforwarel. D6. Ioundl ft quite easy to choose the corect ending even though there were a lot of options. Tr Man surpassed —meciines in cherae: C7. 1am hapoy with how many questions | answered correctly. i. A whole new part of the equation li, Marvand Ree ae Reading 2: language development iv. Transistor-based computers are on the wey out v. Different strengths = but for how long? ~ YE] In pairs, discuss the meaning of the items below from the passage. The section letter is given vi. Nothing let to: devour in brackets. vil. Hal a century of astonishing development viii, Mant cls othe Gun denutol unflagging (A) exponential growth (B) come to par with (6) reverse-engineat (8) the dawn of (C) ix. Obstacles and limitations — are we already at the and of the rac? outstrip (G) feeble {C) buzz (C) escalated to such apitch (G) stems from (D) _vacilate (D) 2 An incraasein size ~an inarease in temperature rendering (D) crammed (0} zenith (0) upping (E) _hamess (F)_entangked (F) 1. SectionA __ 2. SectionB ___ 3. SactionC ___ 4. ‘Saction D __ ~ YE) in pairs, discuss whether knowing or understanding in context any of the itoms in Exercisa A 5. Section 6. Section 7, Section __ holpod you to answor specific questions in Reading 1D. For questions 8-18, complete each sentence with the correct ending A-N, You will not need ~ YE] Divide the adjectives below into two categories. Explain your categories to a partner. touse all the endings, defunct / obsolete / revolutionary ¢ redundant / innovative / autdated / groundbreaking 8. The average transistor 9. Moore's law: = ~ ED Look at the list of words below. What de they all mean, mare or less? 10, The singularity a ‘component / ingrecient / factor / feature / element / facet / aspect 11. Artificial intatigencs 12. An ultra-intelligent machine 18, The human bean 74. A smait number of atoms in a transistor 15. A large number of transistors together 18, Paralistzing 17. Quantum computing 18. Matter and energy in the universe = Highlight the correct option in the sentences belavr, The theory has two essenttal companents / elements / mgrectients. When buying a laptop, cost is @ major factor / feature / aspect for most consumers. ‘Their website has a number of very appealing ingrationts / features / elements, Computers wll saan nave some degree of control over every companent / factar / aspect of ie. Patience is an important feature / ingredient / facet when it comes to being a good parent. — 5, Internet spead is certainly a(n} facet / element / component that consumers consider. ~ YE} Think about the title of this unit. What does the phrase sooner or fater mean? | appes | A reach an impracticaly high temperature. |B walesst when the human brain's knowledge can be stored on a computer of the same size © fs unlikely to be utlized for wery much longer. ~ “EG There are many expressions in English related to future time. Cover Exercise G. In pairs, try to D asserts that computer power will increase at a fixed pace. complete each expression below with one key word. E involves systems working in unison. 1. Fibre-cptic cables will be the norm before: F wil perform far mors efficiently than the human brain. ‘can be vany erratic, H has bacome increasingly smaller | may run out, putting an end o computer expansion, J is the point at which machines become as inteligent as humans, KK reduce the speed at which computers can operate. L utiizes. uw M eee uk Fa or tent eee “TE Complete each expression in Exercise F with a word from the box. N- may wel have a unique sense of itself. 7 ee "YG Check the key on page 67. Haw many questions did you answer correctly? “EI Do you have similar expressions in your own language? Do you have any expressions a Tick the sontonces about the lending tank that er tras fr you snd think about how you related to time that you would like to say in English? could ansiwer more questions correctly next tim J 1. Focusing on the topic sentences heloed me get a.geneval idea of what the passage was about. 5 2. had enough time to read the questions and the passage and answar all the questions, 518. | quick’ identified the parts of the text that provided answers. 4. The technical nature of some ofthe language made answering some questions cficutt, ‘Some people think that free Intemet access is |ust around the Surely, i's only a of time betore virtual realty takes aver people's lives. Household robots ara not yet common, but their ‘wll come. (Computers that can think for themselves is surely the of things to. come. Is almost impassibie to know what the future has in ‘A slowdown in the development of computer technology may be on the: ‘ Nog aon 24 CSREES CES 2s inr- ey Writing 1: understanding the task and deciding what to say YE] A typical IELTS Writing Task 2 involves discussing the advantages and disadvantages of new technology, Wark in pairs. 1. Invent an write instructions for a task. Use pictures a-d for ideas. 2, Give yourinstructions to other pairs. Do they think they could write:an answer? "YEE Look at the instructions for three typical IELTS Writing tasks. In pairs, answer the questions that follow, ‘tle about the folowing topic: {nthe near future, most people wil work fram home at least some of the: ‘time, What are the reasons for this change and what wil the advantages and disadvantages be? (Give reasons for your answer and include ary relevant examples fiom your own knontedgs or expansncs, Wife a toast 250 words. ite abous the folowing topic: ‘Recent research suggests that the more time people spend using the Internet, the les time they spend with real people. Is the effect the internat is ‘having on social interaction a concern, or should we be grateful for the benefits the Intemet brings? Give reasons for your answer and include ary relevant examples from your own knowledge oF experiance. ite at ast 250 words. 6 \Wite about the folowing topics ‘People who complain about technology bringing increased surveillance must have something to hide. you are not doing anything wrong, you have ‘nothing to worry about. To what extent co you agree with this opinion? ‘Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples trom your on knowledge or experience. ‘Write at least 250 words, 11. Would you approach each task in the same way? Why / vty not? 2. Which task would you find easiest to answer? Why’? 3, Which task would you find most dificult to answer? Why? express your opinion, but you also need to express hoth sides of an argument and make the composition balanced, Other tacks inelnde a more controversial statement, andasi you whether you agree or disagree: You will probably choose to adopt a thesis-led approach and express your own opinien more strongly, supporting it with evidence and exapl own experiance. A third typa of taske requires you to identify reazonz for a situa of a problem, You will need to give examples and then suggest what the advantages and disadvantages of the situation are ox what some solutions to a problem might be. 26 Cee Exam tip: The instructions for Writing Task 2 compositions will give you clues as to the approach that might be best to adopt. Some tasks require you to adopt an argument-led approach, You can ~ J Inpairs, discuss which approach would probably be best for each of the tasks in Exercise B. Choose one of the tasks and make alist of points you want to make. Compare your list of points with other students. +1. Compare your list with a student who chose the same task as you 2. Compare your list with stuslents who chose the other two tasks. "Tl G Listen toa conversation, Which of the three topics are the people talking about? ~ GE @ Listen again. Do the speakers mention any of the points that students in your class mentioned? Writing 2: organizing and expressing ideas ~ YEE] Read the composition and underline the points that the speakers discussed in Writing 1E and F. One of the consequences of naw technology is increased surveillance. Every clide we make on the Internet if monitored and recorded, and an ever increasing number of CCTV cameras film our every move. Some people believe that this is = positive development in the Fight against crime and Aerrorises, dtd that lawrabiding citizens have aothing to fear. Others believe that it is an invasion of privacy and that (1) Clearly, Surveillance does sometimes help the police identify criminals, and | understand uihy itis Beneficial to have cameras in shops or potentially dangerous public places, like undergramd stations, However, the sheer nauber of cameras in some areas is alarming and lam not convinced they are necessary. They do Ant appear to have reduced crime or deterred people frose committing crime, which is surely the primary goal. He worriag me that surveillance of behavicir will be increasingly used in the wreng way. We a frou organizations that follow our conswuer habits, Before long, individuals may have ready access to that information. | read about woman who suspected her partner of being wAfaithfal, She hired 4 private investigator, who deceived CCTY footage to prove that he was. Some people might say that the partner wis actually doing wrong, but | beliewe this was a gross invasion of his privacy. OF comrse, there can be laws controlling ham information if used, bat if seems ridiowlows that (3) : As technology develops, | can see a scenario in which an individual can spy on the mavensents of anather individual using fatellite tracking, He will (4) + | think people who gay that caly criminals need to werry abeat increased surveillance are being very short-sighted. ~ YE) Choose from the options below to complete each point made in the composition. Explain your choices toa partner. 4. a. a 'Big Brother’ society is no langer fiction, », itis wrong that we are being watched 99 frequently . we should allbe concerned about the future: already receive more promotions than we shoud b. have to deal with encugh advertising as it is. are already bombarded with junk mail and online spam tere must be so many laws. we must have watchdogs to manitar the snoopers, We need people watching other people who are watching us be a very wornyng development Greate new Possibilities for potential criminals. bering a whole new ciension to stalking, p pgp age

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