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GENERAL (See Plan) TANKER FACILITIES: Liquid tank storage totalling 1,250,000 cu.m.
Au-Muttenz: The port handles edible oils.
Birsfelden: The port handles liquid fuels.
GEO-POLITICAL: Kleinhuningen: Basin No. 1 handles liquid oil based products, Klybeck
Capital City: Bern. Quay handles other bulk liquids.
Nationality: (noun) Swiss, (adjective) Swiss. Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
Population: 7,604,467. LPG/LNG FACILITIES: None.
COMMUNICATIONS: CRANES: 60 shore cranes with lifting capacities from 5 tonnes up to
International Direct Dial Code: 41. 2␺300 tonnes.
Number of Internal Airports: 43. CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES: Storage: 300,000 sq.m. of
Major Languages Spoken: German (official) 63.7%, French (official) covered warehousing and 200,000 sq.m. of outdoor storage that includes the
20.4%, Italian (official) 6.5%, Serbo-Croatian 1.5%, Albanian 1.3%, container terminal.
Portuguese 1.2%, Spanish 1.1%, English 1%, Romansch (official) 0.5%,
other 2.8% (2000 census). STEVEDORES: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 0500 – 2100,
Saturday 0500 – 1300.
Currency: 1 Swiss Franc (CHF) of 100 Centimes. WASTE DISPOSAL: Garbage drums and containers placed alongside.
Exchange: (as of March 2010) SLOPS DISPOSAL: Call Bibo Regio, ship to ship VHF Channel 10.
US$ 1.00 ␦ CHF 1.07 MEDICAL: Hospital facilities available.
CHF 1.00 ␦ US$ 0.94 FRESH WATER: Good quality potable water available.
Exchange rates under licence from
Main Industries: Machinery, chemicals, watches, textiles, precision
FUEL: Diesel oil available.
instruments, tourism, banking and insurance. SERVICES: Oily waste disposal boat available from Monday to Friday
0700 – 1700 hrs.
Coastline Extent: 0 km. DRY DOCK: See ‘‘Rotterdam’’.
Climate: Temperate, but varies with altitude; cold, cloudy, rainy/snowy REPAIRS: Deck and engine repairs are possible as well as those to electric
winters; cool to warm, cloudy, humid summers with occasional showers. installations and electronic equipment.
Natural Resources: Hydropower potential, timber and salt. SURVEYORS: Agents of Surveillance and Classification Societies are
Natural Hazards: Avalanches, landslides; flash floods. nearby.
Terrain: Mostly mountains (Alps in south, Jura in northwest) with a central POLICE/AMBULANCE/FIRE: Ambulance Tel: 144. Police Tel: 117.
plateau of rolling hills, plains, and large lakes. Fire Tel: 118. Emergency services are also available through the Port
Average Temperatures: Authority on VHF Channel 18.
Month High Low SECURITY/GANGWAY: At least one member of the crew has to stay
January 3␥ C -3␥ C aboard as watchman.
June 23␥ C 12␥ C
September 20␥ C 8␥ C REGULATIONS: All the Rhine Shipping Regulations, recommended by
the Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine, are valid.
TIME: GMT plus 1 hour in winter and 2 in summer.
HOLIDAYS: 1 January (New Year’s Day); 2 January (Berchtold’s Day); HOLIDAYS: The ports are closed for work on New Year’s Day; Carnival
(two half days in February or March); Good Friday; Easter Monday; 1 May;
Easter; Easter Monday; Ascension; Whit Monday; 1 August (Swiss National Ascension Day; Whit Monday; 1 August (National Day); 25 December
Day); 3rd Sunday in September; 25 December (Christmas Day); (Christmas Day); 26 December (Boxing Day).
26 December (St Stephen’s Day).
CONSULS: Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Mali, Mexico, Monaco,
Netherlands, Philippines, San Marino, Sweden, Thailand, Uruguay and UK.
BASLE: 47␥ 33' N 007␥ 34' E (See Plan) TELEPHONES: This service is available on board ships at the berths for
passenger boats by prior arrangement through the Agent.
LOCATION: In NW Switzerland on the River Rhine.
CHARTS: BA Chart No 122, 192 and 1406. NEAREST AIRPORT: Basel Mulhouse International Airport, 5 km.
Nautical Publications: Admiralty Pilot NP 28. CUSTOMS: Swiss regulations apply.
PORT LIMITS: A line drawn 50 m. offshore. SHORE LEAVE: Permitted when Immigration and Customs requirements
have been satisfied, as long as the crew rejoin the vessel before departure.
DOCUMENTS: REPATRIATION: Scheduled aircraft connect Basel Mulhouse Airport
1 Provisions List
daily with most important European airports. Also good railway connections.
1 Rhine-Manifest or T-Paper.
The respective documents, mentioned in No. 1.10 of the Rhine Shipping IDENTIFICATION CARDS: It is recommended to carry an identification
Police Regulation must be on board. Where possible, cargo manifests and card or a passport. Shore passes are not issued.
stowage plans should be sent prior to arrival via the Agent. SEAMAN’S CLUBS: Seemannsclub der Schweiz, Westquaistrasse 30,
MAX. SIZE: LOA 135 m., depth 3.5 m., beam 11.4 m., airdraft 7.0 m. Basel. Tel: +41 (61) 631 5818.
RESTRICTIONS: Shipping is blocked from High Water Mark II (gauge AUTHORITY: Schweizerische Rheinhafen, Direktion,
Rheinfelden 430 cm. upstream to 450 cm. downstream of the Middle Bridge Hochbergerstrasse 160, Postfach, CH-4019 Basel, Switzerland.
Tel: +41 (61) 639 9595. Fax: +41 (61) 631 4594. Telex: 997130 SBB CH.
at Basel). Other restrictions will be announced by the Port Authority.
Email: Web:
LOA 110 m. for the section between the Middle Bridge at Basel and the
Contact: HP Hadorn, Port Director.
locks of Birsfelden.
Beam 11.4 m. to Basin II, Port of Kleinhuningen and through the locks of
Airdraft 7.0 m. to the port areas of Basel Stadt; 4.8 – 7.0 m. to the ports of
Basel Land.
Bridges: Railway bridges across the channel to Basin II, port of
Kleinhuningen, permit max. air draft of 7.0 m.
PILOTAGE: Compulsory between Basel and Birsfelden. Pilots can be
ordered through Revierzentrale VTS on VHF Channel 18. Tel: +41 (61)
639 9530 or Birsfelden Locks +41 (61) 311 3855.
ANCHORAGES: Vessels moored at riverside quays should use anchors.
VHF: Port Authority on Channel 18 (call ‘‘Revierzentrale Basel’’). Working
hours Monday to Friday 0500 – 2100, Saturday 0500 – 1300.
VTS/RADAR: Basel Vessel Traffic Services Centre (VTSC) maintains a
listening watch on VHF Channel 18.
Contact Tel: +41 (61) 631 4400. Fax: +41 (61) 631 4522.
TUGS: Two private tug/pushboats available (call Revierzentrale Basel from
ship to ship on VHF Channel 10: Vogel Gryff). Tug assistance is necessary
for the section between Basel and Birsfelden from High Water Mark I (gauge
Rheinfelden 350 cm.) for single engine vessels and single hulled tankers.
BERTHS: Total berth length of 7 km.
Au-Muttenz: Located in the town of Muttenz. Primarily handles liquid fuels
but also edible oils, fertilisers, grain, aluminium, dry breakbulk and general
cargo. A particular speciality is the handling of heavy-lift cargoes.
Birsfelden: The Birsfelden Terminal, on the left bank of the Rhine, handles
liquid fuels, dry breakbulk, containers and general cargo.
Kleinhuningen: Located on the right bank of the Rhine, consists of Basins
No. 1 and 2 and has three container terminals. The basins also handle
specialist, general, dry and liquid bulk cargoes.
Also see ‘‘Max. Size’’.
BULK FACILITIES: Grain elevators with a capacity of 350,000 cu.m.,
80,000 cu.m. of storage for other bulk cargoes.
CONTAINER FACILITIES: Four container terminals.
Also see ‘‘Berths’’.
OTHER FACILITIES: Heavy-Lift: See Berthing.
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