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IPS Acadeuny, Institute of Engineering & Science, Indore

Mechanical Engineering Department

IPS Acadomv Subject- (BME-MP) Assignment-I

Note - Attempt all the Questions in your Assignment Copy. You have to
Submit at the end of Semester (At the Time of Internal Evaluation).

l. Define different properties of the fluid with their units.

2. Write the working of pelton wheel turbine with neat sketch.
3. What is Newton's law of Viscosity explain.
4. hat is Pascal's Law Derive their expression.
5. hat is difference between Dynamic and Kinematic viscosity of fluid writes their Units
conversion from SI to CGS System.
6. Explain the working of Reciprocating Pump with neat sketch.
7. Write the assumptions made in Bernoulli's equation.
8. A pipe, through which water is flowing, is having diameters 20 cm and 10 cm at the
cross-section land 2 respectively.The velocity of water at section I is given 4.0 m/sec.
Find the velocity head at section I and 2 and also rate of discharge.
9. The water is flowing through a taper pipe of length 100 m having diameters 600 mm and
300 mm at the lower end, at the rate of 50 lit/sec. The pipe has a slop of I in 30. Find the
pressure at the lower end, if the pressure at the higher level is 19.62 N/cm2
10. Write and explain the First law of thermodynamicsfor cyclic process and Non cyclic
Process with neat sketches.
I l. Write the Limitations of First Law of thermodynamics
12. Write a short note on heat engine, heat pump and Refrigerator with simple sketches.
13. Derive the relation between the performance of Heat Pump and Refrigerators.
14.A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 800 oc and a sink
temperature30 0C. What is the least rate of heat rejection per KW net output of the
15.A heat pump is used to maintain an auditoriumhall at 25 0C, when the atmospheric
temperature is 10 oc. The heat load of the hall is 1500 kj/min. calculate the power
required to run the heat pump, if it's COP is 30% of COP of the Carnot heat pump,
working between the same temperatures.

Subject Coordinator

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