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Equal Opportunity and the Law

1. What is adverse impact? How can it be proved?

2. What is sexual harassment? How can an employee prove sexual harassment?
3. What are the two main defenses you can use in the event of a discriminatory practice allegation, and
what exactly do they involve?
4. What is the difference between disparate treatment and disparate impact?

1) Respond to these three scenarios based on what you learned. Under what conditions (if any) do you
think the following constitute sexual harassment? (a) a female manager fires a male employee because
he refuses her requests for sexual favors. (b) a make manager refers to female employee as “sweetie”
or “baby”. (c) two male employees are overheard by a female employee exchanging sexually-oriented
2) Explain the difference between affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.
3) Assume that you are a manager in a small restaurant; you are responsible for hiring employees,
supervising them, and recommending them for promotion. Compile a list of potentially discriminatory
management practices you should avoid.

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