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Artifact #5: Math Unit Plan

The fifth artifact that I have included in the portfolio is a math learning segment and the

three connecting lesson plans. I chose a Grade 5 math unit on the measures of central tendency,

with some fun activities for the children. Considering this artifact, the teacher competencies that

are present are planning, instruction, assessment, learner accommodation, professional

collaboration, and technology. My math unit addresses planning and instruction, as I put together

materials and worksheets that I would need for the lessons, as well as prompts and questions I

would ask the students to help guide their knowledge. The learning segment also includes an

assessment sheet that I would use to grasp comprehension of the measures of central tendency.

Learner accommodation is involved in the learning segment, as I have the students working as a

whole class, small groups, pairs, and individually to help guide students through the learning and

gradually removing the support of the teacher and other students, this process is called

scaffolding (Kurt, 2020). For this specific learning segment, I chose to include professional

collaboration because I researched many different activities to do with measures of central

tendency. There are so many resources available online, so I chose to include specific ones and

adapt others to make the questions more clear. This was the first time that I have done this, and I

have greatly appreciated looking into how to connect learning and gradually introduce content to

the students in a classroom. Additionally, I chose to include the use of Chromebooks for this

lesson because the terms being used in math will be new to English Language Learners, thus

they will be able to use Google Translate to look up these unfamiliar words. The significance of

this artifact is that it demonstrates my capability to develop a full learning segment with the

lesson plans included and choose an assessment that fits well. Previously, I incorporated a guided

reading lesson plan and a science lesson, thus I think that including a math lesson to show my

knowledge is also essential to my job as an educator.

Concerning the professional standards and curriculum, the artifact connects to the

INTASC Standard 1 learner development, Standard 2 learning differences, Standard 3, learning

environments, Standard 4 content knowledge, Standard 5 application of content and, Standard 7

planning for instruction. The explanation above shows the reasoning for these connections. For

the New York State Ethics, the learning segment addresses Principle 2 described as educators

create, support, and maintain challenging learning environment for all. Through scaffolding in

group work and the gradual removal of support throughout the learning segment, I meet this

principle (Kurt, 2020). With the P-12 Common Core Standard and New York State Standards,

this learning segment adopts the objectives from Grade 6. The unit is called Statistics and

Probability and it aligns with 5c. which is giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or

mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing

any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the

context in which the data were gathered. My math learning segment also associates with Claim 1

of knowing the subject matter in my certification area and Claim 2 which is meeting the diverse

needs of the students in my classroom through pedagogy and best teaching practices from the

Medaille College Department of Education. Through the presence of group, partner, and

individual working in my math learning segment, Standard 3 from the CEC is addressed. In

addition, Standard 6 is because I know that scaffolding with group work is beneficial to students

and I also did a lot of research into different activities that I could include. In the Ontario

Curriculum, this lesson falls under Grade 5 in the Data unit. The curriculum standard is D1.5

which reads: determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various

data sets involving whole numbers and decimal numbers, and explain what each of these

measures indicates about the data. Conclusively, the Ontario Ethics Standard of Care and

Respect are in alignment with the math learning segment.


Assessing Student Math Learning Format

Student Name: Sydney Kerbs Date: February 7th , 2020

Elementary Math Topic: Measures of Central Tendency Grade Level: 5

1. Background Information:

A. Students:

There are 25 students in the classroom. 14 are male and 11 are female. 21 students in the class

speak English as their primary language. There are three English Language Learner students that

are in the class. To provide the additional instructional support that is needed, there is an ELL

teacher present in the classroom part-time. In addition to the three ELL students, the class also

includes two students who have IEP’s. With the one student being hearing impaired, they require

placement near the front of the classroom and may require things to be repeated. Other

modifications are made when necessary. The other student receives extra time to complete their

work and assessments, modifications to work when applicable, and simplified directions if needed.

B. School (Demographics):

The school is located in Kitchener and is part of the Waterloo Region District School Board. There

are approximately 700 students and 70 staff members. The majority of the students are from the

area and do not take a bus to school. The student population represents over 37 different language

groups. Most of the students that attend this school come from a middle socio-economic class

background with a small percentage of families that could be considered as coming from a low

socioeconomic household.

C. Classroom Environment:

There are 25 students in the class. There is a general education teacher that is in the class full-time

and an educational assistant that is in the classroom part-time to assist both the ELL and the IEP

students. The seating arrangement is set up in groups of four. This seating plan allows students to

both participate in group work but also working with their elbow partner when necessary. All

students will be able to see the board at the front of the room and have peers to sit with. The

student who is hearing impaired must sit in the front row. The teacher regularly adjusts the seating

arrangement each month to allow the students the opportunity to work with some of their other


2. Standards (Common Core and Ontario, if applicable):

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum 2020


D1.5 determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various data sets

involving whole numbers and decimal numbers, and explain what each of these measures indicates

about the data.

New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards 2017

NY-6.SP Statistics and Probability

5c. Calculate range and measures of center, as well as describe any overall pattern and any striking

deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered.

3. Overview of Instructional Steps:

Students will be able to identify the mean, median, mode, and range in a given data set. This will be

done throughout three lessons starting with an introduction to the terms: mean, median, mode, and

range. The second lesson will include the students finding the mean, median, mode, and range in a

data set on their own or with their elbow partner. The final lesson will have a fun activity using

candies to estimate and then find the measures of central tendency, which will be done in small

groups. Thus, there is whole group instruction, as well as individual and small group. This variety

should give students an idea of whether they understand the concepts or if they may require extra


Lesson 1

The first lesson introduces the measures of central tendencies to students. Ask the students, “Does

anyone know what a measure of central tendency is?” Listen to and discuss the responses. Ask

questions to help guide the students in the correct direction. As the students respond write the

definition of each measure on the whiteboard. The teacher will then model an example of each term

so that the students understand what is being asked of them. The following worksheet is the data set

that the teacher will use and the definitions. The students will fill out a worksheet with the definition

and an example so that they can refer to the worksheet when doing their other work throughout the

week. After they fill out the worksheet we will go through a few more examples on the whiteboard.

The students will come up and complete the measures of central tendency on the board so that the

teacher can see if they understand what needs to be done. The next lesson will have them working

with the measures of central tendency in a small group, so the teacher knows if they are confident in

what is being asked.


Lesson 2

The second lesson will have students work through a worksheet with the measures of central

tendency with the small group of students that they sit with. Before the teacher hands out the

worksheets, students will take out their definition and example sheets and quickly review them. We

will have a whole group discussion to review the definition of each term. The teacher will then hand

out a worksheet to each student and a package of Skittles to each group. The students will follow the

worksheet, by making estimations and then calculating the mean, median, mode, and range for the

data that they collected. The worksheets will be collected at the end to check for comprehension. The

teacher will use the collected worksheets to see which students may require a bit more assistance.

Lesson 3

In the third and final lesson, the teacher will do a quick review of the last two lessons with a large

group discussion. Once this is completed, the worksheets will be handed out for the students to work

through with their elbow partner. This lesson with be occurring the week of Easter, thus the

worksheet they will be completing will be Easter themed. While the students are working, the

teacher will walk around to check in with the students. At the end of math class, the teacher will

review the final code and have students come to the whiteboard to show how they found the correct

answer. This will help the teacher check for understanding of the math concept.

4. Strategies, Techniques and Activities:

Lesson 1 Worksheet

Measures of Central Tendency Definition Examples





Lesson 2 Worksheet

Skittles Activity

1. Record Data

First, you will estimate the quantity of Skittles in the bag for each colour and write the number in the

table. Remember which colour was assigned to you.

After the estimation is complete, count the Skittles and put the correct amount in the table.

Colour Estimation Quantity






2. Create a Graph

Fill in the bar graph below with the correct quantity of Skittles in the bag. Label the x-axis “Colour”

and label the y-axis “Number of Skittles.” You will also need to come up with a title for the bar

graph with your group members. You may colour in the graph with the correlating colour of the



3. Calculate the Measures of Central Tendency

Order the Skittles from least to greatest to make this task simpler.


Complete the Chart





Lesson 3 Worksheet

5. Formal Assessment (Attach)

Supports for English Language Learners

- The key terms will be defined and handed out before the lesson so that the students

understand the terms that will be used during class

- Tapping into prior knowledge throughout the lesson

- Reading the instructions aloud for a better understanding

- An educational assistant will be available to help these students

Supports for IEP Students

- Positive reinforcement throughout the lesson

- Remind students what they are striving for

- Educational assistant available to help these students

Supports for All Students

- The teacher will allow wait time so that the students have time to process and respond

- Vocabulary will be repeated to develop fluency and model the correct pronunciation

- Model the activities to ensure comprehension

- The teacher will float around the classroom during all activities to assist any students who

may need support.

The worksheet from lesson 3 will be collected and used as a formative assessment.

6. Re-engagement Plans:

Students who receive a failing grade on the formal assessment will receive extra instruction and

support within a small group with the classroom teacher or the educational assistant. This instruction

will include further explanation of the mathematical concepts of mean, median, mode, and range

with questions that may be more suited to their ability and skill level. This will hopefully bring their

confidence up and give them some practice before they can master the content. Additional

worksheets will be provided for students to work on at home, as well as technology resources that

the students can look into at home with their parents. After the reinforcement of the math concepts,

the students will complete another formative assessment worksheet.


New York State Education Department. (2019, June). New York State Next Generation Math

Learning Standards.

instruction/nys-next-generation- mathematics-p-12-standards.pdf

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2020). The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Mathematics

[Digital file]. mathematics

Medaille College Department of Education

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Sydney Kerbs

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: ___X____ Suburb: _______ Town: _______ Rural: ______

Grade level: ___5_____ Number of students in the class: ___25____

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students that will affect your instructio n in this learning
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Classifications/Needs Students
IEP – Individualized Education Plan 2 Students will receive extra time for completing work and assessments,
modified work, and simplified directions. Directions may need to be
repeated and visual aids provided to assist these students. The use of
technical devise may be required to ensure that the material is accessible
to the students, so they are better able to demonstrate their learning. There
is also an educational assistant in the classroom part-time to assist the IEP
students. For the student who is hearing impaired
Students with Specific Language Needs
Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodati ons, Modifications
ELL – English Language Learners 3 There is a part-time educational assistant in the classroom to assist with
the ELL students. To provide additional support to these students, I will
provide them the vocabulary they need the day before so that they know
the terms we will be working with beforehand. There will also be
Chromebooks available to use Google Translate if they need. The students
will also be given extra time for completing work and assessments,
modified work, and simplified directions.
Students with Other Learning Needs
Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodati ons, Modifications

Students who are undiagnosed 2 Students need reminders to stay on task, the directions repeated, and
redirection. There will be fidget chairs and standing desks for these
students to work at to increase their productivity.

Lesson ___1___ of a ___3___ Day Learning Segment

Subject and Lesson Topic: Measures of Central Tendency

Grade Level: 5 Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Central Focus of the Learning Segment

The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiab le theme, essential question, or topic within the
curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Choices, 2016).

The central focus of the lesson is to create a basic understanding of the measures of central tendency. The students will be able to define each of the terms and understand
how to complete the calculations from the examples given.

Knowing Your Learners

Using Prior Knowledge
What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Pr ompt 2a)

The students have previous knowledge of the measures of central tendency, from the previous grade, but they only worked with whole numbers. The students should have a
basic understanding of the terms and how to calculate them, but we will review the terms and some examples to ensure that eve ry student remembers the concept.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by engaging students in a whole group discussion on each of the terms. This discussion will hopefully remind the students
that they have worked with these terms before, and they should possibly remember how to calculate each. The students will be introduced to the definitions and some
examples to assist in their understanding of the concepts. The students will fill out a worksheet with the vocabulary words, definitions, and example. They will be able to
reference this worksheet throughout the course of the learning segment to assist them when they are working in small groups, partners, or individually.

Using Student Assets

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)

The students in the class have most likely heard the term average used before, whether it be talking about the number of stud ents in the school, the average temperature for
their vacation destination, or from sports games. Some of the students may need add itional support when it comes to completing the worksheets. This is the reason that I am
gradually releasing the support that the students will have during this learning segment. We will begin with whole group inst ruction during the first lesson, in the second
lesson the students will work in small groups with the people who sit around them, and in the third lesson the students have the opportunity to either work with a partner of

individually. For the students who require additional support, they will be able to reference their definition worksheet and use Chromebooks for Google Translate if
necessary. Additionally, there is a part-time educational assistant assigned to the classroom that is able to assist the students who need more support.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by writing the definitions clearly on the board and then providing a few e xamples of each. I will make sure that this is in
front of the entire class so that everyone is able to see. When working with a set of data, I will make sure to remind studen ts that they should put their data in order from
lowest to greatest, in order to help them find the median, mode, and range.

Curriculum Standards

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum 2020


D1.5 determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various data sets involving whole numbers and de cimal numbers, and explain what each of

these measures indicates about the data.

New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards 2017

NY-6.SP Statistics and Probability

5c. Calculate range and measures of center, as well as describe any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which
the data were gathered.

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include statements that Using formal and/or informal assessment tools, how will If applicable, explain how you will adapt
identify what students will be able to do by the end of the you evaluate and document your students’ progress on assessments to allow students with specific needs to
lesson and are aligned to the standards identified above. each of the objectives? demonstrate their learning.
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to define Measures of Central Tendency Worksheet (Lesson 1 The educational assistant will check for
the terms mean, median, mode, and range. Worksheet) comprehension in the students who require
additional support. They will support them through
providing visual aids, language translation, and
scaffolding. Students will be able to respond orally
with the educational assistant or teacher. Reference
to their definition and example sheet will be
available and modelling will be done as necessary.
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to use a Measures of Central Tendency Worksheet (Lesson 1 The educational assistant will check for

given data set to find the measures of central tendency Worksheet) comprehension in the students who require
(mean, median, mode, and range). additional support. They will support them through
providing visual aids, language translation, and
scaffolding. Students will be able to respond orally
with the educational assistant or teacher. Reference
to their definition and example sheet will be
available and modelling will be done as necessary.

Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports

(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and practice the
concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Explain The students will be able to explain the definition of the measures of central
Looking at your standards and objectives, tendency, including mean, median, mode, and range. The student will also be
choose the one Bloom’s word that best able to explain how they are able to calculate each one using a set of data.
describes the active learning essential for
students to develop understanding of
concepts within your lesson.
Vocabulary Mean The students will fill out a definition worksheet with an example of each measure
Key words and phrases students need to be Median of central tendency. The students will be able to reference this worksheet
able to understand and use Mode throughout the learning segment. The ELL students will be given the terms the
Range day prior to look over. They will als o have access to Google Translate if needed.
Measures of Central Tendency
Syntax The students will demonstrate syntax by The teacher will ask the students to define the terms mean, median, mode, and
Describe ways in which students will explaining at the end of the lesson the range. The teacher will ask a few students to define each in a different way but
organize language (symbols, words, phrases) measures of central tendency. The still encapsulate what the term means.
to convey meaning. students will not be able to reference
their worksheet as I want to check that
they can define the terms without
looking at it.
Discourse The students will think about what the term average means and then discuss it
How members of a discipline talk, write, and Think-Pair-Share with their partner. They will then share their ideas in a whole group discussion.
participate in knowledge construction and The teacher will show the students that there are many different kinds of
communicate their understanding of the averages. The teacher will define each and give an example. The teacher will
concepts also model to the students how they would calculate these measures with a given
data set. I will encourage students to ask questions and engage in the
conversation about measures of central tendency.
Instructional Process Accommodations and/or Modifications and/or

Anticipatory Set/Motivator - The teacher and educational assistant will

be walking around the classroom while the
- The teacher will say “Did any of you know that the average lifespan of a squirrel is 9 years, that the average students discuss what the statements have
porcupine has 30,000 spikes, or that the average person laughs 10 times a day.” in common.
- The teacher will ask the students what they noticed about each of those statistics. The students will do a - If the students need a bit of prompting or
Think-Pair-Share to discuss what they noticed. to hear the statistics again, the teacher or
- The hope is that the students realize that each mentions the term average. educational assistant will repeat them or
- The teacher will then ask the students if they know what the term average means, which will begin the write them on the whiteboard for the
discussion surrounding measures of central tendency. students to reference.

Instructional Procedures - Students will receive extra time for

completing work and assessments,
- The teacher will ask the students “Does anyone remember the measures of central tendency that they learned modified work, and simplified directions.
last year in math?” Directions may need to be repeated and
- Listen to and discuss the responses, the students may not remember all of them as this concept is new to visual aids provided to assist these
them. students. The use of technical devise may
- Ask questions to help guide the students in the correct direction. Saying “Does anyone remember what mean be required to ensure that the material is
is?” And continuing to ask about the other terms if they are unable to remember them (median, mode, and accessible to the students, so they are
range). better able to demonstrate their learning.
- After the discussion, the teacher will write the definition of each on the whiteboard, using the sheet below as There is also an educational assistant in the
a guide. classroom part-time to assist the IEP
students. For the student who is hearing
- There is a part-time educational assistant
in the classroom to assist with the ELL
students. To provide additional support to
these students, I will provide them the
vocabulary they need the day before so
that they know the terms we will be
working with beforehand. There will also
be Chromebooks available to use Google
Translate if they need. The students will
also be given extra time for completing
work and assessments, modified work, and
simplified directions.
- Students need reminders to stay on task,
the directions repeated, and redirection.
There will be fidget chairs and standing

desks for these students to work at to

increase their productivity.

- The teacher will then model an example of each term so that the students understand how to calculate each.

- The worksheet will be handed out after the teacher is done this portion of the lesson. The students should be
paying attention to the lesson and not trying to fill out their worksheet while the teacher is going th rough the
- After the lesson, the teacher will handout the worksheet and the students will fill it in with the definition of
each term and an example.
- They will be able to use this worksheet as a reference when completing their other worksheets throu ghout the
learning segment.
- After they fill out the worksheet, the teacher will give another example on the whiteboard, using the data set
(8, 3, 5, 11, 7, 12, 18).
- The teacher will ask for different student volunteers to come up and complete the mean, me dian, mode, and
range of this data set.
- After completing this example, the students will complete the example at the end of their worksheet.
Closure - The teacher and educational assistant will
be walking around the classroom while the
- The students will complete the example at the bottom of their worksheet. students work on the example. They will
- They will be able to work with their elbow partner if they need support. help any students who are struggling to
- The teacher will walk around the classroom while the students work, to check for understanding. comprehend the concepts.
- Before ending the lesson, I will have all of the students put their worksheet away and I will ask students to
define the terms they learned today and how to find the measure.
- This will ensure that the students are not relying solely on the worksheet as they will not be able to use it for
their assessment.
List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class hando uts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.

- Teacher Guide
- Worksheet
- Pencil
- Erasers
- Whiteboard

The guide below is what the teacher will use to define and provide an example to the students during the lesson.

Worksheet for Lesson 1


Medaille College Department of Education

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Sydney Kerbs

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: ___X____ Suburb: _______ Town: _______ Rural: ______

Grade level: ___5_____ Number of students in the class: ___25____

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students that w ill affect your instruction in this learning
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Classifications/Needs Students
IEP – Individualized Education Plan 2 Students will receive extra time for completing work and assessments,
modified work, and simplified directions. Directions may need to be
repeated and visual aids provided to assist these students. The use of
technical devise may be required to ensure that the material is accessible
to the students, so they are better able to demonstrate their learning. There
is also an educational assistant in the classroom part-time to assist the IEP
students. For the student who is hearing impaired
Students with Specific Language Needs
Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodati ons, Modifications
ELL – English Language Learners 3 There is a part-time educational assistant in the classroom to assist with
the ELL students. To provide additional support to these students, I will
provide them the vocabulary they need the day before so that they know
the terms we will be working with beforehand. There will also be
Chromebooks available to use Google Translate if they need. The students
will also be given extra time for completing work and assessments,
modified work, and simplified directions.
Students with Other Learning Needs
Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodati ons, Modifications

Students who are undiagnosed 2 Students need reminders to stay on task, the directions repeated, and
redirection. There will be fidget chairs and standing desks for these
students to work at to increase their productivity.

Lesson ___2___ of a ___3___ Day Learning Segment

Subject and Lesson Topic: Measures of Central Tendency

Grade Level: 5 Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Central Focus of the Learning Segment

The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiable theme , essential question, or topic within the
curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Ch oices, 2016).

The central focus of the lesson is to create a basic understanding of the measures of central tendency. The students will be able to estimate the amount of Skittles for each
colour and calculate each of the measures of central tendency with the data they d iscovered.

Knowing Your Learners

Using Prior Knowledge
What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Pr ompt 2a)

The students have previous knowledge of the measures of central tendency, from the previous grade, but they only worked with whole numbers. The students should now
have a basic understanding of the terms and how to calculate them, but we will begin the lesson with a review of the terms an d an example to ensure that every student
knows how to use the measures of central tendency.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by engaging students in a whole group discussion on each of the terms. This discussion will hopefully remind the students
that they have worked with these terms before, and they should possibly remember ho w to calculate each. The students will be introduced to an example before I put them
into groups to complete their worksheet. The students will use Skittles as a manipulative to assist them in discovering a dat a set. With the data set they discover; they will
find the measures of central tendency as a small group. It is important that I begin to release my support and allow the stud ents to work in smaller groups, as they will be
working in partners or individually for the next lesson and then they will be g iven their assessment.

Using Student Assets

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)

The students in the class have most likely heard the term average used before, whether it be talking about the number of stud ents in the school, the average temperature for
their vacation destination, or from sports games. Some of the students may need add itional support when it comes to completing the worksheets. This is the reason that I am

gradually releasing the support that the students will have during this learning segment. We will begin with whole group inst ruction during the first lesson, in the second
lesson the students will work in small groups with the people who sit around them, and in the third lesson the students have the opportunity to either work with a partner of
individually. For the students who require additional support, they will be able to reference their definition worksheet and use Chromebooks for Google Translate if
necessary. Additionally, there is a part-time educational assistant assigned to the classroom that is able to assist the students who need more support.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by writing the definitions clearly on the board and then providing a few e xamples of each. I will make sure that this is in
front of the entire class so that everyone is able to see. When working with a set of data, I will make sure to remind studen ts that they should put their data in order from
lowest to greatest, in order to help them find the median, mode, and range.

Curriculum Standards

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum 2020

D1.5 determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various data sets involving whole numbers and de cimal numbers, and explain what each of
these measures indicates about the data.

New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards 2017

NY-6.SP Statistics and Probability
5c. Calculate range and measures of center, as well as describe any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which
the data were gathered.

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include statements that Using formal and/or informal assessment tools, how will If applicable, explain how you will adapt
identify what students will be able to do by the end of the you evaluate and document your students’ progress on assessments to allow students with specific needs to
lesson and are aligned to the standards identified above. each of the objectives? demonstrate their learning.
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to discover “Skittles Activity” Worksheet The educational assistant will check for
a data set using manipulatives (Skittles). comprehension in the students who require
additional support. They will support them through
providing visual aids, language translation, and
scaffolding. Students will be able to respond orally
with the educational assistant or teacher. Reference
to their definition and example sheet will be
available and modelling will be done as necessary.
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to calculate “Skittles Activity” Worksheet The educational assistant will check for
the mean, median, mode, and average of the data set. comprehension in the students who require
additional support. They will support them through
providing visual aids, language translation, and

scaffolding. Students will be able to respond orally

with the educational assistant or teacher. Reference
to their definition and example sheet will be
available and modelling will be done as necessary.

Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports

(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and practice the
concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Calculate The students will be able to calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of a
Looking at your standards and objectives, data set that they have discovered on their own using Skittles as manipulatives.
choose the one Bloom’s word that best
describes the active learning essential for
students to develop understanding of
concepts within your lesson.
Vocabulary Mean The students will fill out a definition worksheet with an example of each measure
Key words and phrases students need to be Median of central tendency. The students will be able to reference this worksheet
able to understand and use Mode throughout the learning segment. The ELL students will be given the terms the
Range day prior to look over. They will also have access to Google Translate if needed.
Measures of Central Tendency
Syntax The students will demonstrate syntax at I will model how I would like them to present their findings. First, they will tell
Describe ways in which students will the end of the lesson by explaining to the us the data that they discovered for each colour of Skittle. They will then tell us
organize language (symbols, words, phrases) class what they discovered. (The small the measures of central tendency.
to convey meaning. groups will likely have different findings
because the Skittles bags do not all have
the same number of each colour).
Discourse The students will engage in independent learning small groups, where they will
How members of a discipline talk, write, and Small Group Work discover a data set. They will, as a group, determine how to order the data set and
participate in knowledge construction and then calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of the data set.
communicate their understanding of the
Instructional Process Accommodations and/or Modifications and/or

Anticipatory Set/Motivator - The teacher and educational assistant will

be walking around the classroom while the
- The teacher will ask for volunteers to define each of the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, students discuss what the statements have
and range). in common.
- After each student gives a response, the teacher will record the answer on the whiteboard. The terms and - If the students need a bit of prompting or
definitions will be left on the whiteboard during the math lesson so that students can refer to them during the to hear the statistics again, the teacher or
activity. The students will also have their definition worksheets to refer to. educational assistant will repeat them or
write them on the whiteboard for the
students to reference.

Instructional Procedures - Students will receive extra time for

completing work and assessments,
- We will go through an example as a class, students will come up and complete the measures of central modified work, and simplified directions.
tendency on the whiteboard. Directions may need to be repeated and
- The data set that will be used is found below in the Teacher Guide. visual aids provided to assist these
- The teacher will say “the following data set is from a recent test that the other class completed” (83, 86, 91, students. The use of technical devise may
92, 95, 99, 99, 100). be required to ensure that the material is
- The students will copy this into their notebooks to have another example to refer to while they are accessible to the students, so they are
completing their worksheets. better able to demonstrate their learning.
There is also an educational assistant in the
classroom part-time to assist the IEP
students. For the student who is hearing
- There is a part-time educational assistant
in the classroom to assist with the ELL
students. To provide additional support to
these students, I will provide them the
vocabulary they need the day before so
that they know the terms we will be
working with beforehand. There will also
be Chromebooks available to use Google
Translate if they need. The students will
also be given extra time for completing
work and assessments, modified work, and
simplified directions.
- Students need reminders to stay on task,
the directions repeated, and redirection.
There will be fidget chairs and standing

desks for these students to work at to

increase their productivity.

- The teacher will explain the Skittles Activity worksheet to the students. The students will estimate how many
of each Skittle colour are in their bag. They will then count to get the accurate number. They will insert the
data into their graph and then calculate the measures of central tendency.
- The students will be put into small groups with about 3-4 students in each group.
- The teacher will then hand out a worksheet to each student and a package of Skittles to each group.
- The students will follow the worksheet, by making estimations and then calculating the mean, median, mode,
and range for the data that they collected.

Closure - The teacher and educational assistant will

be walking around the classroom while the
- The students will present their findings when everyone has completed their worksheet. students work on the example. They will
- They will say “We had __ red Skittles” (then continue with the other colours). The teacher will then have a help any students who are struggling to
student from each group come up to write the mean (followed by the median, mode, and range). Every comprehend the concepts.
student should have a chance to write one of the calculations o n the board.
- The worksheets will be collected at the end to check for comprehension. The teacher will use the collected
worksheets to see which students may require a bit more assistance.

List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white -board images.

- Teacher Guide
- Worksheet
- Pencils
- Coloured pencils
- Erasers
- Whiteboard
- Whiteboard markers
- Bags of Skittles
Teacher Guide

Skittles Activity Worksheet


Medaille College Department of Education

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Sydney Kerbs

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: ___X____ Suburb: _______ Town: _______ Rural: ______

Grade level: ___5_____ Number of students in the class: ___25____

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students that w ill affect your instruction in this learning
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Classifications/Needs Students
IEP – Individualized Education Plan 2 Students will receive extra time for completing work and assessments,
modified work, and simplified directions. Directions may need to be
repeated and visual aids provided to assist these students. The use of
technical devise may be required to ensure that the material is accessible
to the students, so they are better able to demonstrate their learning. There
is also an educational assistant in the classroom part-time to assist the IEP
students. For the student who is hearing impaired
Students with Specific Language Needs
Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodati ons, Modifications
ELL – English Language Learners 3 There is a part-time educational assistant in the classroom to assist with
the ELL students. To provide additional support to these students, I will
provide them the vocabulary they need the day before so that they know
the terms we will be working with beforehand. There will also be
Chromebooks available to use Google Translate if they need. The students
will also be given extra time for completing work and assessments,
modified work, and simplified directions.
Students with Other Learning Needs
Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodati ons, Modifications

Students who are undiagnosed 2 Students need reminders to stay on task, the directions repeated, and
redirection. There will be fidget chairs and standing desks for these
students to work at to increase their productivity.

Lesson ___3___ of a ___3___ Day Learning Segment

Subject and Lesson Topic: Measures of Central Tendency

Grade Level: 5 Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

Central Focus of the Learning Segment

The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop . It is a description of the important identifiable theme, essential question, or topic within the
curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Choices, 2016).

The central focus of the lesson is to create an understanding of the measures of central tendency. The students will be able to calculate the measures of central tendency and
use the answers to decode the special Easter message.

Knowing Your Learners

Using Prior Knowledge
What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Pr ompt 2a)

The students have previous knowledge of the measures of central tendency, from the previous grade, b ut they only worked with whole numbers. The students should now
have a basic understanding of the terms and how to calculate them, but we will begin the lesson with a review of the terms an d an example to ensure that every student
knows how to use the measures of central tendency.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by engaging students in a whole group discussion on each of the terms. This discussion will hopefully remind the students
that they have worked with these terms before, and they should possibly remember how to calculate each. The students will be introduced to an example before they work
with their elbow partners or independently on the worksheet. With the answers they discover; they will look at the code sheet and decode the Easter message. It is importan t
that I begin to release my support and allow the students to work in partners or individually, as the next day they will be g iven their assessment on the measures of central

Using Student Assets

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)

The students in the class have most likely heard the term average used before, whether it be talking about the number of stud ents in the school, the average temperature for
their vacation destination, or from sports games. Some of the students may need add itional support when it comes to completing the worksheets. This is the reason that I am

gradually releasing the support that the students will have during this learning segment. We will begin with whole group inst ruction during the first lesson, in the second
lesson the students will work in small groups with the people who sit around them, and in the third lesson the students have the opportunity to work with a partner of
individually. For the students who require additional support, they will be able to reference their definition worksheet and use Chromebooks for Google Translate if
necessary. Additionally, there is a part-time educational assistant assigned to the classroom that is able to assist the students who need more support.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

I will use this knowledge to inform my instruction by writing the definitions clearly on the board and then providing a few e xamples of each. I will make sure that this is in
front of the entire class so that everyone is able to see. When working with a set of data, I will make sure to remind students t hat they should put their data in order from
lowest to greatest, in order to help them find the median, mode, and range.

Curriculum Standards

Ontario Mathematics Curriculum 2020

D1.5 determine the mean and the median and identify the mode(s), if any, for various data sets involving whole numbers and de cimal numbers and explain what each of
these measures indicates about the data.

New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards 2017

NY-6.SP Statistics and Probability
5c. Calculate range and measures of center, as well as describe any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which
the data were gathered.

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include statements that Using formal and/or informal assessment tools, how will If applicable, explain how you will adapt
identify what students will be able to do by the end of the you evaluate and document your students’ progress on assessments to allow students with specific needs to
lesson and are aligned to the standards identified above. each of the objectives? demonstrate their learning.
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to “Crack the Code: Easter” Worksheet The educational assistant will check for
determine the special Easter code with the answers to the comprehension in the students who require
measures of central tendency questions. additional support. They will support them through
providing visual aids, language translation, and
scaffolding. Students will be able to respond orally
with the educational assistant or teacher. Reference
to their definition and example sheet will be
available and modelling will be done as necessary.
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to calculate “Crack the Code: Easter” Worksheet The educational assistant will check for
the mean, median, mode, and average of the data set. comprehension in the students who require
additional support. They will support them through
providing visual aids, language translation, and

scaffolding. Students will be able to respond orally

with the educational assistant or teacher. Reference
to their definition and example sheet will be
available and modelling will be done as necessary.

Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports

(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and practice the
concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Calculate The students will be able to calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of
Looking at your standards and objectives, multiple data sets that are given.
choose the one Bloom’s word that best
describes the active learning essential for
students to develop understanding of
concepts within your lesson.
Vocabulary Mean The students will fill out a definition worksheet with an example of each measure
Key words and phrases students need to be Median of central tendency. The students will be able to reference this worksheet
able to understand and use Mode throughout the learning segment. The ELL students will be given the terms the
Range day prior to look over. They will also have access to Google Translate if needed.
Measures of Central Tendency
Syntax The students will demonstrate syntax in I will model how I would like them to present their findings. First, they will work
Describe ways in which students will the lesson by defining the measures of through the worksheet and find the measure of central tendency for each data set.
organize language (symbols, words, phrases) central tendency at the beginning of the Then, if the complete the worksheet and still have time, they will use the data
to convey meaning. lesson and throughout the worksheet sets to find the other measures of central tendency.
while working with their partner.
Discourse The students will engage in elbow partner work, where they will work together to
How members of a discipline talk, write, and Elbow Partner Work complete the measures of central tendency and discover the special Easter code.
participate in knowledge construction and They will determine how to split up the work and then calculate the mean,
communicate their understanding of the median, mode, and range of the data set.
Instructional Process Accommodations and/or Modifications and/or

Anticipatory Set/Motivator - The teacher and educational assistant will

be walking around the classroom while the
- As a group we will do a few questions to review the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, and students discuss what the statements have
range). in common.
- To stay with the Easter theme of today’s class I will print data sets on paper and put them into plastic Easter - If the students need a bit of prompting or
eggs. to hear the statistics again, the teacher or
- I will ask for a few volunteers to come up and choose an Easter egg so that we can do a few examples before educational assistant will repeat them or
them do their worksheet. write them on the whiteboard for the
- The students who chose the egg will calculate one of the measures of central tendency and then chose students to reference.
another student volunteer to come up and complete the other.
- The students will explain their answer after they complete the question.

Instructional Procedures - Students will receive extra time for

completing work and assessments,
- The worksheets will be handed out for the students to work with their elbow partners or independently. modified work, and simplified directions.
- This lesson will be occurring the week of Easter; thus, the worksheet will be completing will be Easter Directions may need to be repeated and
themed. visual aids provided to assist these
- While the students are working the teacher will walk around to check in with the students. students. The use of technical devise may
- If any students finish the worksheet quickly, they can start going through the data sets and finding the other be required to ensure that the material is
measures of central tendency (they are only required to find the one mentioned to discover the Easter code). accessible to the students, so they are
- In addition, the students could choose to complete more work by choosing more of the Easter eggs from the better able to demonstrate their learning.
anticipatory set. There is also an educational assistant in the
classroom part-time to assist the IEP
students. For the student who is hearing
- There is a part-time educational assistant
in the classroom to assist with the ELL
students. To provide additional support to
these students, I will provide them the
vocabulary they need the day before so
that they know the terms we will be
working with beforehand. There will also
be Chromebooks available to use Google
Translate if they need. The students will
also be given extra time for completing
work and assessments, modified work, and
simplified directions.
- Students need reminders to stay on task,
the directions repeated, and redirection.
There will be fidget chairs and standing

desks for these students to work at to

increase their productivity.

Closure - The teacher and educational assistant will

be walking around the classroom while the
- We will come back together as a class to discuss the special Easter code. We will go through the worksheet students work on the example. They will
to make sure everyone calculated the correct answers and then I will have one student tell me the code. They help any students who are struggling to
will all receive a special Easter treat as they hand in their worksheets. comprehend the concepts.
- The worksheets will be collected at the end of the lesson to check for comprehension. The teacher will use
the collected worksheets to see which students may require a bit more assistance before their assessment the
next day.

List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class handouts, assignments, slide s, and interactive white-board images.

- Worksheet
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Whiteboard
- Whiteboard markers
- Plastic Easter Eggs
- Basket
- Printed strips of data sets
Crack the Code: Easter Worksheet

[Back to Table of Contents]


Artifact #6: Survey Assignment

The sixth artifact that I have included in my portfolio is my survey assignment. The

teaching aspects focussed on in the survey assignment are technology, assessment, and

professional development. Technology is involved in the survey assignment as I am conducting

research regarding the amount of technology use and also what other technology may be useful

for students. The use of technology is essential in today’s classroom because our students can be

considered “Digital Natives” (Prensky, 2001). This means that they are proficient in this digital

language and we need to teach to the learners that are present in our classroom (Prensky, 2001). I

consider that assessment is involved in the survey assignment because I can use it to understand

what the students still need to work on, and through this provide applications and extension

activities that the children could do at home. The survey is beneficial because it gives me an idea

of the resources that are available to students at home. For professional development, I am

continuing to grow and learn how I can better assist my students. I will always be open to

learning about new technology devices, applications, and other supports for students. The

significance of the survey assignment is that it demonstrates my ability to collect data, evaluate

the data, and reflect on the data. The data collected through this survey displays the prevalence of

technology in our students lives. I am able to use this knowledge to promote more growth and

understanding of content at home.

In regard to, the INTASC Standards this artifact is in alignment with learning differences

(2), professional learning and ethical practice (9), and leadership and collaboration (10). The

New York State Ethics Principle 5 that educators collaborate with parents and community,

building trust and confidentiality and Principle 6 that educators advance an intellectual and

ethical foundation of the learning community. According to the, Department of Education at


Medaille College, their graduates are caring educators (Claim 3). This artifact shows my care for

students as I am interested in their home technology life and how I could possibly improve the

use of technology at home. The connection of this artifact can be made to ISTE Standard 2

referred to as leader in which educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student

empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning, as well as Standard 7, called

analyst where educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in

achieving their learning goals. For the CEC Standards 5 of developing relationships with families

based on mutual respect and actively involving families and individuals with exceptionalities in

educational decision making and Standard 6, using evidence, instructional data, research, and

professional knowledge to inform practice. These connect to the artifact because I am building a

relationship with my students and their families through showing an interest in their technology

need and usage at home. In addition, this research shows that many students have technology

available to them at home, thus I can provide extension activities that my students could do at

home in order to further their knowledge. Lastly, Ontario Ethics Standard of Trust as the survey

is helping to building a relationship and trust with students and their families as I am interested

in the technology need and use at home.


Survey Assignment

Sydney Kerbs

Medaille College

ECI 510

Craig Centrie

July 31, 2020



The purpose of this survey is to determine the students need and use of technology. With

technology becoming a tool for teachers to enhance learning both at home and in the classroom,

more information is needed to figure out parent’s opinions on technology use. When there are

technology resources that are provided to families, students will be able to perform at a higher


Target Population

The target population of this questionnaire is for parents of students in elementary school

from grade one to grade six.


Technology is changing the way that we learn and providing opportunities for

enhancement that we could have never imagined. It is important that teachers and educators

support student learning inside and outside of the classroom. The information provided in the

technology survey will be used to determine whether the use of more technology should be

implemented in the classroom to improve learning. The responses will also indicate if parents

and students need to be given more technology resources to enhance the understanding of

concepts at home. This survey will benefit students because they are growing up with so much

technology, thus we are able to show them how to use this technology in effective ways that will

help them be successful. This benefits parents as the teacher will gain a better understanding of

the resources parents need to help support the learning of their child at home. The survey will

benefit the teachers as the students will be enhancing their learning at home, which will help to

increase their grades on assessments in the classroom. It will also give teachers an idea of how

much information the students are giving to their parents and if more communication between

the parents and teacher is necessary. In conclusion, developing a better understanding of

technology needs and usage inside and outside the classroom will assist teachers in creating an

educational environment where the students are able to succeed.

Technology Survey

*Please note that I sent the survey to volunteers using Google Forms (the link is provided

below), so they did not have to print the survey in order to fill it out. I made every question

required so the volunteers would provide an answer to each question.*


Directions: The purpose of this questionnaire is

to assess your child’s technology use inside

and outside of the classroom. The information

provided will be used to determine whether

the use of more technology should be implemented in the classroom to improve learning and if

parents and students need to be given more technology resources to enhance the understanding of

concepts at home. Please note that your responses to these questions will be kept completely

anonymous. Answer the question or statement by selecting the degree to which you agree with


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree No Opinion Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

1. My child uses technology at home.


1 2 3 4 5

2. My child has access to a technology device at home.

1 2 3 4 5

3. My child has access to Wi-Fi or the internet at home.

1 2 3 4 5

4. My child spends at least 2 hours every day on technology.

1 2 3 4 5

5. My child uses technology at home to assist them in the completion of their homework.

1 2 3 4 5

6. My child and I would benefit from being provided with technology resources to use at home to assist with

homework (educational apps, websites, YouTube videos, etc.)

1 2 3 4 5

7. My child shares information with me regarding the technology that th ey use in the classroom.

1 2 3 4 5

8. I am satisfied with the information my child provides to me about technology use in the classroom.

1 2 3 4 5

9. I would like to be more informed about the technology that is being used in the classroom.

1 2 3 4 5

10. With your knowledge, do you feel that more technology should be used in the classroom?

1 2 3 4 5

11. Do you feel that your child’s teacher is open to your input into your child’s educational experience?

1 2 3 4 5

12. What type of technology does your child use at home?





13. What technology resources would be helpful for you and your child at home?




14. Do you have any additional comments or concerns regarding your child’s technology use at home or in the





Thank you for taking the time to participate in answering this survey. I greatly appreciate that

you have taken your valuable time to be a participant. Your participation will be a huge help in

my research study. This survey will be used to improve technology needs and usage in the


Graphic Organizer

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12: What type of technology does your child use at home?

- Chrome books, phone, iPads

- iPad, Chromebook, iPod

- Laptop and iPad

- Laptop and iPad

- iPads, computers

- iPad YouTube learning apps laptop

- Laptop and Tablet

- Laptop, iPad

- Chromebook, tablet, YouTube, prodigy, dreamscapes


- iPad, TV

Question 13: What technology resources would be helpful for you and your child at home?

- learning videos

- Na

- Laptop

- fun learning apps for math & language

- More learning game apps

- Online curriculum-based programs to practice and review skills taught in the classroom

- Apps that provide specific subject help

- YouTube links, google slideshows

- Free subscriptions to learning apps such as ABCya, Epic Books, etc.

Question 14: Do you have any additional comments or concerns regarding your child's

technology use at home or in the classroom?

- Not a huge fan of google classroom, not very streamlined - it should be sorted and organized in the same

manner with each teacher or something like that to make it easier to use

- Na

- No

- I feel like kids should be using computers at school and learning how to type

- No

- Having more of an opportunity to learn how to use the technology in the classroom - creating text boxes or

searching for information on the web.

- Technology is useful when used properly, but sometimes today we use it too much

- My son has had teachers who use very little technology and other teachers who u se a lot. Both have their

positives and negatives.

- None!


The data collected in this survey displays that all children use technology at home, have

access to a technology device, and also have access to the internet. Overall, the results indicate

that parents would like to be more informed about the technology that is used inside of the

classroom. In addition, the data also suggests a split between parents with 50 percent strongly

agreeing or agreeing that there should be more technology used in the classroom and the other 50

percent disagreeing or having no opinion.

For the question regarding their children’s use of technology at home, 70 percent strongly

agreed, and 30 percent agreed that their child used technology at home. Every child has access to

a technology device at home with 100 percent strongly agreeing. The data also indicates that

every child has access to Wi-Fi or the internet at home, with 100 percent also strongly agreeing.

The amount of time spent on technology was a little bit more shocking to me. Parents revealed

that 10 percent strongly agree, 70 percent agree, and 20 percent disagree that their child spends at

least 2 hours a day on technology. I expected that every child would have spent at least 2 hours

on technology each day.

The technology use for assistance in homework completion displayed that every child

used technology in some way. There were 30 percent who strongly agreed that their child used

technology to help with their homework and 70 percent who agreed. Parents also reported that

their child and themselves would benefit from being provided with technology resources to use

at home for assistance with homework. With 50 percent strongly agreeing, 40 percent agreeing,

and 10 percent having no opinion. This makes it clear that teachers and educators should be

providing more resources to the parents and children to assist with homework. The majority of

parents also indicated that their children shares information regarding the technology that they

use in the classroom, with only 20 percent disagreeing. However, when it came to them being

satisfied with the information that their children provided them about technology use in the

classroom, 30 percent were not satisfied. These results are fascinating considering 90 percent

reported that they would like to be more informed about technology use in the classroom. With

the parents knowledge of technology, there was a split opinion on whether more technology

should be used in the classroom, with 10 percent strongly agreeing, 40 percent agreeing, 10

percent having no opinion, and 40 percent disagreeing. The last quantitative data to report on

was whether the parents felt that their child’s teacher was open to their input, 20 percent strongly

agreed, 50 percent agreed, 10 percent had no opinion, and 20 percent disagreed.

The qualitative data derived from the open-ended questions suggests that all children

have multiple technology devices that are available to them at home. Some of the technology that

was mentioned include: Chromebooks, phones, iPads, iPods, tablets, laptops, TVs, and

computers. For the question regarding what type of technology resources would be helpful to

parents and children, the results show that educational apps that are subject specific would be

beneficial. There was also mention of free learning apps because you need to pay a fee for some

of the apps. The parents also indicated that they would like learning videos to enhance of assist

with learning at home, whether it be off YouTube or another website. For the few participants

that had additional comments, some included learning how to type on a computer, how to use

technology properly, and the dislike for Google Classroom as it is not organized the same

between teachers.

In conclusion, parents would like to be more informed about the technology that is being

used in the classroom. There is a split opinion on whether more technology should be used, but

most parents also reported that they would like to be given more resources that their children can

enhance their learning at home while completing their homework.


Plan of Improvement

There are a few things that can be taken into consideration with the results of this survey.

With new students coming in each year, teachers need to communicate with the parents to see if

needs have changed between the years. All students come with unique strengths and weaknesses;

thus, teachers need to be aware of how they can help them be successful. By surveying parents at

the beginning of each school year, it can inform the teachers on how they may need to adjust and

adapt their technology and resources. I think it is extremely important that teachers stay

connected with the parents throughout the school year as the students are learning a variety of

concepts and may need more help with some rather than others.

In addition, the results displayed that children have access both to the internet and

multiple technology devices at home, resulting in them spending a decent amount of time on

technology each day. With this in mind, teachers and educators should make educational

resources known and available for the parents, so that their children are able to use them at

home. Technology has expanded tremendously in recent decades, but teachers and parents need

to ensure that children are using technology in a beneficial way. There are many apps available

that are educational games or have videos to help with schoolwork. This type of resource is more

valuable for students, rather than playing games that are not educational and wasting their time

watching meaningless YouTube videos.

Lastly, most parents indicated that their child informs them of technology that is used in

the classroom and that they were satisfied with the information that their child provided them

with. However, the parents also indicated that they wished to be more well informed about

technology use in the classroom. Teachers can create a website where they post educational apps

and videos that will help the students with their homework. The teacher could also send a

monthly report to the parents to inform them of what they have done and the technology that was

used to complete it.

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Artifact #7: Weebly Website

The seventh artifact that I have chosen to include in my portfolio is my Weebly website

page, it can be found at The purpose of this assignment was to

showcase the many aspects of technology that we gained throughout the course and include them

a website that would benefit students and their families. The teacher competencies that are

addressed in my website are technology, classroom management, and culturally responsive

teaching. There are many technology resources used on my website, some of which include

Google Form, SMART Board, Powtoon, QR codes, Smores, Symbaloo, Screencast-o-matic,

YouTube, Padlet, Bitmoji, Google Slides, Google Classroom, and lastly Prezi. For classroom

management, I have my classroom rules posted online and a waiver for parents to fill out as they

go through them with their child. I think having that the waiver holds the students accountable

for their actions and behaviour in the classroom. Also, the website is in alignment with culturally

responsive teaching practices. Through having this website, I am keeping communication open

between my families and myself. I think that building a relationship is essential to creating a

classroom environment where every student feel represented and understood. I believe the

importance of this artifact is that it shows a very wide range of teacher competencies and some

of the ways that I would incorporate technology into my classroom. As states previously, the

generation of students we are working with, speak the native language of technology and

teachers need to adjust their instruction in order to effectively teach our students (Prensky, 2001).

Concerning the many professional standards and curriculum, the artifact connects to the

INTASC Standard 10 of leadership and collaboration. As for the New York State Ethics,

Principle 5 states that educators collaborate with parents and community, building trust and

confidentiality. This is the main purpose of my website, is to keep an open line of


communication to families about upcoming events and homework assignments. Additionally,

Principle 6 refers to educators advancing an intellectual and ethical foundation of the learning

community. With the Department of Education at Medaille College, Claim 2 addresses that

graduates meet the diverse needs of their students through pedagogy and best teaching practices.

While, Claim 3 expects that their educators are caring. The International Society for Technology

in Education outlines standards for educators. This artifact algins with Standard 3 called citizen,

educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital

world. By integrating many different technological aspects into my classroom and teaching my

students about them, I am able to instill in them the responsibility to participate positively online.

The other ISTE Standard 6 addressed is facilitator, which states that educators facilitate learning

with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students. In addition,

the CEC Standard 5 of developing relationships with families based on mutual respect and

actively involving families and individuals with exceptionalities in educational decision making

is included through the relationships the website will help to build through communication with

the students and their families. Conclusively, the Ontario Ethics Standard of Care, Respect,

Trust, and Integrity are all included in this Weebly website artifact. My commitment to the

students education, respect for differences, relationships being built, and reflection of this

process have all been attained through the creation of the website.

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Artifact #8: Google Classroom

The eighth artifact I have included in my portfolio is my Google Classroom assignment.

The purpose of this assignment was to get us familiar with Google Classroom, since it is the

main resource that school boards have been using. Some of the teacher competencies that are

addressed in this artifact are planning, assessment, technology, and curriculum standards.

Planning is connected because I had to find relevant information the students would be working

on, as well as some extension ideas for them to work on after they have completed their work.

About assessment, the ELA lesson includes an assignment with a rubric and the math lesson

would be handed in to be reviewed and checked for understanding of content. As for technology,

the assignment, the purpose was to incorporate technology into the classroom because of the

current conditions of the world. For this specific assignment, the curriculum standards did not

have to be included but after reviewing the Ontario standards, I know that they algin with Grade

5. This artifact is important to my portfolio because it displays that I am competent with the

technology that most school boards use. With the move to online schooling, schools have been

more reliant on technology options than ever before and showing my ability to use technology in

a classroom is important. This is supported through research that is being done about the

increased assess that digital technology provides our students with, including those with

exceptionalities (Wardlow, 2016).

The artifact is in relation to the INTASC Standard 4 and 5 of content knowledge

application of content, even though we were not required to mention the New York State

Standards and the Ontario Curriculum, the lessons that I have included still align. With the New

York Ethics Principle 6 fits with the Google Classroom artifact because the educator advances

the intellectual and ethical foundation of the learning community through in incorporation of

technology. Medaille College’s Department of Education has a few claims they hold their

graduates to. Claim 2 they should meet the diverse needs of their students through pedagogy and

best teaching practices and Claim 3 that they are caring educators are addressed through the

inclusion of this artifact. ISTE Standard 3, citizen, which states that educators inspire students to

positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world is addressed through

holding the students accountable for their behaviours online and setting ground rules before they

begin using technology in the classroom. Additionally, Standard 6, facilitator, educators facilitate

learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students.

This is done through using Google Classroom with my students and not relying solely on pencil

and paperwork. The inclusion of exceptional students is important to their education and the

CEC Standard 10 of advocating for professional conditions and resources that will improve

learning outcomes of individuals with exceptionalities. Research shows that digital technology

has the possibility to increase understanding among exceptional children when it is used in the

correct ways (Wardlow, 2016). Finally, the last set of standards to be included are Ontario Ethics

and the Google Classroom assignment addresses that of Care and Trust.

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In conclusion, this section has displayed only some of the assignments that I have worked

on through my journey at Medaille. Through viewing this section, I hope that you get a glimpse

of the many teacher competencies I have acquired through writing these assignments. The ones I

have chosen to include barely touch on the many skills I have gained through both completing

and reflecting on each one of these artifacts. I hope that the inclusion of these artifacts displays

that I am ready to become a teacher and that I have the many aspects needed to be and become

an effective educator. Although it is not clear that I am open to professional collaboration, this is

something that I am open to. I believe that we can learn so many things from others and I have

thoroughly enjoyed looking through resources and lesson plans online to complete some of these

artifacts. In the proceeding section, you will see the connections that I was able to make of each

artifact to the professional standards and curriculum.

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