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Video Games 1

Video Games

Zach Baker

60010 The Information Landscape

Digital Resource Assignment

Video Games 2

Video Games
The first video game I ever played was a Mario game of some sort. I can not specifically

remember which one. It was on the Super Nintendo gaming system, released in late 1990 by the

Nintendo Company. Access to this item was granted through cartridges that held the code of the

game. There are multiple ways of accessing video games currently, the most popular being

online or via disc. Information produced from video games is stored on hard drives. If you want

to purchase any of this stuff, I direct you to the links below. The average user is 25-35, but you

can find users of any age. The primary purpose of this is entertainment; however, video games

have been on the increase within schools for educational purposes (Richardson).

I have always been a huge fan of video games ever since I could hold a controller. I have

spent many hours of my life playing them and just realized not long ago that they are entirely

digital, from the very first video game made(Pong) to the most advanced Virtual Reality. All of

them are born digital(Erway). Almost everyone uses video games in some manner or has in the

past. Whether it be Flappy Bird, or the angry variety, or a math application that uses a video

game feel to get the user to feel like they are not even doing math, most have had experience

with video games. We have seen gaming become so popular that those who can work the system

can make money off of it. A sort of video game live blog happens where professional gamers can

be watched by tens of thousands of viewers who can donate money to that person. As De Saulles
Video Games 3

discusses, internet traffic becomes an essential part of video gaming for some. This need to

advertise is so strong that gamers can be sponsored by electronic companies just for a chance that

the gamer will use their headphones or controllers. This is the same as blogging for money(De

Saulles, 2015).

The lifecycle of a specific video game can be as meaningful as the Legend of Zelda series

is or as short-lived as the housefly, enter any name of thousands of games. It is difficult to put a

time stamp on when certain video games reach certain ages in the life cycle. Most recently,

Borderlands 3 was released, reaching the Adult stage. The game has been a work in progress for

several years, where birth, childhood, and the teenage stages all have been mixed behind closed

doors. The game would have been created, and then testers would find problems which would

then be fixed, and this happens back and forth until the product is ready for the masses, and then

still issues are discovered and corrected.

Video Games 2


Chester, B. (2007). Information lifecycle. AIIM E-DOC, 21(4), 14–14.

De Saulles, M. (2015). Information 2.0 : new models of information production, distribution, and
consumption. Facet Publishing. Retrieved from

Erway, R. (201) Defining “Born Digital” An Essay, OCLC Research. Retrieved from

Richardson, Will. How will video games save school. Retrieved from Accessed 9/13/19.

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