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Liz and John Soars Headway Liz and John Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press 198 Madicon Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA, Great Clarendon Strset Oxford OX2 6DP England Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar esSelaam Hong Kong. Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Naieobi New Delhi Shanghai Tsipei Toronto With otices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece ry Taly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore land ‘Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam ‘OXFORD is a trademark of Oxford University res, Copyright © 2001 Oxford University ross Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Soars Lie ‘American headway. Student book | / Li and John Soars. pom, Includes index. ISN: 978 0 19 435375 5 1. English language Textbooks for foreign speakers 2. English language-—United States-—Prablems, exercises, etc. 53. English languags—Grammar—Problems, excises et 44 VocabalaeyProblems, exercises te. 1. 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How longago? ........0600++ Food you like! ....sses0 rumnmpcoenemnonn OB HiggetnT TEED: ca assnnnanccnnmurniomnmmmeainnuiaataniets TOLEDO wwansreanaaneaniensnirscsincaine Life's an adventure! ...... Wouter PERRE cues nonanrannnncnncn Have PORN wncunicannnnannnccuee = 102 Getting Information ..... 110 TAPER sa wecannancnaceaas . 14 Grammar Reference 134 Word List .. aecvissseeweenaavew BED Appendixes ....... . 152 Phonetic Symbols .. . 153 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE rine SereCTiEn Verb 10 be Countries anistare ‘Mexico, Japan p. 3,p.4 Tn from Koren, Using a bilingual dictionary p.6 Hea doctor. p.2p.5 Everyday objects Possessive adjectives: a key, a newspaper p. 6 ij Yous, hs her 2, p. Plural nouns Bags apples p.6 2. Meeting people Verb to be ‘The family Page 8 Questions and negatives Whats her first name? p. 8 ‘other, ele pp. WL Opposite adjectives Sheisnt marsied. 9.9 old youre p. 12 ‘Negatives and short answers Food and drink ‘No, she ist. p.8. Thamburger and french fries Possessives tea, cofee p. 14 Pavick’s daughter p.10 3) The world of work Present Simple | Verbs page 16 hiefsheie p. 16 help, make, pump p20 ‘She works 16 howrs a day. p. 6 Jobs ‘Questions and negatives ‘A pilo les planes. p.22 Does he speak Chinese? No, he doesn’, p18 A Takeiteasy! page 24 5 Where do you live? page 32 Present Simple 2 youlwelthey To to the gym, We don't go out on Friday evenings Wil yw like your jb p25 1's Book There sare Theresa book onthe table. p32 Hew wangnt low nay bos ae ther? 92 Prepositions of place in four of hes p.22 sonteand any eaten ee ream Pais p34 ‘hia thatthe thse ‘Thiet hichen What hse cabins p34 Verbs rel, go out Mant p.25 Leisute activities oncing hing p. 30 Rooms Tiving room kitchen p. 32 Household tems ‘armchai, lamp cabinet, dishivasher p32 What's in your bag? sams, bs ike, ell phone p38 Pars ofa plane cockpit steps p36 ‘movie theater, bank p. 39) 6 Can you speak English? page 40 eanieant Lean ski realy welt She can's speak Japanese. p40 wasiwere Where were you last night? p42 could T could swine when J was five. p42 wes ors “Re was born in Brooklyn. p43 Couns nd languages Chine hire p10 Nabe raat check, igh p41 word thar sound hese eyes how pre 7 Then and now page a8 Past Simple 1 ‘Regular verbs arte work when she was eight. p48 Irregular verbs “He left hore in 1983. p. 50 ‘Time expressions last night syesteay morning p31 Verbs ‘cart, mares die p49 verbs Tose, eave, become p. 50 Spelling and silent letters whites ston p. 54 RUT EXOT Ae Reading and writing Hello and good-bye Inroducing youre’ pS “Taephone numbers ps7 Listening and speaking How are yout "The alphabet song p.6 Set you the p.7 Reading and istening lack ‘letter from America p. 12 Pees pt Gan have... 2 How mich iit? pS Reading Seanmas MeSporran—the man with thicteen jobs p20 Listening and speaking ‘What time isi Wesa quarter afer five Wsabout sx oleock. p. 23 Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives Tome, iy WB p. 16 Rewriting & text WB p.16 ‘Seamus’ day p-21 Speaking Social expressions ‘An informal letter “A questionnaire: How do you live? p.27 Tin sar ‘eter to. pen pal WB p.21 Reading and li Becuse me. ‘Tres people talk about Pardon? p.31 their favorite season p. 28 Speaking ‘What's your fvorite season? p. 29 Leisure activities p30, Speaking and listening ‘What are the differences between the two pictures? p33 Reading and speaking Athome on a plane p. 36 Listening and speaking Homes around the would p. 38 rections | Us there a post ofie nenr here? Yes it's over there. p38 Linking words ans, bus because WB p. 27 Describing where you live WB p.27 Speaking ‘Questionnaire: What ean you da? p. 4 Reading and speaking Super kids p44 ‘On the phone Directory Assistance p. 46 Can I speak to Gina, please? Tilget her. p47 Pocmmal letters 1 Alleter of application fora job WB p. 32 ‘What cid you do atthe end of the 20ch century? p50 When did it happen? p.31 Reading and speaking “Two famous fists: George Washington and Nelson Mandela ps2 Special occasions Thanks Happy bint! 9.58 Writing a paragraph describing a vacation WBp.36 vw 8 Howlongago? page $6 Past Simple 2 [Negatives and ago ‘People dih't witch TV a hundred years age. p.57 ‘Tune expressions ‘i 1994, on Saturday, ot seven o'clock p59 ee ‘Which word is different? apple, chicken, banana p33 Phonetic symbois ‘resapi! p-59 Relationships {fallin love, gor engaged p. 60 9) Food you like! page 62 Count and noncoust nouns ‘ples spl jc pe 2 Dope ee Fried ou tke? ‘Bo yout eat Would you ike one now? p63 rand some ‘oles some cof pk uct many “there ch i There ara many og. 5 Food and drink yogurt, fench fies soda, apple juice p. 62 chopsticks p67 Svores and shopping. some milk p65 10 Bigger and better! ‘Comparatives and superlatives ‘City and country adjectives page 70 “The country tcheaper than the ci, p. 70 dirty, noisy Claridge’ i he most expensive hotel. p. 72 exciting, safe p70 City and country nouns ‘woul, museum p76 LL Looking good! Present Continuous Clothes page 78 Tin wearing jens That, coat, shirt p. 78 Who i smiling? p. 78 Whose sit? Whose jackets thi? p. 80 Possessive pronouns ‘mine, yours, hers p. 80 Describing people ‘blonde hair, blue eyes p78 ‘Words that rhyme a sad; laugh, half p84 Phonetic symbols vowels and diphthongs p. 84 “Tongue twisters p. 84 12. Life’s an adventure! age 86 going to Tt going t bea ballet dancer. p.86 Infinitive of purpose Pn going fo France 10 see the Bifel Tower. p. 88 Verbs ‘sneeze, jump, fall. 88 ‘The weather ‘nny, cloudy Whar’ the weather like? p.9% ESET ee 13. You're pretty smart! age 94 Question forms Wy... ? How many Which. ? p. 9 Adverbs and adjectives ‘quik, quiekl, good, well p.96 How much. ? Describing feelings ‘bored, worried p-97 14 Have you ever? page 102 Stop and check 4 Present Perfect everand never “Have you ever been to Tokyo? Te never ben to Australia. 102 vyetand just Wie haven't Been there yet ‘They've just visited Chinatown. p. 104 Present Perfect and Past Simple ‘Min’ bee to Seoul ‘She went shere two years ago. p. 103 ea Past participles ‘cooked, eaten, sade p. 103 tthe airport departure lounge check in p. 108 Skills work Reading and listening ‘Three inventors 58 Speaking Tineredible information p58 Listening and speaking “low did yon two meet? p. 60 Borer e What's the date? the fourth of July p. 6 COE eeen ee) Linking words Because, when, until WB p. 43 Deseribing an old friend WB p. 43 stening and speaking My favorit food 8 Reading and speaking round the world ‘Mean your countey p. 66 Polite requests Could you pass the sale? Could have a lass of water? Gan you give me the recipe? Can I s26 the menu? p.69 Foemal lotters 2 ‘eter o-a hotel WB p. 49 ‘Speaking Maria the youngest. p.73 Reading and speaking "Thuee musical cities— New Orleans, Vienna, Liveepoo! alking about your town p74 Directions 2 ‘ou of the garage ‘ver the bridge p. 7 Linking words which, where WB p. 54 ‘Writing about your capital city WB p. 54 Listening and speaking Ina clothing sore Linking words ‘Who's atthe party? p. 80 Whar eolr are you looking for? although, but WB p. 60 A song—"What a Wonderful World! p. 82 Gan ivy eon? p85 Describing people WB p. 60 ‘Reading and speaking “Making suggestions ‘Writing a postcard WB p. 66 Dangerous sports ‘What sould we do today? Interviews with people who do dangerous Le’ 30 0 the beach! p98 sports p.90 tte EE viata ‘The tale of horribly good Bertha p. 98 Catching a train ‘A round-trip tikes please. p10) Adverbs happy, happily WB p.71 ‘Writing a story ‘Once upon atime WB p.71 Speaking ‘Thing: you have done p. 102 Reading and speaking Tov to live to be 100 p, 106 Listening ‘A song—"Leaving on a Jet Plane” p. 108, ‘tthe airport check in your luggage go gered p. 109) ‘A thank you lener WB p.76 vii Hello everybody! Ee ee ee ed STARTER [> 1 Say your names. 2 ina) 2. Stand up in alphabetical order and say your names INTRODUCTIONS am/is/are, my/your 1 Read and listen. ‘A. Hello. My name’s Paula. What's your name? B Rosa. ‘A. Where are you from, Rosa? B I'm from Chicago, Listen and repeat, Cina sous 2 Unit + Hello everybody! 2 Write the conversation. ‘A Hello. My, Gordon. What's name? B Jun. A are you from, fun? B from Seoul, South Korea. Where you from? A = ‘Toronto, Canada isten and check. 3. Stand up! Talk to the students in the class. Hillo! My name's What's your name? Where are you from, Maria? ; Countries, his/her 4 Listen and repeat. ee. oe Goo ] the US. England Brat Mexico Australia France Russia Japan Canada Korea Taiwan fraly 5. Read about the people. he’ =he is This is Yaling. she's = she is He’s from Mexico, She's from Taiwan. theyre = they are Unit 1 + Hello everybody! 3 6 Where are the people from? Write the countries from Exercise 4. This is Tomoko. ‘She's from Japan. This is Richard. This is Jun. This is Pierre. 7 Ask and answer questions about the people. ‘Use he/his and she/her. SS UE es ‘Complete the chart with am, fs, and are. Where's he from? He D> Gramm ok A” Unit 1 + Hello everybody! PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Ask and answer questions with a partner about the students in your class. 2 Introduce your partner to the class. ‘This is Jun. She's from Seoul South Korea. Listening and pronun 3 Listen and put a check (7) next to the sentence you hear. 1. Ly She's from Taiwan. 1 He's from Taiwan. 2. C1 What's her name? (0 What's his name? 3. Ol They're from Brazil. DD They're in Brazil. 4, CO Where's she from? C Where's he from? 5. O) He’sa teacher in Italy. 1 His teacher in Italy. Check it 4 Complete the sentences with am, is are, his, hers or your, 1. Myname ie Anna. 2. Where you from? HL from Japan. 4. “What's name?” “My name’s “Tomoko.” 5. Max and Lisa from Chicago. 6. This my teacher. name's Gordon. 7. Where he from? 8. This is my sister name's Anna. Reading and writing 5 Read about Rafael and listen. My name's Rafael Ramos and I'm a doctor. tm 30. 'm married and have two children. Live in a house in Toluca in Mexico. | want to learn English for my job. My name's Yaling Chen and I'm a student. eae Ni not married. | have one and two brothers. t inan it’s an international Listen and check. 7 Write about you. Then read it to the class. Unit 1 + Hello everybody! $ VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Everyday objects 1 Listen to the alphabet song, Say the alphabet as a class. 2 Look at this extract from an “eng lsh/gpaniah aletonarye the word in English ‘the part of speech (a. = noun) Se of. V 1. manzana . apple /’ the pronunciation the word in Spanish 3. Match the words and pictures. # astamp camera magazine | adictionary abag aticket a newspaper akey letter a postcard an apple an orange Listen and repeat. 4 Ask and answer questions with @ partner. 5 Look at the words. What are a, ¢, i, 0, and 1? ‘When do we use a? When do we use ar? abag an apple ; diate inenehook 6 Look at the plural words. coasting ta pps tetas Say the plurals of the other words in Exercise 3. a 6 Unit + Hello everybody! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Telephone numbers / Hello and good-bye 1. Say the numbers 1-20 around the class. 2 Read and listen to the telephone numbers. 726-9304 sevenitwo six nine three oh four 919-677-1303 nine one nine sixseven seven one three oh three 1-800-445-9714 one eight hundred four four five nine seven one four 3 GERD Listen and write the numbers you hear. Practice them. — ee 2 4 6 4 Ask and answer with other students, Write a list, 5. Write the conversations in the correct order. 1, Pretty good, thanks. 2. Good-bye, Michael. ). Just fine. How are the children? Hello, Marty Freeman, 1s 7:00 OK with you, Bianca? Not bad, thanks. How are you? Tm fine, thanks. And you? OK, See you then, Good-bye. Hello? Hi, Marty. I's Jane. How are you? | Yes. 7:00 is fine They're fine. ‘A. Hello. Marty Era ie Hi, Flora! It's me, Leo. How are you? B B A i A B B B A B A Listen and check. 6 Practice the conversations with other students. Practice again, using your name and number. Unit 1 + Hello everybody! 7 Meeting people ee STARTER > 1 Count from 1-20 around the class. 2 Count in 10s from 10-100 around the class. ten, twenty, thirty hundred. 3 How old are you? Ask and answer in groups. WHO IS SHE? Questions and negatives PERSONAL |[ustmmn anzerson __ DERity CARD. |rimstwawe KEESHA __ ———— 1 Read Keesha Anderson's identity card. THE UNITED STATES| 2. Complete the questions, a JOURNALIST —_ 1. What's _her_ last name? Anderson. sovmess 71 GAMVON DRIVE 2 her first name? Keesha. LOS ANGELES, CA 3. she from? ‘The United States. Prone NuMmen (3/0) 440-7505 4 job? She's a journalist. 5. What's 2 71 Canyon Drive, Los Angeles, California, 6. phone (310) 440-7305. number? 7. How old 2 Twenty-eight. 8. Isshe No, she isn't. Listen and check. Practice the questions USTIMOHE ANDERSON and answers. RST Nae 3 Keesha has a brother. Listen and complete his identity card. Ask and answer questions with a partner about Keesha's brother. cram) 8 Unit? + Meeting people Negatives and short answers 4 Read and listen. Then listen and repeat. ‘Ask and answer Yes/No questions about Keesha, 1, a doctor? a teacher? a journalist? 2, eighteen? twenty-one? twenty-eight? 5 Ask and answer questions about Keesha’s brother 1. Peter? Daniel? Rick? 2, ajournalist? a student? a police officer? 3, sixteen? thirty? twenty-six? Cienusacnn Complete the answers to the Yes/No questions. Is Keesha American? Yes, she Is her last name Smith? No,it__. Are you a journalist? No, 'm Look at the negatives. She isn’t married. You aren't English But: 'm not a teacher X |amefta teacher D> Grammar Reference 21 p. 135 PRACTICE Who is he? 1 Student A Look at this identity card. Student B Look at the identity card on page 110. ‘Ask and answer questions to complete the information. Tena e LAST NAME PHONE NUMBER 1232-4837 ‘MARRIED? YES. aoe 2 Ask and answer Yes/No questions about Patrick. 1. Smith? Jones? Binchey? 2, from the United States? from Canada? from Ireland? 3. a police officer? a teacher? an accountant? Talking about you 3. Ask your teacher some questions. Are you married? 4 Stand up! Ask two students questions to complete the form, Answer questions about you. il Tell the class about one of the students. Unit 2 + Meeting people 9 PATRICK’S FAMILY Possessive ’s 1. Write these words in the correct place. brother father daughter wife aunt grandmother {Gn = ee] 4 girlfriend mother sister | 2 Read about Patrick Binchey and listen, Write the names of the people in the correct place. This is a photo of Patrick, his wife, and his children. His wife's name is Brenda, She's a teacher, His daughter's name is Laura. She's twenty-one and she’s a nurse. His son's name is Brian, He's nineteen and he's a student. Laura's boyfriend's name is Mike. He's a nurse, too. wr onre 3 Ask and answer questions about Patrick’s family. Enna Who's Brenda? Cae She'sa teacher: She's = She is. His wife's name: His wifes name = her name 's= possession 2. Find other examples in the text of possessive ’s and ’ >> Grammar Reference 2.2 p. 135 10 Unit 2 + Meeting people PRACTICE You and your family 1 Ask your teacher questions about the people in his/her family. What's your 2. Write the names of people in your family. Ask and answer questions with a partner. Roberto Siloia Maria Fernando Amelia Ask a partner questions about his/her family. = aes i ‘She's my cunt She’ my mother’s sister. 3. Make true sentences with the verb to be. 1. Timnot at home. 2. We in class. 3. It___ Monday today. 4, My teacher's name John. 5. My mother and father at work. 61 married. 7. My grandmother seventy-five years old. 8. Marcos and Carlos my brothers. 9. We___ in the coffee bar. We in the classroom. Check it 4 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. 1. O Tma doctor 5. LI She married O I'm doctor. CO She's married. 2. C Thave twenty-nine years old. 6. 0 I'man uncle, Ci Tam twenty-nine years old. = 'maunde. 3. D1 Ino married. 7. © Ihave two brother, LD I'm not married 1 Thave two brothers. 4D] Mysister’s name is Laura. 8, C) Patrick’s my sister son's 1 My sisters name is Laura, i Patrick's my sister's son. Unit 2 + Meeting people 11 v VOCABULARY Opposites 1 Match the adjectives with their opposites. old awl big a | old exy young new sifficult fast cheap nice cold hot slow expensive small 2 Write about the pictures, using the adjectives. a Listen and check, Practice saying the sentences. Unit 2 + Meeting people READING AND LISTENING A letter from America 1 Dorita is an English student at a school in New York City. Read and listen to her letter to Miguel, her brother in Argentina, 2 Match each photograph with part of the letter. 3 Correct the false (X) sentences, 1. Dorita is from Argentina. / . She's in Miami. X No, she tent. She's in Now York. . Dorita’s happy in New York. |. She's on vacation, 5. Isa very big class. ‘The students in her class are all from South, America, 7. Annie and Marnie are both students. 8. The subway is easy to use. 4 Write the questions about Dorita’s letter. 1. Where's Dorita from : Argentina. i. Japan, Brazil, Italy, 3 Isabel. 4 z They are sisters. They live with Dorita, S, 2 Annie’s twenty and Marnie’s eighteen, 6. New York. Yes, itis. 5 Listen to three conversations. Where is Dorita? Who is she with? an, Mexico, and Russi Writing 6 Write a letter about your class, Gl Gbth Street Sunnyside, New York 1104 February 2 Dear miguel, How are you? I'm fine. Here's a Letter in English. T's good practice for you and rne! Thave classes in English at La Guardia Community College. Tim in a class with eight students, They're all from different countries: Japan, Brazil, Ttaly, Taiwan, Mexico, and Russia. Our teacher's name is Isabel. She's very nice and a very good teacher. L live in an apartment with two American girls, Annie. and Marnie Kass. They are sisters. Annie's twenty yeare old and a dancer: Marnie’s eighteen and a student. They're very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They Speak very fast! New York ie very big and very exciting, but: very expensive! The Subway isn’t hard to use and its cheap. It’s very cold now, but Central Park is beautiful inthe snow. Tm very happy here. Write t me soon EVERYDAY ENGLISH Ina cafe 1s Read and listen to the prices. $100 one dollar / adollar $10.75 ten dollars and seventy-five cents / ten seventy-five $5.00 five dollars 5750 seven dollars and fifty cents / seven-fifty 506 Fitty cents a ‘Write the prices you hear. Practice saying them, 1 $880 3. 5. ae 6. 2 Read the menu. Match the food and pictures. eee Menu +e? Hamburger and Fries Grilled Chicken Sandwich Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich Tuna Salad Sandwich Brownie Chocolate Chip Cookie Coffee Tea Orange Juice Bottled Water ees | 4 Unit2 » Meeting people 3 GERD Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer questions with a partner. (How much is a hamburger and fries and an orange juice?) How much isa Ce eae ae) and fries? Four dollars and seventy Generis) cents, C= ae aS “& 4 Listen and complete the conversations. Good morning, Good Can Thave Sure, Anything else? No thanks. A dollar please. Here you go. ‘Thank you. 5. Practice the conversations with your partner. ‘Make more conversations. Hi. Can Thelp you? ‘Yes. Can Lhave a sandwich, please? Anything to drink? Yeah A » please, OK. Here you are. isthat? please, OK. Thanks. Unit 2 + Meeting people 15 6 The world of work eee eed Ed STARTER > ‘What are the jobs of the people in your family? Tell the class. THREE JOBS Present Simple he/she/it 1 Listen and read about David and Pam. David is a computer scientist. He comes from Taipel in Taiwan, but now he lives in the United States, He works three days a week for Golden Gate Computers in the small town of Lake Forest, California. He speaks three languages: Chinese, English, and Japanese. He’s married and has a daughter. He likes playing tennis, and riding his bicycle in his free time. David Lee Unit 3 + The world of work Pam is a doctor. She's Canadian but now she lives in Nairobi, Kenya, in East Africa. She isn’t an ordinary doctor—she’s a flying doctor. Every ay, from 8 4. to 10 A.w. she speaks to people on her radio, then she flies to help them. She works 16 hours a day nonstop but she loves her job. She isn’t married. She has no free time. Pam Green CON Cizo 1. Underline all the verbs in the texts. is comes 2. What is the last letter of these verbs? 3. Practice saying the verbs. Read the texts aloud. 2 Complete the sentences about David and Pam. 1. He's a computer scientist. Shes a__ doctor. 2, David comes from Taiwan. Pam Canada. 3. She lives in a big city, but he __ina town. 4. He three days ‘week, She 16 hours a day 5. She____ to sick people on her radio. He three languages. 6. She loves her job and he + too. 7. He daughter. She married, 8. He playing tennis and riding his in his free time. She never Listen and check, PRACTICE Talking about people 1. Read the information about Fernando. rail Fortaleza allover Fortaleza Portuguese and & ite English No dog () ‘walking his dos, playing soccer 2 Talk about Fernando. =s ae) z=) Nt N 3. Write about a friend or a relative. Talk to partner about him/her. My friend Anna ic a student. She lives in ... Unit3 » The world of work 17 WHAT DOES SHE DO? Questions and negatives 1 Read and listen. Complete the answers. Practice the questions and answers, Where does David come from? Taipei, __ Taiwan. What does he do? He’s__ computer scientist Does he speak Chinese? ___, he does. Does he speak Spanish? he doesn't 1. What does she/he do? = hat’ her/his job? 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of Affirmative He ____ from Taiwan. Negative He from Japan, Question Where____he__from? 3. Notice the pronunciation of does and doesn't. doa fdsa} 'dxznt/ Does he speak Chinese? Yes he does./No, he doesn't. Grammar Reference 31 p. 136 2 Complete the questions and answers. 1. Where Pam from? Canada. 2. What she She's a doctor, ______ she fly to help people? Yes, she 4 she (Chinese and Japanese? No, she a Listen and check, 3. Write similar questions about Fernando the taxi driver, Ask and answer with a partner, Where does Fernando come fo 18 Unit3 + The world of work PRACTICE Asking about people 1 Read the information about Keiko or Mark. Keiko Wilson Job ‘an interpreter country Japan Town New york. Place of work at the United Nations Languages Japanese, English, ‘end French Family married to an American, two sons Freetime skiing 3. Write questions about Keiko or Mark. » Where/come from? Where does Keiko come trom? + Where/live? = What/do? + Where/work? + Does he/she speak French/Spanish ...? + What... in is/her free time? + <--listen to music? + How many children ...2 + ...a dog? 4 Don't look at the information. Ask and answer questions with your partner. 5. Now ask your partner the same questions about a friend or relative, tening and pronunciation 6 Listen to the sentences about Fernando, Keiko, and Mark. Correct the wrong sentences ‘Fernando comes from Brazil. Gzzz) Fernando lives in New York. No, he doesr’t, He lives in Fortaleza, 7 Put a check (7) next to the sentence you hear. 1. Dl He likes his job. She likes her job. 2. 1 She loves walking. © She loves working, 3. O He's married. 1 He isn’t married, 4, C) Does she have three children? Gi Does he have three children? 5. 2 What does he do? Tl Where does he go? Job a journalist for Check Coury oe 8 Puta check (7) next to the correct sentence. ean 1. Ey She comes from Japan. 5. Ll Does she has two sons? Pol Gone CO 5 7 Se some fom pe. 5 Doss she have two sons? ilangusgee') engisti maser: hat he do in his free time? 6. Dl He doesn't play soccer Au ieee | 1 What does he do in his free time? 1 He no plays soccer. Family mattied, three 3. C1 Where lives she? 7. 2 She doesn’t love Peter. aughters 1 Where does she live? © She doesn’t loves Peter. Free time playing tennis 4. Cy He isn’t married. 8. © What's he’s address? 1 He doesn’t married, Ol What's his address? Unit 3 + The world of work 19 READING AND LISTENING Seamus McSporran—the man with thirteen jobs! Seamus MeSporran /"Je1mas mak'sparan/ comes fiom Scotland. Look at the photographs of some of the things he does every day. The man with thirteen jobs 2. Match a sentence to a photograph. |. He helps in the shop, He makes breakfast for the hotel guests. . He pumps gas. . He delivers beer to the pub. . He gets the mail from the boat. He drives the children to school. He delivers the mail. He has a glass of wine. He works as an undertaker: Szamus McCSPoORRAN is a very busy man, He is 60 years old and he has 13 jobs. He is a mail cartier, a police officer, a fire fighter, a taxi driver, a schoolbus driver, a boatman, an ambulance driver, an accountant, a gas station attendant, a bartender, and an undertaker, Also, be and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel. Seamus lives and works on the island of Gigha /‘giya/ in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on the island bur in the summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. ry weekday Seamus gets up at 6:00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8:00 he drives the island’s children to school. At 9:00 he gets the mail from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop. He says: “Margaret likes being, busy, too. We never take vacations and we don’t like watching television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I pay the bills. At 10:00 we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps one life isn’t very exciting, but we like it.” 3. Read about Seamus. Answer the questions. 1. Where does Seamus live? How old is he? . How many jobs does he have? . What’ his wife's name? ‘What does she do? 5. How many people live on How many tourists visit Gigha in the summer? ‘What does Seamus do in the morning? 9. What do he and Margaret do in the evening? he island of Gigha? 4 Look at the photographs. Ask and answer questions with a partner abont times in Seamus’s day. What does he do at 6 o'clock? He gets up and makes breakfast. 5 Listen to four conversations from Seanmus’s day. After each one answer these questions. 1, Isit morning, afternoon, or evening? 2. Who are the people? Whete are they? 3. What is Seamus’s job? 6 Complete the conversations. 1. A Good -Can I please? B Chocolate or vanilla? ‘A One chocolate, one vanilla, please. two ice creams, B That's £1.80, Anything 2 A No, thank you. 2. A Only letters for you this. » Mrs. Craig, B Thank you very much, Mr. MeSporran, And Mrs. MeSporran this 2 A. Ob, she’s very well, thank you, She's in the shop. 3. A A glass off before bed, my dear? B Oh, yes please. A you are, B Thank you, my dear. 'm very this 4, A Hello, Mr. MeSporran! B Good » boys and girls, Hurry up, we're late ‘A Can I sit here, Mr. MeSporran? € No,no,1 to sit there, B Be quiet of you, and SIT DOWN! Practice the conversations with your partner. Unit 3 + The world of work 21 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Jobs 1. Use your dictionary and match a picture with a job in Column A. A 8 a. Apilot designs buildings b. An interpreter cooks food. © Anurse takes care of people in the hospital. 4. Abartender takes care of people's money. e An accountant \writes for a newspaper. f. Ajournalist translates things g Achef sells things. h. Anarchitect flies planes. ik Asales assistant serves drinks 2. Match a job in A with a line in B. 3. Memorize the jobs. Close your books. Ask and answer questions with a partner. What does a pilot do? ‘He/She flies planes. 22 Unit3 + The world of work

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