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Lorainne Judel A.

BSED English -1B

Reflect on the story above. As a future teacher, how can you greatly influence the
life and development of your student? Write your answer 7-10 sentences only.

As a future teacher, I can greatly influence the life and development of my student
by having a strong relationship between them because I believed that if you want to be a
great educator, you must be connected and committed to them inside and outside of the
classroom. In a way of having an effective conversations to identify their strength and
interest that can be utilize to structure lessons to motivate, inspire, and challenge them to
do better. Educators are able to affect virtually on every aspect of the students’ lives,
teaching them the important life lessons that will help them succeed beyond school works
and examinations. But for this to be effective, I should be passionate and love teaching,
because a teacher who does not enjoy and love their job cannot be effective at all.

On the other hand, it is not easy to please everyone, so I need to have a long
patience and a strong positive mind-set to try out new ways to help them to reach their
goals in life. To sum it up, a great teacher always has compassion for their students,
understanding of their students’ personal lives, and appreciation for every success.
Teachers are role models for children to be positive, always try harder, and reach for the

If you were to provide a title of the story what would it be? why?
If I were be the one to provide a title for the story this would be “The Indelible
Memories”, because when we say indelible it means not able to be forgotten or removed.
As do we all know from the story, it tells that Teddy never forgotten his teacher Mrs.
Thompson from the moment they started to know each other until he got married. Though
the story started in a way were Mrs. Thompson misjudged Teddy, they became an
instrument for each other to grow or make a difference and start to create a great

Teachers should never minimize the role they play in influencing students’ lives.
Hopefully, that role will be positive, possessing the qualities of a “charismatic adult” who
not only touches students’ minds but also their spirits which the way they see and feel
about themselves for the rest of their lives. Such influence is truly a rare privilege that
should be prized and nurtured.

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