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progress test

Unit 3
Grammar 3 Rewrite these sentences as questions.
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the 1 We have to buy our own books at school.
box. _________________________________
is are any a aren’t isn’t 2 He has to work until 7.30 p.m.
1 There _______ five English teachers at our
school. 3 My friends have to go home before I do.
2 _______ there a computer in your classroom? _________________________________
3 There _______ a DVD player in room 2. Use 4 My sister has to study French at her school.
room 5. _________________________________
4 There _______ any students in the canteen. 5 I have to go shopping with my mum every
5 Are there _______ English books in the library? week.
6 There’s _______ dictionary on the shelf in the _________________________________
classroom. 6 We have to speak English in our English
Mark /6 classes.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 7 My baby brother has to sleep every afternoon.
have to.
1 I _______ do homework every day, only on
Mark /7
Mondays and Tuesdays.
2 Our swimming coach is very hard! We _______
train for three hours every Saturday morning. Vocabulary
3 My brother _______ come home before 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
11.00 p.m. but I do! box.
4 When they’re seventeen, English students only I.C.T. biology geography history P.E.
_______ study three subjects. They’re lucky!
1 In _______ we learn about the past.
5 We haven’t got a car and my dad _______ go
to work by bus. 2 In _______ we learn about computers.
6 We _______ wear a uniform at our school. I 3 In _______ we learn different sports.
usually wear a sweatshirt and jeans. 4 In _______ we learn about different countries.
7 I _______ clean my bedroom every Saturday. 5 In _______ we learn about the human body.
Mark /7 Mark /5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Solutions Elementary Tests      

progress test

Unit 3
5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Reading
1 There’s a poster about the new club _______ 7 Read the text.
the noticeboard.
A in B on C under
Home school: a good
2 There’s your homework! It’s _______ the
dictionary. thing or a bad thing?
A between B opposite C under Some children don’t go to school. Well, they
don’t learn in a classroom with a lot of other
3 Look at Miss Browne’s new car! It’s in the car children; they stay at home and study with their
park _______ Mr Bank’s Toyota. mum or dad. They don’t learn at home because
A under B next to C on they have to, but because some parents think
their children don’t learn enough at normal
4 There’s a bus stop in our road. It’s _______
the shop.
‘School isn’t good for my son,’ says Miranda
A in front of B between C behind Peeler, who teaches her son, Ben, at home. ‘Ben
5 There’s a park _______ our house. You can doesn’t work in class. He plays with his friends
walk there in five minutes. all the time and he doesn’t listen to the teacher.
There are 30 children in his class, and it’s difficult
A next to B near C in front of
for the teacher to teach ALL of them. Now I
Mark /5 teach him at home. He learns all the important
subjects and he does a lot of work. He has to;
he’s the only one in the class! We study on
Listening the computer too. At school there is only one
6 ≤1.03  Listen to the interviews. Complete the computer for all the children in the class. Ben
sentences with the words in the box. likes home school. He’s a clever boy and he
wants to learn. Here he can do that.’
computers the canteen the teachers
the buildings the uniform Brenda Masters is a teacher. She doesn’t think
it’s a good idea. ‘Yes, children learn a lot at home
1 Speaker 1 talks about _______. school. But they don’t play with their friends.
They don’t learn how to work in a group. Work
2 Speaker 2 talks about _______. is important but play is important too. Friends
3 Speaker 3 talks about _______. are important. Sport is important. School is
4 Speaker 4 talks about _______.
5 Speaker 5 talks about _______.
8 Choose the best answers.
Mark /10
1 A lot of children study at home because
A their parents want to teach them at home.
B t he teachers don’t want the children at
2 Ben’s mother thinks
 en doesn’t study important subjects at
B the classes are very big.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Solutions Elementary Tests      

progress test

Unit 3
3 At Ben’s school
A there are some computers.
B the children don’t use computers.
4 Brenda thinks
A parents aren’t good teachers.
B children have to work and play.
5 Brenda thinks that home school is
A a good thing.
B a bad thing.
Mark /10

9 Imagine you are a student at your dream school.
Prepare a description of the school for a new
student. Include three of these points:
• lessons and lesson times
• breaks
• canteen and other facilities
• after-school activities
Mark /10

Total /60

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Solutions Elementary Tests      

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