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Simple Present Tense
25 Questions

1. My father ..... his car during the weekends.

a) wash b) washes
c) washing d) washed

2. Sarah and Jacky ..... to school every day.

a) goes b) go

c) went d) going

3. He always ..... a book before sleep.

a) read b) reads

c) reading d) has read

4. Mother ..... delicious meals for lunch.

a) cooks b) cook

c) cooking d) cooked

5. She ..… not work because she has u.

a) is b) does

c) do d) be

6. My father ..… tea every morning.

a) drinks b) drinking

c) drink d) is

7. Gina wins the speech competition. It … amazing.

a) is b) do
c) does d) are
8. My brother rides a bike to school ..…

a) every day b) last week

c) next day d) yesterday

9. I and my friends ….. in library. We read some books.

a) am b) is

c) have d) are

10. Aleena ….. a song every night.

a) sing b) is

c) do d) sings

11. I ..... at the police o ce. (work)

12. Change into negative form (doesn't/don't).
Natcha ..... me. (not remember)

13. Laura ..... a beautiful girl. (be)

a) is b) are
c) am d) was

14. Add -s/-es

Zian ..... English very well. (speak)

15. Add -s/-es

Plants ..... water and sunlight to make their food. (need)

16. Make this sentences into negative!

My cat eats chicken.

17. Make this sentences into negative!

They speak Japanese.
18. Ozan .... basketball once a week.

a) play b) plays

c) playing d) played

19. Arnold and Kevin ..... four times a month.

a) swims b) swim

c) swimming d) swam

20. Dora rarely ..... the country.

a) left b) leaving
c) leaves d) leave

21. What is the formula of NEGATIVE FORM in simple present


a) S + do/does + not + Verb + Object b) S + Verb + Object

c) S + do/does + Verb + Object d) S + Verb + not + Object

22. The synonym of seldom is .....

a) sometimes b) rarely

c) usually d) never
23. The word below shows about simple present tense, except

a) Fact b) Daily activity

c) Fixed schedule d) Past event

24. Vian, Vino and Vano ..... football match.

a) are b) watch

c) watches d) watching

25. Nami is a student. She ..... at the school.

a) studying b) studies

c) study d) studied

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