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Determine Modulus of Elasticity of Different Materials


 To determine modulus of elasticity of stainless steel and different materials and drawing shear force and
bending moment diagram for each case
 To investigate the relation between load ,span, width ,height and deflection of beam place on two bearers
and affected by concentrated load at the center

 It is a measure of the stiffness of a material.
 Based on the experiment, the length of the deflection is proportional to the amount of the loads that
are loaded on the surface of the beams (more the loads are added to the beams the deflection of the
beams will also increase)
The Modulus of elasticity, E, which is also commonly known as Youngs’ Modulus of Elasticity, is the ratio of normal
stress to corresponding strain (Ϭ/ἐ) for compressive or tensile stresses below proportional limit.. It is measure of
material stiffness or tendency to deform under load.

The Beam Apparatus: It allows an extensive range of experiments to cover virtually all course requirements
relating to bending of beams. The basic unit provides facilities for supporting beams on simple, built-in and sinking
supports, applying point loads, and measuring support reactions and beam deflections. Three test specimen of
different materials are available in the lab

 Measure the dimensions of beam (b and d), attach it with Beam Apparatus.
 Fix the support to have the desired span length and measure the span (L) accurately.
 Fix the deflection gauge at the mid span of the beam, (ensure gauge is placed accurately at mid-span). Apply the load on the
beam by placing it on the hook provided with the apparatus for the purpose.
 Note the deflection of the beam with the help of Deflection Gauge.
 Apply the load with increments and note down the deflection for each load.
 Plot a graph between Load and Defection.
Observations and Calculations:

 Based on the experiment, we used two types of materials which are brass and steel and in both of the
conditions are with the loads mounted on the middle of the test specimens.
 There is always a gravity force acting towards the Earth. Therefore, there is a force acting downwards
which is applied on the surface of the beam. This force causes the beam to deflect and gives readings to the
dial gauge. However, there is always a resisting force acting against the gravitational force. It is caused by
the stiffness of the materials that apply a reaction force back to the downward force as an action of
resistance to the deflection which is called the Young Modulus.

Material Loa R1 R2
Deflections d
. E=PL3/48⧍I
⧍ (mm) (P)
1. 0.99 5 231 2.5 2.5
2. 1.26 7 231 3.5 3.5
3. Stainles 1.64 9 228 4.5 4.5
s Steel
4 2.61 14 223 7 7
5 3.03 16 219 8 8

Graph between load & Deflection

Deflection (mm)

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Load (N)
 The length of deflection is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force that applied on the surface of
the beams, whether the ends of the beam are fixed or both of the ends are simply supported
 more the loads are added to the beams the deflection of the beams will also increase)
 The deflection of a beam depends on its length, its cross-sectional shape, the material, where the force is
applied to it, and how the beam is supported.
 Different clamping length will give a different deflection with the same load applied. The longer clamping
length will give a larger deflection to the beams(the length of the beams is inversely proportional to the
Young’s modulus)

Some precautions that should be taken during the experiments in order to avoid the errors occurred. The zero
errors could be avoided by adjusting the initial reading of vernier calliper and the dial gauge used to zero. Besides
that, the loads hanger should be hung in the middle of the beams so that there is less errors in the readings.
Thirdly, we have to prevent parallax errors while taking the readings in the dial gauge and the vernier calliper in
order to get better results

 helpful that what does Youngs modulus tell you about a material by an understanding of the concepts of
stress and strain by measuring the modulus of elasticity of stainless steel

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