How To Know Proper Gestures of Synaptics Touch Pad: User Guide

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How to know proper gestures of

Synaptics touch pad

User Guide

Prepared by MSI NB FAE Team | Version: 1.0 | Date: 2014/12/10
How to know proper gestures of Synaptics touch pad?

Please follow these steps to find the demostration videos:

1. Right-click the icon of the touch pad in System Tray and select “Pointing Device
Properties” to open the window “Mouse Properties”.

2. Select the “Device Settings” page and then select “Settings…”.

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3. In the “Properties for Synaptics TouchPad V7.5 on PS/2 Port” window (the version
may vary according to the driver you installed), there are several items listed in the
left window.

4. Click any plus button to expand the branch of the item and then click the sub-items
to show the settings in the right part of the window. Some sub-items provide “Show
Video” buttons for you to see the demo videos for corresponding gestures, such as:
One-Finger Scrolling

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Two-Finger Scrolling

Pinch Zoom

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Three-Finger Press

Three-Finger Flick

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5. Click them to open another video window for corresponding property. Then you can
know how to properly set up your Synaptics touch pad. Press the stop button to
close the window of this video.


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