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Watch the video clip titled: The Magicians Twin: CS Lewis and the Case against Scientism.

Reflect on the

notions of development that may evolve into scientism. Answer the guide questions for reflection. Be

ready to share your insights in class.

1. What is scientism?

- According to Historian Richard G. Olson, he defines scientism as “efforts to extend scientific ideas,
methods, practices, and attitudes to matters of human social and political concern.” It is the treatment
of science as a religion so that those who follow this way of thinking are not skeptical of ideas put forth
by scientists, or as he explains it, they are only skeptical of ideas they have no faith in. No biblical basis,
no superstitions no opinions.

2. How is science comparable to magic?

- These two concepts are always contrary to each other, When Science can not explain something that is
magic, when Magic seems illogical that is science. They’re actually closer than most people might think.
Among the similarities:

o Both are disciplines that seek to understand how the world works.
o Both are motivated by our desire, to at least some extent, to impose our will on the world.
o Both involve experimentation, at least to some extent.
o Both involve the search for general principles that can apply to specific situations.

3. Why is science more dangerous than magic?

- Science could be dangerous if people will misuse it. Through science, a lot of inventions can be made.
Some are harmful and some are useful. Because of Science, weapons are created (nuclear, biological
etc.). Because of Science the world is depleting and being damaged. Science should be handled correctly
for the common good of all people.

4. What is the presented essence of modernity and its consequence?

- Our being era today is modern due to scientific technological advances. Through those technological
advancements, life became easier. One example is by using the internet, through the internet, we get to
know new things, explore new hobbies and advance our knowledge.

For the consequences, it would depend on how people would use science, either for advancements or
for the good of the people or if science is used to harm, there will be a lot of consequence that we have
to face.

5. What do we need for the sciences to be good?

- Science should be used for the common good and should not be abused to make innovations that are
harmful to the mankind and environment. Nowadays, we are being exposed to the consequences that
science research has brought towards us. We have witnessed, drone attacks, missile attacks there are
rumors of biological warfare and those are just some of the bad usage of science. Other consequence
we are facing are pollution, climate changes, and the depleting of our natural resources for the sake of
research an human consumption that was discovered through science.
6. Relate the video in our current situation (pandemic). How science, tech and innovation can help

beyond the pandemic?

- The coronavirus pandemic has compelled leaders, policymakers and everyday people to think
carefully about what makes healthy and resilient communities. At the same time, it has
prompted a rethink of how to address other pre-pandemic catastrophes, such as climate
change, food insecurity and social inequality. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, scientists in many
countries have largely collaborated under the principle of ‘open science’ – where knowledge,
methods, data and evidence are made freely available and accessible to everyone. Collaborative
arrangements of open science, especially the mapping of the virus’s genome, helped in the
development of the COVID-19 vaccines being administered in various countries.

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