Perancangan Eksperimen Week 3

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Lecture : Lithrone L S.,S.T.,M.T.

Practical Interpretation Of Result
Using Multiple Comparison Test
• Pairwise Comparison Test
• LSD Test
• Duncan Test
• Tukey Test
• Dunnet Test
Metode Least Significance Difference (LSD)
Contoh Kasus
(Lihat Week 2 kasus 1 ANOVA)
• Consider an investigation into the formulation of a new “synthetic” fiber that
will be used to make cloth for shirts
• The response variable is tensile strength
• The experimenter wants to determine the “best” level of cotton (in wt %) to
combine with the synthetics
• Cotton content can vary between 10 – 40 wt %; some non-linearity in the
response is anticipated
• The experimenter chooses 5 levels of cotton “content”; 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35
wt %
• The experiment is replicated 5 times – runs made in random order

Contoh Kasus (con’t)

• Does changing the cotton

weight percent change the
mean tensile strength?
• Is there an optimum level for
cotton content?

ANOVA for Selected Factorial Model
Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares]
Sum of Mean F
Source Squares DF Square Value Prob > F
Model 475.76 4 118.94 14.76 < 0.0001
A 475.76 4 118.94 14.76 < 0.0001
Pure Error161.20 20 8.06
Cor Total 636.96 24

Std. Dev. 2.84 R-Squared 0.7469

Mean 15.04 Adj R-Squared 0.6963
C.V. 18.88 Pred R-Squared 0.6046
PRESS 251.88 Adeq Precision 9.294

How To Count LSD?
Duncan Multiple Range Test
Contoh Kasus :
How To Use Duncan Test?
Contoh Kasus
(Lihat Week 2 kasus 2 ANOVA)
• Seorang engineer tertarik untuk memastikan apakah penentuan radio frequency (RF)
mempengaruhi etch rate (gelombang/waktu). Ia telah melakukan sebuah percobaan
random dengan menggunakan empat level power RF dan 5 replikasi. Dengan hasil
percobaan sebagai berikut:

Ho = Tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata
H1 = Terdapat paling sedikit dua rata-rata yang tidak sama

Solution From Case Study 2

•Untuk = 0.05, Ftabel = F0.05, 3,16 = 3.24

•F0 > Ftabel
• Tolak Ho

Metode Tukey Test
Lihat Contoh Kasus 2
Carilah informasi tentang Dunnet Test Dan
Buatlah contoh kasus dan penyelesaiannya.

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