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Visual Inspection Procedures

Visual Inspection procedures
International Training
Phone: 888-778-9073 | Fax: 877-436-7096 | email:

© 2014, International Training

Notice of rights:
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information
on getting permission for reprints and excerpts, contact International Training.

Executive Editor: Brian Carney

Author: Don Kinney

Photography / Illustrations:
Don Kinney, James Welsh

Reviewers and Contributors:

Dennis Pulley, Shawn Harrison,
Sally McDonnell, Darnell Foskett, Amy Bruecks

Scuba Diving International®, Technical Diving International®, and Emergency
Response Diving International® are registered trademarks of International Training

ISBN: 978-1-61011-022-5
Product ID #: 410011-01

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Regulations................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 2: Hydrostatic Requalification................................................................................15

Chapter 3: Cylinder Inspection......................................................................................... ..... 23

Chapter 4: Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders..................................................31

Chapter 5: Cylinder Cleaning...................................................................................................53

Chapter 6: Valves..........................................................................................................................61

Chapter 7: Fill Station and Compressors..............................................................................71

Chapter 8: Safety......................................................................................................................... 83

Chapter 9: Records and Liabilities..........................................................................................93


This section will familiarize the reader with some of the

regulations applicable to high pressure cylinders.

Chapter 1

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

When persons think about inspecting cylinders they focus on dama-
ge, markings and safety. The cylinder inspector should understand the
regulations governing their industry. Simply looking at a cylinder and de-
ciding whether it is safe to remain in service may not be enough to protect
them from liability. The inspector must know which regulations govern their
inspections, what may happen in the case of an accident and how to protect
themselves in such a circumstance. This cylinder inspection program will
cover regulations which affect a person filling or inspecting high pressure
Using or filling high pressure cylinders comes with some risk. Containing
molecules in a tight minimally expansive cylinder can lead to dangerous or
catastrophic situations. Since a person using a high-pressure cylinder has a
need or purpose for that high-pressure cylinder, they must accept the fact
that something may occur, and to help prevent such an instance, need to
follow some basic safety procedures. Following safety protocols reduces the
risk of injury, not only to themselves but to others who may be affected by
an unsafe practice or other dangerous situation involving a high-pressure
What is compressed gas, and when does it become a hazardous material?
The U.S. government, in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR’s) , state that
a hazard exists when a cylinder contains over 29 (psig) /2 BAR when that
cylinder is maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees fahrenheit /20 degrees
celsius. The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) breaks it down into two
categories involving steel and aluminum cylinders. High pressure in an alu-
minum cylinder is defined as anything over 1800psi/124BAR. High pressure
in a steel cylinder is anything above 900PSI/62BAR.

Chapter 1

Most people feel that HAZMAT regulations do not apply to them. They
state things such as the regulations are only for the government or specific
facilities. Since they may be a small operator or believe that they have no
oversight from a governmental body, they do not need to follow regulations.
What those people do not realize is that if an accident occurs, and it is any-
where near another person or building, the effects of the damage will have
an impact on another person or entity.
The fact that the damage extends beyond an individual’s span of control
would dictate that the person had better protect themselves. Not only from
the repercussions of damage or injury to another person, but to the likely
lawsuit or court action which may follow. When a lawyer or insurance
company begins their investigation the facility should understand that the
investigators will be resourcing the written regulations applicable to high
pressure gases. If fault is found with the person who caused the accident
because of their negligence, they will try and hold them accountable.
Any business, facility or entity that employs people working with, using,
inspecting or filling high pressure cylinders should have systems in place
that ensures their people are following the proper safety protocols. Emplo-
yers or facilities that deal with high pressure cylinders may have internal
safety protocols. However, they must understand the regulations that govern
safe cylinder practices. Simply placing the rules in a book or attached to a
wall may not be enough protection following an accident and subsequent
In the United States there are a number of organizations which develop
safety standards. Following these procedures may help protect persons
or facilities from further government scrutiny. These organizations write
standards for the applicable industry which may become incorporated by
reference (IBR) into the CFR. In either case its recommended that the busi-
ness or facility review the safety recommendations and follow each one as
closely as possible.
One such organization is the National Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH). NIOSH developed a list of recommended safety
regulations based on OSHA regulations and recommendations from the
Compressed Gas Association (CGA). (Publication number 2004-101) The
list was comprised of 30 items:

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

1. Are cylinders stored in upright positions and immobilized by chains or other means to
prevent them from being knocked over?
2. Are cylinders stored away from highly flammable substances such as oil, gasoline, or waste?
3. Are cylinders stored away from electrical connections, gas flames or other sources of igniti-
on, and substances such as flammable solvents and combustible waste material?
4. Are flammable gases separated from oxidizing gases in storage areas?
5. Are oxygen and fuel gas cylinders separated by a minimum of 20 feet when in storage?
6. Are storage rooms for cylinders dry, cool, and well- ventilated?
7. Are cylinders stored away from incompatibles, excessive heat, continuous dampness, salt or
other corrosive chemicals, and any areas that may subject them to damage?
8. Is the storage area permanently posted with the names of the gases stored in the cylinders?
9. Do all compressed gas cylinders have their contents and precautionary labeling clearly
marked on their exteriors?
10. Are all compressed gas cylinder valve covers in place when cylinders are not in use?
11. Are all compressed gas cylinders stored so they do not interfere with exit paths?
12. Are all compressed gas cylinders subjected to periodic hydrostatic testing and interior
13. Do all compressed gas cylinders have safety pressure relief valves?
14. Are cylinders always maintained at temperatures below 125ºF?
15. Are safety relief devices in the valve or on the cylinder free from any indication of tampering?
16. Is repair or alteration to the cylinder, valve, or safety relief devices prohibited?
17. Is painting cylinders without authorization by the owner prohibited?
18. Are charged or full cylinders labeled and stored away from empty cylinders?
19. Is the bottom of the cylinder protected from the ground to prevent rusting?
20. Are all compressed gas cylinders regularly inspected for corrosion, pitting, cuts, gouges, digs,
bulges, neck defects and general distortion?
21. Are cylinder valves closed at all times, except when the valve is in use?
22. Are compressed gas cylinders always moved, even short distances, by a suitable hand truck?
23. Is using wrenches or other tools for opening and closing valves prohibited?
24. Are suitable pressure regulating devices in use whenever the gas is emitted to systems with
pressure-rated limitations lower than the cylinder pressure?
25. Are all compressed gas cylinder connections such as pressure regulators, manifolds, hoses,
gauges, and relief valves checked for integrity and tightness?
26. Are all compressed gas cylinders regularly subjected to leak detection using an approved leak
detecting liquid?
27. Is an approved leak-detection liquid used to detect flammable gas leaks ?
28. Are procedures established for when a compressed gas cylinder leak cannot be
remedied by simply tightening the valve?
The procedures should include the following:
„ Attach tag to the cylinder stating it is unserviceable.
„ Remove cylinder to a well ventilated out of doors location.
„ If the gas is flammable or toxic, place an appropriate sign at the cylinder warning of
these hazards.
„ Notify the gas supplier and follow his/her instructions as to the return of the cylinder.
29. Are students/employees prohibited from using compressed gases (air) to clean clothing or
work surfaces?
30. Are compressed gases only handled by experienced and properly trained people?

Chapter 1

The U.S. government agency regulating high pressure cylinders is the

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). The
PHMSA handles the regulations and enforcement of the federal laws regula-
ting the aforementioned high pressure cylinders.
The PHMSA defines a HAZMAT employer as A person whose employee(s)
perform the following functions: transport hazardous materials (hazmat)
in commerce; cause hazmat to be transported or shipped in commerce; or
represent, mark, certify, sell, offer, recondition, test, repair, or modify packa-
gings as qualified for use in the transportation of hazmat.
The term “hazmat employer“ also includes any department, agency, or
instrumentality of the United States, a State, a political subdivision of a State,
or an Indian tribe engaged in offering or transporting hazmat in commerce.
The PHMSA also administers the fines associated with any violations.
A majority of the citations issued have the violation of failing to provide
employee training.
In the United States the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) is responsible for workplace safety and is the agency responsible for
the safety and/or regulating a safe working environment. Other countries
may have similar organizations which administer the rules for workplace
When OSHA investigates a work place they are trying to ensure that both
the employee and employer are following the rules. If the OSHA investiga-
tor feels that it is an unsafe work environment they can impose fines and
penalties against the facility. OSHA has specific rules in place (1910.101a)
stating that the employer must ensure that compressed gas cylinders in their
possession are safe. If the cylinders are not safe, then the employer can be
held responsible.
The definitions of employers and employees are not always clearly spelled
out when working amongst different governmental bodies. Both the PHMSA
and OSHA have slight variations in their definitions. The PHMSA states a
HAZMAT employer is defined as someone who transports, marks, certifies,
test, repairs or packages hazmat. The employee is defined as someone who
works for the employer and is directly related to the affects of the transported
hazmat and is involved in the previously stated operations of the employer.
A HAZMAT employer includes government organizations.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

OSHA describes an employer on a broader scale where the employer is

engaged in a business involving commerce. However, that definition is not
applicable to states or political subdivisions. The employee is anyone who
works for the employer who happens to be engaged in commerce.
Since many organizations, facilities, government agencies and private
employers will likely merge within both definitions it is recommended that
all parties do their best to comply with the majority of regulations to protect
themselves and any employees.
All governing bodies agree that training is required when dealing with a
hazardous material. In the U.S. the training must include (49CFR172.7049)
„ General awareness / familiarization
„ Function Specific
„ Safety
„ Emergency response
„ Protection from hazards
„ Security awareness

All hazmat employees must acquire general awareness, function specific,

safety and security awareness training. General awareness training shall ex-
plain the general hazards and how to recognize them. Safety training covers
methods to avoid accidents. Security training should cover general facility
security risks and when transporting the hazmat.
Function specific training focuses on the specific role the employer and
employee perform. For example, if they operate a fill station, they must
understand the hazards and regulations for that function. If they visually
inspect cylinders, they must gain the knowledge to perform the function
correctly. It is up to the employer to determine if the function is specialized
and requires advanced knowledge to keep everyone safe. Failing to provide
the training can result in fines and penalties. The government does not state
where the employer must gain this training, but they will hold the employer
accountable if it is not correct. This places the employer in the position of
ensuring that any training is correct and has some type of system in place to
ensure its accuracy. It would also be a good idea to ensure that the training

Chapter 1

program has errors and omissions insurance in place to protect the student
and employer in case of an accident or official investigation which may be
associated with the training.
When dealing with high pressure cylinders, the properly trained in-
spector needs to gain further knowledge of the cylinder they are handling.
They should research the regulations governing that cylinder and know
how those regulations apply to their specific circumstance. Ignoring the
regulations does not make them go away. In fact, ignoring regulations will
make the individual, company or facility more susceptible to legal action.
It is always better to be on the safe side and understand what is expected of
you when you take on the role of handling hazmat, filling compressed gases
or inspecting cylinders.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Hydrostatic Requalification
This section will review the basic procedures involved in

a hydrostatic requalification. It will cover the regulations

for the U.S. and some other countries since most countries

require hydrostatic requalification, this section will focus on

U.S. and U.N. markings.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Hydrostatic Requalification

Many governments require a hydrostatic test on high pressure cylinders

on a periodic basis. The length of time between these tests varies on the
specific cylinder and its use. The most common time span between tests is 5
years. Some steel cylinders in the gas industry, that meet certain requirements
allow for a hydrostatic test every 10 years. The hydrostatic test is designed
to ensure that a cylinder will expand and contract within a specified range.
If a cylinder does not expand and contract as required, the hydro tester will
mark the cylinder as condemned and the cylinder can no longer be used.
The person or facility conducting the test is referred to as the requalifier or
hydrostatic test facility.
The hydrostatic test is conducted using water pumped into a cylinder
which is encased within another jacket, which is also filled with water. Using
water, which is difficult to compress, allows the hydro tester to reach the
pressures required to perform the test. Test pressure is normally 5/3 the cy-
linders working pressure, but may vary depending on the specific cylinder.
A hydrostatic requalification is the most common form of testing, but
other forms of testing are being authorized by government agencies. One
growing method of requalification is ultrasonic examination. Instead of
using water to check the elasticity of a cylinder, the ultrasonic examination
focuses on the thickness of the cylinder wall. The ultrasonic examination
can be performed on a cylinder with the valve in place and filled with gas. It
may be difficult to locate a Ultrasonic examiner willing to conduct the test
at an affordable rate.

Chapter 2
Hydrostatic Requalification

The volumetric expansion test is still the primary form of testing and
required by many governments to help ensure safety. However, the cylin-
der user should not rely solely on this test to ensure the cylinder is safe to
use. However, the cylinder may have other issues such as cracks, excessive
corrosion or damaged threads. The hydrotest facility must perform a visual
inspection of the cylinder each time it is requalified. The trained cylinder
inspector, understanding that they will be using or filling that cylinder,
should make an extra effort to ensure its safe use.
When a cylinder passes the hydrostatic test a mark is placed on the cylin-
der indicating the month and year that the hydrostatic test was conducted.
Within this marking is the identification number of the requalifier. The
number is referred to as the RIN – Requalifier Identification Number. In the
U.S. the PHMSA issues the RIN to qualified facilities.

10 17 32

Mo. Tester Yr.


International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The RIN is read in a clockwise fashion starting in the upper left corner
of the center numbers. In the above example the RIN is A123. The number
before the RIN is the month in which the hydrostatic test was conducted and
the number following the RIN is the year in which the hydrostatic test was
conducted. The hydrostatic test expires the last day of the month in which
it was marked. In the above example, this hydrostatic test stamp will expire
10/31/2022 – 5 years beyond the testing date.
The normal procedure is to conduct a new hydrostatic test around the time
of expiration. However, nothing precludes a person or business from having
more frequent hydrostatic tests or performing a test when there is a concern
about the cylinders continued safe use. The owner or user can request as
many hydrostatic tests as they feel is necessary or prudent. It should also be
noted that most cylinders can remain stored, and full, beyond the marked
hydrostatic testing period. However, the cylinder cannot be re-filled until
it goes through the requalification process, and passes that requalification.

Chapter 2
Hydrostatic Requalification

There is an exception to this rule. Any cylinder manufactured from a

6351 Aluminum Alloy must be de-pressurized (drained) upon the expirati-
on of the hydrostatic test stamp. It cannot be re-filled until it goes through
the testing procedure and receives an eddy current examination to check for
cracks. This exception is due to the possibility, that while under pressure,
a crack could develop and grow. The issue is referred to as Sustained Load
Cracking (SLC).
If it passes the eddy current examination and the hydrostatic requalifi-
cation it is given a requalication stamp followed with a “VE”.

The majority of cylinders require a hydrostatic test, however there is

an exception called the 2X2 rule. This exception is based on the size of the
cylinder. If a cylinder does not exceed 2 inches outside diameter AND is less
than 2 feet in length, then it is exempted from the hydrostatic test require-

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Most cylinders will not fall in this category. The ones that do are desi-
gned for fire suppression systems, older SCUBA spare air systems and some
paintball cylinders.
Even if the cylinder might be exempt from a hydrostatic requalification,
it is important that they go through some inspection process. The cylinder
inspector should check it for cracks or corrosion and ensure its safe conti-
nued operation.

Cylinder Inspection
This section will cover the importance of documenting the

cylinder inspection and the tools necessary to ensure a

thorough inspection.
International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Cylinder Inspection
Cylinder inspections help ensure the safety of the cylinder and those
using or filling that cylinder. The frequency of the inspection may be deter-
mined by the individual, industry standards, or governmental regulations.
An example of such differences can be seen in the fire industry and their
use of composite cylinders, referred to as SCBA’s (self -contained breathing
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) lists in its standards that
the cylinder should be inspected prior to each duty period (1852.{} &
{}). However, this inspection is a basic external inspection where the
user can ensure some safety elements before they use the cylinder. Concerns
such as; Is it full? Is the cylinder within its hydrostatic testing period? Is the-
re any obvious damage to the cylinder. NFPA states to conduct inspections
on the cylinder, but they do not regulate what the specific process is for the
In any circumstance all inspections should be documented and follow
some type of procedure. Developing an inspection form is the best way to
ensure all the steps are covered. The form should document who conducted
the inspection and the date the inspection was conducted. It also needs to
list the information on the cylinder such as; regulatory markings, special
permit numbers, serial number, hydrostatic test stamps and service pres-
sure. The form should list the areas of the cylinder which were inspected;
interior and exterior. Finally, there should be a location on the form with the
inspector’s identification and a statement as to whether the cylinder passed
the inspection, failed, or needs further evaluation.

Chapter 3
Cylinder Inspection

There are no specific elements required on an inspection form but it

should document that you checked the cylinder based on any specific regu-
One section should cover all of the required regulatory markings. The
inspector should know how to locate those markings and insert them into
the inspection form. If a specific required marking is not located, then the
inspector must pull the cylinder from service until the markings can be
It is also suggested the inspector choose an original point from where
to start the inspection. The cylinder is round and you can not go from left
to right or right to left. You must
identify a primary point and CYLINDER VISUAL INSPECTION SHEET

begin your inspection from that Owner / customer ____________________________________________________________________________

location. The primary point is

Contact Information___________________________________________________________________________

Cylinder Material:  Aluminum  Steel  SP or E #___________Government approval: DOT TC Other _______

determined by the inspector, but

Serial #___________________________________________ Working Pressure__________________________
Identifying Owner Marks _________________________________ Manufacturer____________________
Within Hydrostatic Test period  No (reject – sent for hydro_______________)  Yes – Date_______________

they must let others know the


Primary Reference point used (ex: hydro or Govt. Stamp):________ Mark areas of concern

starting point. The inspector can EXTERNAL

Corrosion  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________

choose the original hydro mark.

Cuts/Gouges/Pits  No  Yes Location/description: _________________________________________
Chemical / Fire No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Other Concerns  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________

They can also choose the serial THREADS

 No
 No
 Yes
 Yes
Description: ________________________________________________
Description: ________________________________________________

number, manufacturing mark or a INTERNAL

Contaminates  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Pitting/Corrosion  No  Yes Location/description: _________________________________________

regulatory stamp. Whatever they Interior Cleaned  No  Yes Method: ___________________________________________________

Valve checked  No  Yes

choose becomes the zero-degree Threads Inspected

Dip Tube (N/A)
 No
 Yes Notes: _____________________________________________________
 Yes
Valve Working  No  Yes Notes: _____________________________________________________

mark or twelve o’clock position. Burst Disk Present

 No
 No
 Yes  Replaced Pressure Rating: ________ Notes:__________________
 Yes Method: ___________________________________________________

Any questionable concerns can

Lubricant applied  No  Yes compound used: _____________________________________________
O-Ring Replaced  No  Yes Composition: BUNA VITON EPDM Other_____________________

then be noted starting from this

 Passed
Based on the above inspection the listed cylinder had the following results:  Failed  Rejected
 Returned to the owner without qualification

position. Half way around could Inspector Name____________________________ Signed_______________________________ Date_________

be 180 degrees or six o’clock. ¼



the way around could be 90 de-

grees or 3 o’clock.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The form should then focus on the actual inspection; external, threads
and the interior of the cylinder. These three focal points can be done in any
order, but they should be noted and documented. The inspector can keep
simple notes and simply mark a yes or no if they find anything. If something
becomes a concern then they can write a more detailed description.
If the cylinder valve is present it should be documented if it was inspected
or repaired. If there was some type of inspection, what did it entail. If nothing
was done, that should also be documented.
The final step is the conclusion by the inspector and their signature. By
signing the form they are stating that they have completed all of the steps as
noted previously. The signature is the only verification of what was done and
who performed the inspection.
The next step in a proper inspection involves the proper tools. Having
the appropriate tools ensures a proper thorough inspection. Some of the
recommended tools include:
„ Proper internal and external lighting- The lights should be bright
and have the ability to go within the cylinder without obstructing the
inspectors view. It is also recommended that the light source use low
voltage. Since there is a potential for frayed or exposed wiring with
any lighting, and the cylinder is a coconductive material, it is prudent
to keep the risk low.

Chapter 3
Cylinder Inspection

„ Extension probes – The probes are used to inspect the internal

and external parts of the cylinder for corrosion. If the probe moves
smoothly over the surface, then there is no presence of corrosion. If the
probe is able to penetrate any part of the cylinder, that is an indication
for further evaluation. The probe needs to be of an appropriate length
to check the interior of the cylinder down to the base. It is also
recommended that there be two tips: straight for the base area and
curved for inspecting the side walls.
„ Damage reference plates–
Much of the allowable damage
limits are based on thousandths
of an inch. Unless the inspector
is comfortable being able to
differentiate between .030” and
.060” it is a good idea to have a
device present which has these
depths marked as a reference.
Looking into a cylinder through
a tiny opening and trying to
determine damage limits is
difficult. Having a reference during
the inspection will help make a
more informed decision.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

„ Documentation – Not all cylinders are made the same and not all
cylinders are allowed similar damage limits. Since it is difficult to
memorize all of the issues with all of the cylinders, the properly tooled
inspector will have the appropriate inspection reference materials on
„ Steel – CGA C6
„ Aluminum - CGA C6.1
„ Composite - CGA C6.2
„ Special permits – located through the manufacturer or
„ ISO Standards
„ CGA P5 - specifically dealing with SCUBA cylinders
„ 49CFR

Steel, Aluminum and
Composite Cylinders
This section will cover the basic nomenclature of the

cylinders along with the required markings and then move

into the discussion of the specific issues involving the three

types of cylinders; steel, aluminum and composite. The

section will also cover the basics of thread inspection and

the required number of threads.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Steel, Aluminum and

Composite Cylinders

Before someone begins inspecting a cylinder they should be comfortable

with the nomenclature and required markings. The cylinder only has a few
associated terms. The base is the bottom, the side wall covers the area from
the base to the beginning of the crown and the crown begins where the side-
wall begins its curve to the top opening. The only other area which should be
identified is the valve inlet (“O“ ring gland). This is the area where a tapered
valve is inserted or the valve requiring an )-ring is inserted.

“O” Ring Gland



- 3AL S0

AL M 2 0 7 LU X 15
30 00 12A
P250733 M 4141


- 3AL S0

-3 M 2 0 7 LU X

AL 15
30 00 12A
P250733 M 4141

Five Year
Hyrdostatic TOP VIEW
Side Wall


Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Within the crown area (on solid wall cylinders), and within the labels of
composite cylinders, there are markings required by regulatory agencies. If
the cylinder is missing any of these listed markings it is not recommended
that the cylinder be used or filled. The required marks are:
„ Government regulatory agency
„ DOT – Department of Transportation
„ ICC – Interstate Commerce Commission
„ TC – Transport Canada
„ CTC – Canadian Transport Commission
„ UN – United Nations
„ Material of which the cylinder is made
„ 3/ 3A / 3AA – Steel
„ 3AL – Aluminum
„ SP – Special Permit / E-Exemption number – Composite, Steel or
„ Service Pressure
„ Cylinder Manufacturer
„ Current hydrostatic requalification
„ Serial Number
„ Date of manufacture

The UN markings are new to many in the U.S. and those which purchase
from a U.S. distributor. Cylinders entering the market are starting to appear
bearing the United Nations markings. The markings are designed to be
compliant in many nations and provide data which includes serial number,
ISO specifications, wall thickness and pressures in BAR.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The data will come in three rows on the cylinder crown:

„ Manufacturing marks such as the cylinder thread type, the country
of manufacture, and the serial number assigned by the manufacturer.
„ Contains operational marks such as the test pressure, service pressure,
tare or empty weight, and the minimum wall thickness.
„ Contains marks such as the UN packaging symbol, the ISO standard,
the country or countries of approval, and the manufacturer’s approval

The Special Permit (SP) and Exemption (E) numbers on some cylinders
are the permits assigned by the government which authorizes the design,
material, use and limitations of the cylinder. Once a special permit is ac-
quired the manufacturer submits data to the regulatory agency on a sche-
duled basis. As long as the data is received and there are no issues with that
specific cylinder, the cylinder continues to be used as allowed. If for some
reason the data is not submitted or the regulatory agency determines the
cylinder to be a risk, the permit can be pulled. Once a permit is pulled that
cylinder can no longer be used. It does not matter if the cylinder has been
inspected or recently qualified by a hydrostatic requalifier, the cylinder can
no longer be used in service.
There have been a number of cases where inspectors failed to check the
status of a permit. They assumed it had been continued and they passed the
cylinder for continued use. It is very important that an inspector conduct
some research on a cylinder’s special permit to ensure its continued use. If the
inspector can not locate the special permit in question they should consult
PHMSA in the U.S. They can also query their local government regulatory
body to ensure that the cylinders permit has not expired or changed since
its last inspection.

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Cylinders marked with 3AL, 3AA, 3A, 3 or similar markings denoting its
material, or specification markings. They remain in service as long as they
pass inspections and requalification.
Much of the data regarding cylinder safety was collected in the 1970’s
with two primary organizations; The University of Rhode Island (URI) and
the United States Navy (NAVY). The URI study took 6 steel cylinders and
stored them in a heated bunker for 100 days. Some cylinders had fresh water,
some had salt water, some were filled to 2200 PSI (151 BAR) and another
only had 100 PSI (7 BAR). The purpose of the testing was to determine what
would happen to a cylinder which contained a small amount of water and
was pressurized in a warm environment.
The NAVY study used 1623 of their aluminum cylinders. They wanted
to determine the safety of those cylinders in the field, and if other safety
protocols needed to be established. What was unique in their study was that
they tested 3 brand new cylinders and 3 heavily corroded cylinders. The
corroded cylinders were not rupturing at a lower threashold. They deter-
mined that there was only a 4% reduction in the rupture pressure, even on a
heavily corroded aluminum cylinder. They study admitted that it was a very
small sampling and difficult to come to any actual conclusions.
The URI study presented some definitions which assist in the inspection
of cylinders.
„ Corrosion – Destruction or deterioration of a metal
due to a reaction with its environment
„ Galvanic Corrosion – A flow of electrons between
two different potential areas in contact with the same
electrolytic solution – Dissimilar metals (ex: stainless
steel on aluminum).
„ Stress Corrosion Cracking – cracking due to
the dual presence of a tensile stress and a corrosion

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) has a list of definitions

to be used during an inspection.

„ Corrosion – loss of metal thickness

„ General Corrosion – somewhat uniform loss of metal in a relatively
large area
„ Line Corrosion – series of pits closely spaced as to appear to be a line
„ Pitting Corrosion – small and localized corrosion or large and
„ Dent – deformation without the reduction of wall thickness

Steel Cylinders
Steel cylinders are used in most industries which deal
with compressed gases. The smaller cylinders have been
used for oxygen service and SCUBA Diving. Other steel
cylinders are normally referred to as storage bottles which
contain gases such as air, oxygen, helium or argon, to name
but a few.
Other steel cylinders are much larger and have been
designed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME). ASME cylinders can be designed and used in a
multitude of environments and applications. They do not
bear the DOT or other government markings. They are
also not allowed to be transported on government highway
systems. They have their own unique set of standards, but
should be checked for corrosion and other internal conta-

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Steel cylinders can handle rougher treatment even though their walls are
thinner than aluminum cylinders. However steel cylinders, with excessive
or large amounts of corrosion, have the ability to reduce the oxygen supply
within the corroded cylinder in a short period of time. Converting the steel
to rust uses oxygen, which then lowers the percentage of oxygen within
that cylinder. The URI study found that a steel cylinder reduced the interior
oxygen content from 21% to 15% in under 100 days.
There are two unique markings only allowed on steel cylinders. The first
is called a plus mark and it tells the fill station operator that they are allowed
to fill a steel cylinder 10% beyond it stated or listed service pressure.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

This mark is placed on a 3AA or 3A cylinder directly next to the hy-

drostatic test mark. At any time, if the cylinder passes a specific test, a
hydrotester may place this mark on the steel cylinder. The second mark is
the “star” rating. A star mark on the steel cylinder indicates that the cylinder
only requires a hydrostatic requalification every 10 years, as opposed to the
standard 5 year cycle. However, there are very specific rules that the user
must be follow before a steel cylinder can be used with this “Star” mark.
Corrosion on a steel cylinder is measured by percentages based on the
overall surface area and minimum allowable design thickness. The percen-
tages are helpful due to the fact that many cylinders, depending on their
use and size, have different surface areas and wall thicknesses, therefore
they would have varying corrosion limits. The only issue is determining the
minimum allowable design thickness of the cylinder you are attempting
to inspect. The most efficient way to find this thickness is to contact the
manufacturer, or locate the permit number using a search engine.

The corrosion limits based on CGA pamphlet C6 state:

„ General corrosion should not exceed 20% of the surface area
„ Isolated pits should not exceed 33% of the minimum allowable design
„ Line corrosion shall not exceed 6 inches

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Aluminum Cylinders
Aluminum cylinders are found in numerous industries including Fire
Departments, diving, medical, beverage and paintball. The use of aluminum
cylinders can be attributed to cost factors, weight or corrosion considera-
tions of each industry.
Aluminum is softer than steel, and more susceptible to gouges and dama-
ge, however it might have benefits when it comes to types of corrosion. The
1970 Navy study stated that they did not find that corrosion in the aluminum
cylinders affected the rupture strength of the cylinder as noted earlier.
Corrosion inside the aluminum cylinder is often erratic, meaning that it
might be located all throughout the interior or exterior. The corrosion may
be lightly on the surface or deeply pitted into the walls, base or crown. Since
the corrosion could be located throughout the cylinder, the inspector must
be more diligent in looking for the deeper, more concerning corrosion pits.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The allowable damage limits on an aluminum cylinder are based on their

minimum allowable wall thickness (CGA C6.1). Similar to steel cylinders,
the inspector should locate the minimum allowable wall thickness from the
manufacturer or any relevant permit information. One difference in the
aluminum corrosion limits in CGA C6.1 is that they do list a standard for a
cylinder with an unknown wall thickness.
„ General Corrosion Limits
„ Unknown wall thickness - .031 inches
„ Known wall thickness – 15% of minimum allowable wall
„ General corrosion areas not to exceed 25% of the surface area
„ Isolated Pitting
„ Unknown wall thickness - .062 inches
„ Known wall thickness – 30% of minimum allowable wall
„ Line Corrosion / Cuts
„ Unknown wall thickness - .031 inches
„ Known wall thickness – 15% of minimum allowable wall
„ Line corrosion length less than 6 inches
„ Dents
„ .062” when dent is 2” in diameter or greater
„ One or more dents that are smaller than 2” in diameter shall be

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Cracking of aluminum cylinders has also been

a concern in the past. There were issues with an
alloy, called 6351, where sustained load cracking
(SLC) was found in a small percentage of those
cylinders. Even though a very small percentage
of those cylinders were found to have cracks, the
industries required stepped up safety measures
during their inspections. The government, as of
01/01/07, requires that an aluminum cylinder
manufactured with this 6351 alloy be tested with
an Eddy Current device at the time of hydrostatic
requalification. Upon passing this test the cylinder
will be stamped with a VE after the retest date.

Manufacturers using the 6351 Alloy requiring the Eddy Current

„ Cliff Impact – Prior to July of 1990
„ Luxfer – Prior to July of 1988
„ Walter Kidde – Prior to December of 1989

There are over 40 million of the 6351 cylinders in use according to Luxfer
Cylinders. Of those, only 20 had reported to rupture. That means that there
is only a .0000005% of that specific cylinder rupturing. Even with such a
low rupture record, that cylinder has continued to be refused to be filled by
some individuals and or companies. As long as any cylinder can show that
it has been properly inspected, they all have a very low risk of rupturing. A
few cylinders, likely poorly, if ever, inspected, have caused many people to
falsely reject a perfectly good cylinder.
Other concerns on a cylinder involve heat damage. If any cylinder is
suspected of having heat damage, at a minimum, that cylinder should be

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

hydrostatically tested. Any cylinder known to have reached a temperature

of 350 degrees Fahrenheit should be condemned. Signs that a cylinder has
reached 350 degrees Fahrenheit may include:
„ Blistering
„ Melted valves
„ Discoloration
„ Activated / blown burst discs after being exposed to excessive heat

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Composite Cylinders
Composite cylinders were developed in the 1960’s and placed into
commercial service in the 1970’s. During this time they have transformed a
great deal with different types of composition material; Fiberglass, Aramid
and Carbon Fibers. The advantage to composite cylinders is a much higher
strength to a lower weight ratio. For example, carbon fiber is 10X stronger
than steel but 4X lighter. This lighter weight makes these cylinders very ef-
fective for wearing on the backs of safety professionals, such as fire fighters.
These small, light and strong cylinders also have popularity in the paintball
industry for use in their paintball guns.
Most recently, the manufacturers of compo-
site cylinders have been attempting to create a
market in the diving industry. In the past, it was
clearly stated that composite cylinders could not
be used underwater. Recent changes in the rules
allow specific composite cylinders to be used
Composite cylinders start with a shell which forms
as a base and contributes to the design. This shell is

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

normally composed of aluminum, however plastic shells have also been

produced. Since the shell only serves as the starting vessel, and has little or
nothing to do with the strength of the cylinder, very little consideration is
paid to internal damage.
One of the primary purposes of an internal inspection is to ensure that if
the cylinder is being used for breathing air, that any contents located within
the cylinder are safe for human consumption.
Forming around the shell is the strength material; Carbon fibers, Fi-
berglass or Aramid (Kevlar). The material comes from spools is processed
through a glue or resin and then wrapped around the shell. The number of
wraps and design of the wrap help determine the working pressure of the
During the next phase the cylinder is wrapped with a thin layer of fiberg-
lass. The fiberglass acts as a buffer between the carbon fiber and the top resin
coating. If damage penetrates the top resin layer, and exposes the fiberglass,
the cylinder should be repaired and then sent to a requalifier for certification
of the repair. If the damage penetrates beyond the fiberglass, and exposes
any amount of carbon fiber, the cylinder must be condemned.
The final step is generally a protective layer on the outer part of the cy-
linder. This outer layer does not provide any strength to the cylinder, but it
does protect the strength material from damage. The outer layer is thin and
normally is designed to protect against normal scratches and minor damage
caused by everyday use. Any damage which goes beyond this tiny protection
layer needs to be inspected thoroughly.
One feature of a composite cylinder which cannot be ignored is its limited
service life. The service life begins on the original date of manufacture listed
on the composite label. The service life does NOT begin at the time it is
placed in service. The glues and resins used in manufacturing the cylinder
break down over time. These glues and resins are also susceptible to ultravi-
olet radiation and chemicals. Because of these degradations, it factors into
the service life and is limited to approximately 15 years.
Some cylinders have been approved for longer use than 15 years. Other
composite cylinders are allowed to be retested so that their service life can

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

be extended. Since there are so many variables in play for these determina-
tions it is best that the cylinders permit number be reviewed for the specific
rules. If the inspector can not locate the rules, or has further questions, they
should consult the manufacturer or government regulatory agency.
Each cylinder is unique and may have a longer or shorter service life ba-
sed on testing and government approval. It is important to keep in mind that
a cylinder may be granted a specific service life, but after a period of time,
that service life may be reduced by the manufacturer or governing safety
agency. The cylinder inspector MUST have a copy of the cylinders Special
Permit (SP) or Exemption (E) certificate on hand when conducting the
inspection. This document will state the current service life of the cylinder
being inspected.

The composite cylinder has three levels of damage based on CGA

document C6.2.
„ Level 1 – Acceptable damage – the cylinder can remain in service
„ Level 2 – Reject the cylinder, but it may be repairable
„ Level 3 – Unable to repair – condemn

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

An issue with these levels of damage is that they are hard to detect or
identify. There was a study conducted in 2002 for NASA which tried to
determine the best way to inspect the cylinders. They tried many systems
including; Ultrasonic, Eddy Current, Visual, X-ray, Shearography, Acoustic
Emission and Thermography to name a few. Many of these testing devices
were expensive or they had a high learning curve. The simplest and most
effective, Visual Inspections, was stated as “Unable to detect subtle damage
and undersizes actual extent of damage.” However, a Visual Inspection was
still listed as an acceptable inspection procedure.
The types of damage include: abrasion, cut, impact, structural damage
and chemical exposure. The inspector should take time, using a well-
lighted area to conduct the inspection. If any damage is located it should be
measured, documented and assessed. A simple test, recommended by CGA
C6.2 to check for impact damage, is the use of a quarter. The inspector takes
a quarter and begins tapping on suspected damage areas. The sound should
be similar over the exterior of the cylinder. If the coin is tapped in an area,
and the sound changes, that could be determined to be unacceptable (level
3) impact damage. Also, according to CGA C6.2, any evidence of chemical
exposure is considered level 3 damage, and the cylinder must be condemned.
Because composite cylinders are wrapped around a shell and then coated
with a resin, they might not all be similar or perfectly coated. Cosmetic
irregularities are allowed on composite cylinders. The concern is structural
damage affecting the fibers. If the fibers are damaged, then the cylinder
needs to be repaired or condemned. Some examples of acceptable cosmetic
damage as reported in CGA C6.2:
„ Craze Cracking – cracking of the resin outer layer – no fiber damage
„ Voids and Surface Cracks – fillers can be used and level 2 repairs

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

Thread Inspections
The basic tools for inspecting the thread area of a cylinder is still a light
and 2X magnification mirror. There are other tools on the market using
higher magnifications and simplifying the lighting vs. focusing, but those
tools may be out of the price range for the average cylinder inspector. As
long as the inspector has a clean surface to inspect, and they take their time,
most issues surrounding the threads can be identified.
However, if the threads are not clean, then some issues may remain hid-
den. The inspector may use a toothbrush or copper pipe cleaning brush to
ensure the threads are clean prior to inspection. If there is an excess of con-
taminates within the threads the inspector may use a cleaning agent, such
as rubbing alcohol, to break down the contaminates. The inspector must
ensure that if they use a compound to clean the threads, that compound
must be removed prior to returning it to the owner.
The inspector must use caution when applying any cleaning procedures
so as not to place contaminates within the cylinder. It is recommended that
the cylinder be placed upside down before cleaning so any contaminates fall
away. The purpose of alcohol as a cleaning agent is to ensure that it evapo-
rates quickly if it enters the cylinder.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Other cleaning agents may be available on the open market. The inspec-
tor must ensure that whatever they use potentially may enter the cylinder,
therefore must be safe for human consumption.
The cylinder inspector is checking for damage or cracks to the threads.
Any damage may affect the ability to keep the valve in place during pressu-
rization and cracks may result in ruptures. A concern of inspectors is what
constitutes a crack or damage versus an acceptable machining mark, such as
a tap stop or acceptable flaw.
Photos of differences between cracks and machining marks can be
reviewed and an example shown during an inspection class, but that does
not always differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable. Many good
cylinders have been condemned based on locating an acceptable Tap Stop
mark within the threads.
A trained inspector should always get a second opinion before making a MACHINE MARK
final determination. Experience and obtaining a second opinion are probab-
ly the best solution to this problem. If the inspector suspects a problem with
a cylinder they should consult with another experienced inspector before
making their final decision.
If a crack is located and confirmed the cylinder should be condemned. It
is stated in the CFR that if a crack is located in the lower one or two threads,
then that cylinder can remain in service. The lower marks, which may or
may not be cracks, are deemed acceptable based on information that cracks
take years to develop into a risk of rupture. It might be suggested that this
standard was also placed in the CFR due to the fact that many tap stops are
located in the lower portion of the threads, and are acceptable, yet many
people have condemned a perfectly good cylinder simply because it had a
machining mark.

Chapter 4
Steel, Aluminum and Composite Cylinders

However, for safety and reduction of liability, If you have confirmed the
cylinder has a crack in any location it must be condemned. The Internatio-
nal Standards Organization (ISO) suggests that the final assessment of any
imperfection should be evaluated with the naked eye (ISO11.2.2 – ISO/CD

Valley FOLD

Other anomalies may be located during the inspection of the threads

which include folds and valleys. A fold appears as indented ridges when
looking through a mirror and is caused when the neck is formed during
manufacturing. If the inspector can look within the folds, and ensure that
no cracking exists, then the fold will not be a concern. However, if the fold
is so deep that it cannot be inspected, that might be a reason to condemn
that cylinder.
A valley also occurs during the manufacturing process. A valley appears
as a missing area of thread and is caused during the formation of the crown.
A likely cause is not enough of the material in a specific region of the neck.
A valley rarely creates a concern due to its location in the thickest region of
a cylinder. The one concern which must be evaluated by the inspector is the
proper number of continuous threads. Each cylinder must have a certain
number of threads based on the cylinders working pressure. If the valley is

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

so large that it reduces the proper number of threads within the cylinder,
it may be necessary to condemn the cylinder. Otherwise, a valley is easy to
inspect, and if no other concerns are located, the valley should be noted, but
otherwise pass the inspection.
The required number of thread counts for each cylinder can be obtained
from the manufacturer or looking up the SP number. For example, if you
look up SP14157, which belongs to a high pressure steel cylinder, you will
see that it requires 6 continuous threads. If you go to the Luxfer website they
list the proper number of threads based on the working pressure:
„ 1800-2000 – 6 threads
„ 2015-3000 – 8 threads
„ 3100-3300 – 9 threads
„ 3400-3600 – 10 threads

Cylinder Cleaning
This section covers the cleaning of valves and cylinders.

It mentions contaminates which should not be found in a

cylinder which may contain high levels of oxygen. The

section also covers the use of tumblers to clean a cylinder

and available cleaning agents which can safely be used with

high pressure cylinders.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Cylinder Cleaning
It should be an obvious statement that all cylinders should be clean. This
includes externally, to ensure there is no hidden damage and especially true
internally if the gas within the cylinder is to be used as a breathing gas.
One question an inspector should ask is how clean is clean. For example, if
you look within a steel cylinder and see a light coating of rust, sometimes
referred to as flash rust, it may not look appealing, but it is safe for breathing.
The same would hold true of an aluminum or composite cylinder which has
numerous spots of corrosion. It may be a structural concern, but it is still
safe to breath.
The issue of cleanliness becomes more important as the inspector deter-
mines what gas will be stored in the cylinder. The URI study of 1970 stated
that higher concentrations of oxygen in a compressed cylinder could acce-
lerate the corrosion process. Therefore, if some corrosion is located within a
cylinder used for breathing air (21% oxygen) or an inert gas such as argon,
it may not rise to the same level of required cleaning. However, if that same
steel cylinder, with some corrosion, was going to be used to store pure or
high concentrations of oxygen, failing to clean the cylinder could create an
accelerated rate of corrosion and lead to condemnation at a faster rate. All of
this is dependent on the amount of moisture present in the cylinder.
Determining if a cylinder is clean starts with adequate lighting. The
inspector must be able to detect obvious contaminates. Luckily many conta-
minates will be visible in bright light. Contaminates could include:
„ Lint
„ Hair
„ Oils
„ Organics
„ Moisture

Chapter 5
Cylinder Cleaning

The inspector may also us an Ultra-Violet light (UV Light). The UV light
may help some hydrocarbons fluoresce in certain conditions. The use of
both a white and UV light will give the inspector the best opportunity to
locate any contaminates.
If a contaminate is found it must be removed. Removing the contaminate
may require aggressive methods, such as the use of a tumbler, or it may re-
quire something as simple as hot water.

If the corrosion is excessive, a tumbler may be required to clean the cylinder

for a proper inspection. The tumbler is a machine which rotates the cylinder at
a constant speed, preferably not above 40 RPM. The media within the tumbler
is most commonly ceramic, aluminum oxide or stainless pellets. These compo-
nents have a sharp or rough edge which facilitates removal of the contaminate.
If the tumbling media becomes rounded or smooth its ability to remove the
contaminate becomes useless. The tumbling media should be replaced if it
becomes smooth to the touch. Stainless Steel media will generally retain its
sharp edges, and can be cleaned of oils or greases in between uses. However,
it is less aggressive than ceramic media.
It should also be noted that tumbling media should be separated for steel
and aluminum. If you use the media to clean a steel cylinder of corrosion,
the media becomes coated with rust particles. If you take this same tumbling

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

media and then place it into an aluminum cylinder, the rust may coat the
aluminum and stain the walls. Keeping the tumbling media separate pre-
vents cross contamination.
Once the tumbling is completed, or if no tumbling was required, it is
recommended that you clean the interior of the cylinder with hot water. The
hot water will help break down any oils or other organic compounds and
help in their removal process. Using hot water will also help in removing
the moisture from the cylinder. The hotter the water, the more evaporation
occurs, creating a faster drying environment. Once the water leaves the cy-
linder, with no residues or oils, the inspector will know it is clean. To ensure
cleanliness empty the cylinder contents into a clean stainless steel or glass
container. If oils or residues float on the surface of the water you know it is
not clean and the process should be repeated.
In the case of heavy contamination, such as oils, an inspector can use
cleaning products. These cleaning products should be approved for human
consumption by the producer and not affect or damage the cylinder they
are cleaning. One simple oil removal product is common dish cleaning
soap. The dish soap has an oil removal component and it is safe for human
consumption. One word of caution, do not use too much soap as it will
be difficult to remove. One tablespoon per gallon of hot water should be
sufficient. Another common, commercially available product is Blue Gold.
Blue Gold is an industrial degreasing agent, safe for human consumption,
has a pleasant peppermint smell and has an additional agent which helps
prevent corrosion.
Any time you use water within a cylinder you must ensure its removal.
Moisture has the potential of beginning the corrosion process. Whether by
evaporation or dry air, it is important not to place the cylinder back into
service with any moisture remaining within the cylinder. The difficulty is
not re-introducing contaminates into a clean cylinder. Using a warm air
dryer will force the outside air into the cylinder. If the outside air is contami-
nated steps should be taken to reduce the contaminates. At a minimum, the

Chapter 5
Cylinder Cleaning

inspector should conduct another internal visual inspection using a bright

light and/or UV light. If contaminates are located the entire process must be
If the inspector is unsure of the cylinders cleanliness they can use other
tools, such as an ultraviolet light. When using an ultraviolet light to locate
contaminates be sure to use the proper wave length. Also be aware that
an ultraviolet light will not pick up all contaminates, it is simply used as a
tool to help the inspector look inside the cylinder. Both the white light and
UV light should, preferably be using low voltage to reduce the chance of
electrocution .

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

This section will cover the function of the valves used to

contain high pressure. It will review the components of the

valve including the burst disc and high pressure seat. The

section will also review removing the valve, cleaning and

repairing the valve, and the re-installation of the valve.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures


The majority of manufactured valves begin with a block of brass. The

shape is then determined based on the specific industry of use; industrial
gases, oxygen service, SCUBA, paintball, beverage etc…. One exception is
the valve used in SCBA cylinders. The SCBA valves used in the fire industry
are sometimes manufactured using aluminum. The valves being discussed
in this section do not include SCBA valves and any person wishing to repair
or clean an SCBA valve is encouraged to contact the specific valve manufac-
turer or SCBA unit distributor.
All valves have common components,
just in different shapes and sizes. The hand
wheel controls the opening and closing of
the high pressure seat which seals against
an orifice. Depending on the specific style
the valve stem area may use seats or O-
Rings to contain the pressure and prevent
leaking through the hand wheel when
the orifice is opened. The valve will have
some type of threading or face, the loca-
tion where valves or hoses are connected
in order to distribute the gas.
The dip tube is designed as a “Snorkel”
in the case of contamination within the
cylinder. If the contamination is enough
to block the opening /orifice, the dip tube
will protrude beyond the contamination
still allowing flow to the user. Dip tubes
are used on cylinders designed for life

Chapter 6

All valves should have a burst disk. The burst disk is

designed to function when gas pressure within a cylinder
exceeds a safe level. The component within the burst disc
is normally a softer metal. When the pressure, normally
caused by increasing temperatures, exceeds a safe limit,
this softer metal will rupture allowing the gas to escape.
The activation of the burst disc is very loud, but allowing
the gas to escape will hopefully prevent the cylinder
from rupturing.
The burst disk is designed specifically for different ty-
pes of valves. The general burst disk pressure is 5/3 of the
cylinders stated pressure. The issue arises on the specific
markings on the burst disk. Some disks are marked using
the cylinder working pressure, for example 3000, burst
denoting a working pressure of 3000 psi /200 BAR and a burst disk pressure
of 5000 psi/345 BAR. Other burst disks are marked with the burst disk
pressure of 5000 psi/345 BAR attached to a 3000 psi/200 BAR working
cylinder. The inspector must be aware of the actual burst disk pressure
if they are replacing the burst disk on the valve. It they are uncertain, they
should replace the burst disk with the known correct pressure of the cylinder
in which the valve is being inserted.
The valve should be properly fitted to the correct cylinder. There are two
common types of valve threads; Pillar (straight threads) and angled (tapered)
threads. A pillar valve uses an O-ring and a tapered thread will utilize a thin
Teflon tape and proper torque to contain a gas.
A straight thread, or pillar valve, will utilize an O-ring to trap the gas
within the cylinder. The threading on the valve must match the cylinder
threads. A pillar valve can be inserted using a hand and when it seals to
the O-ring, a minimal amount of torque is used to ensure the gas does not
escape around this seal. If a tool must be used to insert a pillar valve, then it
is likely the wrong size.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The O-ring needs to be the proper size, durometer (hardness) and

material to ensure the pressure in the cylinder does not leak through the
O-ring gland area of the cylinder. The size of the O-ring is determined by
the opening of the cylinder.
The inspector should be aware of the correct size before replacement. An
undersized or oversized O-ring may cause the gas to leak from the cylinder.
The durometer or hardness factor is also important to prevent leaking. A
majority of high pressure cylinders utilize a durometer rating of 70 to 90.
If a lower number is used on a high pressure cylinder the material may be
too soft and extrude between the O-ring gland and valve when the cylinder
is being pressurized. If the durometer is too high, the O-ring may not form
properly when inserting the valve, also creating a leak.
The final component is the O-ring material. Two common O-ring materi-
als are BUNA-N and Viton. BUNA-N or Nitrile has excellent properties for a
static (non-moving) application involving many gases. Viton (Fluorocarbon
Type-A) also has the same excellent properties, but is suited for higher
concentrations of oxygen. Under conditions involving high concentrations
of oxygen, Viton will not break down like BUNA –N. The O-ring material
which is chosen should be suitable for the cylinders application.
Using force to insert a pillar valve will cause damage to the threads of the
valve and cylinder. Damaged threads will not withstand its rated pressure.
As the pressure within the cylinder increases there is a likelihood that the
pillar valve could dislodge from mismatched cylinder and cause damage to
the surrounding area or injury to persons within the vicinity. If an inspector
notices damage to the cylinder threads or the valve threads then they should
be removed from service.
A tapered thread will start off easy – hand tight. After a few turns the
valve will become difficult to move. A tapered thread requires a tool to con-
tinue the tightening process. Prior to the tapered valve being placed into the
cylinder a few warps of a Teflon tape are used as a sealant and lubricant. The
Teflon tape acts as a lubricant during the insertion and removal process. The

Chapter 6

final few turns, using a tool, create the seal to contain the gas. Depending
on the cylinder and valve a specific torque value is normally recommended
from the cylinder manufacturer or valve manufacturer.
During the inspection process the cylinder inspector has the option of re-
building the valve. Anytime there is a question of the proper valve function,
the valve should be taken apart and inspected for wear and tear. Before the
valve is disassembled the inspector should ensure that they have the proper
tools on hand:
„ Wrenches and sockets
„ Slotted screwdriver
„ Cleaning brushes
„ Lubricant
„ Ultrasonic cleaner (preferred method of cleaning)
Once the tools have been assembled, and before the valve is removed, the
inspector must ensure that the cylinder is empty. Even nominal amounts of
pressure (a few hundred PSI or a few BAR) within the cylinder is enough
to keep the valve in place and difficult if not impossible to remove. If the
inspector is unsure if the cylinder is empty, they did not hear any gas coming
from the valve, they should CAREFULLY remove the burst disk. With the
burst disk loosened or removed, it ensures that all the pressure has been
released from the cylinder.
With the pressure released, if the valve is still difficult to remove, then
there may be a contaminate or bi-metallic corrosion within the threading.
In this case special vises may be required to remove the valve, and removing
the valve with force may cause damage to the threads. In the case of a seized
valve, a proper inspection of the threads of both the valve and cylinder
should follow the removal process.
During the valve disassembly process it is helpful and highly recommen-
ded that the inspector has the proper valve schematic available for reference.
The schematic will help ensure that the proper size seats and O-rings go
back in the proper order after cleaning. Many of the schematics are available
on-line or through the manufacturer.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

During the rebuild process the inspector should look for the
following concerns and replace any damaged components:
„ Corrosion around the high
pressure seat or unusual damage to
the Teflon surface
„ Bent valve stems – caused by hard
hits or falling over
„ Rounded valve stems or rounded
hand wheels
„ Damage to the valve face or
insertion threading
Once the valve has been taken apart
and inspected, the parts should be cleaned
and lubricated. The most efficient way to
clean valve parts is with the use of an ultrasonic cleaner. It is also helpful if
the ultrasonic cleaner has a heating element to increase the temperature of
the cleaning solution. In the absence of an ultrasonic cleaner the inspector
can use a mild acid solution, such as vinegar, to clean the components. This
process works but is time consuming and comes with an unattractive odor.
Another option of a stronger cleaner is phosphoric acid, in a diluted state.
If an acidic cleaner is used ensure that you neutralize the compound with
something similar to baking soda. Any time you use any type of caustic
substance (Acid) the technician must use extra caution not to damage the
part or injure themselves.
After cleaning the valve, and prior to reassembly, it is recommended that
you apply the appropriate lubrication. The two approved products safe for
breathable air are DOW corning 111 (air) or Tribolube 71 or similar oxygen
compatible lubricant. When using any lubrication, only use the amount ne-
cessary to accomplish the task. It does not necessarily equate that the more
lubrication means smoother operation. An excess of lubrication can create
an environment to trap contaminates.

Chapter 6

Some areas on the valve to lubricate:

„ Threading on the high pressure seat
„ Interior (smooth surface) of the bonnet nut
„ Valve O-rings
„ Valve threads

After the valve has been

rebuilt or cleaned it should
be placed on some type of
test bench to ensure proper
operation. There are available
test stands which attach to a
cylinder using a remote line
and separate shut off valve. It
pressurizes the valve, but allows
for a quick de-pressurization in
case any leaks or issues are located. In absence of a specific test stand you can
use a low volume cylinder. If an issue is located it takes a minimal amount of
time to drain the cylinder and conduct the repairs on the valve.
The valve should be tested in two positions; Open and closed. Once the
valve is pressurized, with the hand wheel closed, spray and check for leaks
from the bonnet nut or stem. Then, apply some type of gauge or assembly,
where the hand wheel can be opened. Then check for leaks one more time.
Leaks may appear at either the open or closed position. The technician
should check for leaking using both operations.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Corrosion Damage

When re-inserting the valve ensure the threads on the cylinder and on
the valve are clean, with a minimal amount of lubricant on the valve threads.
The inspector must also ensure that the O-ring gland area on the cylinder is
clean and free from corrosion. Dirt and excessive corrosion can create areas
of potential leaking.
slightly Lubricate the valve O-ring and secure the valve to the cylinder.
To ensure proper torqueing consult the cylinder manufacture or valve ma-
nufacturer. Otherwise, apply enough force to contain the gas to the working
pressure of the cylinder.
Failing to supply enough torque can create a potential leaking spot
around the O-ring gland. Once the valve has been inserted and tightened
slowly add air while spraying soapy water around the neck. If bubbles de-
velop the inspector will need to stop filling, drain the cylinder, remove the
valve, re-inspect, and start the process once again. If it continues to leak the
inspector needs to take the time to determine the problem; Issues with the
cylinder threads, issues with the valve threads or problems with the O-ring.
It is important that the cylinder be placed back in service only after all the
components are working correctly.

Fill Stations and
The chapter reviews the basic components of the

compressor and filtration systems. It will discuss high

pressure lines and the types of cylinders commonly used in

a storage system. Other areas covered: moisture concerns

and air tests.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Fill Stations and Compressors

The basic fill station components include a compressor, filtration and
fill whips with or without a manifold. If an operation desires a higher air
capacity, they can add storage banks in line with the compressor. The system
should be designed to be able to run the compressor at specific times and
then utilize the bank of stored air when it is not optimal to run the compres-
sor, such as during the heat of the day.





Chapter 7
Fill Stations and Compressors

The compressor is composed of basic components:

5 6

1. Motor
2. Shroud
1 3. 2nd stage safety valve
4. Air intake filter
5. Final pressure safety valve
6. 1st stage safety valve
7. Filter system
8. Air fill hose to manifold
9. Pressure maintaining valve
10. Condensate drain taps
9 11. Condensate drain hose
12. Intermediate seperator
11 10

The motor runs the belt attached to the compressor unit. The compressor
has numerous stages which takes a lower ambient pressure and increases the
pressure to the compressor operating range. Compressors can be designed at
low pressures, around 120 psi / 8 BAR too much higher pressures of 5000+
PSI / 345 BAR and beyond. During each stage the air is compressed, water
is removed and the compressed air moves on to the next stage. During
each stage the compressors have built in safety devices. In the case of over-
pressurization the safety release activates until the pressure is reduced to a
safe level.
In order to keep a compressor operating correctly it requires regular
maintenance. The best advice on compressor maintenance is found in the
operator’s manual. However some basic maintenance can be performed on
all compressors.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

„ If using an electric motor – check for points of lubrication

„ Check the drive belts for wear and tear
„ Monitor the location of the air intake
„ Ensure proper operation of the moisture separators / dumping
„ Monitor any pressure gauges and learn the meaning of each gauge
and its proper operating range based on the current pressure in the
„ On oil compressors – check the oil level
„ Oil free compressors - lubricate specific points on regular basis.
„ Change out the external filter cartridges on a regular interval When
using oil in a breathing air compressor, ensure the oil is compatible.
It is also a good idea to ensure the viscosity of the oil is compatible
with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
When reviewing the components of the compressor, pay close attention
to the moisture separators. These devices are metal and designed to contain
moisture at high pressures. All of these factors are contributing factors to
corrosion. During the filter change process look inside the separator and
see if there are any corrosion concerns. If something appears dangerous,
or concerning, it might be cheaper and easier to replace the questionable
component than wait for a potential failure.
A properly working moisture separator keeps the moisture out of the
cylinders. Since water is difficult to compress, the moisture in the air must
go somewhere during the compressing process. That is the purpose of the
moisture separator. The moisture separation chamber collects the water and
is periodically emptied to rid the system of this unwanted moisture. Without
the separator large amounts of water could be introduced into the cylinder.
During the URI study in 1970 they determined that a ¼ cup (2 fluid ounces)
of water was produced while filling a 70 cu/ft cylinder(2 Cu/meter) when
they did not filter out the moisture.

Chapter 7
Fill Stations and Compressors

Other filtration systems can be connected

to the compressor system. The type of filtration
is dependent on the use and type of compres-
sor. Types of filtration include; moisture, odor
and oil. An oil free compressor, such as a RIX,
would not require an oil filtration system, but
all compressors would require a moisture filter.
The filtration process is only as good as the
system and its maintenance. The longer the air
remains in the filter, the better the results. And
the filter only works as long as it is not expired
or saturated. Simply having a filtration system,
without scheduled maintenance, will not pro-
duce the desired results.
To improve the efficiency of a compressor system many organizations uti-
lize storage banks. These storage banks are designed to store the gas from the
compressor, before going to the cylinder. The compressor will only operate
at the speed and capacity for which it was designed. For example a 10CFM
compressor will produce 10 cubic feet of gas per minute, if it is functioning
correctly. If an organization has numerous cylinders to fill at one time, the
compressor will still only fill at 10 CFM. Numerous cylinders will take much
longer to fill directly from the compressor. However, if the compressor fills
the storage bank during times of convenience, the banked air will be ready for
the next series of cylinders. The capacity of the storage bank is dependent on
the circumstances, the larger the bank, the more allowable storage capacity.
The multiple cylinders will draw from the bank first, and when that pressure
is equalized, can use the compressor to finish the filling process. This type
of procedure will make the amount of time to fill numerous cylinders more

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The banks are generally designed using steel DOT or American Society
of mechanical Engineers (ASME) cylinders. DOT cylinders are stamped
with the appropriate government markings and can be transported on the
highway system. DOT cylinders will require hydrostatic testing and are less
expensive than ASME cylinders. ASME cylinders have been designed to
specific engineering standards, have some markings, but are intended to
remain at one location. They are not authorized to be used to transport gases
on a highway system and do not go through a hydrostatic requalification
High pressure lines, connecting the components of a fill station are pri-
marily constructed of reinforced rubber type tubing or stainless steel tubing.
When selecting the type of line material you need to take into consideration
costs and routing issues. You should also ensure that the lines are rated to
a pressure much greater than the compressors working pressure and the
selected component is safe to handle breathing compatible air.

Chapter 7
Fill Stations and Compressors

Stainless steel tubing will handle greater pressure than the reinforced
rubber, but it is more difficult to route the stainless steel. The steel tubing also
comes in specific lengths and connectors need to be used. Each connection
point is a potential leaking point. Rubber tubing is generally less expensive
and flexible, allowing for easier routing because it can be ordered in longer
lengths. However, a drawback to the tubing is that it can become worn over
time and be susceptible to leaks and ruptures.

No matter which component you use to construct the lines, they all
need to be inspected. They are handling as much pressure as the cylinders
and cannot be ignored. The pressure lines should be located in an area where
they can be inspected and monitored. If they are hidden behind walls or
other obstructions then it is difficult to prevent problems. The lines should
not only be accessible, they should be secured to a fixed structure. If a

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

problem develops in the line, and a rupture occurs, depending on the line
material, the high-pressure line can start thrashing about. A high-pressure
line whipping around a facility can harm anything in its path. You want the
line secured in as short a distance as practical. The greater the distance being
secured points means the greater the potential danger zone.
The manifold is the final point before the air is transferred into the cylin-
ders. The manifold can be simple, with a single fill whip, or complex with
dozens of fill whips and shut off valves. The manifold should be designed as
streamlined as possible with built in safety devices, such as one way valves
and emergency shut off valves. The fill whips, which attach to the cylinder to
be filled, should only be as long as absolutely necessary. The fill whip has the
same potential as rupture as the high pressure lines. If one of these fill whips
ruptures, it will be in the vicinity of the fill station technician. The amount
of pressure whipping that ruptured line has great potential of causing major
injuries and damage. If the fill whips are kept short, the damage can be
Many valves placed on the manifold are designed in a similar fashion
as the cylinder valve. They have the same components and are designed in
a similar fashion. Therefore, they have similar maintenance issues that are
experienced with cylinder valves. The manifold valves should be rebuilt on
a periodic basis and lubricated with the appropriate grease. When a valve
becomes difficult to open and close, look for corrosion or the need to replace
some of the components.
The attachment point from the fill whip to the cylinder will have some
type of pressure relief system, commonly referred to as the bleeder valve or
bleeder screw. After the gas has been transferred, and the valves shut down,
the pressure must be released or the fill whip will not detach. Pressurized
gas has a lot of pressure and will prevent removal. The bleeder system acts
as a small area to release the gas, thereby releasing the pressure. If a bleeder
screw is used, the actual screw has very minute threads and a high pressure
seat. As the seat wears, the screw needs to be tightened to prevent leaking.

Chapter 7
Fill Stations and Compressors

At some point the screw and/or high pressure seat may need to be replaced.
If the operator can no longer tighten and loosen the bleeder screw with their
fingers, and they must resort to a tool to prevent leaking, replace the screw
or high pressure assembly.
When the facility is providing breathable air they should ensure its qua-
lity. These quality tests should be conducted on a regular basis, and some
agencies may have specific testing date requirements. Many industries ac-
cept quarterly results; however more frequent testing is not a problem. There
are gas testing companies which will take your air sample and send it to a
laboratory. Within a few days they will send you the air quality report listing
the elements they found in the sample. The results will generally come with
a range so the user can determine if they are in the low or high end of a
specific range. This air analysis will ensure safe breathing gas as well as act as
an indicator of a potential problem.
There are portable gas testing systems available. These systems use tubes
attached to a manifold type system and the air flows through at a specific
pressure for a specific time. The tubes are then read for the results. This
process is fast and fairly accurate and can provide almost instant results. If
an agency requires a fast turn-around on their air quality they could use one
of these portable systems, as long as they also send in occasional samples
to the laboratory in order to compare the results and ensure their portable
system is working properly.
If an analysis is returned with high concentrations of moisture present in
the gas, the moisture separator may not be operating correctly. If oil parti-
culates are high, there may be a filtration problem, or a problem with a seal
in the compressor unit. Not only do you ensure a high purity gas, you get an
unofficial maintenance update.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

This section reviews the importance of safely handling

high pressure cylinders and fill stations. It reviews safe

handling protocols, filling the cylinder and general safety

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The primary reason for reading this manual is to maintain a safe environ-
ment. Failing to keep a safe work area can lead to damage, injury and financial
losses. In order to maintain safety the facility should follow guidelines and
recommendations placed by their industries and government regulations.
Beyond that, common sense goes a long way in preventing injury and crea-
ting a safe work environment.
Many times the people performing the work will identify potential
problems and develop the solution. However, when safety protocols are
established they must be followed. It does not do any good to have systems
developed and in place, but never followed. Simply stating that you have a
safe facility does not protect you from injury, damage or financial loss.

Here are some simple safety protocols around the fill station

„ Keep unnecessary or unauthorized persons away from the filling area.

„ This is a potentially hazardous procedure and the less people around
will make the technician more attentive to their work and others safe.
CFR 49.173.302 states “The cylinder filler should allow only those
individuals essential to the filling process to be in the vicinity of the
cylinder during the filling process.”
„ Ensure unused lines and hoses are secured – and are inspected on a
regular basis
„ Locate the fill station as far away from general foot traffic as possible.
„ Also be aware what is around this zone to help reduce additional
damage caused by a rupture.
„ Know and clearly mark the shut off valves for the compressor and air
flow. The shut off valves should be located in an easily accessible area.
If the facility cannot locate the fill station in a safe area, they can develop

Chapter 8

or purchase diversion or containment systems. A diversion unit

simply directs a blast away from a specific area; it does not con-
tain the blast. It is important to ensure that engineering stan-
dards are followed when building such a system. The amount of
potential energy which can be attained and shrapnel which may
be created needs to be taken into consideration. A standard wall
composed of 2X4’s and drywall will not be adequate as a diver-
sion unit. The diversion unit should be constructed of hardened
material such as steel or concrete, and be attached or built with
proper screws / bolts / fasteners etc…..
Another option is the purchase of a containment system.
These systems are built by qualified manufacturers and are
designed to withstand a rupture or explosion of a cylinder.
Containment systems are generally small, and only took a
certain number and specific sized cylinders. Once the cylinder
is inserted and attached to the fill whip, the door to the contain-
ment system is closed and secured until the filling process is
completed. Two drawbacks to this type of system is the initial cost and the
limited number of cylinders able to be filled at one time.

Filling Cylinders
The Fill Station Technician (FST) must remember three simple steps
before attaching the fill whip and turning on the valve:
„ Initial check – overall safe condition
„ Understand codes and verify current hydrostsatic test and visual
„ Verify Pressure and monitor it while filling
The initial check is the most important. This is when the FST looks over

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

the cylinder and checks for obvious damage or other reasons the cylinder
may not be safe to fill. This check is accomplished visually, but may also
include questioning the owner. Not all damage is obvious, so the FST should
take a few moments before going to step two. It is important that the FST
does not base their decision on a quick visual glance. An older cylinder may
have no issues and a new cylinder may have recent unacceptable damage.
Step two is to verify the cylinder markings. The FST technician should
know how to locate and indeintify the hydrostest mark, service pressure and
annual inspection sticker. The majority of cylinders require the hydrostatic
test every five years, and the cylinder being presented should be within five
years of the most recent stamp. The hydrostatic test stamp expires at the end
of the month and year for which it is marked. If the cylinder is outside the
hydrostatic test date, DO NOT FILL the cylinder. The FST should verify the
service pressure of the cylinder.

10 A1
32 17

Mo. Tester Yr.


Dept. of Metal Type Working

Transportation (Steel) Pressure

D OT 3
AA 2250 10% Overfill
68 PST 4< >98+ Allowed
Serial No.
Mfr. Year
Mfr. Month
Testers Mark

Chapter 8

They should take extra caution to look for the service pressure since many
cylinders will look the same but have differing working pressures. During
Step two, verify a current annual visual inspection sticker, if it is required
within the industry for which it is being filled.
Step three is to once again verify the correct pressure of the cylinder to
ensure it is not over pressurized. Once the FST connects the cylinder they
should begin the filling process. Keep the process slow to decrease adiabatic
heating, listen for sounds of leaks, and occasionally spray some soapy water
to locate any concerns. The FST should remain in the area, and be able to act
in case of an emergency and to ensure the cylinder is not overpressurized.
The cylinders are clearly marked with their working pressure, and CFR’s
do not allow the cylinder to be filled beyond this marked pressure. The listed
pressure is based on a temperature of 70 F / 21 C. The cylinders temperature
will fluctuate based on the environmental temperature and the rate the
cylinder is drained and filled. As the gas is compressed into the cylinder,
heat is generated.
Since there is adiabatic heating during the filling process, the tempera-
ture within the cylinder will likely be above 70F/21C. However, the use of a
standard pressure gauge as a monitor does not take this heating effect into
account. The pressure gauge will simply show the pressure exerted upon it.
A fill station technician (FST) would need to know the amount of heat being
generated and then calculate that based on the pressure for a truly accurate
reading. Most FST’s will not have the equipment, knowledge or time for
these calculations. What the FST should acquire is experience, to know
how much pressure is required based on the amount of time it takes to fill a
cylinder to its volume.
For example, if a 3000psi cylinder is filled to 3200psi, but is warm to the
touch, the reading is unlikely a good representation of the actual volume.
However, if after the cooling process the pressure gauge for the cylinder
registers 3000psi, then the FST will have known that they correctly deter-
mined the correct volume of gas based on their anticipated adiabatic heat.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

As long as the pressure gauge, being read after the cylinder has cooled
to 70F/21C , is at or below the listed cylinder service pressure, the cylinder
has not been overfilled. If on the other hand, the gauge, after cooling, reads
above the cylinders rated service pressure, the cylinder is over- pressurized.
If a cylinder is located which has been over-pressurized, reduce the pressure
to its rated level.
The opposite cooling affect occurs when the cylinder is drained rapidly.
This heating and cooling process when filling and draining cylinders is
referred to as an adiabatic process
(Adiabatic heating and Adiabatic cooling). The only way to control this
temperature fluctuation is to control the speed you fill and drain the cylin-
der. Both the U.S. Navy and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) have recommended slow fill rates of 300-600
PSI per minute. Slowly draining a cylinder is also recommended to avoid
rapid drops in temperature and moisture crystallizing on the valve and
potentially around the crown area.

General Safety Precautions

FSO and inspectors may find themselves assisting in customer service
aspects, like loading cylinders into a customer’s car. There is liability with
assisting in loading hazardous materials into vehicles. Rules and regulations
regarding this are covered only in part, below. Since many of the cylinders
are stamped DOT, they are authorized to be transported on U.S. state
highway systems. Similar markings can be found in different countries.
But, since many of the cylinders contain over 29 psig, they are considered
hazardous, and certain rules need to be followed. The most important rule is
not to exceed hazardous weight restrictions (which may vary from location
to location). The amount of hazardous material is based on weight. Anytime
someone carries over 1000lbs/454kg of hazardous material, they must com-

Chapter 8

ply with very specific regulations such as; no passengers, properly licensed
driver and placards on the vehicle, just to name a few. So a person carrying
2000lbs/958kg of empty cylinders would not have a concern, since they have
no pressure.
However, if they cylinders are pressurized then they must know the
weight, and stay below the 1000lb/454kg threshold. Even if they remain
below the 1000 lb/454kg threshold they may be required to carry a manifest
or some other documentation. If an operation is carrying large amounts of
compressed gases, it is recommended that they contact their local commer-
cial vehicle division to verify the rules and regulations. Exact requirements
vary state to state and international requirements country by country. In
the United States, CFR and DOT regulations are a good starting point for
current regulations regarding transportation.
Even though someone may only be carrying one cylinder
some basic safety principals should be followed. First, secure
the cylinder. Don’t let the cylinder roll around and damage
the vehicle, cylinder or persons inside the vehicle. If the
cylinder comes with a cap, or other safety device, use it. You
want to prevent a valve from opening unexpectedly. And
finally, the person moving the cylinder should remember
that they are heavy. Anytime you can use a dolly or other
device to prevent hurting yourself, use it.
When storing a cylinder it is best to keep it upright, at
a low pressure and in a dry cool environment. If there is
moisture in the cylinder, and it is stored on its side, there is
a greater likelihood of line corrosion. Line corrosion, even
as little as 3” can cause a cylinder to leak or rupture (1970
U.S. Navy study).

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The pressure should be low so as not to accelerate the corrosion process.

It was determined by the URI study that a cylinder stored under pressure in
a warm environment can take as little as 100 days before it becomes a risk.
Therefore, keeping the pressure low, and the temperatures cool will help
extend the life of any high pressure cylinder.

Records and Liabilities
The chapter will review the proper use of records to

protect your facility as well as help you maintain a proper

maintenance program. The chapter also discusses the

proper forms needed to prove that employees have been

properly trained.
General Liability Release and
Express Assumption of Risk
1045 NE Industrial Blvd Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Phone: 888-778-9073 Fax: 877- 436-7096
For Service Technician Courses
Please read carefully, fill in all blanks and initial each paragraph before signing at bottom.

I, ______________________________, hereby affirm that I have been advised and thoroughly informed of the inherent hazards of service
technician activities and participation in service technician courses.

________ Further, I understand that working with pressurized cylinders, cleaning chemicals, sharp tools, fill stations and compressor
systems involves certain inherent risks including, but not limited to, bodily injury, chemical burns, cuts, blunt trauma and back
injury. Such injuries can occur that require treatment by a trained medical professional or medical facility. I further understand that
these courses can be at remote sites, and isolated by time and distance, from such trained medical professional or medical facility.
I still choose to proceed with such courses in spite of the absence of a trained medical professional or medical facility in proximity
to the training location.
________ I understand and agree that neither the instructor ___________________________________, nor any of the respective
employees, officers, agents or assigns of ________________________________________, or International Training, Inc.
(hereinafter referred to as "Released Parties") may be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death, or other damages
to me or my estate, family, heirs, or assigns that may occur as a result of my participation in this activity or as a result of the
negligence of any party, including the Released Parties, whether passive or active.
________ In consideration of being allowed to participate in this activity I hereby personally assume all risks in connection with said activity,
for any harm, injury, death or damage that may befall me while I am a participant including all risks connected therewith, whether
foreseen or unforeseen.
________ I further agree to save, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless said Released Parties from any claim or lawsuit by me, anyone
purporting to act on my behalf, my family, estate, heirs or assigns, arising directly or indirectly out of my participation including
claims arising during this activity even if such claims may be groundless, false or fraudulent.
________ I also understand that service technician activities are physically strenuous and that I will be exerting myself and that if I am injured
as a result of exertion, heart attack, panic, etc. that I expressly assume the risk of said injuries and that I will not hold the above
listed individuals or companies responsible for the same, and I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless said Released
Parties for any such injuries incurred by me.
________ I understand that I may be required to furnish some of my own equipment and that I am responsible for its operating condition and
________ I understand that I may be supplied with certain items of service equipment and that I am responsible for reviewing its proper
function and operating condition prior to using it.
________ I further state that I am of lawful age and legally competent to sign this liability release, or that I have acquired the written consent
of my parent or guardian.
________ I am aware of the required certification level and/or experience necessary and recommended to enroll in this activity and I stipulate
that I meet requirements for prior certification or equivalent experience.
________ I agree that all terms of and any disputes relating to this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, USA.
________ I agree that if I choose to breach this agreement by bringing a lawsuit or other claim for damages or injunctive relief of any kind,
that the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any such matter. I further
agree that I waive any right I may have to a trial by jury and any claim shall be brought no later than one (1) year from the date of
accident, incident or occurrence upon which the lawsuit or other claim for relief is brought.
________ I understand that the terms herein are contractual and not a mere recital and that I have signed this document of my own free act.
Further that I understand and agree that, in the event that one or more of the provisions of this agreement, for any reason, is held
to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision
hereof, and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or provisions had never been
contained herein.


MY INSTRUCTORS ASISTANTS, _________________________ THE BUSINESS, _________________________), AND ALL
No alterations, changes, omissions or revisions may be made.

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature of Student/Participant / Date Signatures of Parents or Guardians / Date
(where applicable)

Witness / Date

Copyright © 2014 by International Training (ITI) Revision 1, 10/17/14

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Records and Liabilities

As important as it is to act responsibly and have a safe work environment,
it is even more important to show everyone that you support a safe operation
on a regular basis. Since employees may have different perceptions, or forget
to conduct certain protocols, it is very important to maintain records and
documentation that they were trained properly. To remind employees about
safety protocols, properly placed signs help as a reinforcement to previously
taught procedures. The signs also work to show others that you try and
maintain safety standards. Proper records prove that a person was trained,
signage will remind employees to be safe and both of these combined will
ensure that you maintain a safe working environment.
The amount of training documentation will depend on the type of work
and the exposed hazards. It is recommended that you speak with your spe-
cific government agencies, or others in your field, as to the correct training
and its frequency. You should also keep in mind that more documentation
and more paperwork does not necessarily mean you will be protected. If
you are not providing the proper training, simply having training, will not
protect you or your employees . Training needs to be proper and correctly
Some organizations or governments require logs of regular tasks. One
example is a fill station log which documents each and every high pressure
fill. The benefits of such a log include monitoring the number of fills, who
completed the process, when it was completed and if all the safety measures
were used prior to filling the cylinder. The problem with such a log is that an

Chapter 9
Records and Liabilities

operation may fill dozens or hundreds of cylinders within a day. The amount
of time it takes to complete such a log may be detrimental to the business,
and consume too much of the workers time with minimal benefit. Measures,
such as a fill station log, need to be weighed and discussed by everyone. If it
is in place, but never used, that may be more damaging in case of any type
of review or investigation by an outside source. If you are going to develop a
procedure it is important that you keep it up to date.
The SCUBA industry developed a rule back in the 1970’s to have their air
cylinders inspected on an annual basis. This rule was understood to be a
safe practice since the cylinders were exposed to water and the users were
finding instances of corrosion. The dive industry developed a procedure to
try and have the user’s cylinders inspected on an annual basis. The hope
was that the user stayed safe, the FST stayed safe and the business had no
catastrophic ruptures. Their rule far exceeded the federal requirement of
a hydrostatic requalification every 5 years. This annual inspection rule is
regulated by the dive industry with no enforcement by law.
The annual inspection of a SCUBA cylinder is optional, but many dive
facilities, which fill cylinders, mandate that all cylinders, prior to filling,
have an up to date annual visual sticker. Some people argue that since it is
not a government regulation, that the store should not be able to dictate this
procedure. The facility which is going to fill the cylinder has every right not
to fill the cylinder unless it has this annual inspection sticker. The compres-
sor belongs to them and they get to set the rules.
It is a decision by the facility whether or not they will fill the cylinder
without a current visual inspection sticker. It is also up to the FST if they
wish to fill the cylinder even if it has a current annual inspection sticker.
Nothing states that the facility cannot require another inspection if they do
not feel comfortable filling a cylinder. It is their facility, their compressor
and they are taking on the liability. They get to set their rules.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

The SCUBA industries standard annual inspection sticker is similar to a

hydrostatic test mark. It will show the month and year in which the annual
inspection was conducted. That is normally accomplished by punching out
the month and year the inspection was conducted. That wil give the FST
an idea of the cylinders last visual inspection. The sticker should also show
who conducted the inspection and the standards to which they conducted
the inspection.
Other industries have also begun inspecting their cylinders on a more
frequent basis and may have their own markings to show the cylinder has
been inspected. The number of markings or increased frequency of inspec-
tions will help ensure that cylinders are not ignored and are monitored for
safety. However the quality of the inspection must also remain at a high
It is strongly encouraged that any person inspecting cylinders get the
proper training.

Chapter 9
Records and Liabilities


MAKE______________________ MODEL____________________SERIAL # ____________CFM____ OIL TYPE______________________







Compressor Logs
Another log which is recommended for safety and record keeping
is a compressor log. The compressor is the heart of any filling operation.
Ignoring, or not properly maintaining the compressor can shut down an
operation. Repairing a compressor can also become very costly. Properly
maintaining and logging the maintenance will ensure everything possible
was done to prevent an issue.
A log can have any vital information the facility deems necessary. The
facility should start with a review of the compressor maintenance manual,
listing procedures and times recommended by the manufacturer. The log
should be kept near the compressor so everyone can review the data and
ensure the compressor is being maintained. Proper maintenance will go a
long way in ensuring the compressor operates efficiently and when needed.

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

Some simple things which should be recorded on any log:

„ Date of the inspection and name of the inspector

„ Oil level checked
„ Date of last oil change
„ Check of fittings and hoses
„ Checking air inlets
„ Cleaning and locations of leaks
„ Air purity results

Store signage can also be a benefit, as long as the signage is enforced. It

can be used to remind people to follow all the safety protocols when filling
the cylinder; codes, pressures, fill rates and current hydrostatic test dates.
Signs can also be placed warning people of the potential hazards of being
around an active fill station. The facility must be cautious not to place so
many signs that they are ignored, or just become part of the back drop. They
should stand out, be relevant and be enforced by everyone.
An employee safety manual should be developed, easily accessible and
regularly reviewed. Many government entities will mandate that employees
have been trained in certain levels of safety. Your government safety office
should be consulted for specific training in specific areas.

Chapter 9
Records and Liabilities

The manual should cover basic safety principals of the location of first aid
kits, the facility address since someone calling 911/999 for help may be using
their personal cell phone, the emergency shut off valves and the location of
fire extinguishers and fire detection equipment. A regular store employee
may have seen the electrical panel, but do they know the correct switch to
shut off the proper equipment in an emergency. Each employee should be
trained in such a manual and the training documented and dated.
As an example, in the United States, any employee working around ha-
zardous materials, such as high pressure gases, needs appropriate training
within 90 days of hire and every three years thereafter. The employer is
responsible for ensuring the training is completed and specific to the duties
assigned to the employee. When the training has been completed the em-
ployer must retain those records for a minimum of 90 days past the last date
of employment, or longer if required by local laws. If the employer fails to
train the employee, or show they have been trained, they are susceptible to
the fines and penalties mentioned in the first part of this manual.

Very specific items must be on the training records:

„ Employees name
„ Training completion date
„ Description or copy of the training materials
„ Name and address of the person conducting the training
„ Certification that the employee has been trained and tested
If the employee has been trained in the areas of this manual, has had the
opportunity to perform hands on procedures, and they have taken a test
showing their competency, that shall go a long way protecting the employer
and employee if an accident were to occur.
Refresh or recurrent training is not specific in its content. Some people
feel that a shortened class course every three years is enough to comply
with government training regulations. Others require that a full course be

International Training Visual Inspection Procedures

attended every three years. Since the refresh training is not specified it is up
to the employer to make the most rational decision. The full training course
may be longer, but it will ensure that the employee stays current on all areas
involving high pressure cylinders. There is less of a risk that an inspector
will find you out of compliance, therefore less chance of a monetary fine.
Sometimes its better to pay up front and avoid potential problems.

Dealing with cylinders has inherent risks even though the

cylinders have been designed to high standards. Avoiding
or alleviating that risk will help keep everyone safe.

MAKE______________________ MODEL____________________SERIAL # ____________CFM____ OIL TYPE______________________

Aramid / Fiberglass Carbon Fiber

Level 1 - Damage
Resin or coating removed - Outer glass
Abrasions Scuffs less than .005"
fiber not damaged
Cuts Less than .005" No damage to glass fiber
Impact No indentation/cutting/delamination No indentation/cutting/delamination
Heat Slight discoloration Slight discoloration
Level 2 - Damage
Less than 50% of allowable damage No complete penetration through glass
(depends on each cylinders E/SP #) fiber/ no carbon fiber exposed
Cuts Length 1" or 2" - greater than .005" Cut through glass fiber - Delamination

Impact Not Assessable - Look @ overall damage Not Assessable - Look @ overall damage

Level 3 - Damage
Abrasions Exceeds level 2 Exceeds level 2 - exposed Carbon Fiber
Greater than 1" or 2" dependent on
Impact Flat Indentation / Liner indented Flat Indentation / Liner indented
Heat Left unattended in fire Loss of resin due to heat

Level 3 -
Loss of shape or deformation Loss of shape or deformation
Level 3 -
Any sign of chemical contact Any sign of chemical contact
Level 3 - Fire Prolonged flame impingement Prolonged flame impingement

Owner / customer ____________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information___________________________________________________________________________

Cylinder Material  Aluminum  Steel  SP or E #______________________

Serial #___________________________________________ Working Pressure___________________________
Identifying Marks_____________________________________________ Manufacturer____________________
Within Hydrostatic Test period  No (reject – sent for hydro_______________)  Yes – Date_______________
Corrosion  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Cuts/Gouges/Pits  No  Yes Location/description: _________________________________________
Chemical / Fire No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Other Concerns  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Damaged  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Corrosion  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Contaminates  No  Yes Description: ________________________________________________
Pitting/Corrosion  No  Yes Location/description: _________________________________________
Interior Cleaned  No  Yes Method: ___________________________________________________
Valve checked  No  Yes
Threads Inspected  No  Yes Notes: _____________________________________________________
Dip Tube (N/A) No  Yes
Valve Working  No  Yes Notes: _____________________________________________________
Burst Disk Present  No  Yes  Replaced Pressure Rating: ________ Notes:__________________
Cleaned  No  Yes Method: ___________________________________________________
Lubricant applied  No  Yes compound used: _____________________________________________
O-Ring Replaced  No  Yes Composition: BUNA VITON EPDM Other_____________________

LEGEND: U/R = Unremarkable - N/S = Nothing Seen - N/N = Nothing Noticed - I=Inside - O = Outside

Based on the above inspection the listed cylinder had the following results:

 Passed  Failed  Rejected  Returned to the owner without qualification

Inspector Name____________________________ Signed_______________________________ Date_________


410011-01 *410011-01* ISBN: 978-1-61011-022-5

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