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Blush N’ Bloom:

Blush N’ Bloom is a high-street pret brand committed to create beautiful ready to wear dress
for women.

 Marketing manager:

The person will be responsible to increase sales of the company and improve advertising.

Type of tests Applicable Not Applicable

Intelligence 
Aptitude 

 Justification:

Cognitive ability test will be applicable to hire a marketing manager. The reason to conduct a
cognitive ability test is that it will help us to understand the IQ of the person.

We can conduct this test will also be applicable here.

The reason to conduct this test is to judge the current personality of the person.

 We can conduct this test by asking him a few question.

For example:

What kind of books you are reading now a days?

What are your hobbies?

 Achievement test will also be applicable here.

This test will help us to know about the skills of the person at a specific level.

For example:

We can ask a person to conduct a training session with lower management through this we will be able
to judge the skills and knowledge the candidates.

Motor and physical ability test will not be applicable here because this test is mostly required for the
people working in field or outdoor.

Types of interviews Applicable Not applicable

Selection 
Appraisal 
Exit 
 Here we conduct a selection interview because it is only for those people to whom we are
looking to hire.

 We will conduct an unstructured interview. This will help us to judge the person.

For example:

 What is your previous experience?

 What is your qualification?
 What is your hobbits?

 Appraisal interview will not be applicable here because it is for current employees or old

 Exit interview will not be applicable here because it is for those employees who are about to
leave the organization.

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