Young Franklin: Lesson Answer Key

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Hard Times | Young Franklin | Lesson Answer Key

Young Franklin
Lesson Answer Key
1. Read (Chapter 1, pages 2-4; Chapter 2, pages 5-8)

Student answers may vary. They should contain the following main points:

1. How did young Franklin learn about the history of his country?

Young Franklin learned about the history of his country through family

2. What did young Franklin admire about Thomas Jefferson and Alexander

He admired Thomas Jefferson’s concern for the average citizen and

Alexander Hamilton’s belief in a strong federal government.

3. What were some of the advantages enjoyed by Franklin Roosevelt during

his childhood years?

The advantages Franklin Roosevelt enjoyed during his childhood

years included fine houses, servants, European vacations, loving
parents, private tutors, and wealth.

4. What influences or experiences prevented Roosevelt from becoming

arrogant or spoiled?

His parents gave him good values; the staff at Groton didn’t pamper
him; his cousin Theodore Roosevelt provided an example of public
service; and he had to struggle against polio.

B. Use What You Know

The Roosevelts

Student answers may vary. They should contain the following main ideas:

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Hard Times | Young Franklin | Lesson Answer Key

1. Describe his family.

He had loving parents who raised him to be a gentleman. His distant

cousin was President Theodore Roosevelt.

2. Name the people who influenced him.

His parents and his cousin President Theodore Roosevelt influenced


3. What values did they teach him?

They taught him kindness, consideration, honesty, and religious faith.

4. How was he educated?

He had private teachers and his family took him to Europe. At age 14,
he went to Groton, and later to Harvard and Columbia Law School.

5. What personal challenges did he overcome?

He was not pampered at Groton and he was disappointed when he

was not included on teams or selected for awards. He saw problems
as challenges and cheerfully worked to overcome them. When polio
struck, he did not complain. He concentrated hard on the painful
therapy and was determined to live a normal life.

6. What effect do you think this had on him?

It taught him courage and helped him to understand and sympathize

with the problems of others.

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