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Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63

Design of pigment dispersants for high-solids paint systems

H.J.W. van den Haak∗ , L.L.M. Krutzer
Akzo Nobel, Coatings Research Arnhem, P.O. Box 9300, 6800 SB Arnhem, The Netherlands
Received 8 August 2001

The development of pigment dispersants, either for waterborne or for high-solids paints, requires three things: the selection of an
anchoring group, the selection of a soluble tail and the choice of a suitable architecture, which connects anchoring groups to soluble tails.
For the selection of an anchoring group, we measured the adsorption of model compounds to pigments. This gives us the free energy of
adsorption, which is a measure for the affinity of the anchoring for a given pigment. It allows a simple and relatively rapid prescreening of
anchoring groups without the necessity of preparing polymers and testing them in paint formulations.
Suitable soluble groups must have good compatibility with the binder and solvent of the paint system. Mapping the area of solubility
as a function of solubility parameters is a simple but powerful tool to judge the suitability of pigment dispersants soluble tails for a paint
More quantitative information is obtained from the intrinsic viscosity of the soluble tail polymers. Good results have been obtained with
soluble tails with an intrinsic viscosity of about 10 ml/g. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Pigment dispersant; High-solids; Free energy of adsorption; Solubility parameters

1. Introduction form a steric barrier against flocculation of the pigment

particles. Compatibility with the broadest possible range
Ecological pressure and legislation in many countries of binders and solvents improves the universal character
force the paint industry to reduce the level of volatile or- of the dispersant.
ganic solvents in modern paint systems. Both waterborne 3. The selection of a suitable architecture, which connects
and high-solids solventborne binders are used to comply one or more anchoring groups to one or more soluble
with these demands. The use of such binder systems consid- tails.
erably complicates the pigmentation of the paint. In many Of course it is possible to select the optimum building
cases, the binder of the paint system cannot be used as the
blocks for a dispersant for a given system by preparing sev-
stabilizing resin for the pigment, as was done in traditional
eral pigment dispersants with different anchoring groups,
solventborne low-solids paints and the use of special addi- tails and architectures and measuring their activities as
tives, required to allow the dispersion of pigments in such
pigment dispersants in a paint system. This is a very time
paint systems, is well-known.
consuming procedure, however. Moreover, it is not always
In principle, the development of such pigment dispersants
possible to keep everything constant and change only one
requires three steps:
thing, e.g. the anchoring group. Comparison of several
1. The selection of an anchoring group, i.e. a group having anchoring groups in dispersants based, e.g. on an acrylic
affinity for the surface of the pigment to be dispersed. backbone would require monomers bearing these anchor-
Preferably, the anchoring group should have affinity for a ing groups, which of course are not always available. Even
broad range of pigments, in order to make the dispersant if they are available, they will probably have different
as universal as possible. copolymerization parameters and thus result in different
2. The selection of a soluble tail. The tails build a shell of backbones, which makes a direct comparison difficult. If
dissolved polymer around the pigment particle and thus a dispersant fails in a given system, it is not always clear
why it fails: insufficient anchoring, insufficient stabilization
∗ Corresponding author. or some other cause. Therefore, a more effective method
E-mail address: for the selection of anchoring group and soluble tails would
(H.J.W. van den Haak). allow a more focused development of pigment dispersants.

0300-9440/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 0 - 9 4 4 0 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 1 9 - 3
H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63 57

In this paper, methods are presented for a direct compari- combination of Eqs. (3) and (5) and elimination of [PS] re-
son of different anchoring groups using model compounds, sults in the well-known equation for the Langmuir isotherm
and for a direct comparison of soluble tails. Both methods [PM] Kads [M]
do not require the preparation of pigment dispersants and =Θ= (6)
[Psat ] Kads [M] + [S]
their evaluation in paint systems. The selection of anchor-
ing groups has been described elsewhere [1], but is included
Θ 1
briefly here for the sake of completeness. [M] = [S] (7)
1 − Θ Kads
with [PM] is the actual concentration of the model com-
2. Selection of anchoring groups pound at the pigment surface; [Psat ] the maximum concentra-
tion of the model compound at the pigment surface, i.e. the
For the comparison of the anchoring properties of func- concentration at full monolayer adsorption. [PM] and [Psat ]
tional groups, we studied a series of model compounds con- may be expressed either in mol/g, mol/m2 , or as a mole frac-
sisting of the anchoring group X, connected to an ethyl tion. As they always appear as a quotient, their dimensions
group. So ethanol was used to test the anchoring proper- may be chosen, as long they are the same; Θ the coverage of
ties of the OH-group, propionic acid to test the anchor- the pigment surface, i.e. the fraction of the available anchor
ing of the carboxylic-acid group, etc. Almost all of the sites occupied by the model compound (0 ≤ Θ ≤ 1); Kads
model compounds were simple, readily available chemi- the equilibrium constant of adsorption for equilibrium (1);
cals. Ksolv the equilibrium constant of solvation for equilibrium
(2); [M] the mole fraction of the model compound in the
2.1. A model for adsorption solution; [S] the mole fraction of the solvent in the solution.
In principle Kads and [Psat ] can be determined by prepar-
If a solution of a model compound M in a solvent S is ing a series of model-compound solutions of known initial
brought into contact with a surface, e.g. a pigment surface mole fractions [M0 ], adding a known amount of the pig-
P, both solvent and model compound will adsorb onto this ment and measuring the mole fraction of model compound
surface and compete for the available anchoring sites in the again after the equilibrium has been reached [2]. [PM] is
surface. Moreover, the molecules of the model compound then calculated from the decrease in mole fraction [M] =
will be solvated and partly remain so after adsorption. [M0 ] − [M] and the amount of pigment. The series of [PM]-
After some time, two equilibria will develop, the first (1) and [M]-values thus obtained are fitted to the Langmuir
accounting for the adsorption of the model compound to equation (6), resulting into [Psat ] and Kads . However, we
the pigment surface, the second (2) for the solvating of the could improve our results considerably by accounting for
adsorbed model compound the fact that when a molecule of the model compound is
adsorbed, a number of solvating solvent molecules will be
M + PS  PM + S (1) adsorbed as well, i.e. by also taking the equilibrium (2) into
account. As both model compound and solvent molecules
PM + nS  PMSn (2)
are withdrawn from the liquid phase, the concentration of
where PS and PM and PMSn are the solvent, the model the model compound changes in a much more complicated
compound and the solvated model compound, respectively, way than described above. It is even possible, that when
each adsorbed to the pigment surface P. These equilibria much more solvent than model compound is adsorbed, the
are described by the equilibrium constants Kads and Ksolv , mole fraction of the model compound increases and a neg-
with ative apparent adsorption is found.
Of course this does not mean that each adsorbed molecule
([PM] + [PMSn ])[S]
Kads = (3) of the model compound forms a well-defined complex with
[PS][M] n molecules of the solvent. The model is only used to ac-
[PMSn ] count for the fact that, apart from the model compound, a
Ksolv = (4) considerable amount of solvent is adsorbed as well. Similar
models, using e.g. a Freundlich-type function for the coad-
It is assumed that the whole pigment surface is covered sorption of solvent, have been used by other authors [3–6].
either with solvent or with (solvated) model compound, so From Eqs. (3)–(5) expressions can be derived for the
that decrease of the mole fraction of the model compound on
[PS] + [PM] + [PMSn ] = [Psat ] (5) addition of pigment, and for [PM], [PMSn ], [S] and [M] as
a function of Kads , Ksolv , n and the adsorption capacity A,
The values of Kads and Ksolv will of course depend on the na- respectively. The latter is defined as the maximum number
ture of both the anchoring group, the solvent and the pigment of moles that can be adsorbed per gram of pigment. Kads ,
surface. If solvatation of the adsorbed model compound is Ksolv , n and A are obtained from a curve fitting procedure
disregarded, i.e. if Ksolv and PMSn are assumed to be zero, on the adsorption isotherm of [M] against [M].
58 H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63

Table 1
Adsorption parameters for model compounds C2 H5 –X to pigments or fillers
Pigment or filler Anchoring group X R2 A (mmol/g) Kads Gads (kJ/mol) Ksolv n (mol)

Transparent iron oxidea Carboxylic acid, pH 3 0.9166 0.25 1164 −17.3 2.8 2.55E4
Carboxylic acid, pH 9 0.9973 3.6 11.8 −6.1 1.4 1400
Sulfonic acid, pH 2 0.9340 1.5 64.4 −10.2 4.3 2.1E4
Sulfonic acid, pH 7 0.9979 1.2 6.8 −4.7 0.97 2.5E4
Sulfonic acid, pH 9 0.9923 1.2 3.15 −2.8 1.7 4.8E3
4-Phenylol 0.9972 0.1 148 −12.2 3.1 1.08E4
Amino acid, pH 7 0.9754 1.5 48.9 −9.5 2.1 1800
Amino acid, pH 9 0.9856 0.24 158 −12.4 9.9 162
Amino 0.3694 0.36 18.1 −7.1 11.6 1960
Diethylamino 0.6032 4.8 1.13 −0.3 6.8E3 3730
2-Pyridyl 0.5070 0.12 63.3 −10.2 3.0 8300
2-Pyrazinyl 0.0667 0.016 224 −13.3 1010 5400
Amide 0.8876 1.8 18.7 −7.2 3.1E3 3070
Acetyl, pH 7 0.9842 0.079 857 −16.7 1.7 888
Acetyl, pH 9 0.9901 0.18 248 −13.5 1.2 663
Methyl ester 0.9513 0.76 163 −12.5 1.2E3 1400
–OC2 H4 OC2 H4 OH 0.1299 0.0010 1E4 −22.6 1E4 4E4
–OC2 H4 OH, pH 7 0.5971 0.0013 1.1E4 −22.8 1E3 980
–OC2 H4 OH, pH 9 0.2679 3.9E5 5.4E3 −21.1 2E7 4.1E4
Carbon blackb 4-Phenylol 0.9752 0.519 8.04E4 −27.7 – –
2-Pyridyl 0.9797 0.245 4.1E4 −26.0 – –
4-Pyridyl 0.9327 0.276 5.15E4 −26.6 – –
Phthalo-cyaninec 2-Pyridyl 1.000 0.126 7.51E3 −21.9 1.05 1.3E4
4-Pyridyl 1.000 0.26 4.15E3 −20.4 1.64 7.7E3
Aluminum oxided 4-Phenylol 0.2360 0.506 62.4 −10.7 6.16 5.8E3
a Sicotrans Red L2816 ex BASF.
b Farbruß 200 ex Degussa.
c Heliogen Blue L7101F ex BASF.
d Ex Acros.

2.2. Application of the model the apparent adsorption of propionic acid and even causes a
negative apparent adsorption for propionamide.
Adsorption measurements for a series of pigment-
anchoring group combinations are given in Table 1. In this 2.3. The adsorption capacity A
section, we work out the adsorption of the carboxylic-acid
group and the amide group (i.e. the model compounds An adsorption capacity A of 3.56 mmol/g was found
propionic acid and propionamide, respectively) to the for the combination propionic acid/iron oxide. For propi-
transparent iron oxide pigment Sicotrans Red L 2816, to onamide 1.78 mmol/g was found. This corresponds to 0.07
demonstrate which information can be obtained from the and 0.14 nm2 per molecule or an average distance of 2.8
parameters Kads , Ksolv , n and A and how it can be used. In and 4 Å between neighboring molecules. These distances
the next section, we will give an overview of the results are in fair agreement with the size of anchoring groups as
of all pigment-anchoring group combinations that we have estimated from bond lengths. The difference between pro-
tested. pionic acid and propionamide might be caused by different
In Fig. 1, the measured and the calculated apparent ad- degrees of solvation of the model compounds.
sorption (both expressed as [M]) as a function of the mole The adsorption capacity may be used to estimate how
fraction [M] of the model compound in the liquid phase are much of a dispersant can be used to fully cover a given
shown for propionic acid and propionamide, respectively. A amount of pigment. However, the results must be interpreted
good to fair correlation (R 2 = 0.997 and 0.888) between with some care. The estimation of the maximum adsorp-
measured and calculated values was found. tion capacity is based on an enormous extrapolation, as for
The figure clearly shows the effect of the coadsorption of both anchoring groups mentioned here at the highest mea-
water: a Langmuir isotherm alone (or a Freundlich isotherm) sured concentration a coverage of only 2% was attained. For
could never account for the concave curve, as was found other model compounds coverages as high as 80% have been
for propionic acid, or the apparently negative adsorption for measured, which of course results in a much more reliable
propionamide. The coadsorption of water causes a dip in measurement of A.
H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63 59

Fig. 1. The measured (•) and calculated (drawn line) apparent adsorption of propionic acid (above) and propionamide on iron oxide as a function of
their mole fractions in the liquid phase, using the adsorption parameters as given in Table 1.

2.4. The strength of adsorption pigment and the anchoring group. Once Kads is known, (6)
can be used to plot a Langmuir isotherm (the real adsorbed
The equilibrium constant Kads gives an impression of the amount or the degree of coverage θ as a function of the
strength of the adsorption of an anchoring group to a pig- mole fraction in the liquid phase, see Fig. 2).
ment surface. A higher value of Kads means that the anchor- The free energy of adsorption Gads may also be used to
ing group has a higher tendency to adhere to the pigment select adhesion-promoting functional groups for coatings.
surface. From Kads the free energy of adsorption Gads can
be calculated with formula (8): 2.5. Discussion
Gads = −RT ln Kads (8)
In Table 1, overview of the results for several pigment/
where R is the gas constant, 8.314 J K−1 mol−1 , and T the anchoring group combinations is given. A good correlation
absolute temperature, 295 K, in our experiments. between predicted and measured adsorption was found in
Gads values of −6.1 and −7.2 kJ/mol were found for most cases. The poor correlation for the adsorption of the
propionic acid and propionamide, respectively. A more amino and diethylamino group on iron oxide is probably
negative Gads indicates a stronger interaction between the caused by the low affinity and the resulting small change
60 H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63

the medium and the selection of appropriate soluble tails

is an important step in the development of a pigment dis-
We investigated in two ways whether solubility parame-
ters of free soluble tails could predict their suitability in a
pigment dispersant. They are based on solubility plots and on
intrinsic viscosities, respectively. Together with the method
for the selection of anchoring groups as described in Section
2 they should form a sort of toolbox for the development of
pigment dispersants. A rapid prescreening of building blocks
would then be possible without the need for the preparation
of a complete pigment dispersant and evaluation of it in a
Fig. 2. Real adsorption of propionic acid and propionamide on iron oxide,
as calculated from the data in Table 1.
series of paint systems. Although testing of the dispersant
in a paint system remains necessary, a lot of time could be
saved by this procedure. This can reduce the time and effort
in concentration during the measurement of the adsorp- required for the development of a paint system.
tion. The data for the aromatic amines 2-ethylpyridine
and 2-ethylpyrazine suggest a stronger interaction with 3.1. Solubility plots
this pigment. Due to the poor correlation, these data
should be interpreted with care, however. A strong inter- The easiest and most obvious way to judge the suitability
action is found for the pyridyl group and carbon black of a polymer as a soluble tail in a pigment dispersant is to
and the organic pigment phthalocyanine blue. The amino test its solubility in a practical quantity (e.g. 10% (w/w)) in
group is a well-known anchoring group for carbon black a series of solvents with a broad range of solubility param-
[7]. eters. Mapping the solubility as a function of the most im-
In spite of the poor correlation, the glycol ethers (model portant Hansen or Hoy parameters δ H and δ P gives a clear
compounds ethyl glycol and ethyl diglycol) show surprising picture about the paint systems in which a given tail may be
consistencies: a very strong adsorption (high Kads ) of a very used. In Fig. 3, we did this for two different polymers, fre-
low amount of model compound (low A). Due to the very quently used as soluble tails in pigment dispersants: polyhy-
low level of the adsorption the concentration measurements droxystearic acid and polycaprolactone. Both polymers have
become less reliable, with a bad correlation as a result and a fairly broad solubility, as long as not too much hydrogen
the results should be interpreted with care. The low adsorp- bonding is involved. Their solubility areas strongly overlap.
tion capacity of these groups make them useless as anchor- Polyhydroxystearic acid tails are widely used, for in-
ing groups in waterborne systems. stance, in apolar paints for decorative applications [8]. This
Much better results are obtained for iron oxide with the polymer is easily prepared from relatively inexpensive raw
carboxylic-acid group, which is of course a well-known an- materials and is well soluble in the solvents used for such
choring group in many dispersants, and with the (weakly) systems, like white spirit. As it is fully built-up from fatty
acidic phenylol group. The effectiveness decreases, how- acids, it is very compatible with long-oil alkyd binders.
ever, at high pH values. The anchoring properties of For more polar systems, as used in car-refinish or indus-
the amino-acid group (model compound 2-aminobutyric trial applications, very often polymers based on polycapro-
acid) persist, even at high pH values. Surprisingly the lactone are applied [9–11]. This polymer has good solubility
sulfonic-acid group, which is known to be a very strong in the stronger solvents used in these applications. The crys-
solubilizing group, is a very poor anchoring group, unless tallinity of this polymer, which seriously distracts from its
it is used at low pH values. applicability, can be dealt with by building-in other hydroxy
Both the acetyl group and the ester group seem to be acids or lactones like valerolactone [12].
effective anchoring groups in water. This may be due to their Polyhydroxystearic acid is more suited for less polar sol-
low solubility in water. Measurements in solvents other than vents like butyl acetate, whereas polycaprolactone is better
water might show a very different adsorption pattern. suited for the more polar ones like N-methyl-pyrrolidone.

3.2. Intrinsic viscosity

3. Selection of soluble tails
The method described above is relatively simple and
Soluble tails are connected to the dispersed pigment straightforward but the information obtained is only qualita-
through the anchoring groups and thus build a dilute pro- tive (soluble/insoluble) and the 10% solubility used here is
tective shell around the particles. This prevents them from rather arbitrary. More detailed information on the solubility
approaching each other too closely and flocculating. Of of a stabilizing tail polymer can be obtained by measuring
course this can only happen if the tails are well soluble in its intrinsic viscosity [η] in a series of solvents. The intrinsic
H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63 61

Fig. 3. Solubility plots (10% (w/w)) of polyhydroxystearic acid and polycaprolactone as a function of solubility parameters δ H and δ P . The positions of
the polymers (see Table 2) are shown as well (◦).

viscosity is defined as (δH,T − δH,S )2 + (δD,T − δD,S )2 )1/2 ) in solubility parameter

  space between the soluble tail and the solvent, which can
ηsolution − ηsolvent 1
[η] = lim × (9) be calculated as shown in Fig. 4. This has been done be-
C→0 ηsolvent C
fore [13,14] for polymers, but as far as we know it has not
where ηsolvent and ηsolution are the viscosities of the solvent been used to judge the suitability of soluble tails as building
and the polymer solution, respectively, and C the concentra- blocks for pigment dispersants. In most cases, the solubil-
tion (in g/ml) of the polymer solution. It can be measured ity parameters of the polymer are known, or can easily be
relatively easily by measuring the viscosities of a series of estimated with a suitable computer program (see Table 2).
solutions of different concentrations and extrapolating to We measured intrinsic viscosities in different solvents of
zero concentration. As the measurements are carried out at polyhydroxystearic acid tails (molecular weight = 1800,
low concentrations, solvents can be used well outside the PHSA1800) and of polycaprolactone tails with molecu-
10% solubility range shown in Fig. 3. lar weights of 1100 and 2000, respectively (PCL1100 and
The intrinsic viscosity is a measure for the volume oc- PCL2000) as is shown in Fig. 5.
cupied per unit mass by the solvated polymer at infinite di- There is a good correlation between the intrinsic viscosity
lution. It can give a good impression about how effectively [η] and the distance in solubility space ∆ or the low molec-
a given amount of soluble tail polymer will build a shell ular weight polycaprolactone tails PCL1100, the correlation
around a pigment particle. If a polymer has a large hydro- for the higher molecular weight polycaprolactone PCL2000
dynamic volume in a solvent, it will protrude far into the and polyhydroxystearic acid PHSA1800 is fair. The intrin-
medium, rather than lie flat on the pigment surface. If two sic viscosities are hardly influenced by the type of polymer,
pigment particles approach each other, their solvated shells but mainly by their molecular weights, irrespective their
will start to overlap at the expense of the degree of solva-
tion, which will force the particles away from each other.
Table 2
Of course this repulsion will be stronger if the solvation of Solubility parameters (MPa1/2 ) of polyhydroxystearic acid and polycapro-
the stabilizing tails is better. lactone
The intrinsic viscosity was measured in a series of sol- δD δP δH
vents. It was then plotted, not as a function of the solubility
Polyhydroxystearic acid 17.75 5.70 3.68
parameters as done in Fig. 3, but for the sake of simplic-
Polycaprolactone 16.88 8.90 6.37
ity, as a function of the distance ∆ (∆ = ((δP,T − δP,S )2 +
62 H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63

Fig. 4. The distance ∆ between the solubility parameters δ P , δ H and δ D of a soluble tail T and a solvent S.

Fig. 5. The effect of distance ∆ between the solubility parameters δ P , δ H and δ D of a soluble tail T and a solvent S. Shown data are for polycaprolactone
M = 1100 (PCL1100), polycaprolactone M = 2000 (PCL2000) and polyhydroxystearic acid M = 1800 (PHSA1800).

different chemical structures. [η] is known [15] to increase If we assume that a protective shell of 10 nm is required 1
with the square root of the molecular weight. In solvents for sufficient stabilization, then the volume of the layer re-
with solubility parameters equal to those of the polymers quired for 1 m2 of pigment surface area would be 1 × 10 ×
(∆ = 0), intrinsic viscosities of approximately 7, 10 and 10−9 m3 = 0.01 ml. In a first approximation, we assume that
11 ml/g would be predicted for the three polymers. this shell consists of solvated polymer. If [η] is the solvated
As the slopes of the lines in Fig. 5 are relatively small, volume of 1 g of polymer, it can be calculated that about 1.7,
the intrinsic viscosities decrease only little if ∆ increases. 1.0 and 0.91 mg of PCL1100, PHSA1800 and PCL2000,
Therefore, it is expected that the stabilization of the shell respectively, would be required to build a sufficiently
of polymer around the pigment particles decreases only
slightly in non-optimal solvents, which makes these tails
1 In D.H. Napper, “Polymeric Stabilization of Colloidal Dispersions”,
well suited for this purpose. Far higher slopes have been re-
Academic Press, London, 1983, p. 7, it is stated that “the range of
ported [14] for other polymers, not intended as soluble tails significant van der Waals interactions is of order say 5 nm for many
for pigment dispersants and probably having much higher colloidal systems”. However, this range depends strongly on the type of
molecular weights. particles and solvents and the particle diameter.
H.J.W. van den Haak, L.L.M. Krutzer / Progress in Organic Coatings 43 (2001) 56–63 63

stabilizing shell around the pigment particles. If we keep in Soluble tails can be selected by plotting their solubility
mind that soluble tails constitute only a part of the pigment as a function of the most important solubility parameters δ H
dispersant, this is in good agreement with the rule of thumb and δ P . This gives a good insight in the range of binders and
that 1–2 mg of dispersant per square meter of BET surface solvents wherein the soluble tails may be applied.
is usually required. Of course this is only a rough approxi- More quantitative information is obtained from the intrin-
mation. The surface area available to polymeric dispersants sic viscosity of the soluble tail polymers. Good results have
probably is smaller than the BET surface area, which was been obtained with soluble tails with an intrinsic viscosity
measured using the adsorption of nitrogen. Moreover, the of about 10 ml/g.
polymer in the shell around pigment particles probably is
packed more densely than described by the intrinsic vis-
cosity. Apparently these two factors compensate each other Acknowledgements
fairly well.
Good results have been obtained with dispersants using The authors are indebted to J.W. van de Werken and F.
these polymers as soluble tails. It is expected that stabilizing Dousma for their practical contributions to this work and to
tails with a much lower intrinsic viscosity — either due Dr. I. Wagstaff for his valuable comments on the manuscript.
to their molecular weight or to their chemical structure —
would require a much higher level of dispersant in order
to generate a stabilizing layer of 10 nm around a pigment References
and thus are much less effective building blocks for pigment
[1] H.J.W. van den Haak, M. Schöps, H.-J.P. Adler, C. Fietzek, J.
Montagut, Macromol. Symp. 126 (1997) 253.
[2] M. Schöps, Graduation Thesis, Dresden, 1995.
[3] W. Ostwald, R. de Izaguirre, Kolloid-Zeitschrift 30 (1922) 279.
4. Conclusions [4] G. Frey, Doctoral Thesis, Stuttgart, 1988.
[5] G. Frey, L. Dulog, Farbe + Lack 94 (1988) 518.
[6] M. Cremer, Farbe + Lack 99 (1993) 420.
Methods for the selection of building blocks for pigment
[7] World Patent 93/17 057; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company.
dispersants have been described. This allows a screening [8] British Patent 2 001 083; ICI.
of anchoring groups and soluble tails before preparing a [9] European Patent 417 490; Byk-Chemie.
complete pigment dispersant and testing it in a paint system. [10] European Patent 154 678; Byk-Chemie.
Anchoring groups can easily be selected by measuring the [11] European Patent 208 041; ICI.
[12] World Patent 98/19 784; Zeneca.
adsorption of model compounds to pigment surfaces. This
[13] J. Schröder, Progr. Org. Coat. 12 (1984) 339.
results in the free energy of adsorption, which is a measure [14] J. Schröder, Eur. Coat. J. 5 (1998) 334 or Farbe + Lack 104 (1998)
for the strength of adsorption of the anchoring groups to the 26.
pigment surface. [15] F. Rodriguez, Principles of Polymer Systems, McGraw-Hill, London.

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