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“Loyalty should be loud it ought to be made public- J.E. Arul Raj”. Fr. Founder

The Oxford Dictionary “loyalty defined as the quality of being loyal or a

strong feeling of support. Our founder defines ‘loyalty as, a person should
be a Person of Provider, a man of sacrifice and as a shepherd’. In the Old
Testament, the book of (Gen: Ch: 22) in which Abraham called by God to offer
his son Isaac as a burnt offering, as a test of Abraham’s loyalty, Abraham does
it without second thought. Similarly, Jesus in the New Testament, through His
loyalty he does the will of His father to die on the cross.

Loyalty can be classified in to three: 1. Loyalty as a Provider According

to Roget’s dictionary the meaning the word provider means ‘giver’. Once Adolf
Hitler was being in a miniature group fortunately, he got a chance to speak in
the public arena, through his ignited speech he become the leader of the
leading party. So also one must contribute to the congregation through his
responsibilities. 2. Man of Sacrifice According to Webster’s dictionary
‘Sacrifice denotes loosing oneself for the welfare of the others’. Similarly, taking
the imagery of a solder could give solid meaning of loyalty, a soldier who
dedicates his life for the country and dies for the country with full dedication.
So also a loyal person dedicates his life for others. 3. Shepherd According to
Collins dictionary the term shepherding defines guiding the sheep. As a
shepherded Sr. Virgin who guided our congregation in the most difficult
situation. Similarly, one needs to imitate the virtues of Sr. Virgin to guide the
members to follow the right path to achieve the higher goal in their lives.

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