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Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection


Throughout my experience in the M.S. Ed. Elementary program at Medaille College, I

have gained a plethora of experience and knowledge that has prepared me to be a successful

educator. More specifically, Professors throughout my courses in the M.S. Ed Elementary

program have taught me the knowledge and skills I need in order to be a successful educator so

that I can successfully plan learning segments and lesson plans that follow curriculum standards

and promote equity throughout the classroom for all students regardless of personal background

knowledge, level of learning, learning styles, and exceptionalities. One of the most valuable

lessons I have learned from my professors at Medaille is how to provide all students with an

education that all children deserve and implement it in a fashion so that all students are provided

with the opportunity to succeed. As a future educator I have learned how to create learning

opportunities that promote learning through technology in addition to the utilization of other

manipulatives and tools that provide all students with an enriching learning experience.

The following section of my portfolio is a reflection of my experiences, observations, and

lessons I have gained as a teacher candidate in the M.S. Ed. Elementary program. In this section,

I will discuss in further detail these important experiences, lessons, and observations that have

molded me into a successful teacher candidate.

Portfolio Project/Teacher Education Learning Experiences

Throughout my experiences throughout the M.S. Ed. Elementary program at Medaille

College I have had the privilege to gained so much experience through observations and the

growth and learning I have encountered throughout various courses and field observations. More

specially, I have learned the importance of my own professional development as well as my own
continuation of learning and growth and the importance of continuing my own learning

experiences in order to provide my future students with the tools they need to further their

development of learning at the individual level (DOE Claim 1. Content and Pedagogical

Knowledge). Furthermore, I have learned throughout the course of this program the importance

of promoting equity throughout my teaching and how to promote a safe and open classroom

environment for learning where all learning styles and abilities are met regardless of background,

previous experiences, and exceptionalities that encourage a deep connection to the curriculum

for all students. (DOE Claim 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge).

Throughout the M.S. Ed. Elementary program I have gained an abundance of knowledge that

I will carry on throughout my teaching as an elementary educator. In my first semester at

Medaille College, I learned and explored a great deal of technology that I can implement into the

classroom. More specifically, the Technology for Elementary Classroom taught me how to

implement technology into my own classroom in a manner that is engaging and interactive. I

learned how to create my own classroom Weebly website, a Google Classroom, and learned a

number of different platforms that will allow me to accommodate a variety of learning abilities

and styles and enrich the learning experience of both myself and my future students (DOE

Claim: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge Standard 1.5). Personally, I learned a great deal

from the course and it was one of my favourite learning experiences in the M.S. Ed. Elementary

program. The knowledge and skills I have learned regarding tools to implement technology in

the class are invaluable and will be taken with me throughout my future career as an educator.

The course, Culturally Responsive Learning, was an eye-opening learning experience for

myself that provided me with knowledge I will take with me not only throughout my teaching

career, but throughout my life as a whole. As a result of this course, I will be able to provide all
students with a diverse learning experience that will expand and enrich student learning and

development for all children (DOE Claim: Clinical Experiences standard 2.3).

A course requirement for the M.S. Ed. Elementary program is the course surrounding the

topic of special needs. I absolutely loved this course, I was very excited to take it and the

professor and course did not disappoint. As an educational assistant, I feel educating oneself and

others in regards to special needs is absolutely crucial in becoming a successful and effective

teacher candidate for it is our duty as educators to provide all students with the necessary

accommodations and/or modifications necessary to receive an enriching learning experience

DOE Claim: Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity standard 3).

Research in Education gave me the skills needed in order to successfully conduct research in

an appropriate manner to further develop my personal understanding of curriculum standards and

in return, provide my future students with quality information and the skills they need in order to

find quality research on their own and in group settings (DOE Claim: Content and Pedagogical

Knowledge standard 1.2).

Throughout my experience in the M.S. Ed. Elementary program, I have had the opportunity

to gain a great deal of knowledge and experience through the following literacy courses;

Developmental Literacy and Assessment and Evaluation of Literacy. Throughout my own

education experiences, I have always had an interest in literacy at the elementary educational

level. The literacy courses provided by Medaille have increased my interest in literacy and in

addition, have provided me with such an immense amount of knowledge and skills that I will

cherish and take with me throughout my future career as an educator. For instance, I have

learned how to create literacy lesson plans and learning segments that will enrich the minds of all

students. In addition, I have had the opportunity to conduct various literacy assessments in real-
time with a student. These experiences have been eye-opening and have provided me with the

opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of key concepts and principles that are crucial in

understanding my future students’ learning styles and levels and how to provide them with the

necessary strategies and support they need in order to succeed (DOE Claim Content and

Pedagogical Knowledge standard 1).

As a teacher candidate with a background in Sociology and Psychology I am thankful for the

course, Mathematics/Science/Technology. This course has provided me with experience and the

skills I need in order to implement enriching learning experiences in the subjects of math,

science and social studies. Prior to this course, I was insecure in my mathematic abilities.

However, this course has given me the confidence and tools I need in order to implement math

and science lessons that are fun, engaging, utilize technology, and reaches the needs and learning

levels and styles of all students (DOE Claim: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge standard 1).

Throughout my second and third semester in the M.S. Ed. Elementary program, I have

gained a great deal of experience in Field Work I and II Grades 1-6. Through this experience I

have had the privilege to be in on-ground classrooms grades 1, 4, 5, and 6. Through these

observations I have gained a great deal of knowledge, insight, and tools for my teacher toolbox

that I will carry with me throughout my future career as an educator. In addition to in-classroom

observations, I have also had the privilege to observe virtual classrooms. I feel exceptionally

grateful to have had the opportunity to observe and gain insight into both virtual and in-

classroom learning. Both learning environments bring special qualities to the learning experience

and I am privileged to have gained insight, knowledge, and skills for both on-ground and virtual

learning that I will use for years to come throughout my own teaching (DOE Claim: Clinical

Partnerships and Practice standard 2).

Overall, the M.S. Ed. Elementary program at Medaille College has successfully prepared me

to become the most successful and responsible educator I can be. More specifically, I have

gained a plethora of knowledge that has allowed me to develop the skills and tools I need in

order to implement quality learning experiences through enriching classroom instruction for all

students from all backgrounds, religions, sexual orientations, beliefs, learning levels/styles, and

exceptionalities (DOE Claim Candidate Quality, Recruitment, and Selectivity standard 3).

Readiness to Become a Teacher

As I reflect on my past year in the M.S. Ed. Elementary program, I am even more excited

to be that much closer to my dream of becoming a professional educator. Throughout this course,

I have gained so much insight through observations, course materials, assignments, and

discussions. As a result, I have developed and further strengthened my skills necessary in order

to become a successful elementary teacher.

Now that I possess the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to be a successful

teacher, I have developed my strengths in the following areas to implement a successful

educational experience for both myself and my future students: implementing enriching learning

experiences through proper classroom management, the implementation of Common Core

Standards and Canadian Expectations, lesson planning, technology integration, and Culturally

Responsive Teaching.

Providing a learning environment with successful classroom management is crucial in

order to enrich your students’ learning experience. More specifically, when a classroom has

strong classroom management, everyone within the classroom will thrive both socially and

academically. Classroom management is very important in order to have a successful class

because it provides students and educators with a clear outline of classroom expectations. When
a classroom works collaboratively to create quality expectations and standards for all involved,

students are provided with a safe, open, and respectful learning environment.

Similar to classroom management, it is crucial as an educator to provide students with a

clear outline and understanding of what is expected of them academically. More specifically, I

have developed my strengths in the successful implementation of both NYS Common Core

Standards and Ontario Expectations in a manner that is clear, concise, and easy to follow and

comprehend for all learners.

By developing my knowledge and skills to implement the Common Core Standards for

both NYS and Ontario, I have also gained the skills and knowledge to create learning segments

and lesson plans that surround specific standards. By doing this I have gained the ability and

strengths in order to develop lessons in a manner that expresses my own creativity and is

interactive, engaging, and all-inclusive for all students regardless of learning level/styles and


Due to the technology courses within the M.S. Ed. Elementary program, I have gained so

much insight into the importance of implementing technology throughout the classroom in

addition to developing the skills necessary to integrate technology successfully into my

classroom. Now that I know how to use technology throughout my lesson planning, I am able to

implement my creativity and love of the arts through the use of technology in addition to

utilizing and exposing my future students to a number of useful technology resources that

promote equity throughout the classroom and enrich the learning experience for all students.

Having a background experience as an education assistant, I take integration into the

classroom very seriously. I believe classroom integration promotes equity and enriches the

learning experience for all students in the classroom. As a result, Culturally Responsive
Teaching is a critical component in being a successful educator and a strength that I have further

developed through the M.S. Ed. Elementary program. I pride myself on being an individual that

is culturally responsive. More specifically, through this program I have further developed my

skills in order to implement my culturally responsive beliefs throughout my teaching, lesson

planning, and engagement in the classroom. As a result, I have developed the skills and deepened

the knowledge necessary to create a classroom that is open, engaging, interactive, and promotes

equity. By doing this, all students regardless of sexual orientation, gender, religious beliefs,

background, learning styles and levels, and exceptionalities will find my classroom to be a

welcoming, safe, and open learning environment where all are learners are appreciated and will

attain an enriching learning experience all individuals deserve.


Section five of the Portfolio Project is a teacher candidate reflection of my own personal

experience throughout the M.S. Ed. Elementary Program, the experiences, observations, and

skills I have attained throughout the course of this year in addition to the strengths I have

developed that will allow me to be a successful educator at the elementary level. Throughout this

section I highlighted the key areas of this program that have impacted me immensely in ways

and I am forever grateful. As a result, I have gained a plethora of knowledge, skills, and a deeper

understanding in what it takes to become an educator that provides a learning environment for all

children to thrive in. I can say with confidence that the M.S. Ed. Elementary Program at Medaille

College has molded me into a successful teacher candidate that will provide a learning

environment enriched with equity, engagement, and integration; resulting in a positive

experience for all. Section six of my Portfolio Project will provide me with the opportunity to
introduce myself through the implementation of an interview video where I will showcase

various artifacts on my Weebly Website.

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