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Sports Medicine 10: Lesson 4: Chapter 5 quiz, turf toe taping, lower leg muscles

Grade/Subject: Sports Medicine 10

Unit: Foot and ankle
Lesson Duration: 90 minutes
Date: February 19, 2021

General  CTS 4: Demonstrate the appropriate management and treatment of injuries that can
Outcome(s) occur during recreation activities and sporting events using simulations

 CTS 6: demonstrate the appropriate management and treatment of injuries related to the
Achilles tendon, adductor muscles of the leg and quadriceps muscles

Specific  5.3 locate the bones and surface landmarks specific to taping the ankle and foot in
Outcome(s) lateral, medial, plantar and frontal views

 5.4 demonstrate correct skin preparation necessary before the application of treatment,
including the identification of areas of friction prior to taping

 5.5 apply basic skills for taping and wrapping

 6.2 describe how muscles are injured during stress related to an activity

 6.3 recommend fitness and conditioning principles for injury prevention

 6.4 recommend lifestyle choices for injury prevention, including protective equipment

Learning Students will:

Intentions  Demonstrate their understandings of the anatomy of the foot (remember/understand)
 Identify the different foot injuries (understand)
 Describe different prevention and treatments for various foot injuries
 Demonstrate their ability to tape their classmates’ toe (apply)
 Identify the different muscles of the lower leg (remember)
 Demonstrate their ability to label the diagram of the lower leg muscles

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative  Kahoot Quiz Summative  Taping checklist:
Assessment  Poll Everywhere Assessmen  1mark (check mark) =
t competed the tape
 Taping
 Thumbs up/thumbs down  0.5 mark= taping could use
some improvements
 0 mark= did not show
work/work did not resemble
correct taping
 Chapter 5 quiz
Stage 3: Learning Experience
Prior to  Students will have Resource o Anatomy Booklet (fill-in-the-blank
Lesson: background knowledge s to notes, injury chart)
on anatomical terms Bring: o Kahoot Quiz
 Students will have an
understanding of injury injuries/9e251e67-e244-4616-959d-ae554efb9d07
treatment and o Lower Leg PowerPoint
prevention (blisters/
bruised heel, ankle YfSxSAjh-
sprains, fractures and 60bGO7jwWK5Otbo5HVq0ryTdjJT4/edit?
turf toe) usp=sharing
 Students will have an o YouTube Videos
understanding of the o Tape
bones, joints and o Taping PowerPoint
ligaments of the foot
and ankle. 0Ze1iul1PGTh-WKTLLyPMNy4QIWv-
 Students will know the p4Qlzw44/edit?usp=sharing
steps to the ankle taping o Poll Everywhere

 All resources are in the student’s

anatomy booklets

Content/Description erials
What do I want my students to learn?
1. How to properly tape a turf toe
2. Lower muscle diagrams
3. Labelling the lower muscles
How will I know my lesson was successful?
1. Students will complete a Kahoot quiz
2. Students will be able to tape a turf toe
3. Students are engaged and asking thought-provoking questions
4. Students will answer poll everywhere questions correctly
Introduction (5 mins): 

Attention Grabber: “Can anyone tell me what the mechanisms are for
shin splints”

 Go over the plan for the day: 

o Review (Kahoot quiz) on chapter 5 and injuries
o Chapter 5 quiz (Online)
o Lower leg muscle PowerPoint
o Turf toe taping

 Get students to take out their anatomy booklets

 I will have the Kahoot pin and game ready as students are walking in

“Today, we will start the lesson off with a Kahoot quiz. This Kahoot quiz Kahoot
focuses on the foot injuries we learned yesterday and some questions from
chapter 5.  Grab out your phones and type in the Kahoot pin.”
Activity 1: Kahoot Quiz on foot injuries and chapter 5 questions
(10 mins)
 Students will be given a few minutes to ask me any questions they may
have regarding chapter 5

Transition: “Do you guys have any questions regarding chapter 5 before
you write the quiz?”

“One row at a time will grab a Chromebook and login into D2L and
complete the quiz. Once you finish your quiz, you can start working on
chapter 6 or study for your foot bone quiz tomorrow. Please be quiet, as
some of your classmates may be still writing”

Activity 2: Chapter 5 Quiz (20 mins)

 Students will complete a chapter 5 quiz (online)
 If students finish ahead of time, they can start on chapter 6 or study for
their foot bone quiz
 Chapter 6 worksheet is located in the students’ anatomy booklet

Transition (Clapping twice): “You guys can put the chrome books back.
Make sure you sanitize them”

 As students are putting the chrome books away, I will set up the
lower leg muscle PowerPoint.

“What did you guys think of chapter 5 quiz?

“Since we have learned about the bones, joints and ligaments of the foot
and ankle, we are now moving on to learning about the muscles of the
lower leg. In your anatomy booklet, flip open to the page of the lower leg

Activity 3: Lower Leg Muscle PowerPoint (20 mins)

 Once all students have completed their chapter 5 quiz, we will move
onto learning the lower leg muscles Anatomy
 Students will follow along during the PowerPoint and we will label the Booklets
muscles of the lower leg as a class
 The diagrams are located in their anatomy booklets
 Throughout the PowerPoint they are labelling questions such as

o What is number 5? Gastrocnemius

o What is number 4? Soleus
o What is number 2? Peroneus Longus

Formative assessment: I will ask students to give me a thumbs up if they

understand the material, a flat hand if they sort of understand the material and
a thumbs down if they are confused and need extra review.

Transition: “Okay everyone, we will be moving on to taping the toe. Who

can tell me 2 steps of the turf toe taping?”

“One row at a time will be given time to practice taping. Once you have
completed the turf toe, raise your hand and I will come check it out.
When you and your partner have finished taping, you can study for your
foot bone quiz tomorrow, work on chapter 6 and label the extra diagrams
in the booklet”

“I will now demonstrate on a student. Do I have any volunteers?”

Activity 4: Turf Toe Taping (25 mins)

(Depending on where we left off last class)
 I will go through the taping PowerPoint with the focus on turf toe
 I will demonstrate on a student Tape
 Students will get into partners and practice on each other. They can ask Pro-wrap
me any questions they have Taping
Classroom management: One row at a time will tape their partner's toe while
the other rows are working through reviewing the anatomy of the foot and
starting chapter 6

Transition (clapping twice): “Please put the tape away and come back to
your desks. As a review activity, I will be handing out a blank piece of
paper. I want you guys to hand draw the bones and ligaments of the foot
and label it. For this activity, I want you guys to work individually. This is
a great exercise to test your knowledge.”

Activity 4: Review for foot bone quiz tomorrow (25 mins):

(Depending on how long it takes students to finish their chapter 5 quiz)

 Students will draw out and label their own foot diagram
 This will allow students to find areas that they need to focus on and
can ask me any questions
Conclusion (5 mins):

 I will put up the link to poll everywhere on the smartboard

 Poll Everywhere
“As a closure activity, I want you guys to follow the instructions from the
poll everywhere and text-in 2 muscles of the lower leg.”

“Tomorrow we will go over foot injuries, PF1 & PF2 taping and you guys
will have a foot bone quiz”

 Students will wait for the bell to dismiss them 

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