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This report is a record for the study of what happens in the management of a project
undertaken by an organization. Project management is about starting and ending
dates which have the clearly specific objective or scope of work to be perform,
budget and temporary organization. This is very important in every project
implementation which consist of five essentials which is initiating process, planning
process, executing process, controlling process and closing that related to each
other. These five important things are the cycles that will happen in every project that
takes place in every project to success.

First stage in the project management cycle or process is initiating process, this
process occurs before and start the project. In this stage the organization consist of
the stakeholders will start to define new project. After defining the project, project is
initiated or carried out after a new project is define through an organization led by a
project manager. Project manager will set the objectives and goals also set up
groups to implement new projects. This group set up or established through the
organization that play a role in carrying out tasks in the course of new projects in
accordance with the goals and objectives that have been set.

Second stage in the project management cycle or process is planning process that
also occurs before and start the new project. This is the most important stage in
project management that are consist the process before project and while the project
is running or implemented. In this stage will produce the aim and objective to
realization through execution step which is predict purpose to less changes plan later
on. This stage of process will establish the scope of project, define objectives and
course option to achieve objective. Then, it will be plan work which mean produce
the work plan. This work plan was produced in scheduling that produce format plan
activities, duration, resources and sequences of occurrences that taken before
project start.

Third stage is evaluating/executing process which the stage is start the project. This
stage is the process to implement the first and second steps or process which is to
realize the project base on the objectives. This stage of process realizes the
objective through execution that must satisfy the project also the scope which is
established in planning.
Next is the forth stage of process which is the controlling is the important process
during the actual project. This process is to determine the duration form the project
base which is in scheduling form or road project that consist earth work, base work
and asphalt (concrete). Re-plan and reschedule during the implementation will occur
which is to compensate the deviation. This planning process required to track,
review, regulate the process and performance. It is also to identify any areas in
which change to the plan and corresponding changes.

Last stage or process is the last phase of the project which is the closing process.
This process close out of the complete project that the total delivery is made and
accepted by the costumers or client. All process groups which is initial to monitoring
will finalize in closing process to formal close the project.

1.1 Study background

The real estate project that have been choose is about the multi-venue
performing arts center Sydney Opera House which has been built in Sydney
Harbor, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. This building shape like a
sail of a boat. Many concerts and events take place in the hall, with 2000
performances a year presented by Opera Australia, Australia’s national
company. This building is one of the icon to the Australia which mean it is a
famous tourist attraction and became one of the most exciting filming sets in
some popular Hollywood films.

As well as many touring theatre, ballet, and musical productions the Opera
House is the home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the
Sydney Symphony Orchestra. It is administered by the Opera House Trust,
under the New South Wales (NSW) Ministry of the Arts.

The Opera house provides 45,000 square meters (11 acres) of usable office
space out of 18,000 square meters (4.5 acres) of land. It is 183 meters (600
feet) tall and about 120 meters (388 feet) wide at its widest point. It is
supported on 580 concrete piers sunk up to 25 meters below sea level. Its
power supply is equivalent for a town of 25,000 people. the power is
distributed by 645 kilometers of electrical cable. It has about 1000 rooms. It
has five theatres, five rehearsal studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six
bars and numerous souvenir shops.

This real estate project construction begins at 1 st March 1959. This building
design idea from the architect named Jorn Utzon that won a design
competition in 1959. The project cost is about A$102 million that finish within
14 years from the actual time frame that estimated four-year timeline and A$7
million. The construction of this project was completed and opened on
October 20, 1973.
As construction of the podium began in Sydney, Jorn Utson and his team of
architects back in Hallebaek explored how to build the Opera house’s shell-
shaped roof. Between 1958 and 1962, the roof design for the Sydney Opera
House evolved through various iterations as Utzon and his team pursued
parabolic, ellipsoid and finally spherical geometry to derive the final form of
the shells. The eventual realization that the form of the Sydney Opera
House’s shells could be derived from the surface of a sphere marked a
milestone on 20th century architecture.

To work out how to build the shells, the engineers at Arup & Partners needed
to express the shell shapes mathematically. Asked by the engineers in 1958
to define the curves of the roof, Utzon took a plastic ruler, bent it against a
table and simply traced the curves. He sent these drawings to Arup &
Partners in London, explaining these were the shapes he wanted.

The building’s shape slowly shifted away from Utzon’s competition drawings.
His new curves were detailed in the Red Book, a complete set of plans,
expanded on the schematic drawings from his competition entry. The roof’s
ridge profiles had become higher and more pointed; the end shell form no
longer cantilevered like a cliff over the sea. These higher profiles also allowed
for more volume for the stage towers an auditorium.

Yet the drawings contained the book were structurally unsound, with difficult
bends near the roof’s footings. Each shell was different. The lack of a
defining geometry would make it possible for the builders to reuse formwork
and would add to the building’s costs.

This study is aim to get to know how the Sydney Opera House how its built from the
beginning of the project process until the project was done and the hall perfectly can
be operating well. Also, aim of this study is to analyze the problem during the project
management process that effect the project delayed almost 14 years to perfectly
done and operate.


There are four (4) objectives of this study to reach the aim of this study, which is:

i) To study the effectiveness of controlling method for project management of

Sydney Opera House,
ii) To ensure who is involves in the project in decision making in project
management of Sydney Opera House,
iii) To determine the effectiveness process of the management of Sydney
Opera House,
iv) To investigate the challenge face during project time frame for project
management of Sydney Opera House,


Scope of this study is to determine the controlling process about the Sydney Opera
House. Besides, this study is to know the structure of organization or the group that
managing the project. Then, there will be study about the effectiveness process of
the project management and how the project management process implementation
before the project started until the project is completely done. Lastly, there will be the
investigation to justify the problem or challenges face during project time frame.

This study used the secondary data that can be get in the library and in internet
which is all about the data taken from the journals, books and website. All the data
from the reading materials on Sydney Opera House will be reviewed and analyzed.
The results of the research and analysis will be processed and made it as a finding
or as a result of this study. The secondary data which is journals, books and
websites will be listed in the references part in the end of this report.


Risk management

Risk Management is one of the most critical Project Management practices about the
Sydney Opera House project activities. To the fulfillment of project risk management
needs to be effectively planned and strategized. The construction industry about the
Sydney Opera House is to multiple risks, complexities, and uncertainty as compared
to industries. In the understanding and identification of the risks, the industry needs
to involve a large number of people with distinct innovative skills and interests that
will help in the management of risks. As examined the Opera House has several
complexities and difficulties in facing risks. Therefore, the management team needs
to undertake in meeting deadlines and cost targets. It is important to apply strategic
project risk management strategies into the upcoming constructions of the Sydney
Opera House.

Communication process

The Communications Process is focused on evaluating the stakeholder management

process. The project management and business process about the Sydney Opera
House involve some communication methods that include interpersonal skills and
management skills. The communicative methods need to ensure the communication
requirements of stakeholders, employees, and members need to be addressed (Gîfu
& Teodorescu, 2014). It is important for the business team and project management
team to resolve conflicts and fights within the workplace. Effective communicative
will help in enhancing meetings with stakeholders, project manager and build trust
among individuals. Therefore, the Sydney Opera House it is proven that the
experience of developing and implementing communications strategies are
significant with several internal and external stakeholders.

Procurement of the project

The first step of the project procurement process is the initiation and proper planning.
The project management of the team of Sydney Opera House needs to initiate and
have to set a proper plan to receive the raw materials from their suppliers. In the next
phase, the project management team needs to identify the proper vendor from whom
the team can get different deliverables at the correct time. After the selection of the
vendor, the team needs to do the proper contract with the vendor and the budget for
the entire project should be negotiated. The project management team of the Sydney
Opera House project needs to maintain these particular aspects in such a manner so
that it can benefit them to successfully conduct the entire project.

Change control

The change control processes and control management is based on information,

assumptions, data, resource and the personal experience of the construction
professionals and employees. Project changes refer to the adjustments that need to
make in meeting the Sydney Opera Houses’ project’s life cycle. Therefore, it is
important to manage changes effectively that will lead to the success of the
construction project. Their construction needs to be unique and distinct and much
different from other industrial sectors. So, the team management of Sydney Opera
House needs to manage the change and utilize such changes towards expanding its
scope by the designing of the construction process effectively.


The Sydney Opera House project has faced multiple complexities from the
management point of view. However, it has been successful in meeting the three
major factors to project management that includes cost, time and quality. With
project development, the project manager plays an important role in the Sydney
Opera House’s construction projects. Therefore, the project manager is responsible
for the success of the projects of the House. To conduct successful project
management, an effective communication process needs to be enhanced between
leaders and employees. it is an outstanding success for Sydney and for Australia as
a country with the distinct constructional process and projects of Sydney Opera
House being as one of the most recognizable and popular construction and buildings
in the world that attracts millions of people across the globe.

Building a masterpiece: The Sydney Opera House. (2007). Choice Reviews


Roberts, J. (2016). Jørn Utzon’s Reverie of the Eye: Surfaces of the Sydney
Opera House. The Material Imagination.

Baxter, Prof. Sir (John) Philip, (7 May 1905–5 Sept. 1989), Chairman, Sydney
Opera House Trust, 1968–75. (2007). Who Was Who.

Arup, O., & Jenkins, R. S. (1968). The Evolution And Design Of The
Concourse At The Sydney Opera House.,the Evolution And Design Of The
Concourse At The Sydney Opera House. Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers.

Sydney Opera House - An Architectural Biography. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sydney Opera House. (2019, May 28). Retrieved from

Murray, L. (2018, October 26). Sydney Opera House. Retrieved from


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