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What to do after graduating from the program:

Natural resources are the main key to world development, therefore at the end of the program
I will continue with scientific research in environmental management. In addition, I will share
the knowledge acquired in it with students from Venezuela, Russia, and other countries in the
world with the intention of contributing to the protection and conservation of the environment,
thus guaranteeing quality of life for this and the next generations.
Caracas, Venezuela 2021

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

At present, an exponential population increase is taking place, which is why the correct use of the
resources offered by the environment is required. For this reason, environmental management is
becoming more and more important due to the ecological crisis that we already suffer and that must be
fought with the intention of satisfying present demands without affecting the possibilities of future

The programs offered by Russian universities in the field of environmental management and water
management are among the best in the world, this time I am applying for this specific program since I
am a person very passionate about the environment and currently work in an ecological company in
which I have felt quite identified with its values of environmental care and protection, among which are
ecological balance, sustainable use of resources, production of clean energy and proper use of water.

In addition, at present I am a volunteer in an association called "Safe Water" in which we take care of
installing water purification plants in communities where families, apart from water scarcity, already
face economic disadvantages and other difficulties.

In this sense, I would like to continue contributing to the sustainable development of the world by
participating in viable projects that reconcile the economic, social, and environmental aspects of human
activities. I believe that by obtaining more in-depth knowledge of the subject I can provide a solution to
the environmental problems of my country, Russia, and other countries with important, complex and
large-scale projects since our current environmental situation is marked by processes of deterioration
and disturbance derived from the application of an industrial development model based on domination,
exploitation and disequilibrium.

Currently the lack of researchers in these important areas is very marked, so I am a faithful believer that
the opportunity and training should be given to new people who are committed to the environment and
sustainable development since, if we unite in this path, without a doubt, we will be leaving a better
world for our successors.

With much love and enthusiasm, I am attentive to your satisfactory answer,

Franco Arocha

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