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Cover Letter:

Absar Fatima
Bahria University Karachi Campus

The Manager
XYZ Company
Karachi, Pakistan
Date: March 11, 2020

Dear XYZ Manager:

I am writing in regards of the position of Management Trainee to serve your organization, which I saw
advertised on newspaper. I am currently majoring in Finance and HR at Bahria University and will
receive my double degree this spring. While I have a comprehensive finance background, in my final year
I will complete modules specific to finance majors. I feel that your company places prominence in similar
areas, and working with you will give me that further exposure I need to advance my career.

During my time as a student, I have been involved in challenging projects and made strong contributions
to campaigns at university and as a volunteer role.

With this application letter, I attach herewith my resume for your full consideration. Thank you for taking
time to review my application and I am looking forward to your reply so that we can further discuss my

Yours sincerely,
Absar Fatima
PHONE # 03345025454

A highly enthusiastic and challenge oriented person who enjoys multi-tasking and competent
enough to meet the deadlines.

Particulars Institute/School/College Year Status
Bachelors of Business
administration (1st Bahria University Karachi Campus 2016 ongoing
H.S.C. Punjab Group of Colleges 2016 Passed
S.S.C. (Grade A) PAEC Girls College, Chashma 2014 Passed

 Conducted a CSR activities that included plantation in residential area, cleaning roads,

 Volunteered at Darul Sakon (18 hours)

Case Study
Natalie the Retail Manager
Q- Do u think enigma was right in the approaches it used to recruit Natalie?

Ans- I am also a graduate as well as Natalie. So I will answer this question from Graduate student
perspective from this viewpoint I think Enigma’s approaches of recruitment of Natalie were right.
Because Enigma gave Natalie the opportunity to gather job experiences as a fresher which will be so
much helpful for her future career life because many of her friends are still looking for a perfect job
position. As all of you have seen in the newspaper or well-known jobsite named as that if you
try to submit your CV to any suitable job circular, you will get a column of requirement mentioned “Job
experience: 5-10 years, or 1-3 years” etc. so my question is- unless any company give the fresher’s the
opportunity to enter into a job in their company, how can we-the fresher’s will gather job experiences. So
how can we will be able to fill up that job experience requirement column. Natalie got it from Enigma. So
I do think that Enigma’s this approach was right.

Q- Should an employer have a moral obligation to always use realistic recruitment?

Ans- Yes, an employer should have a moral obligation to always use realistic recruitment. An employer
should balance between the applicant’s perspective and organizational perspective here; in this case,
Enigma has given a chance to Natalie to become an assistant manager just as a fresher whereas Natalie’s
friends are still fighting for a suitable position for them. so that Natalie had to face many difficulties to
manage her subordinate who were elder than her in case of age and tenure but instead of Natalie if
Enigma would give a chance to any of the elder employees who had 5 years more job experiences than
Natalie then I think the staff’s confidence and encouragement of work would be retained and this type of
problems did not arise. Similarly Natalie did not need to face lots of stresses which damaged her health
severely at very early stage of her life.

Q-Do you believe that the” survival of the fittest” approach that Enigma used in developing its managers
was an appropriate strategy?

Ans- yes, I believe that the “survival of the fittest” approach that Enigma used was an appropriate
strategy in developing its managers, Survival of the fittest is a way how employee will start to expose or
utilize their personal skill. This strategy will help employee to figure out their dormant skill. This
approach will find out the store’s best competent personnel who will lead the company. This way
company can develop the employee who can manage the store very well, because she/he will be the one
who knows the organizations ins & outs very well. She then can make policy which will best fit to the
store. Managers are those who managed everything within and outside of organization which are related
to their business. So managers must have the ability to fit in every circumstance in the organizations and
survive it till the goal is achieved. In one sense, managers are known as leaders and anyone can not be a
leader. He must have some special qualities to survive in any situation and lead the team toward success.
So I think the approach that Enigma used is appropriate for development of managers .because of this a
manager will get an opportunity to face the real life situation of an organization and to test their real
talents and capabilities of being a manager.” a bird cannot learn to fly unless it will be thrown from a high
place to bottom”. So, nothing is different in the case to find out real managers.

Q-Do you think Natalie should have been more forceful in trying to correct managerial and cultural
wrongs that she observed?

Ans I don’t think that Natalie should have been more forceful in her management practice. At very early
age she became the assistant manager whereas there were many employees who were elder in age and
working period than Natalie and were working under the supervision of her, what they could not accept
and disobeyed her. Beside this, the staff at Enigma store had a negative view of management because of
its abusive attitude towards them and the employees have been treated as nothing more than human
capital. Natalie has followed the flexible way. She learned to implement changes and improvement in her
dept. in a quiet fashion. Because more hard and strictness would result in more complex situation for
Natalie and bring difficulties for Natalie to achieve the company’s goal and mission. So that Natalie
adopted such strategy to correct managerial and cultural wrongs that she observed which are flexible,
friendly in nature to the staff.

Q- Do you agree with Natalie’s decision to “stick it out for a while longer” with Enigma after she had
been on the job for a year?

Ans- Yes, I do agree with Natalie’s decision to “stick it out for a while longer” with Enigma. Before
making any haste decision, everyone should analyze the threats and opportunities prevailing in a job in
the organization. One year’s stress or success can never signal true situation in a position for a job. One
requires some time space to explore his potentiality and to set a solid target. Only because of this, does
Natalie choose to stay in Enigma for a while longer in spite of her suffering from severe migraines,
heartburn problems and physician’s advice to find less stressful job. Now this can be inferred that
Natalie wanted to take time and to see if she can overturn the situation prevailing in the organization, say-
stress, political gains, employees’ hostility and demands for individual performance.
Q- If you were in Natalie’s shoes after 5 years with Enigma, what career and life choices would you be
prepared to make?

Ans-This is a very tricky question though not as much intricate to answer. There are two things that have
created the thinking line. One is switching to Seattle for becoming a store manager defying family
concerns. And the other one is staying in the present job at Pennsylvania or starting new housewares store
by herself. I am, now an assistant manager, would like to stay in the present job at Pennsylvania, because
I have respects and concerns for my family. I just cannot make my family suffer for my personal gains. In
this regard, I would recommend my company to promote me to Manager of Pennsylvania Store, if
possible. But if not, then I would be happy with the current position of assistant manager because I am
still getting rewards in this position for my performance- a salary increase, bonus and appreciations.
Promotion will not be a big deal. If I can continue my success in this career, it is certain I will get
promotion soon or later or can move to other company near my locality as the final destination.

George the Banker

Q- How would you rate obsilek’s approach to the dismissal of George? what could, or should they have
done differently?

Ans- Obsilek’s approach to the George dismissal was inappropriate considering the number of years of
service of George and his track record at the organization. Moreover, as discussed in the case his
productivity level wasn’t that much low that company should dismiss such an employee. According to my
opinion obsilek could do something differently, they might downsize the organization by evaluating the
performance of each employee and those who are unfit to the organizational goals and are having lower
productivity would be dismissed. Loosing employee like George would be a great loss for obsilek.

Q- Why do you think George was blindsided by his dismissal? Do you think there was any way he could
have seen the dismissal coming?

Ans George was doing well in his job and he was very satisfied from his work. Management ensured it by
sending emails to employees that management will take every necessary step to keep obsilek from being
acquired. George was blindsided that such a dismissal offer would be made to him as he have went to
obsilek like normal days and he have no knowledge about management is planning for such a policy to do
downsizing. He could see dismissal coming on the straight way to him by indulging himself in
management working and policies modifications,
Q- Why do you think George “opted for security over opportunity every time”?

Ans George was doing well in his job and had well standing that’s why he didn’t opt for opportunity he
always opted for security and given priority to it over opportunity every time because he believes that he
needs to be workaholic and give preference to his work what he is doing. And wanted to be a breadwinner
of family and opportunities were good enough but not more than what he is still earning. He believes
working in obsilek will let him allow giving fee of his daughters and could cover all his family expenses.

Q- Do you think George has a right to bitter at obsilek?

Ans- George has a right to bitter at obsilek because it was not in his knowledge that obsilek is going for
downsizing and his name would be selected. Moreover the management had ensured before that they will
not let that happen and do whatever it takes too save the organization ,their promises were just fake so
George will have a right to bitter at obsilek

Q- Should George take the early retirement option or severance package?

Ans- George should take the early retirement package because it would include the three years’ salary
package that would help him to pay his daughters university expenses and will help the family to deal
with other expenses too. After that he would be given the pension which would be enough to pursue his
old dream to start up a small business. That would make him again a breadwinner of family.

Q- If you were to predict, how do you see George’s life and career in 5 years of future?

Ans- If I were to predict, I would see George life much comfortable and satisfied in near future as the
retirement plan would make him allow to give all the expenses of his daughter’s expenses and they will
graduated soon. After that his career would be more likely to be going towards a business field where he
can use the money of his pension to startup a business that would make him earn some amount to
maintain his support too his family.

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