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My Full Judgment by Susan Perkins McNally

"Seek Me with weeping, fasting and a contrite heart. I will save individuals and you shall shine like the stars
forever. Repent, oh nations!"

PROPHECY- My Full Judgment

Word of the Lord through Susan Perkins McNally

September 7. 1994

My beloved and peculiar treasure, yea, those whom I have redeemed. Hear the words of My mouth. That which is
happening in the United States will astonish the whole world as My full judgment comes upon your land. The
erratic weather will be specific judgment on specific areas as to their individual transgressions against Me.

The East coast will experience the cold breath of my wind. Just as they are cold and indifferent to My Spirit, so
shall they be given to drink at My hand this cup of cold fury. As the inhabitants shake their heads in astonishment,
this blast of My wind will bring them to their appointed time of reckoning as I force them to consider their ways as
their lives come to a standstill.

The West coast which burns in its lust with their insatiable desires and perversions will experience great fires and
drought. Their cities will go up in flames and their infrastructures collapse. Yes, the great quakes are coming as the
earth shudders at their wickedness. The resultant fear and panic will cause great loss of lives!

Those areas that call upon Me in repentance can be spared certain aspects of My judgment, but the whole land
will mourn. Yea, it is not just America that will be judged but the whole earth shall know that I the Lord God have
done these marvels. All over the earth fghting and wars that were thought to be little skirmishes will turn into
bloody battles and explosive wars. The cry of peace, peace will be a hollow echo in the face of great upheavals.

Since the world governments and financial systems have worshipped the demon of greed so shall their idols be
toppled and their systems be brought down! Entire countries will go bankrupt overnight and default on their loans
and obligations. the entire international banking system that has been built on greed, fraud, deceit and murder will
crash. The dust of their defeat already hangs suspended in the air like a choking mist.

Your political structures in the United States will crumble as I reveal the sins and the nakedness of your elected
officials. I will judge your leaders who have shaken their fists at Heaven and profaned My Name and mocked the
Son of My Love, Jesus. The White House will become a deserted mausoleum as in an abandoned cemetery, as
My judgment comes upon this house of "blood and perversion." For truly I will recall the great evil that has been
spoken against Me and My children and all the evil schemes and devices that your leaders have thrust out against
My people, the Body of Christ. They will bring a swift rebuke against your leaders and they shall tremble in great
fear as My fury passes by them. If their hearts are pure they will not be touched. If their thoughts and deeds are
wicked they shall be consumed.

Like vomit, the land will heave out this great evil and the floods of my displeasure will wash the filth and defilement
out of the way. Be certain that life as you have known it and as it has been in the past when this nation walked in
My judgments, putting Me first, cannot be regained until all the evil roots and fruits have been laid waste.

Fear not, My Beloved, and be not dismayed; for that which I do always results in redemption. Only the power of My
Spirit and My Great Name can deliver you and your nation. Draw close to Me. Intercede for your brethren. Let your
eyes be filled with tears and your heart with intercession. Stand in the power of My might, in the Name of Jesus,
and don't be intimidated by the threats and schemes of dying men.

Yes, the time is short, and you shall truly see the sustaining power of My majesty as you abide in Me. I will not
leave you or forsake you. Be bold and of good courage, for it is I the Lord that goes before you!

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