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Here is the Biden 3d render that proves

he's fake (click to view)

They have done plenty to try to "prove" this

guy is president, but it is not coming off very
well. I still can't figure out why the American
people are accepting this nonsense.


Anonymous sent $49.21 USD,

thanks! Anonymous sent $30 USD,
thanks! Anonymous sent $20.21 USD,


Priceless: Man
interrupts live CNN broadcast and tells them
they are full of it.
Nano fibers in Chinese masks???
Nano fibers in Chinese masks???
I AM CALLING IT: "Nanofibers in Chinese masks" story is probably not a hoax. This
is what I GOT with a NEW mask on the FIRST TRY:
If you try this you might come up empty handed because you need either a very powerful
magnifier, OR a very good camera (one that will clearly show the scales on a butterfly's
wings) to see these fibers, they are much much thinner than a human hair and are also a
lot smaller across (10X smaller across) than the scales on the wing of a butterfly. You
don't stand a chance of seeing these without some sort of optical assistance.

Here is The video Rense posted. If that video is not legit, I'd
like someone to explain how on the first try with a decent
camera I captured the exact same thing on a totally random
Chinese mask in a different country. Mine is a still photo, but
there's no denying it is the exact same thing. There are two of
these in the Rense video, mine is a match for the longer one
that also moves.
And I was wearing those masks!!!

Gosh. I'm happy now.

I initially posted that I did not find fibers becase I was using a lesser camera. After
charging, a better camera showed clearly what is going on.

I closely watched over the video of this that Rense has on his page now, and it does
indeed look legit. I at first figured it might be static causing dust fibers to move on a
contaminated mask, however, they don't move in sync with each other and if it was static
they would. They literally move like worms. I am not going to rule out static as the cause,
but I'd say it is 90+ percent likely that it is NOT the cause, there probably really are living
nano fibers in at least some Chinese made masks.

I am at present charging a camera that can take better photos but the one I initially used
did OK and I can't see any fibers in (my) masks but I want a better look before I wear

Once again, the nano fibers in Chinese masks does appear to be legit from what Rense
posted, (maybe) it is static doing that but that would be a freak occurence, there probably
really are moving nano fibers in some of the Chinese masks. Heads up, it looks legit.

I saw this meme circulating the web in a different form (this one that I did cuts to
the point more quickly.) If you want the above graphic for your screensaver or
background image Click here for a version that will work well on most monitors,
AND, make sure it will not get you fired before you use it at work.

BE CAREFUL, (no explanation needed) and

remember. the Jews set this up so exactly this
thing would happen.
The following was posted earlier and is separate from the item presented above.
Another "school shooting," this time in
We will have to wait and see where they take the story line, if they go anywhere with it at

Wow, lots happening under biden all of a sudden. What changed? Perhaps they want to
take the guns to make it easier for China.

Israel admitting to cyber attack on Iran's nulear enrichment

facility in Natanz
I am not going to bother with this topic. If Iran is happy with Biden in power, for all I care
Israel may as well cruise missile Bushehr. I am truly and duly upset with Iran for being
thrilled about a stolen election elsewhere, they lost my sympathies.

I have gone from worrying about THEIR elections being stolen to being very upset about
them not caring if ours are. Aside from cutting money, what did Trump do to them?
Soleimani does not cut it, where were Trump's smart bombs they had to fear before
Trump, - and yes, they shot their own jet down during Trump's administration, probably
due to tampering with communications by Israel, but THEY shot it down, no one else did.
How can I be sympathetic to a country that's happy watching America be destroyed by a
vax after a coup, while they sit there relatively safe with their own vax they make
themselves? I certainly don't like Israel stuxnetting things but what can I say? How
politically stupid is Iran anyway?

Let's see how happy Iran is to have Biden in just because they got money once Tehran
Mall looks like the port of Damascus. Would that even be enough to wake them up?

REVEALED: Biden's nominee for ATF head is

an anti-gun lobbyist who was at the Ruby
Ridge standoff and Waco massacre


Now we have proof you should never get a

covid test
A new type of nano device has been developed that can clandestinely vaccinate you
without you knowing it. One "brand name" for this device is "thera gripper" which was
developed at Johns Hopkins university (DOUBT IT) but they need a cover story -

You can safely bet these have been around longer than stated.

A report at Johns Hopkins covers the basics, and I'll expound on what this really

To not waste people's time reading a bunch of fluff, here is the chase scene:

This is the John's Hopkin's version of the nano tech that would go on a swab to deliver
medicines rectally.
In the study, they claim "the warmth of the colon causes them to activate and bond to the
colon wall to deliver the medicine when a layer of kerosene activates and they close on
the colon wall". What this really means: This tech can be set up to use anything to
trigger it, and it does not need to be in your colon. This could be put on a nasal swab and
simply access the brain directly via the cribriform plate:

This is something I already talked about on July 10 2020, where I went into the topic
of nano tech sabotage via the Covid test in depth.

FACT: The triggering method can be anything they want. If they coated it with sugar, they
could swab it onto your cribriform plate and when the sugar dissolved it would then clamp.
What if this or something similar is the reason why so many people said the test hurts for

The linked study says they get 3,000 of these from a 3 inch wafer. That would mean they
are quite large, and they don't have to be. These would be the size of a small grain of
sand. You'd see that on a swab. But what they don't say is that they only got 3,000 of
these onto a wafer because the tech Johns Hopkins used sucks. It would not even be
good enough to make a chip for the game PONG. If they handed this job over to Intel that
has REAL tech, they'd get a billion out of that wafer and no one would ever stand a
chance of seeing one of those. The fact that a swab looks clean is irrelevant, you'd
simply never see that.

I don't believe for a minute Johns Hopkins came up with anything new here, and WHY SIX
POINTS??? . . . . another topic. Anyway . . . .
This type of thing was EXACTLY what I was talking about on July 10 when I warned
everyone that the swab goes right on the cribriform plate and can deliver anything directly
to the brain. This study was supposedly released in October. I short called this by a huge
time frame - But wait, there's more!!!

The John Hopkin's report states that this tech is to be administered rectally. If China took
this tech, exactly as Johns Hopkins reported it (because they won't diversify, they only
copy and won't think about using sugar or making them smaller - If China took this tech
and that's what's really on their anal swabs they are making all foreigners get - Let's look
at the time frame here -

The Johns Hopkins report states that this tech was first published in "Science Advances"
October 2020 issue. China started doing the anal swabs on January 28 2021. That
gave them 4 months to steal this tech and put it on their own anal swabs for
foreigners. AND I BET THEY DID. The anal swab covid tests are absolutely unneccesary,
WHAT is the REAL REASON for that??

And worse - this has opened up a whole new can of worms. It's the same can of worms all
the "chem trail" smart dust doom and gloomers have talked about (and I am one) - Why
would they even need to rectally swab or nasally swab anyone with this? Why not just
drop them as dust or put them in the sugar coating on frosted corn flakes? You had
better be looking for that "kosher" mark!!!

Why not drop them as dust? Because even if dropped on a city, a very tiny fraction of
one percent of them would ever get into people. But that would not be the case if they
were in your frosted mini wheats, or your doritos, or spiked into that bagged salad that's
about to expire in your fridge. What if they put them in your anti-perspirant? Your
shampoo? Your aspirin?

ALL of those items, if "acceptable" are marked kosher. Pay attention folks!!!

Life Site News got what was probably the most

important interview ever done.
EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: 'Your government is lying to
you in a way that could lead to your death.'
Look out the window, and think, "why is my government lying to me about
something so fundamental?" Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill
you using this method. They're going to kill you and your family.'

April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) - Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and
Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new
medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with "the most senior
research position" in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.

He addressed the "demonstrably false" propaganda from governments in response to

COVID-19, including the "lie" of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for "vaccine
passports," and the strong possibility we are dealing with a "conspiracy" which could lead
to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th

His main points included:

There is "no possibility" current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is "just a lie."

Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing
not just "convergent opportunism," but a "conspiracy." Meanwhile media outlets and Big
Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.

Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded ��top-up��

("booster") vaccines for the "variants." The companies are planning to manufacture billions
of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 "vaccine" campaign.

Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European
Medicines Agency, have announced that since these "top-up" vaccines will be so similar
to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug
companies will not be required to "perform any clinical safety studies."

Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA
vaccines "go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of
hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which
there is absolutely no need or justification."

Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine
passports along with a "banking reset" could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has
ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, ��mass depopulation��
remains a logical outcome.

The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must "fight like crazy to make
sure that system never forms."

A couple good quotes from this lengthy report -

"And if you wanted to introduce a characteristic which could be harmful and could even be
lethal, and you can even tune it to say 'let's put in it some gene that will cause liver injury
over a nine-month period,' or, cause your kidneys to fail but not until you encounter this
kind of organism [that would be quite possible]. Biotechnology provides you with limitless
ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people. "
"The human immune system is a thing of wonder. What it does is when it faces a new
pathogen like this, you've got professional cells, they're called professional antigen-
presenting cells - they're kind of rough tough things that tend not to succumb to viruses.
And their job is to grab foreign things in the near environment and tear them limb from
limb [inside the cell]. They really cut them up into hundreds of pieces. And then they
present these pieces on the surfaces of their cell to other bits of your immune system, and
amazingly, because of the variability that God and nature gave you, huge variability to
recognize foreign things, and your body ends up using 15 to 20 different specific motifs
that it spots about this virus. They're called epitopes, basically they're just like little
photographs of the details about this virus. That's what they do. And that is what is called
your repertoire, your immune repertoire is like 20 different accurate photographs, close-
ups, of different bits of this virus.

Now, if a tiny piece of the virus changes, like the .3% I've just described, if you are
reinfected by that variant, your professional cells tear into that virus and cut it into pieces,
present them again, and lo and behold, most of the pieces that you have already seen
and recognized, are still there in the variants.

There is absolutely no chance that all of them will fail to be recognized and that is what is
required for immune escape, to escape your immunity. It must present to you as a new
pathogen. It must be sufficiently different that, when it is cut up by your professional
checker cells, it won't find mostly the same thing it has seen before. And that is just
absurdly impossible when you have only varied .3%, so it is 99.7% (similar)."

He then goes on to explain that this is precisely why only one vaccination would be
needed for this virus and no vaccine would be needed for the variants, because variants
would be recognized and whatever differences they had would automatically be added to
your "immune repertoire"

What I posted only scratches the surface of what's in this report, I suggest you go
there and Read it in full.

4 confirmed eruption fissures in Iceland with

an unknown additional number
The eruption in Iceland is really picking up steam now with 4 confirmed eruption fissures
and an unknown number of additional fissures. They don't know how many there actually
are because the lava pools and streams are now so large they don't know how many are
erupting under the lava.

My hope for Iceland is to pick up 500 square miles of prime land in the best possible
climatic direction without wrecking the climate anywhere else. Iceland is habitable
because the Atlantic keeps it warm, or is the more correct statement "Not too cold". In
areas that don't get direct atlantic air it is much colder but still not too bad considering how
far north Iceland is. Adding land mass would inevitably make portions of iceland colder but
if it was added in an ideal way it would be a fair trade.

It is possible to have a meat and dairy industry in Iceland because the climate is quite
good for growing hay and other animal fodder, Iceland can produce all it needs on only 5
percent of the land that is suitable for use for that purpose, (20 percent of Iceland is good
enough) and of that percent, they only use about 5 percent. They can also grow potatoes,
carrots, and other cold tolerant crops. And geothermal makes greenhouses in Iceland
easy, this has been significant in Iceland since 1924 so anything you can grow in a green
house is locally produced. Being that far north has not stopped agriculture because
Iceland can use both the heat of the sun and the heat of the earth to grow crops.

I am probably more interested in this than most people because that's where my servers
are. If the world got hit by an asteroid and there was a horrible five year winter from that,
Iceland might be the place that survives beacause they are well equipped to get through it
with geothermal.
Yesterday I posted about how people are
completely changing behaviors after the vax.
Today I came across this, which may be why. If the soul detached from the body and was
only connected to it via "the cord" (which everyone who does astral projection can
observe) - if there's no communication between the soul and brain because the link is cut,
the brain will calculate based on experience of what is acceptable for a short while, but will
then drift to animal type self servitude with no soul to guide it. This would explain totally
why there seems to be no emotional connection to family or God in many people after the
vax. This type of thing was commented on repeatedly with the family member comments I
posted yesterday. Those who still have the connection are likely those who did not get the
actual kill shot (they won't do it to everyone, they need naysayers saying "Everything is
totally normal" to unwittingly trick people into getting the shot.
I heard this yesterday but it was too preposterous to believe, and it ended up being true.
Here is an MSM broadcast which states exactly this. If you're not vaccinated against
corona, you have to stay with the volcano
Family members are speaking up about the
vax totally changing others in the family that
got it.
The following are comments about this from un-censored social media

" Weird. My parents swore to me they wouldn't get it, and then did (didn't tell me until after
second shot). I normally speak to them every other day, as I've been helping them through
cancer the last year. Now all of the sudden my mom is being super distant and not
answering when I call. It's fucking weird and scary. A couple days ago she made an
excuse to get off the call saying she'd call me back, and didn't. 180 degree different
behavior than normal. Stressing me out."

" I had the same type of experience. Forty year old daughter posted her document
showing she got it, like she was so proud. I almost fainted when I saw it. She was weirdly
snotty and hateful to me. Before, she was always very sweet to me, but now she won't
answer my calls/messages to her. Besides having really bad affects on the body, I think it
does things to their minds."

"After getting the shot the complications and their body feeling as they are changing, is
giving them an anger towards others. Their friends and family have told them AFTER they
got the shot the side effects, and because they didn't do any research (trust the Science),
now they are experiencing those side effects and are angry they were not told before. In
other words, they're pissed."

"I'm seeing this too but the ones close to me that took it, I told them over and over to not.
Their choice."

"My brother got the shots several weeks ago. He rarely calls me because he's not a phone
guy. He's been calling me more as of late. Just normal BSing about random stuff. Well,
today he got snarky with me - a passive/aggressive snarky comment out of the blue. I let it
slide but I don't have time for that crap and don't think I'm interested in future snarky
conversations. It was so weird and out of nowhere too."

"My mother had it about 6 weeks ago, she told me yesterday that after she had it, she just
felt strange, odd. She told me my father also felt strange after. Immediatly after and they
put it down to psychological reasons. (I didn't say a word, but in my head I'm thinking ohh
sh*t, could it be true about the god gene being removed)."
"my brother's been posting snide comments on his social media (out of character). AND
my mom got snide today. Does this 'vaccine' flip on the passive/aggressive bitch gene?
They seem more irritable than usual.

"My brother in law, who is a left wing asshole anyway, got his first shot today. We tried
repeatedly to show him this was ineffective at best and dangerous at worst, but he's a
lemming and followed the herd. My husband is very upset about it but I told him to stay
away from him for at least a month after he gets his final shot.

I cannot imagine the sheer overwhelming stupidity of these people but as I say, in any
time of disaster only a remnant survive.....because the majority are simply too stupid to
survive. People like my friend whose husband was HOSPITALIZED after getting it and
she STILL went out and got it. If personal experience can't teach these idiots nothing can.

Only a remnant survives.

Slander of alt video sites - I just discovered

something BIG
Two days in a row now, Vidmax had prominent videos that went viral. Viral enough for me
to find them when I don't look for that stuff. One was a monitor lizard raiding a store, and
the other was some idiot texting while riding a bike, and having the most unlikely wipe
out. And someone took notice, because there are now slander comments to attempt
to stop people from hitting Vidmax and others popping up everywhere now, here is
"That "vid max" is the most bug/malware/ advertising , tracking laden website i have come
across in the last 20 years , y u people use it ?? is way beyond me..

I found that comment odd, because both times I hit that site I did not notice any such
thing. Nothing bad loaded at all, and I thought "That's probably due to the way this
computer is set up, and the fact that it is 10 years old". So I then hit Vidmax with
Claudia's work computer. It's a modern Lenovo running Windows 10. It has nothing
installed to stop ads or anything, and nothing at all came up on Vidmax other than
one un-intrusive banner ad. So clearly there's slander going on to stop people from
bailing on Youtube and Faceplant, the last thing the communists want is to have viral
videos pop up on sites they don't own. I have not used Youtube for much because I know
I'll just get vaporized. But if they are conning everyone about "malware and tracking" on
Vidmax, maybe I'll set up something there to alleviate bandwidth issues and see if I get

That's worth a try.

Prince Philip has died

I was going to skip this topic then realized he's mister "I want to return as a
virus". AAAAND . . . . . These people live to 99+ because they make deals with the devil
for "a long and prosperous life" in exchange for satan taking them when it is over. But ya
know, 99 is not all that much over the median death age of mid 70's, and it's not like you
are doing that at age 20!

Green Screen is trying to ban guns -

This is such a well known topic I did not post it here yet, however, whoever is behind the
screen is going to stack the supreme court and then ram an "executive order" through that
turns multitudes of Americans into instant felons. When challenged, the order will be heard
in front of a rigged court system that will allow the executive order. The same kind of
rigged court system that allowed the coup and put green screen in power.

All the health drama and slips and trips are nothing but additional hoaxes to front the
illusion of having a "legit" president. If Jim Croce now says "Give me the number if you
can find it, so I can call just to tell HIM I'm fine" and you believe THAT was not tampered
with, go ahead and enjoy the regime, a green screen president, and a totally hoaxed life.

The following is on Vidmax if you have problems with that site (I don't)

Don't text while riding a bike

Even after hitting the back of a van face first in a way that leaves you standing up
when it's all over. He bent the front rim and still came off the bike standing. This 10
second video is surreal.
The "EVIL AI" has turned Jim Croce's song
"Operator" into a song of homosexual love
I kid you not. The words "Give me the number if you can find it, so I can call just to tell her
I'm fine" have been turned into "Tell HIM I'm fine" SEE THIS, and they did it to even the
live performance to boot. However, if you watch his mouth he says "HER" and "HIM"
comes out instead.

The bible clearly states that in the last days the truth will not be found anywhere. If that's
now a homosexual song, it seems the Bible is right, "they" are corrupting EVERYTHING.
And this B.S. is probably in large part what people have observed as the "Mandela effect".
There's no mandela effect at all. It's just evil people screwing with the online versions,
your old LP will say HER.

The communists who took over Europe and

are now taking over the U.S. have this to say
about vaccines:

After all, how can they successfully "sculpt" every single intellect any other way?
And you can add to that the sterilization of the precisely correct number of people!

They are upping the ante on vaxxes as the public wakes up and "needs" more
encouragement to get them. Will it work? Who knows, but with genocide on the list of
enforcement options all bets are off.

General Flynn called for an investigation into SPARS (the

report Alex did about prion vaxxes)
My comment: So what.
I'd like to just leave it at that, but for those who don't understand - General Flynn is retired
and has no power. He can't do anything. I ignored this topic for a reason because it is so
toothless, it's the same as saying KuKu nun on the corner of 5th and main called for an
investigation, both literally have the same power. I am tired of "retired general" this and
that, - other than the credibility of being a general there's no potency on an official level to
speak of.

Retired generals are chattering squirrels that have no acorns to throw in a system this
corrupt, sans corruption they might get attention but in this world? NO WAY.
Old topic: To those who constantly remote
desktop me -
It takes more than fancy toys to go undetected. I notice you every day because you are
common-core STUPID, probably affirmative action hires on top of it, and you have to have
the brains you are lacking to not be obvious. Your software is simply not up to a level that
can hide gross incompetence.

You're like investigators with super silent cars that wreck the stealth by being too stupid to
avoid running over pop cans. IF ONLY it was as simple as your software makes you think
it is. Alas, it is not. You suck in a way that NOTHING can make up for.
Texas governor Abbot is investigating
immigration facilities in Texas
I have been over several reports on this topic, here's basically what is going on -

There was proof of child smuggling, child exploitation via selling them as sex slaves (for
an hour, or permanently) and piles of piles of abuse allegations all being done at an
official level, not by the migrants. This got so bad that Abbot has shuttered at least one
facility while an investigation takes place.

My only thing with this - It had better be a real investigation or it will be a case of "I just
saw the boss turn off the highway, he's gonna be here in a few minutes, hurry up and hide
this". An actual investigation will bust them anyway, but don't bet on that happening. And
then afterward, back to the games.

It is not surprising that this is going on under Biden, because he likely put his own people
in those places and everyone ought to know what the results of that will be. FACT: Latinos
are often considered absolutely prime or near-prime "child real estate" and there's money
to be made. Don't expect Psaki or anyone else to reveal this, they are, for the most part, in
on it. You can expect immigration facilities to become like CPS - a secondary path for
feeding children into the sex slave/child exploitation/ frazzle drip/ matzo ball realm. That's
exactly where an enormous portion of, if not all the "prime" kids are headed.

Boston doctors call for "racial justice" and

giving whites lower quality care
These doctors don't need to worry about me. I have already pegged them as scamming
mechanics and only a fool would not avoid them.Remember who they are, your life
might depend on it.
No reason to be sympathetic towards Iran
I hit their 4 top papers today and saw nothing but "We are happy with the vote fraud,
Biden is great, we are siding with China" mixed with mundane crap about Israeli missiles
and not even one mention about the world going to hell under Covid tyranny. A lot of good
they are. So if you decide to hate on Iran, do it because of that and not because of
B.S. stories like THIS: ISIS bride blows herself up with her child at wedding -  Iran
has a LOT more than total B.S. fabrications like that to be hated for now.

Ok, Ok, they have their reasons but are going to be eating lead soon because at least
Trump was not going to do THAT. How stupid are they to be rejoicing about a little cash
when they now face destruction because of vote fraud? The ISIS story proves the CIA is
fast at work trying to destroy them and everyone similar all over again.

I seriously was not thinking they'd be stupid enough to rejoice over a stolen election in
ANY country, let alone one that's going to blow them off the map once it all shakes out.

Britain's top modeling agency says Most

people hospitalised in the third wave are
expected to have received two doses of a


Remember that MP3 I posted that had a doctor warning about this exact
thing? HERE IT IS.
TIP: Oximeter readings are subjective
If anyone tells you "you must have corona" because an oximeter gives a reading of 90,
you got conned and I saw that in a social media post today. Claudia's oximeter readings
are always 100. Mine never hit that, they are always between 88 and 96, and when I am
more active the oxygen levels go up, not down. So if I was waiting for a doctor and had a
reading of 88, I would not believe the doctor's claims of something being wrong, and you
should not either unless you are familiar with an oximeter and that's not your normal
level. If your oximeter readings drop below 70, that's something to worry about. If
they stay above 80 you're in the clear with 70-80 being a gray area.

I did lots to get my blood oxygen levels up after that and only moved them a couple points
(if at all). If I hyperventilate I can get them up to 100 easily but I don't need an oxygen
buzz. The structure of people's fingers also makes a difference, if I put it on my pinkie I get
a higher reading than my index finger. Lots plays into the equation.

Update to below: The requirements for "corona compliance" basically equal

shutting down the church. They supposedly allow churches to run at 15 percent
capacity, and then regulate all aspects of that down to the letter. One mask off for a
second = shut down. One person walking the wrong way and violating social
distancing = shutdown. But they'll let Wal-Mart pack in 3 layers deep!!!
Pre-emptive covering of tracks. It's the fault of the virus!!!

Look at the latest from CNBC - 1 in 3 Covid survivors suffers neurological or mental
disorders, study finds

Now why would they come out with this practically immediately after the prion bust?
Answer: Because the first early cases of this are now showing up, and they need to lay
the groundwork for blaming the virus entirely for whatever the "vax" does. If any of this is
legit it is a bad omen, because it would mean the virus was not stable enough to
hold onto it's prions and even those who had no symptoms from the original may
have a looming prion disease that's going to show it's face in a few months.

For those who have not seen this, as it turns out the protein the virus uses to bond with
cells is the prion from mad cow disease, and the "vax" commands your body to make that
prion. And that did not happen in a lab . . . . . Things are going to get real interesting real
quick, say, from this point in time, 3 -4 months when the first cases start popping up.
My guess is that the virus does not disintegrate in a way that will give people a prion
disease when the immune system takes it out, and it is all the vax, because if the virus did
disintigrate there should be a lot of cases of mad cow by now and there are not. Maybe
the virus does not disintigrate sufficiently for it to take off quick also, that's another
consideration for this.

When did they start pushing the zombie meme, to get people ready for this? The
Walking Dead first aired in 2010, which was also the first year any documentation
for Covid-19 showed up, and at that time it was supposed to be a prion disease that
caused people to go "mad cow" and die. Having it be a coronavirus infection was a
twist in that plot, with the coronavirus carrying the actual prion. It all ties together.
Watch the video Alex released that is linked down the page a ways. They have been
working on this since 2010 and Covid-19 was originally a prion disease. They ended
up needing a viral carrier. "Getting over coronavirus" may mean nothing if it plants
the seed of future doom.

So now everyone knows

the MRNA corona vaxxes
program the body to
produce the prion for mad
cow disease. Here is what
is not so well known:
"Covid-19" itself has the prion for mad cow disease
programmed into it. The entire time this was going
on, they were saying that the protein the virus used
to bind with cells was unique in a virus "So an
MRNA vaccine could be made to combat the virus
for that reason". What they did not say is that the
protein was unique because it just so happened to
be the prion from mad cow disease. THAT ended up
in a virus NATURALLY . . . . . YEP. And it ended up
in the virus in the worst possible spot . . . . . YEP.

So now (reported fully down this page a ways) they

claim to have "fought the virus" by creating a
vaccine that genetically TELLS your body to
produce the prion for mad cow disease, "because it
will confuse the virus and prevent binding". . . . .
YEP, and meanwhile, the shot that supposedly
"made you immune to corona" gave you
creutzfeldt-jakob disease and you're gonna go
down like a mad cow from the shot once that prion takes hold in your brain, - right
around six months to a year from what they say.

We now have a vaccine developer for Astra Zeneca who died of creutzfeldt-jakob disease
(a coincidence I am sure, because that's such a common affliction) *oh, it will be* now that
so many people got that shot - AND we have a virus out in the wild that uses the prion
from mad cow disease to bind with the cells it's attacking.


I'll tell you how cute: You had damn well better not have gotten this virus, because even if
you showed no symtoms, you got trillions of those prions in you and if ANY of them dis-
connected from the viruses you'll eventually go down from this like a mad cow once the
prions take off. It might take a while, I don't know how many would actually detach from
the virus but I can say that anyone who got the virus played the lottery a trillion times at
least. And the media buried this, even though the prion was documented right from
the beginning RIGHT HERE.
You can't tell me they did not want to kill EVERYONE with this virus if they put that
prion in it. that's a major "Oh No!"

I was not going to even bother with Derek

Chauvin until I hit this:
The first time around with the Derek story I could tell the knee was not really pushing on
the neck and called it a psy op. I did not believe anyone died and that it was all an act to
kick off riots (and still believe that, despite the "Floyd was in the middle of overdosing and
died" story lines which I never believed) - I believed it was all an act and still do - anyway -

As part of the final act with all of this, the "defense" has now released video from another
angle of view that shows Chauvin with his knee on Floyd's shoulder the entire time.
Camera angles may be tricky but even the first time around I did not see how his knee
could have choked Floyd. And that would kill the official story, which the left needs to
kick off more riots now that the truth about the corona vax has come out - a truth
that will kill it.

With only 20 percent of America vaccinated (see the next report) they did not get the
numbers of vaccinated they needed to kill off the country with their prion shot - a shot too
many people know for what it is now and they'll never get it - So now they want another
round of race riots to happen to de-stablilize the country a different way. ENTER
THE TWITTER CENSORSHIP, to prevent minorities from seeing exactly why
Chauvin is going to be "acquitted".

It's just all so dirty. I don't expect much from Twitter anymore, but this time I just gotta
say, Seriously?? you mean to tell me Twitter is SO AGAINST THE TRUTH they won't
even allow people to see why Chauvin is gonna walk???


The latest figure I heard was that 40 percent of Americans have been jabbed. But reality
shows that the actual number of people jabbed is approximately on par with how many
actually voted Biden. New Mexico has the highest vaccination rate in the country, at
25.56%. Utah has the lowest vaccination rate, at 12.88 percent. 30 states have a
vaccination rate below 20 percent. The average vaccination rate is right around 17
percent. SEE THIS. So when the prion strikes, it will be highly visible, but it won't wipe out
society. We will predominantly lose people who either could not see the light or valued
their job more than their life.


RIDDLE ME THIS: How did that happen? I'd bet he guinea pigged himself off the books. I
MUST RESPONSIBLY TELL YOU: All the "fact checking sites" are calling B.S. on the
spike protein being a prion so I am just hoaxing y'all . . . . . OOOOOPS, MAYBE
NOT!!! We all know who the hoaxers are, and it's the "hoax busters"!!! Gee, how did
Covid 19 end up being the ONLY VIRUS EVER DISCOVERED that has a mad cow
disease prion as the spike protein it uses to bind to cells, to provide cover for the MRNA
vaxxes to give everyone mad cow when those vaxxes tell everyone's bodies to
manufacture that prion to get "immunity to corona"???? What a lovely "coincidence."

Ouuch, let's all hope mad cow disease is not delivered by that virus also. That had better
stay bonded to the viral body or we are all TOAST.


YEAY!!! I can only hope Mexico pays attention to this site, and that he got tipped off to
Alex from here. That's highly probable, and even if that's not how it went down, that is
AWESOME NEWS. There's little question he'd have received a jab from the lower end of
the spectrum of "all shots are not created equal," he's one of the few remaining good

Obviously the MSM won't utter a peep about this in the U.S, but I can say Mexico will have
4 more good years.


PRECURSOR: Just so people know right off the bat what this is about, the MRNA
corona vaccines don't fight coronavirus, they instead command your body to start
producing the prion that causes mad cow disease.
I spent a while pondering the new revelations
about the corona vax and figured out a key
item that cinches the topic
First of all, for those who did not see it, over easter weekend Alex did an emergency
broadcast about the corona vax being specifically formulated to cause your body to
produce the prion that causes mad cow disease. If you scroll down a little bit, it is there
and it is all documented. Here is the revelation I finally had -

The ONLY reason why the Corona vax is an MRNA vax (and the first one to boot)
that programs your body rather than triggers an immune response - the ONLY
reason for this is because if they injected the prions they probably could not put enough of
them in a reasonable shot to do the trick, and because a conventional vax cannot be
made to force your body to start producing it's destruction. A conventionl shot can be very
destructive, but to make it bad enough it would have to be too devastating too often early
on. They wanted a shot that would cause delayed devastation and death and there
was no way to formulate a conventional vaccine to do that without killing too many
people up front

However, if they instead made a vax that, for the first time in history caused your own
body to make something, (under the ruse of being protective) - if they caused your body to
do that it would not do it immediately, time would have to pass before it finally got
programmed well enough to produce the destructive agents - agents that were not even in
the original DNA vax to begin with - your body made them - so there's another layer of
deniability -

This is precisely why the Corona vax is an MRNA vax, lots of people wondered why
with this new disease we were given a totally new tech when the old tech ought to
work, and now we know.

So they openly stated it's a vax that causes your body to produce a spike protein, and if
analyzed I guess there are ways to prove the different variants of that vax would indeed
produce a spike protein, and the false advertised that it was a spike protein that would
give immunity to the coronavirus - quality checks could prove the spike protein would be
consistent across different vaccine brands, but it would not be so easy to realize that it
was the prion that causes mad cow.

Alex got ahold of the elite documents that lay it all out. The corona vax does not fight a
virus, it instead programs your body to produce prions so on a delayed timetable people
start going zombie or start having seizures or whatever (depending on what part of the
brain the prions build up in first) - and we end up with, a year down the road, a modified
version of the walking dead where the zombies don't necessarily bite you (but plenty of
scary stuff is visible) and they also don't live very long.
ONE LINE EXPLANATION: The Covid vax programs your body to produce a spike
protein, which just so happens to be the prion for mad cow disease.

It was a trap. The entire Covid ruse was a con job to get people to accept a shot that
would cause their body to manufacture the prions. The Americans who got the shot will
die from this or become non- functional in about a year. And they intend to blame Trump
for it.

Watch this hour and a half long Alex vid NOW.  He cuts to the chase right in the
beginning, this video is not some guy wasting an hour to say a sentence of relevant

A white hat got all the elite documents with regard to the entire COVID plot and handed
them to Alex Jones. HERE IS THE COVID GAME PLAN:
We all know the "covid vax" re-programs your DNA to produce a spike protein
that's supposed to fight "covid". Alex got the real dirt on this, and the spike protein
your body is actually programmed to produce is the prion that causes Crutzfeld
Jacobs disease - otherwise known as "Mad Cow disease". Once you get the shot,
you're a goner, you might as well just sit down and eat 10 mad cows.

HERE IS THE KICKER: Lately in media reports, they are already starting to report
mysterious and un-traceable pockets of mad cow disease popping up in people in
geographically separated areas, with no way to draw a link to a contaminated food
source. Alex did not say this, it is something I noticed but did not even think about
posting because mad cow disease is an old topic. Soon it will be the ONLY topic.

Once Alex got this tip off, he was able to go through old journals that talked about this plan
10 years ago, and originally Covid-19 was being discussed as a prion disease that is the
same as mad cow disease. Their original outbreak plan did not use the coronavirus, it
used prions and THAT is why the shots were ready so soon, they have been working on
them since at least 2010 - a prion shot that goes in, produces no symptoms for six months
or so, and then BOOM, your brain is GONE.

Updates for April 5

"According to an exclusive report from The Epoch Times, leaked emails proved that UN
human-rights officials give the names of Chinese dissidents to Beijing before these
dissidents are set to testify in Geneva against the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's)
abuses. Despite UN denials, the practice is viewed as "usual practice by all involved" and
continues to this day. Beijing has used the names that the UN provided to prevent the
dissidents from leaving China. At least one dissident died while in detention. These
dissidents include those who are concerned about Tibet, Hong Kong, and the Islamic
Uyghur minority in Western China. If the dissident has already left China, Beijing will
frequently threaten or even kidnap and torture the person's family."

My comment: I already knew the U.N. was a POS and this makes outrageous comedy
out of how they usher in "refugees" that are not refugees at all, and then openly seek to
destroy those who should actually be refugees before they can testify in court. NOT
Missouri has now joined Florida in banning
"vaccine passports".
Now all we need is Tennessee and Alabama to join the fray and everyone will be able to
enjoy the ocean, the Misssissippi, and the Ozarks!!! It is my opinion that if such a
combination of states joined in on this, it would be fatal to the entire concept of "vaccine
passports" because there would literally be nothing lost for the states that did it. You'd get
ocean, mountains, lakes, the whole 9 yards so travel anxiety would not happen. Tennesee
has better mountains than Missouri but the Ozarks are very nice also.

A new eruption in a new location just started in Iceland, giving birth to at least a

new volcanic cone, if not an entirely new volcano.

The live feed has moved to this new occurrence, which just happened an hour or so
before this post.

People are saying Green Screen is out, and

Harris is in.
At exactly a length of time it took to get people to forget the green screen incident,
he's "out" when in reality he has not ever been IN. My guess is Dominion placed a
corpse, and the green screen/ 3d AI did the rest. AFTER ALL, THERE WAS NO ONE

Anyone who actually believes "Biden went to the hospital today" is LOST. And BECAUSE
an AI faked his appearance, whoever put him in that AI was wise enough to put in
all the biden-esque glitches. I really think that's where we are at folks, he still
"glitched" to make it all believable and his shitty speeches are the fault of Psaki
who probably got a Biden voice overlay, or whatever, you know - Vaccines are safe,

A new eruption in a new location just started in Iceland, giving birth to at least a

new volcanic cone, if not an entirely new volcano.

The live feed has moved to this new occurrence, which just happened an hour or so
before this post.

Real estate prices are going to drop

Well, we already know they wanted their genocide, and if 1/3 of Americans have already
received an MRNA shot as advertised, they are going to get their genocide if it really does
cause the body to produce the spike protein for mad cow disease.
So they hoaxed us, and now there will be an endless supply of empty homes and
apartments if what Alex said is true. The entire landscape is going to change. Most likely
that's why they want so many immigrants coming in, because they probably wiped out half
of white America in one whack. If the vaxxes cause mad cow, it is already a done deal.
There's no going back, it is over.

China will not be impacted by this -

China's sinovac does not use MRNA, it is a traditional vaccine that uses weakened virus.
Maybe it is even safe. Who knows. But I still would not trust it, if China wants to take over
the world (and there's a good chance that's the case) who's to say all shots will be created
equal? That said, if I ever get cornered and FORCED and the Chinese vax is a choice, I'd
certainly take that one, it would without question be the safest.

But then again, "safe" in the vax world could be defined as riding on the bumper of a 4x4
off road while it does jumps, and your safety harness is a hang man's noose hooked up to
the trailer hitch. That's literally how bad vaccines have been compromised.


First thing he did was ask if they had a warrant. They did not. And then he "Alex Jones
ranted" them out of his church. Very unbelievable, and exactly what everyone should be

Saturday headlines
It seems they have taken a new twist on the false flag. The first step is to blame "white
supremacists" and then make everyone believe it was real by stating it was not, as in the
last case where the guy who supposedly crashed a gate in DC was nation of Islam. I don't
believe any of it anymore, from a media that still adamantly claims the election was not
stolen. If they failed 100 percent WITH EMPHASIS on that key item, they fail period.
Anyway -

According to Brietbart the Godzilla vs Kong movie is a dud. I did not see how that
would work, but kids like it.

Trolls are ripping Florida badly, saying DeSantis is trying to enslave and control them
all with his executive order preventing vaccine passports from being issued or used in
Florida. Trolls are saying that's bad because it will prevent people in Florida from leaving
the state.


me. Who cares, unless people live right on the border they practically never even think
about leaving their state anyway. To avoid the vax, Florida is an awful nice safe haven. As
long as you don't crave mountains.

I saw a few people commenting on how expensive Vegas has become. $300 for one
meal for a family of 4. My memory of vegas is excellent cheap buffets that you only eat
from a couple times and the rest is fast food. If that's not reality now, something changed.
All I remember about Vegas is the hotels are all cheap and nice and a buffet costs $12.
$25 would still be OK for those. I also remember that you can actually win there, it is not
all rigged. If that's not reality now, Vegas is killing itself. People will go and it will be the
last time they do. And that got me thinking - Vegas may be a key future predictor -
this is bad -

Let's say you have a city full of enormously expensive casinos that won't have a customer
base in a year or two because everyone got culled. By a vax, which according to myth (I
hope it is myth) has now been taken by 40 percent of Americans. IF that vax is as bad as
stated by some of the world's top doctors and it really does trip a massive die off the next
time a virus goes around, the smartest thing you could do to extract at least some value
from your casino investment would be to totally rape and screw everyone who walks in the
door. You're not going to see them again anyway, they'll all be dead so why not cash out
the great reputation Vegas built for decades if nothing is going to be there two years from

Vegas is owned in large part by elites who know the plan and know what is coming.
If they are now totally changing the nature of vegas into a giant money grabbing rip
off where you can't afford to have a good time anymore there's a reason for it, a
reason THEY know. If the pandemic was legit and nothing bad was planned, they'd
still need to provide an affordable experience so their customers return for vacation
in the future. What if they know those customers won't likely return before they die?
The incentive to encourage that will be gone.

There are rumors that the marines went through the containers on the Ever Given
and freed a bunch of kids. My knowledge is that they never offloaded the ever given and
you can't get into containers until they are offloaded because they are right up against
each other. My knowledge also includes some facts, like the Marines would NEVER
be allowed by Egypt to conduct any sort of police action on anything civilian, which
the Ever Given is. If anyone went through the Ever Given, it would be Egyptian forces,
not the marines. So I am skeptical of any reports of nukes or WMD's or freeing slaves,
because it all started with "the Marines", which would NEVER HAPPEN, NOT EVER.

There's the usual stuff, like Trump getting banned everywhere, including Facebook,
where NO ONE is allowed to post ANY of Trump's speeches or interviews, but since
Facebook, Twitter and more participated in the coup, what do you expect? Do you really
believe you can use enemy infrastructure that JUST DID A COUP to allow it's victims to
congregate and say the truth? Perhaps a few people still need to wake up.
Survival tip: How to escape ANY choke hold in
one second flat
Less than a minute. Watch it to the end, the last second shows the trick.

I am well aware of the rumors about a nuke

aboard the Ever Given
The rumor goes that white hats grounded it for that reason and that it is being searched
now. I have a hard time with that one. Tough sell. But it is being said and I did not miss it.

REMEMBER: These were the results AFTER all the fake ballots
were submitted and as many Trump votes as possible were
thrown away. Trump probably took every state in the union
absent ALL fraud.
Sidney did not make this up, OAN posted it and that's what she tweeted. This map is
precisely why Youtube is doing a final purge of anyone who questions the official lie at this
time, the democrat/communists know they are absolutely hated, and that they are
absolutely not legit.
Ever given not allowed to proceed until one billion in
damages are paid to the Suez Canal authority
Ever Given will not be
allowed to proceed on
the Suez canal until
damages are paid, and
it is in the great bitter
lake, with Suez canal
on both sides. The
canal authority is
compensation of one
billion dollars because
of the blockade that
lasted for days and will
only allow the Ever
Given to continue once
an agreement to pay
damages has been

They are claiming

losses of 14 to 15
million dollars per day
as well as the days of
work with dredgers
and tugs to recover the
ship. It is estimated
that a cargo worth $ 3.5 billion is on board. The Canal Authority is demanding pay for
saving the ship and it's cargo and have no intentions of allowing it to leave without an
agreement for compensation.

My comment: A billion is steep. I'd settle at about 100 million in payment for lost revenue,
plus about 50 million to get it un stuck and about 300 million in punative damages. About
half a bil. That's reasonable. However, that was done intentionally so I won't weep if they
soak the bastards that grounded it for a billion. I'll laugh.



Georgia passed election reforms in an attempt to stop their elections from being stolen like
the last one was (and everyone, including the baseball players KNOW THAT,) they ALL
know the election was stolen and that these measures were only taken by Georgia in a
(probably fruitless anyway) attempt to stop the next election from getting rigged in their
state like the last one was. In response to this, the league canceled their all star game
in Georgia!!! Of all the gall, THAT's a foul ball and they can take that ball back to the
dugout where they can just sit and rot, If they obviously support vote fraud they
JUST STRUCK OUT. And they can take their game and shove it.

In a counter move against the Communist smack down,

Governor DeSantis of Florida just banned the entire concept of
COVID passports.

Someone just crashed the gates at the capitol

and just got shot (as of 1:10 PM April 2)
That's the story anyway, and IF TRUE, then the wrong cops were on duty and did not
realize they were not supposed to shoot the guy they were going to use to justify a "multi
billion dollar" pork barrel fence project.

HA HA, that's what everyone is saying, it's not just me!!!!

We know how these b**tards roll!


Mike Lindell launching a new social media

platform that "can't be canceled" or censored -
It has not launched yet, but for now, the domain is and he is claiming it
can handle up to a billion simultaneous log ons and can't be censored or de-platformed.

I'll tell you how to know if that's true or not -

Once he gets this going, if you do a whois lookup it should say "hosted by frankspeech". If
this is going to work, he has to set up his own server farm and then hook it up to a
whole bunch of super high speed fiber optic connections right on an internet
backbone, and everything in the data path has to be his. He will also need a direct
IP manager that switches the site over the way this one switches over. If he does
not do it that way, he's a goner even if he gets hosted from Iceland and I am not
sure Iceland could handle serving a site as powerful as Youtube, and even if he lets
Iceland handle the servers, he still needs direct IP that functions without user
request the way this site does or all they'll do is remove him from the DNS servers
and POOF, he'll be gone.

It is not easy to prevent a site from being removed from the web when "they" want it gone,
you really have to cross your T's and dot your I's, this site might be the most robust on the
web as far as "difficult to remove" and Lindell needs to do it a step better by not having a
host at all.

If he does not do it as I stated, his site will either be a censorship hell hole, troll farm, or
whatever else - successfully destroyed even if only by infiltration with no cooperation from
him - or they won't let it live. There are many ways to shut a site down and this one is set
up to go around every last thing except ONE, and it's up to Iceland to give that protection.
I cannot pay for a totally independent internet backbone and run without an ISP, I could
probably build a suitable server but having the actual line into the internet is not an
everyday thing.

Who knows - maybe he'll have it all sorted out. We'll know he got it sorted out if his site
stays up for more than a month or two.

UH OH, this does NOT look good. This had better not be his final arrangement:
Naiomi Wolf gives a stern warning about the
vaccine passport
Despite working for Clinton, Naiomi appears to be a white hat. From a very good position,
status, and as a CEO of a tech firm she's saying this - avoid the vaccine passport at all
cost, prevent it from being implemented ANYWHERE because once it is implemented you
can kiss Western civilization away.

This is more than just a warning, she gives the details about the system, how it
technically works, and exactly WHY it is total doom that must be stopped at all cost.

Naiomi got de-platformed 5 times over this message alone, it's the real deal.

Download MP3
Watch video

If the video disappears, the MP3 will still work. The MP3 will be far more mailable than a
video if you want to send the entire file.
A clear cut Chinese looking communist speaks:

"The vaccine is your ticket back to pre-pandemic life. All these states are re-opening - they
are re-opening at 100 percent. We have a very narrow window to tie re-opening to
vaccination status. If everything is re-opened, what's the carrot going to be? So the Biden
administration has to come out and be bolder, and say, "If you are vaccinated, you can do
"all these things", here are all these freedoms that you have, because otherwise, people
are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway."


I saw this same communist hack say this earlier - and she makes it clear: Their goal is
vaccine compliance, and if you don't agree to get vaccinated, vaccinated again, and then
re-vaccinated when they say, you're a prisoner. They do not want you to have any

So to "get freedom" which will be on THEIR TERMS, you have to agree to regular DNA
modifying shots that will kill many many people and maim multitudes more, but the ones
that actually get through the conversion process for whatever their goal is will meet the
New World Order standard. And as the Georgia Guidestones make clear, they could care
less if they hit a 95 percent overall kill rate to accomplish it. Actually more like 93 percent,
if that matters.

They will probably succeed in coercing people to death if they simply issue vaccine
passports and then deny people the ability to buy or sell or have a bank account if they
are not up to date. And all the while, in the midst of their lie about the vaccine being
totally safe and totally protective, they skip the fact that if that was true, anyone
who was vaxxed would have absolutely nothing to fear, and the onus would be
solely on those who refused the vax. There would be no reason to quarantine


With a pleading message: These updates really are from the manufacturer!!! Time for a

NOT April Fools:



Blue Screen's 2.5 trillion infrastructure project

(up from 2.3 trillion earlier today) only has 183
billion in it for infrastructure and already, lots
of it is for only ripping out interstates
They are calling the interstates racist, and will be ripping them out for that reason
alone. this is not an april fools joke. For starters, once the interstate in Baltimore is
ripped out, there will be no interstate between Washington DC and New York. They'll be
ripping one out in New York also, to kill traffic worse. Several others in absolutely key
areas are also already slated for death. I am not making this up, it is happening.

This is not april fools. I am not making this up. The actual total transit outlay is a little over
300 billion with some of that going to dead end rail projects and other assorted busy work.
The remainder of the 2.5 trillion goes to paying off corrupted officials. Of the 300 billion
actually going into supposed infrastructure, 120 billion is going into rail, and a starter
amount of $20 billion is going directly into destroying roads. My guess is that ALL 180
billionwill go into destroying roads and $0 will get spent putting new infrastructure
in, the infrastructure bill is probably about destroying the United States manually so
they don't have to drop bombs to get it done.


Biden's infrastructure bill is not about building new infrastructure, it is instead a budget to
destroy what we already have. They are not brave enough to say this yet and have only
admitted to a portion of the money going to nothing but destruction, but just watch, here is
what will happen:

"Racist" interstates will be destroyed because they are "racist" and no replacements will
actually be built because "three toed tree frogs" are in the way. 100 percent of the money
that is being hoaxed as actually for putting in new infrastructure will be dissolved into the
2.2 trillion they are stealing outright. If 90 percent of the infrastructure buget is theft, graft
and pork barrel, expect 95 percent of it to be that instead, and 5 percent of 2.3 trillion can
pay for the total destruction of everything if it is all focused on key locations, a trillion is a

An Enemy took over America via a stolen election, and is

promptly proceeding to destroy the country as rapidly as they
possibly can. Only your worst enemies bomb roads and
bridges, and that's exactly what these people are
And the snowflakes will never see it, because the "bombs" will
be planned demolitions and jack hammers, - they will not be
dropping them from the sky. In today's America, they don't
have to. They'll give an AMERICAN a fat paycheck to destroy
his own country, and he'll do it.

So, do you think I am full of it? Do you think

this will "never happen"? QUESTION: When
have I been wrong on this type of thing? I don't
sit around making B.S. predictions.
An enemy pulled a coup on America. America did NOTHING. Now watch America
watch porn and face chat about fashion and pet cats while it is all dismantled. It
won't matter I guess, enough people got the vax already for a catastropic
population collapse, and after the genocide so few people will be left it can all be
handled with goat trails. They might as well use the population to "clean up the
mess it made and return everything to nature" before the genocide, that way THEY
don't have to, and they can laugh at us while we wipe our own selves out.

The Jews will then declare America "A land without people for a people without land,"
hand it all to China, and return to Tel Aviv where from they'll use rigged processor
architecture to keep China under their thumb as slaves. White guys were too rowdy, they
want POLITE slaves. Xi's "divine mandate" will be issued from Shin Bet.

Elon Musk: Robots will be taking your jobs

He lays it all out - robots will do everything and we'll just be accepting handouts to get
by. But he never says the real story: They are not going to bother with handouts
long term, which is why the vax is designed to cull the herd. They don't want to deal
with us, they want robots for THEM, doing the work, and we go in the trash. That's
the future if they get their way, bank on it.

They are probably creating crisis in Brazil to

oust Bolsanaro like they ousted Trump
Bolsonaro stood up to the New World Order the same way Trump did. Who's next?

I do not believe the death stats coming out of Brazil. Many Brazilians are reporting the
same types of things - deaths from all causes being put down as COVID to fake the stats.
This is happening worldwide but where countries "behaved" they do it less. They'll never
make it zero though, that's not "good politics".

Brazil is turning out to be every bit as compromised and corrupted and infiltrated as the
United States is, I would not trust one line out of anyone's mouth except Bolsonaro's, and
even at that, like Trump, he can probably be fooled, and then say stupid things.

Bolsonaro should, if he has the power to, crack down immediately, it will be Brazil's Jews
doing this (it is them doing this everywhere) so that's a great start to getting a shoe horn
into the heart of the corruption and expunging it. We are losing because NO ONE can
accept it could possibly all be getting done by da poooor wittle Jew, all the while every
damn last treasonous bastard that's pushing this crap is openly and overtly Jewish. My
god, how blind can people be?

I guess Green Screen is not open about it, but you can damn well bet that whatever came
before green screen was crypto!

Even Elizabeth Taylor was Jewish her whole life and fronted as a Catholic. And the
moment she died, she recieved a prompt and private Jewish burial in a private location in
a Jewish cemetary while all the people who were conned by her being Christian showed
up for her burial at an entirely different graveyard days after she was already buried, only
to have a no-show. When that happened I was TOTALLY on top of it.

I would not be surprised at all if every Dem in Congress and everyone who got put
in via voter fraud was a Jew. They corrupted the sh*t out of everything, and
REMEMBER, if you don't get your JEW Bill Gates shot, you'll not be allowed into a
JEW OWNED Wal-Mart. See how that works??

We now know why they came for the gardens

If today's headlines were released on April 1, even two years
ago, people would brush them off as jokes.
Johnson and Johnson had 15 million doses of "vaccine" made in Baltimore, and it was
wrecked by a "formula error". And it crossed my mind that this was intentionally done to
make the shots non-destructive and someone caught it. Seriously. It is not plausible that
the shots actually got formulated wrong as a result of error, I firmly believe it was
deliberate. Any way you cut it, it was not a disaster for us

I am not going to say anything "Biden" anymore, whatever front is pretending to be him
wants everyone vaccinated by May. How are they going to accomplish that when at least
half the population is saying HELL NO?

HERE IS SOMETHING WORTH A HEADLINE: If you have not stocked up, you need
to stock up NOW.

Because if Wal-Mart and others really do, at a corporate level, plan to enact their own
vaccine passport, you soon won't get food. And this has already been announced. You
have a small time window to get things done.

Here is how it will probably go: First, Wal-Mart, Target and other large chains will require
your "vaccine passport" to enter their stores. Competition will then pop up, probably at IGA
type stores and farmers markets, to pick up all the customers Wal Mart and others locked
out. And then, very quickly, the correct assassinations will take place to shut down all the
stores that suddenly increased capacity to take all the Wal-Mart customers, and if you
don't accept the passport, you starve.

The war on gardens ties directly into the vaccine passport.

For years, people were suspicious about why so many cities said you can't have private
gardens, and why so many banned them. And all the Karens made damn good and sure
they ratted out any neighbor that had a garden. So, for the most part, all the gardens are
gone. And as a result, the "elite" are now going to be able to easily starve people out
when they refuse that vaccine passport.

Mike Lindell released another vote fraud video

What's the point in even mentioning this when no one is going to do anything about this
anyway? We got our answer from all of this about what the American people are going to
do to take their country back, and it's a BIG FAT NOTHING. Last night I picked up Alex on
short wave and he sounded all optimistic, stating the left played it's cards too soon and
about how "they are weak". But if they can steal an election without consequence and
then starve everyone by shutting down Wal-Marts and others because they
infiltrated them and own them all, that's power. And they'll just murder anyone who
threatens that monopoly now.

I wonder how many people are already dead.

So I read over the distressing headlines today that are the same as yesterday, all the lies,
and wish April Fools was real. Imagine today's headlines being released even a few years
ago when nothing was going on - everyone would just accept them as a joke, yet here we
are and it is real.


I guess "whatever happens in Vegas" is going to be a big secret now, because I'll never
know. If they are going to pull this crap, I'll never go there again.

Wal Mart is considering doing this too.

People need to prepare for this. I don't want to repeat a 100 line item list I have done a ton
of times before, people ought to know by now. It appears the time has started to arrive.
Once it starts, it will all slam down quickly.

Dejavu??? Ship does the exact same thing

facing the exact same way in Britain

Let me tell you, I am beyond skeptical about the legitimacy of these ship incidents.
The most important video you'll ever come
Take the time to listen to this. The video is 22 minutes and my audio version is right
around 17.
I have converted this to straight audio to make it easier to serve and share, Click

In this video Dr Vernon Coleman goes over exactly what the vaccine is for, and that it is
very likely to trigger a mass extinction event in the winter of 2022. Not only are the
vaccinated likely to die, but they'll be super spreaders of a new virus their bodies are
manufacturing right now, which will nail those who did not get vaccinated.

I edited the audio version I posted down to key points to make it a lot more listenable and
less time consuming. It is far more likely to spread that way.

A photographer in Iceland lowered his drone into the volcano

until melted and malfunctioned from the heat
The first thing to stop working was the camera, and he was able to hit "return home" and it
did, despite being partially melted. He got by far the most dramatic volcano footage ever
done. His drone also recorded the sound of the volcano, and that's just as dramatic.

Best post I have seen in over a year: With regard to the satan

shoes -
"Lil Nas X must be a kabbalistic number. i would decipher it but they didn't teach me
numbers in school, only to hate my whiteness"
Youtube is sending test notices to people with
regard to removing the dislikes count
Biden is so unpopular they are calling his dislikes counts "targeted attacks" rather than
actually admitting he is that hated for stealing the election. As with the rest of the
"mainstream" sources, there is yet again as close to no honesty as they can possibly get
away with.

Breaking911 had this, but Twitter deleted it.

Maersk says it's not over yet

The world's largest shipping company said it had about 45 ships that got delayed and that
it will take a week before just over half of them can get through the canal due to the traffic
jam that was caused. As a result, they already routed 15 around Africa.
Maersk says we have not even started seeing the problems the EverGiven caused, and
that it will take months for everything to stabilize. See this.


It is not up and running yet, but he'll supposedly e-mail people when it is up. I don't
know how well that's going to work, they'll have him in filters for sure.

There is a new elite bloodline that probably is legit

Look into the Payseurs. This is probably legit

They are likely above George Soros and are probably feeding him everything he needs to
wreak havoc. Soros had to get his money from somewhere, and they probably arranged
ways for it to happen. They have also branched out into different names after being
exposed. This is something I'll be looking into more closely.

They are preparing dead bodies for the Corona

One is still smoking a cigarette
I don't know what the video is actually about, but it is enough to make you think!!! It
is just too easy to fake these things.

There is SERIOUSLY something wrong with the

vaccine agenda.
Take a look at this. If there was a need for the vax and people wanted it, they would not
have to push it THIS FREAKING HARD. This is spooky.
Nike sued Little Nas X
All 666 pairs of his satan shoes sold out within an hour or so of release, at over $1000 a
Nike is being stupid about this. They already announced they had nothing to do with this
and that another company modded the shoes. They don't need to sue, and I doubt they'll
succeed because they have no grounds. How can they sue when it was openly stated
they did not do the shoes, even by the guy who had this done?

At most they might have success suing media outlets that did not get their facts straight
and said Nike did this, but that was not me.

AI produced fake video??? Very weird: "RT

video" suggests Scientists are studying what
happens to people When they travel at 600
What is this? Was the video produced by AI or what? People travel at 600 mph all the
time. The old school 707 cruised faster than 600, I can't believe they need to study what
the effects of that speed are on people, this has to be a joke.

This video discusses pods that are moved through tubes carrying people at 600 mph, but
600 is 600, there is no reason to study what happens at that speed because we already
know nothing happens. It is up to them to design the systems in a way that don't shake
people to death.
It looks serious on the surface, but the linked video has got to be a joke. If it is a joke, it is
an example of what AI can do. If it is not a joke, it is an example of the kind of results we
get by hiring foreign rather than American, and the results of common core followed by
universities that do not teach anymore.

Starship 11 exploded at the exact same time all

the others did
There is either a saboteur at Spacex or Stuxnet on board. If Musk can land all the other
stuff, why not the Mars ship? Easy answer: Someone does not want Mars. My belief is
that Musk never had a failed Starship landing he caused, most likely ALL the starship
explosions were not the result of any design issue.
If Musk does not solve the virus/sabotage issue, he can kiss it away. Whoever is doing
this won't blow up their own stuff, so when he launches THEIR stuff, that will be a

According to the new approach to forcing people to get the vax - If you reject the
vaccine, you are undermining the government. AND THE ELECTION WAS NOT
STOLEN. Never forget - all sources saying the vax is safe and killing/ruining NO
ONE also adamantly state the election was not stolen. And yes, at this point the
government should be "undermined" because it is not legit. So you might as well
kill two birds with one stone.

Nothing in the headlines, so I hit Drudge for


Scared of what??? The people waking up to the B.S.??? And she put on quite the drama
show. To that I say: Did you realize Princess Lea in reality never went into space?

All the while the American con job is pushing the vax, claiming no one ever got hurt
or died from ANY vax, Canada suspended the AstraZeneca vax for anyone under
age 55. Drudge at least had that topic in a headline. Let me translate that headline:

Canada knows damn well the jab is screwing people over, so they suspended it for
anyone under age 55 Because the socialized medical system is expensive, but under
55's are still too economically valuable to throw away for that reason.
MEANWHILE, the U.S. has said to hell with everyone and started giving it to
children and newborns.

I guess it's better to be Canadian, eh?

Pitch a bitch Mitch wants all Republican men to get the jab


I suggest EVERYONE take medical advice from a clear cut treasonous A-hole. The fact
he's pushing THIS fraud after supporting VOTE FRAUD is not surprising, after all, fraud is
what fraudsters are most familiar with pushing.



Basic income excludes white people - This is a surprising Drudge headline, because it
has an ounce of honesty. And here is the goal: Tax and fire all white people until they are
homeless, and take every last bit of their assets and give them to other races, but
predominantly to the Jews, who skate on "whiteness because . . . . well, F*** OFF.
Anyway -

It is clearly obvious that what they are going to do is deny whites any way to make an
honest living, and then cut them off from basic income too so they get killed off. The white
population in the U.S. is equal to the Deagel death stats. Think about that.

Here's a really dumb headline that got posted at more than just drudge: "Mysterious
disease killing young California bears in Tahoe. One symptom: fearlessness"

MY RESPONSE: That would be rabies or a close variant. Rabies does not always make
animals go nuts, sometimes it only makes them fearless and they come to you happy,
drool on you, and then if you don't get a shot you're toast from the drool alone. THE

Wicked stupid Drudge headline: "Roller skating making a comeback".

J.Snopes says FALSE. If that was true, it would mean the roller rinks would pop back up,
and how's that supposed to happen during the Covid con? Add to that the fact that I had
lots of experience rollerskating, and when roller blades happened, they made roller skates
look absolutely idiotic. There's not a chance people would go back to that.
Me thinks someone who needs to sell something got ahold of a whole bunch of surplus
roller skate parts and paid drudge for a one line ad. Or whatever paper the headline is on,
with the goal of having it hit Drudge.

Strange distant space object sending out ultra low frequency

My response: That's what a pulsar does. It is NOT ALIENS, low frequencies are

USELESS to advanced civilizations, try clocking a CPU at 20 hz.

DRUDGE: Mexico's true Covid toll is 60 percent higher than official stats

My response: How about a little truth here? In this family alone, THIS FAMILY, OUT TO
COUSINS AND UNCLES, 3 people "died of Covid", only, NOT. They died from other
causes and the CON ARTISTS listed them as COVID deaths. Both Drudge and whatever
that headline linked to mixed crack with acid.

Nike claims no involvement with the satan

I might as well post this, with clarification of what is going on

Rapper Little Nas X took 666 pairs of expensive Nikes to after market apparel modifier
MSCHF and had them change the shoes to the following, and yes, they do contain real
blood mixed with ink in the air sole:
It is hard to really put a finger on whether or not Little Nas X is that evil or if he is trying to
make a statement, the same apparel modifier also did Nike Airs with holy water in them.

This is EXACTLY how communists operate - if

you are against the vax, you're a government
undermining far-right extremist.
They call all opposition "far right", "extremist" or whatever other title they think will work,
"extremist" is defined as "Exactly the same paragraph and story in ALL WAYS but one
letter has been changed, they said Yoghurt instead of Yogurt. That's "extremist" when
total compliance to the last letter is demanded. If you do anything else, you are
"undermining the government". So now we have THIS:

"Far-right extremists in the US move from 'stop the steal' to stop the vaccine

Extremist organisations in the US are now bashing the safety and efficacy of coronavirus
vaccines in an effort to try to undermine the government."

So there you have it. If you resist the vax, you are undermining the government. Sedition
is another word for that. This is the precursor for jailing people for refusing their kill shot,
and that's exactly what it is. Despite massive censorship efforts, word has leaked out
that at least the Moderna shot is so tuned to de-population that even (at least some)
post menopausal women who have not had a period for over 10 years get massive
bloody periods because "Eject the baby" is turned on so damn hard. Remember the
georgia guidestones. Think they were not serious?

They can do all they want to keep the media totally clean and sterilized away from the
truth but they can't stop word of mouth and every damn last far left facebook page that
was on their approved list from noticing a sudden period after the vax means the vax is
not a vax!!!


YOU'LL CRACK THEM WITH THAT, or so they hope.



The Ever Given was successfully pulled free.

They are taking it to the Great Bitter Lake for inspection
This was pure luck, and I am sure someone is not happy.

It appears Biden is going to mandate a vaccine

It does not matter how communists get it done, if they can do it using a "medical excuse"
that's just fine for them. And if you don't get vaxxed, and it is not on your "passport"
many businesses are now stepping up and saying they won't permit you to buy or

Don't expect the supreme court to stop anything. If they won't stop obvious blatant proven
vote fraud, they partook in the coup and anything goes, including the constitution out the

Back end of Ever Given un-stuck

The front end is still hard aground, however, they managed to swing the back end around
using 10 tug boats. Reports of it being un-stuck are not entirely accurate. It is not fully un-
stuck, they only were able to swing it. There may be a chance some smaller ships can get
around it now however.
Despite massive efforts to censor everything, word is seeping out about what is
really going on. The MODERNA VAX is SO BAD and so obviously a shot that
sterilizes women that there are now (quickly censored) social media reports of
women getting periods (one enormous horrible one) AFTER MENOPAUSE when
periods have stopped for over a decade. That's not possible unless the women are
getting totally destroyed. That could only be caused by an incredible hormone shift
towards 'A lot less fertile than even menopause"

I am probably just preaching to the choior. Simply finding a site like this one is the
equivalent of passing an intelligence test, YOU are not going in for this crap, ARE

The leftie: "This report must mean the Johnson and Johnson vax is ok, I'll go get that

Tennessee getting nailed by spectacularly

severe weather
Usually I don't report weather, but this is noteworthy:

Massive widespread flooding

Continuous tornadoes
175 mph winds

Nashville is "not getting hit hard" and it still looks like this.

We will have to wait and see on this, right now it is such chaos no one can put a
finger on what is actually happening as a result of this. People are saying (at the very
least) that this can't be natural. My hunch is that it probably is not natural. I never heard of
175 mph winds inland.
First country impacted by canal blockage:
Syria will be the first country to hit $10/gallon most likely, SEE THIS.

About the Nike shoes dedicated to satan

This is an older post that got lost.

If you have not seen this, Nike really did team up with a rapper to produce 666 pairs of
satan shoes bearing a hexagram and transparent "air" soles that have a drop of real
human blood mixed with a bunch of fake blood, so you're running on blood.

One VERY KEY THING with these shoes however is that inscribed on them is Luke 10:18.
I have not had time to look into why that scriptural reference is there on anything honoring
satan and have to go now, (guests are waiting) but the shoe might be intended to be a
reminder rather than purely evil.

As for the shoes themselves, this is VERY poor taste (obviously), did not need to be
done, and would only be done at this point in time because it looks like satan is

UPDATE: This got extended to 2 days, another party. -I got put in charge of food for
my father in law's birthday and that is why I did not post today. Just as guests
started arriving, I got time to post the following, which is probably by far the most
important message/event of the day. They are rubbing our noses in it and just sent
a message.



THAT is what mockery looks like. NO FREAKING WAY.

Offloading it completely will not re-float it.

RUMOR: Russia has declared the grounding of

the Ever Given "An act of terror done during
I have not confirmed this rumor, (source not good enough yet) but it might be true and
obviously Russia knows this was no accident.

The cost of this grounding is a whopping 3.6 trillion on an annual basis, not including
damage done by having oil prices go stratospheric.

The CHEAP timing belt (because it just HAS TO

be cheaper)
Yesterday I replaced the spark plugs and wires as a matter of general maintenance. While
I was at it, I checked the timing belt. Bad news - it was chewed. Very odd, (but not really)
because the last time I put it together the cover was so broken (from the last 10 times it
has been gone into because it's an old car) - it had a huge opening debris could get into
and debris did get in and it chewed the belt. I figured there would be no troubles because
it was open at least partially as bad since I got the car and all the covers on the bottom of
the car are there . . . . anyway, debris got in.

So I had to go get a new timing belt IMMEDIATELY. I wanted a Gates belt (these cost
about $20 and they are the best but Autozone had ONE option - Duralast and it said
RIGHT ON THE SCREEN it was a XengTime made in china belt that was re-branded to
Duralast. And then the price - $6.53 (YIKES). I asked the guy why they totally
discontinued carrying Gates and he said "Duralast has been around for 40 years" and I
said "XengTime has NOT been around for 40 years, and that's what that belt is, stop
kidding me. And then he said, DON'T WORRY, IT HAS A FULL 90 DAY GUARANTEE.

I said "If that thing breaks it's going to cause $1,500 damage to the engine, SURELY I did
not need this $20 part for $6.53, what if it breaks? And he said "We replace the belt". And
I said, "What about the destroyed engine that happens if this part is broke bad enough to
get a replacement" and he said "That's not our worry". He literally said that! An 90 day
guarantee on a timing belt!!! YIKES.
I HAD TO get it. It proudly said "Made with Japanese Tech" on it, - you know - like all that
American tech the Chinese copied so well - but that said it did look decent - but that said,
a fake Rolex looks ok to . . . . . I once got one of these Chinese belts with a cheap timing
belt tensioner a while back and THAT belt looked spooky. At least this one did not look
spooky . . . . anyway, the car is running fine. For how long? well, if not for 90 days at least
I'll get $6.53 back!!!

A timing belt is for those times when you really, truly, would rather pay $20.

This problem took me about an hour (I replaced this belt between reports today) and cost
$6.53 (I am quick with timing belts) I am not going to change this belt just to "feel better", I
am going to run it like normal. I fixed the hole in the cover to stop debris, (lesson learned).

WHY does something like this HAVE TO be "cheaper"??? WHO MADE THAT
DECISION? Obviously someone who did not know a one digit number was not
needed if it might mean a four digit fix!!!

Major volcano in Caribbean threatening to

explode violently
The Caribbean has lots of volcanoes but they are not well known about. This one is
located on the island of St.Vincent and is worth mentioning simply because so many other
volcanoes are going off at this time. This volcano does not have a history of exploding but
the possibility is there because a recent eruption seems to have choked the volcano off,
and there's now seismic activity indicating another eruption is on the way.

These islands are small, there's no way to escape a bad eruption if it does happen.
Lots of silly ideas circulating on how to get the ship un-stuck
Here is mine, and it may or may not even be possible -

Back two nimitz class aircraft carriers into the canal side by side. These probably have the
most powerful engines in the world (by far). Two put together would have over a half
million horsepower, which would create a minimum of 7.5 million pounds of static thrust.
Hook both of them up to the back end of the ship , take the slack out, and then full throttle
them. They'd create a MASSIVE current in the canal while pulling on the ship very hard,
and they'd simply erode it free. It will take something like that to get this ship out.

$50 bet that would work if you could actually pull on that ship that hard without destroying
it, let alone come up with chains or ropes or cables strong enough to handle that. It
absolutely would come loose just from erosion alone if you could hold the aircraft carriers
in place. It would make a mess out of the canal though, but lots of ships would still make it
through while it was dredged.

Even if this would work, don't get your hopes up. Don't count on the Pentagon to be
so willing:

The Pentagon takes, steals, over-charges and blows people up. They help no one.
They won't fix this problem unless it was for war even though I have little doubt
they could.

Another take on the ship in the canal -

This happened right when NATO is desperately searching for the Russian sub Rostov-on-
Don, a Kilo class sub that disappeared a week ago. This sub is a very nasty one that is
fairly small, and could have gone through the canal submerged. Right now they have
the entire mediterranean sealed off to prevent it from getting away, which is somewhat far
fetched when they don't even know where it is.

I think it is far fetched that they'd have opted to do this much damage just to find a hidden
sub, but the sub is indeed missing and might have been that important. Who knows. It
would be a LOT easier to get it through the strait of Gibraltar. And why would they even
need to send it through the canal in secret?

It is plausible that they jammed the ship in real good to stifle war efforts, the U.S. could
cope with this problem in a war FAR better than China or Russia would.

Did they stuxnet the ship to draw that pretty picture and then jam it, while the crew was
oblivious? You'd never figure out what you were drawing on the water while playing poker
and spraying the floor. If the pilot was not really paying attention and someone did this,
and he did not care about the ship moving when it did not need to, even the pilot would
not know what got drawn. Sorta doubt that, but it is possible this was 100 percent stuxnet.

Would the U.S. or Israel stuxnet a ship to gain strategic advantage? Well, that
answer is obvious and if they did, they absolutely would hatch some ridiculous
cover story like "the wind did it" when the area is always windy and no ship has
ever been grounded by wind in that canal in over 100 years. The computer should
have corrected any wind induced navigational errors faster than "instantly."


Two commuter trains collided head on in Egypt, right when a massive ship is stuck in the
canal, obviously on purpose. Stuxnet train switch? I doubt this is coincidence, Egypt is
probably getting messed with.
Al Jazeera: Suez Canal to be closed for weeks,
(if not months)
This is one of the chaos events communists will use to rise to power. The only story
regarding this event that is true is that it drew a cock, balls and *ss and then immediately
drew a straight line to doing this. This was intentional no if's or buts, it was not cross winds
as the official lie goes. Aside from ships that were intentionally scuttled to block it during
war, this is the only time any ship became jammed in the channel, and it is the most
horrible ship to jam a canal with, intentionally jammed in the most horrible way possible.

Now all shipping, totally unexpectedly, has to go around the horn of Africa. That's
not a safe route. And THEN all shipping has to go around the southern tip of Africa,
which while not being the most dangerous waters are not great. Add to that a TON
of distance that needs to be covered. Oil prices are going to skyrocket just from the
unexpected initial delay. Tankers are going to have to be in service for longer times
per trip, which means there will be a tanker shortage.

Here is how it goes: Let's say you have 50 trucks that have to drive 500 miles to deliver a
fixed amount of goods. And they are adequate. These trucks cannot be sped up and
always operate at max useful speed. Suddenly the route changed and now the trucks
have to go 2,000 miles and you have the same 50 trucks that travel at the same
speed. What will happen? 25 percent of the products will be delivered, that's what.

To suddenly have to go around Africa for everything means we

need 4X as many tankers as we have. DOOM ON.
If that ship is not miraculously cleared before everything goes off like a nuke, there will be
TO PICK UP THE SLACK. American oil would totally solve the problem. But with Biden,
you can forget it! Trump would see a business opportunity. The image of Biden will see a
way to destroy. Vote fraud is going to do us in.

How bad is the ship stuck? I can calculate

fairly closely
An unofficial proposal by God knows who:
Probably the next FBI

It appears that the efforts to get it unstuck are lackluster and for show. This ship should
have been offloaded by now and a dredge should be there. Nothing of the sort is being

About Green Screen's speech today: All the media people were there, it HAD TO be
real . . . . . and the election was not stolen. Yes, they'd cover for this. The all know the
election was stolen as they sit there and lie, they were pivotal in the steal and after that,
anything will be done. Some people are saying he looked OK because he was drugged,
others are saying it was an actor, and I SAY GREEN SCREEN. It's all the same any way
you cut it, this government is a coup, it is NOT LEGIT so who cares about how they fake it
once that is established? That said, it did not look like Biden at the presser at all. It
looked like a double, and at that age it seems every one they come up with is
expired. Maybe they dolled the wrinkles and age out a bit and made a few other
things for a more appealing green screen, who knows. But it simply did not look
like him. Close, but not.

The Pentagon knows the election was stolen, all the way from whoever cleans the
toilets to whoever watches the nukes to whoever gives the orders to kill people and
break things. THEY ALL KNOW, this election theft was not a secret and that makes
the Pentagon the enemy of the American people as they sit there and not only do
nothing about the fraud, they take orders from it!
I warned everyone repeatedly that if you don't
keep it at home, you don't have it.
"Secure silver storage" or other precious metals storage outfits IMMEDIATELY sell your
physical silver for cash when you hand it to them and they only keep a minimal amount on
hand for the occasional individual who might go in and get it. But for all practical purposes,
your precious metals will not be there, they sold it and ran their own investment schemes
with it and/or stole it outright with what was in reality a front. When you use such places
for your "safety" all you do is hand your precious metals to thieves who
immediately cash it out. The "fractional banking" ruse works for as long as no more
than 10 or so percent of the people ask for their metals back, AND HERE YOU GO:


First come, first served!!!

You'll do far better with a medium sized safe that cost $150 placed on your concrete slab
or in your basement, loaded down with 400 pounds of buck shot with the best weight you
can put in it being the ability to hide it and keep a secret. Only a prepared thief would get
it. No casual thief is ever going to get that or cut into it and the buck shot will never be

Iran DID NOT fire a missile at an Israeli cargo

Iran would not be that stupid, no matter what the headlines say.

Here is a REAL headline (When you hear THIS ONE, believe it:)

Iran smuggled a powerful cruise missile into Israel and scored a direct hit on the Knesset,
135 top government officials dead, including Nut Yahoo.

THAT would be a real headline. For as long as it is bottle rockets and hits on cargo ships,
it is not real. Israel can comfortably fake those.

Ship still not loose

Last night I came across an MSM report that said they got it loose and it was underway. I
called that rumor because I did not believe it, AAAND, this morning it is still stuck. They
are claiming it grounded accidentally due to wind, but that's a lie, this is the first time this
ever happened in the entire history of the canal, no ship EVER wedged sideways like this
EVER and the cock and balls screwing a butt trajectory it took proves this was no
accident. If you did not see this, scroll down, the ship literally drew that in the water and
immediately after doing so went on a straight line into the canal and blocked it like this.

I have noticed a lot of reports trying to downplay this event by stating only 10 percent of
the world's shipping goes through this canal, but the reality is that the ships are huge,
carry 30 percent of the world's cargo, and a high percentage of that cargo is oil. You know
- ALL THE OIL. If the oil tankers headed for Europe don't want to go around the horn of
africa (nasty place and way out of the way) they have to go all the way across the pacific,
through the panama canal, across the atlantic, and then to Europe.

It is no coincidence at all that green screen attacked American oil, "they" did not want
American oil stopping crisis when they planned it. Who knows how long they'll play this

If they start sending goons around taking

guns, DO THIS:
Take a motion activated yard light and screw in a bulb base that has a power outlet on it.
Run an extension cord to a light by your bed. A BRIGHT LIGHT. Make sure that light does
not false trigger and only goes off when it should. Don't have a switch on that light, wire it
direct. When they come to kick your door in, a light will already be on in your room before
a boot touches the door. That will give you both light AND the precious seconds you need
to grab your gun and at least get a few rounds into them. An AR will not be ideal, they'll
have body armor. Use: .308, .270, 30.06 or at the very weakest, a 30/30. A .223 has 1300
foot pounds at the muzzle. A 30/30, which is a kid's gun, has 1,902 and a .270 starts at
about 2,800 and can have over 3,200. A .270 is far more powerful at 500 yards than a .
223 right at the muzzle. If you have a .270 or 30.06 use them.

The .223 is for un-armored targets. You want to win, right??? Obviously if a .223 is all you
have, USE IT, they are not shabby. Just not the best goon slaying option.

It might also pay to hook that motion sensor light up to a UPS in case they get wise and
start cutting people's power first, and also, it might be wise to drill through the wall behind
the light and pass the "switch" back that way because they might just pull the extension
cord out (but by then it would have switched on) so the UPS is probably more important.

When they go around taking guns, they'll be kicking in doors during the dead of
night, ambushing sleeping people. You WILL NOT wake up and grab the gun on
time. But if you get woke up by a light and then have the light already on, you
absolutely WILL be able to react on time to teach them about what is proper



If the light keeps false triggering, don't switch it off, ADJUST THE FALSE TRIGGERING
PROBLEM AND MAKE IT WORK. Your wake up light should not have a switch on it


Here are all recent donations. THIS IS GOING ANONYMOUS NOW.

Anonymous sent: $100 AUD, $250 USD, and $1000 USD, thanks! And if you would like to
donate and make sure it made it, add pennies to the end of the dollar amount so you'll
have more recognizable digits to prove it made it. Many thanks!


RUMOR: Biden is going to ban guns by executive order

That's a plausible rumor. But having them actually get turned in is not plausible.

Take a motion activated yard light and screw in a bulb base that has a power outlet on it.
Run an extension cord to a light by your bed. A BRIGHT ONE. Make sure that light does
not false trigger and only goes off when it should. When they come to kick your door in,
the lights will already be on in your room before a boot touches the door. That will give you
both light AND the precious seconds you need to grab your gun and at least get a few
rounds into them. Don't bother with an AR, they'll have body armor. Use: .308, .270, 30.06
or at the very worst, a 30/30

RUMOR: The ship stuck in the Suez canal has

been pulled loose UPDATE: THAT ENDED UP
LIE: The ship was pushed aground by strong crosswinds. If so, why did it do such
pretty art work on the way into the canal, and why did no other ships experience
trouble? If that was plausible, ships would ground in that canal all the time!

9th circuit states you can't carry a gun in public??!!??

That's ludicrous, they state the only place you can have a gun is in your home. Forget the
car, and you can forget hunting and everything else too. Let's see if SCOTUS upholds
this. I would not be surprised if they did. Then what? your guns will be declared illegal,
(that's what) and they have already stated 100 million of them are. With nothing to support
that claim AT ALL.

Whatever the commie says, is whatever it will be for as long as the people allow it.


CONFIRMED: They are going to be causing all kinds of intentional mayhem to
wreck the world economy. Jamming this ship is a prime example of this and no one
can tell me this was accidental if it drew a cock and butt before getting stuck in the

This ship is probably wedged in INCREDIBLY well, they probably full throttle jammed it in
and grounded it solid on purpose. If you have ever seen pictures of perfectly floatable
ships stranded on islands and abandoned, it is because if they ground with any speed at
all, no one can ever get them un-stuck even if they are successfully unloaded.

Egypt should rightfully seize this ship and take every last thing on it. And if they have to,
then cut it up and scrap it with zero apologies. This grounding was, without question, an
act of war. If they get it un-stuck they should take it anyway.

AAAAND here we go: The FBI set up the

Colorado shooting
You have to have experience and be able to read between the lines.

It is perfectly clear when THIS REPORT is sent through my fact-tabulator that the FBI
sought out another simple minded patsy, provided him with a gun, and sent him out on a
shooting spree. The FBI does this ALL THE TIME. It is how they make "progress".

All the elements are there: SIX days before the shooting, a "mentally unstable" guy who
was known to be unstable by everyone, on top of being ROCK STUPID and easy to
fool, SIX days (6) Did I say SIIXX?? days before the shooting he gets his gun with no
background check (he can't pass that) and then goes out and does a shoot up.

You know, the usual.

"It is not known where he purchased the weapon". Obviously, because he could not pass
a background check. That's where the FBI stepped in after being his influential "friend" for
a little time and "sold it" to him for $8 fully loaded while he showed them how he could ride
a bike with no handlebars.

You know that's the case, because mommy took the gun away while he was playing with
it. She did not hide it good enough I guess or so the story goes.

Proof of communist revolution:

Take a look at this report on Revolver.

If you ever attended a Donald Trump campaign rally, any other similar rally, OR, if you
ever expressed doubt in the official narrative, OR you ever tweeted Q-anon, OR, you ever
said Russia was a hoax, the election was stolen and a plethora of other things, OR if you
believe there are 2 genders, a God, or read the bible and they find out, you will soon be
banned from holding ANY government position.


Because obviously, since you know the election was stolen and do not agree with what is
going on now, you are a threat to the TOTALLY NEW government that is not the
government of the United States. No communist government anywhere tolerates
Christianity or any other competing beliefs, if people don't stand up and fight (and they
won't, as long as they can eat) it will be GAME OVER.

YES, Michael Moore really did tweet this.

He's more than just disgusting to look at.

Right when Trump was talking about setting up

his own platform -
Facebook started talking about un-banning him. You know - so they can continue to hold
the ban hammer over his head. Considering how ridiculously STUPID Trump has been so
far with this type of thing, he'll probably fall for it. Let's face it folks, Trump can be suckered
BIG TIME, especially when he puts his trust where it does not belong.
THIS is stuck in the Suez Canal REAL GOOD,
If this is a manufactured crisis, it could trigger $10 gas. FILL
Was this done on purpose to create a crisis? It sure looks that way, how on earth
would they ever get it sideways SO PERFECT by accident?

This is stuck so bad it could trigger a global supply chain crisis. I don't know what gets
used more, the Suez canal or the Panama canal, but if they don't get this un-stuck it's
gonna be bad. Count how many containers tall that thing is stacked. It's a monster, WAY
bigger than a Nimitz class aircraft carrier. This ship is 59 meters wide and 400 meters
long. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier is 333 meters long. That pretty much sums up how
huge this problem is.

This is a serious obstacle with no easy way to manage. Nothing can get past it. There's
already a massive traffic jam. I am fairly certain they can't get it moving again because
they poked a hole in it and it's firmly planted on the bottom. BIG PROBLEM.
Prediction: They will up "mass shootings" to several times a
They might just AI blue screen them all, like they did Biden,

And all of them will: (Pick one per shooting:)

1. Promote the Covid agenda by making it look like gun nuts are anti-mask/anti-vaccine

2. Promote the race hatred agenda.

3. Support a war on the Arab world.

4. Promote banning of all guns. A variety of weapons will be used, they will diversify away
from assault weapons to "justify" banning all of them. If they get down to air guns, there
will be mass shootings with those.

All of this will be fronted by the FBI, or at a bare minimum, never be called out by the FBI
which will know they are all either totally fake, or totally staged with brain wiped patsies.

Watch it happen. They'll hatch such a trail of damning B.S. that even avid gun owners will
cry for it to stop. only it won't really be happening at all, we do, after all, have a blue
screen "president".

With all shootings that are too convenient,

nothing is to be fully trusted
As the story goes now, the "Colorado shooter" had a facebook page they made
sure got deleted before they let his name out. I don't know exactly where they want
to take the story now, but the deleted facebook page now proves he was a Muslim
who hated Trump. However, they don't need "white supremacist" to accomplish a
gun ban, they just need a shooting, so I am skeptical, it appears instead this
shooting was entirely fake and that this facebook for the patsy either did not jive
with what they wanted so they deleted it, or it is fake too. You decide I guess, either
way they'll get their gun bans even if it was totally crisis acted.
To be ignored until . . . . Florida base jumper
dies when chute fails to open
I ignored this at first because I figured it was just a chute failure the way the MSM
makes it sound. Then I actually read the report and saw it was a case of bad
reporting, combined with raw stupidity.

Here are the basics of base jumping: If a building does not have at least 30 LONG
stories (not short stories and there's a big difference) and you can't jump from the

Short stories can be as little as 8 feet and are used in hotels and apartments.
Usually they are about 10 feet.

Long stories have, on each floor, above the space below, an additional level on the
same floor that's in the ceiling that allows people to go up there and install things
that are used in the office below. That space is typically about 4 feet but sometimes
it is tall enough to walk around. That's a long story. Those are usually about 12-15
feet per floor.

This "base jumper" jumped from the 14th floor of a HOTEL because it "looked high"
and was obviously stupid for 2 reasons:

1. He never read up on how long a parachute actually is once it opens.

2. He never read up on how fast he had to be going before wind speed would open a
parachute, let alone how long after opening would be needed to slow him down.

The minimum is right around 400 feet if you don't have the wind speed from an
airplane to help, even if you have experience. THERE WAS NO CHUTE
FAILURE. Saying "the chute failed to open" the way the MSM is saying sure ignores
the laws of physics.

After Biden GREEN SCREEN got

"embarrassed" by the migrant situation, he -
Gave 86 MILLION to a "non profit" to provide 1,286 hotel rooms to migrant families
for six months. How much per night does that work out to? $371.00 PER NIGHT.

That "nonprofit" is NOT a "nonprofit" though I'd have to say that if it was the
Clinton foundation, that would be a remarkably good use of the funds compared to


Here's reality: They probably got a contract with Motel 6, are probably paying
around $80 per night and they pocketed $56 million with their "nonprofit". FIVE (5)
new synagogues got built to the highest standards in prime areas.

Yahoo is lying about Sidney Powell

They claim she said "no one with a brain would believe her" after Dominion filed a
lawsuit. Here is what she actually said:

"reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as
claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process"

That's lawyer talk. And it in no way states "anyone who could think reasonably
would not have believed her". She's only stating that the claims are so phenomonal
they would be hard to believe without being proven in court. But you know where
the left takes things.

We all know the election was rigged. We all know Dominion made it possible at the
level it happened. We all know there was a coup, and now that the enemy is in
charge, that enemy HAS TO go back over the fields they burned and plow them
under so they can deny it ever happened. That's precisely what they are doing now.

We all know the election was rigged. We all know Dominion made it possible at the
level it happened. We all know there was a coup, and now that the enemy is in
charge, that enemy HAS TO go back over the fields they burned and plow them
under so they can deny it ever happened. That's precisely what they are doing now.
Only, this time it won't work. And they know it. They are doing their damndest to
FORCE people to accept the fraud so strongly they begin to deny the fraud, but
THIS TIME that's going to take a genocide. It was too blatant. Nobody believes their
crap, including their allies.

Woke math: This is not a joke -

Oregon has claimed math is "white supremacist" and that an answer, such as
2+2=22 is a correct answer because minorities have difficulty with math because
whites made it difficult on purpose, to shut minorities out. Obviously we are at war,
and the goal is to destroy the sciences so technology gets crushed. The people
doing these things know what they are doing. They know they can't get away with
bombs, so they subverted and moved straight to victory without them. The end goal
of any war is to totally annihilate the people you are targeting, you don't necessarily
want to kill them all outright.

Boulder shooting, all you need to know in one line:

Boulder had an assault weapons ban that was in place for two years and a lower
court judge struck it down. It was then challenged and to be put before the
Colorado supreme court. 4 days after that happened, and before it went before the
supreme court, "assault weapons were used in a mass shooting".

Like clockwork. It's another fake shooting to influence the courts. Predictable. It
could not possibly be more predictable.

No one would magically come up with an assault weapon complete with ammo
during an ammo shortage and shoot'em up in four short days, when most people
would not even know a judge ruled in their favor. Most likely this is another case of
crisis actors.

There are many con job reports about the "side

effects of the Covid vax"
These reports list ridiculous side effects claims, and are specifically intended to
make anyone who claims to have been damaged by the vax look like
nutcases. After all, they have already succeeded in screwing over a major portion of
the British population and all they need is one more deceptive push making people
look like fools to, for the most part, get them all.

I have seen many such reports lately, but today I hit one that was such a prime
example of public manipulation to get people to go in for the shot that it really took
the cake. It is here. Here are a few example quotes of the kind of manipulation being

"Physical effects that were more closely related to medical issues but seem
extremely unlikely to be linked to a Covid vaccine included excessive blinking
(one), eyes changing colour (four), growing teeth (six) and losing teeth (one).

Thirty-nine people said they lost weight after the vaccine compared to three gaining

And 102 people reported flatulence - passing wind - as a potential side effect, while
558 simply said they had been "feeling abnormal" but did not explain how."

My comment: So if you think the vax did anything to you, you're just complaining
about your farts! HOW CUTE.

And now, in comment sections, whenever people "complain about the vax" they
Always say, "I am fine now, and it was WORTH IT." Without fail. I am seeing that
everywhere. Tell that to Tiffany Dover and Marvelous Marvin. I am buying NONE OF
Project veritas photos from Inside migrant
facility BIDEN BUILT
They show migrants being treated so much worse under Biden, (green screen) in a
facility BIDEN (Green screen) HAD BUILT that it is indescribably worse than
anything under either Trump OR Obama. "Kids in cages" was PARADISE compared
to this crap. Totally unbelievable. This must stink to high heaven.

No blankets, only sheets of clear plastic AND mattresses in plastic, packed in like
sardines - like you just threw people like trash on the floor. THIS IS WHAT VOTE
FRAUD LOOKS LIKE. This is what it looks like when criminals (truly,) are running a
country. How much are they bilking the taxpayer for this level of horrific treatment?
I'd bet it is something like $300 per day per kid for treatment that should cost less
than $5, food included.

"Kamala cannot be president" is making the

rounds after Biden's 3d render glitch
Here are the facts regarding Kamala: She really cannot be president. Both her
parents were non citizen foreigners and her dad was Jamaican, which
automatically, according to Jamaican law, made Kamala Jamaican at birth.

Here are the facts regarding the world we now live in: There's no such thing as law.
Thieves and thugs have seized the federal government. They are so tasteless and
unqualified that when in front of top world leaders they appear like club scene
stoners with dyed hair. That belongs at Shanique's salon, NOT AT A GLOBAL
CONFERENCE. We are being insulted by those who stole the election.

Here is the reality we live in: We have a trans and obviously evil assistant secretary
of health, making decisions about children. We have an election that was run on
broken law, where in all important areas the entire foundation was fraudulent, and
then the fraudulent foundation was used to steal it and the courts would not even
acknowledge that the entire foundation it was run from was fraudulent, with rules
put in place that happened totally outside the legal process. For that alone, it's not a
legit election, and THAT is what blue screen Biden, not qualified to fill the role
Kamala, Miss Purple Hair on the world stage and the trans secretary of health rode
in on. It's all fake, and all a fraud.


don't think so, because the law has already been 100 percent broken, it will be
whatever those who staged the coup want. Kamala CANNOT be even Vice President
because that position may require you to become president and you HAVE TO
qualify for that. You can forget the American gun owner making a difference too.
Evidently all we are going to see as far as action from gun owners is more FBI
fronted fakery with their paid goons to justify taking the guns.

Obviously Green Screen wants war with Russia. Probably because green screen
wants to solidify it's position and I think green screen is probably Soros. Funding
predominantly from Soros and Gates paid for this election. I don't think Soros likes
to share, and I think Gates is fine with that, as long as he gets to corrupt the entire
genome. America is being run by cartoon level super villains. Do you think they'll
do nuclear war, to destroy the country Soros absolutely hates, and made it clear he
did? All the way back in the 90's he openly stated he wanted to destroy the United
States. Who's really in charge if Biden is not, and they want to fake him on green
screen? Who's taking action that could end in the total destruction of the country?
I'll leave it at that.

FACT: The Pfizer CEO has not had any Corona vax yet, let
alone the Pfizer shot. All for thee, and none for me!!! I won't
even eat cake.

A few quick, but very important items

First of all, we have exhibit A which appears to be some sort of biological creation
from a lab. looks for all the world like the first crude yet successful attempt to build
a truly mobile man made life form that's not totally a chimera. Obviously I could be
getting punked with this, but I don't think so, after studying this video fairly closely
everything adds up, including the fact that it does not move in a way anything of
this size that is natural does, this looks like it uses the type of mechanism a spider
uses to move (spiders are hydraulic) combined with what looks like a squid. This
would be the easiest way to make "your first crawling life form". I bet they did.
Everyone walked out after exhibit A, there will be no exhibit B today.

RUMOR: Russia to go to war soon Russia has opened it's bomb shelters, which,
unlike America's bomb shelters (which have mostly been bulldozed by now) can
hold the ENTIRE Russian population AND feed them for a lengthy time frame.
Obviously if the DOD has spent trillions WE at least get a hole in the ground with
food, RIGHT? Actually, NOPE. The leftists made damn good and sure that money
went elsewhere. Funny thing: The leftists are the ones who are going to die without
them, "the rest of us" are smart enough to either get out of the way, BE out of the
way, and prep.

Toyota has warned, and is continuing to warn the world not to switch to electric
cars too fast

Toyota is stating straight up that there's no way the electrical infrastructure is going
to be able to handle having everyone driving electric cars, especially with leftists
shutting down as much generating capacity as they possibly can. Toyota is also
stating that electric cars are going to continue to be expensive into the forseeable
future. And Toyota is also pointing out that only 2 percent of the U.S. car fleet is
electric at this time, so real problems are being totally obscured by this.
I believe Toyota is absolutely right. I'll add to that "what if it is a trap, and once all
the cars are electric, they'll just pull a Texas on us?" But there is one thing that is
making things not look so bad - cheap solar panels.

In Mexico, you can get 400 watt panels brand new on the (real) market, (not Home
Depot) for about $130 USD. At home depot, even in Mex, that same panel costs over
$600 from the exact same manufacturer. So it will be key to not get ripped off for
this -

Let's say you buy an electric car for $30,000 because the price dropped a bit. IF you
then turned around and bought $3000 worth of panels that were priced fairly, you'd
get 10,000 watts of generating capacity and your car itself would be the battery, you
could skip that cost. Such a solar array could be arranged to provide whatever DC
voltage the car was set up to accept (and that can be done, very easily.) With such a
setup, you'd get about 45 miles of driving from one hour of charge at Tesla's
ratings, and there are other electric cars that would go farther. These panels would
not be on the car, obviously. But if you pushed that out to an entire day of charging
under good conditions, you'd get the equivalent of about 6 hours of full sun, and
put hundreds of miles of range on the car in one whack for nothing but a small
additional expense at time of purchase.

Additionally, if your car was in use during prime charging time, you could put a grid
tie inverter on those panels and send the power out during peak hours and then
take it all back at night, for free. Solar panels may become a standard add on to any
electric car purchase in the near future. If you can skip the storage part of the solar
equation and use the car for that, solar (can be) very cheap to do.

Trump just made a very important statement

He says it clearly here in a way that can't be refuted even if the courts refused to
hear the case - the election is not valid, and it does not matter if the courts refused
to hear the case, it was not valid anyway.
Investigators looked at the data in the car's computer and it shows the brake was
never pushed and the gas remained pushed, all the way to the time of impact. I
don't think Woods was suicidal, nor do I believe he could have fallen asleep within
two minutes on a windy road.

Someone has something to hide. They are not telling the truth. If they had
succeeded in killing him, the story would have been the usual: He got drunk and

Woods has likely stated what actually happened, but in a world where the president
passes through microphones you'll never hear it.

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