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Client’s Initials and Age: E.

age: 18 months Time allotted for session: 30 minutes

Diagnosis and any Precautions: (1) – Chocking hazards. Be aware of body cues since he is non-verbal
Goal/s being addressed: (1) Edric will demonstrate improved joint attention as evidenced by responding to joint attention bids from therapist in
3/5 opportunities, over 2 consecutive sessions, for increased participation in play
Prep Activity Skill-based activity Occupation-based activity
Cause and effect (large peg) puzzle /
fishbowl fisherbowl Bubble blowing /popping game
1. Edrick picks up piece of 1. Therapist will present the
puzzle bubbles.
1. Edrick will sit on low 2. Edrick looks at puzzle piece 2. Therapist will blow the
hanging platform swing. and places it into puzzle bubble and draw additional
2. Therapist will gently push 3. Puzzle makes noise attention through verbal
the swing in a linear 4. Therapist expresses joy and cues
motion. excitement as puzzle makes 3. Edrick will stand near
3. Therapist will sing nursey noise therapist, taking interest in
Intervention Activities
rhyme while pushing 5. Edrick shares joys with the bubbles.
Edrick. therapist by looking up from 4. Edrick will watch therapist
Describe the activity; be specific
4. Therapist will verbalize puzzle as she continues to blow
and detailed giving 5-10 steps.
that there is one more 6. Repeat for 5 minutes before bubbles.
Give estimated time per activity.
song before they play a switching to the fishbowl toy. 5. Edrick will watch therapist
new game together. 7. Edrick will pick up fish as she pops the bubbles.
5. Edrick will swing for the 8. Edrick will look at fish and 6. Therapist will say pop and
duration of two songs – push fish into the fish bowl demonstrate clapping the
taking a break between 9. When fish bowl lights up and bubbles
songs if needed. makes noise, therapist will 7. Edrick will imitate the
show verbal excitement therapists motion trying to
10. Edrick will share excitement pop the bubbles.
with therapist by looking and 8. Repeat for 5 minutes.
11. Repeat for 5 minutes
Specific Objectives for this 1. Edrick will participate in
1. Edrick will look from puzzle to 1. Edrick will stay watch the
activity swinging activity by
therapist 2x during puzzle play therapist blow the bubbles
staying on the swing for
after cue from therapist for 10 seconds.
List 2-3 specific objectives per at least one song.
2. Edrick will play with 3 different 2. Edrick will imitate the
activity that you plan to measure 2. Edrick will smile three
puzzle pieces during the play therapists motion of popping
during client performance. times during this activity.
activity. the bubbles 2x.
Activity Demands (setting, - Platform swing hanging
- Cause and effect puzzle - Bubbles
materials, and equipment) from two points of
- Fisher price Fishbowl toy
List the materials that you will - A phone that can play Therapist will be sitting with Edrick on Therapist will stand with Edrick.
need and how you will set up the music the floor. The therapist will present Initially she will draw Edrick in
environment and activity. The therapist will hang the one toy at a time, switching the two through verbal cues. Therapist will
platform swing from two points toys where Edrick loses attention of continue to blow bubbles / pop
State 2 ways to grade/adapt the of suspension. This swing the puzzle. bubbles with Edrick, encouraging
activity or environment. should be pretty low to the him to try.
ground given Edrick’s age. Grade up: Therapist will not change
Edrick will sit on the swing with tone in voice, but provide more simple Grade up: Have Edrick attempt to
his legs hanging off the edge or verbal cues. blow bubbles with the therapist
in criss cross Therapist will be Grade down: Therapist will clap
sitting in front of Edrick, slowly hands together and make big Grade down: Therapist provides
pushing the swing while singing. movement with her body to hand over hand assistance, as well
encourage joint attention, rather than as verbal cues when clapping the
Grade up: Edrick will be simply using verbal cues. bubbles.
challenged to follow / find
therapist with his eyes as she
moves to different sides of the
swing, rather than simply staying
in front of him.
Grade down: Therapist will sit
on the swing and have Edrick sit
in her lap.
This activity was chosen to build This activity was chosen to This activity was chosen to
Clinical Reasoning rapport with the Edrick. Per encourage joint attention between encourage social participation.
mom’s report, Edrick really Edrick and the therapist. The During the bubble game Edrick is
Why did you choose this enjoys music. The therapist will therapist will use verbal cues to being encouraged to interact with
activity? (what approach are you use music to warm Edrick up to encourage Edrick to share in the the therapist as she is blowing and
using and/or frame of reference; the idea of playing together. experience with her. The therapist is clapping the bubbles. Additionally,
how does this activity match the Additionally, the swinging will able to use an animated tone of this activity is helping Edrick work
child’s needs?) help increase Edrick’s current voice, as well as her body to draw his on his ability to show joint attention.
arousal level. He seems to attention away from the activity and He is being challenged to look at
function in “low gear”, so using to her, helping him learn how to shift the bubbles, and then back to the
sensory input will help him his attention. therapist to see is she has blown
become more alert and engaged more bubbles.
before working on a puzzle
S/OT name: Mackenzie Ackerman

Total: 26 points

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