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Higher National in

Unit 9: Software Development Lifecycles


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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Pearson Reg. Number
Student Name
Unit Number and Title Unit 9: Software Development Lifecycles
Academic Year 2020-21
Unit Tutor Muhammad Islam
Assignment Title System Investigation through SDLC Model
Issue Date 8-Mar-21
Submission Date 30-May-21
Submitted On
Internally Verified?  Yes  No
IV Name Mir Wajid Ali
IV Date 15-Dec-2020
Student Declaration
I solemnly declare that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources
are fully acknowledged.

Student Signature: Tutor Signature:

Date: Date:

Submission Format

The submission of evidence will be in form of an individual report comprising of multiple

sections. Make sure that you segment each section properly and use a separate cover page for
each section. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and
illustrations as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced
using the Harvard referencing system. You will use a formal cover sheet followed by a Table
of Content and Table of Figures.

 Section 1 will be titled as “Software Development Lifecycle Models” and this will
cover the complete evidence for Stage 1. The word limit for this section is 1500 words,
however, you will not be penalized for exceeding this limit.

 Section 2 will be titled as “Significance of Feasibility Study” and this will cover the
complete evidence for Stage 2. The word limit for this section is 1500 words, however,
you will not be penalized for exceeding this limit.

 Section 3 will be titled as “System Investigation using SDLC Model” and this will
cover the complete evidence for Stage 3. The word limit for this section is 1500 words,
however, you will not be penalized for exceeding this limit.

You are required to submit your work for plagiarism checking. No work will be considered if it
contains plagiarism more than the acceptable level defined as per TMUC’s plagiarism policy.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
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LO1 Describe different software development lifecycles.
LO2 Explain the importance of a feasibility study
LO3 Undertake a Software Development Lifecycle
LO4 Discuss the suitability of software behavioural design techniques
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You are working in GenEx Inc. as a trainee analyst and you have been provided with the
opportunity to be appointed as an Assistant System Analyst. This opportunity has come with a
condition to clear three stages of evaluation.

Stage 1
Under the first stage, you are required to show your knowledge for different SDLC models and
in this regard, you are required to describe two iterative and two sequential models and how
the risk is managed in each of them. To give a better understanding, it is recommended that
you take an example of any publicly available App or Software and share why a particular
SDLC model was used for its development.

As an additional activity, you may assess the benefits of using Waterfall model for the
development of large-scale custom-built project like National Citizen Database.

Stage 2
As you have cleared the first stage of your promotion to the position of Assistant System
Analyst, you are assigned with the requirements for the Stage 2.

The stage 2 requires you to demonstrate your knowledge regarding the Feasibility Study and
how system investigations are performed.

In this regard, you will include a section in your report comprising of the following:

 Why feasibility reports are important, what is their purpose and what significance they
do have in Software Development Project? Various components of feasibility report like
Identification, evaluation, Functional and Non-functional requirements, and
recommendation of solutions. Support your argument with proper justification
 What are the different techniques used for requirement gathering? The role of
requirement gathering techniques like interviews, observation, investigation of
documentation, questionnaires, focus groups. Explain in detail the key drivers such as
performance and efficiency, legacy systems upgrade, etc. that play an important role
in comparing proposed technical solutions for a software development project
 An impact of feasibility criteria and constraints like legal, social, economic, technical,
timescales and organisational constraints on a software investigation

Stage 3

With the successful completion of the Stage 2, the company has bestowed the designation of
Assistant System Analyst. However, you are finally required to complete the Stage 3 which
requires the actual demonstration of the knowledge and skillset in the field of System

In this regard, you are assigned with a medium-scale programme upgrade project (select your
own project and discuss with your assessor about it and get the confirmation) where you
are required to conduct an investigation of the existing system and identify the business needs

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that are not supported by the existing system. You are required to:

 Develop and use your investigation instruments for identifying missing business needs
and consult with the actual users/stakeholders as to how the existing system is not
meeting those needs. Use appropriate software analysis tools and techniques to carry
out an existing system evaluation and develop supporting documentation. Incorporate 2
approaches that, according to you, are effective in improving software quality.
Determine how this investigation process effectively facilitate software quality
 Discuss, using examples, the suitability of software behavioural design techniques like
flowcharts, pseudocode, formal specification methods, Finite State Machines (e-FSM)/
FSP. Analyse the range of software behavioral tools and techniques and illustrate their
use with an example. Particularly discuss about the difference between FSM and e-FSM
 Differentiate between a finite state machine (FSM) and an extended-FSM, providing an
application for both.
 Justify whether that data driven software can be improved in terms of reliability and

Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For
further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN
Global. Link to

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Grading Criteria
Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Describe P1 Describe two M1 Discuss with an D1 Assess the merits
different software iterative and two example why a of applying the
development sequential software particular lifecycle Waterfall lifecycle
lifecycles lifecycle models. model is selected for a model to a large
development software development
environment. project.
P2 Explain how risk is
managed in these
lifecycle models.
LO2 Explain the P3 Explain the purpose M2 Discuss the D2 Assess the impact
importance of a of a feasibility report. components of a of different feasibility
feasibility study feasibility report. criteria on a software
P4 Describe how
technical solutions can
be compared.

LO3 Undertake a P5 Undertake a M3 Analyse how D3 Evaluate the

Software software investigation software requirements process of
Development to meet a business can be traced undertaking a system
Lifecycle need throughout the investigation with
software lifecycle regards to its
effectiveness in
P6 Use appropriate improving a software
software analysis M4 Discuss two quality.
tools/techniques to approaches to
carry out a software improving software
investigation and quality
create supporting
LO4 Discuss the P7 Discuss, using M5 Analyse a range of D4 Present
suitability of software examples, the software behavioural justifications of how
behavioural design suitability of software tools and techniques data driven software
techniques behavioural design can improve the
techniques reliability and
M6 Differentiate effectiveness of
between a finite state software
machine (FSM) and an
providing an
application for both

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