Using and Organising Resources Within Specialist Area

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Using and Organising Resources within

Specialist Area
1.1 Purpose of resources in teaching and learning
Usage of various kinds of resources in teaching and learning make a complete
training for the learners. It gives the learners a different perspective to see things
from both sides. This fulfills all the necessities a learner requires. Different
resources help learners gain motivation and develop creativity about new things.
If one resource doesn’t attract a learner, the another will do it for sure. It’s
because a trainer knows the best that which resources will help the learners the
most. Two different ways of how resources can be used are described here-
In Teaching: Teachers need to use various types of resources in order to meet all
the requirements a learner need. As a teacher, it’s a huge responsibility to make
things clear and easier to the learner. According to my subject, Marketing, I also
need my students to have clear concepts about every topic. My subject has more
practical topics. So, I need to show them different visual resources such as videos,
documentaries, graphical presentations, PowerPoint slides etc. These are
relatively practical ways to show them how to apply the concepts when they are
needed to do or teach so. PowerPoint slides are more effective according to my
experience. And it works more if the slides are fun, attractive and interesting. And
also, as an expert in making slides, this was not so difficult for me. Documentaries,
as it’s based on real facts and events, it attracts a learner more. They can actually
know the entire thing and feel. Collecting documentaries has become easier for
the teachers nowadays, because of the easy access to the internet. So, in that
way, teaching through documentaries can be one of the easiest and effective
In learning: I use my resources in such a way that the learners don’t get bored
and get distracted. I strongly believe that, learning should be fun and enjoyable.
In this way, learners can remember difficult topics easily. I give them group tasks,
where they can discuss their concepts with others and gain new ideas, concepts in
a cheerful way. I also place some quizzes, just to create a friendly competition
environment to test their knowledge over the topic. I arrange role play for acting
to see how they are adapting with the marketing qualities. This also helps them to
correct their behaviors and have confidence in themselves. According to my
subject Marketing, the topics are relatively practical. So, practical researches also
help them to know about the ways and ideas on how they should adapt to any
situations. To make sure that happens, I usually give them various researches. Try
to keep them engage in enjoyable tasks, not pressurized ones. Easy, fun activities
make my topics easier for the students to understand.
Nowadays, learners are more attracted to new and modern resources for the
educational purpose. Various resources make a teacher to know more about the
contents and motivates a learner to learn more.

1.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of specific resources from own

specialist area in meeting individual needs
Resources Evaluation of the resources
Coursebooks According to me, one of the most important resources. It
has necessary outlines for the course. All the topics are
specifically described in the coursebooks. Also, these are
designed and organized as the required topics needed for
my subject. There are quite useful tasks related to the topic,
which I give them as group-wise or individual homework.
So, this is both effective for me, as a teacher and for the
PowerPoint If a teacher is an expert in making PowerPoint slides, then
that’s a big advantage for the teacher. Because there is no
learner, who is not attracted by interesting, nicely designed
and informative slides. So, the teaching process becomes
easier for the tutor. Also, the learner feels more engaged in
this way. The inclusion of various images, audio and videos
that make it more interactive. Students also can download
it, and keep the slides with themselves, and watch again and
again to understand the topic.
Websites In this developing world, students are more interacted to
websites. Easy and free internet access has made the
learners to know infinity about their topics. Also, through
different websites or tutor referred websites, the students
get to introduced to some new information or facts about
their topics. Different articles, documentaries, videos
related to their topic are also found in the websites. Such
articles carry references, which also lead them to other
strong informative websites. Shortly, this resource is
convenient and easy both the teacher and student, as it is
available anytime, anywhere for everyone.
Extra guiding This is a collection of a certain subject by an institution or
materials tutors. This is really helpful to the students. This is a set of
important topics, tasks, questions and answers. It is
upgraded almost every year, as the new problems come and
teachers solve them. I give this to my students, and
according to my experience, this has been really handy for
them. Students also get the ideas, concepts and solve of
various questions. So, this one is really effective for them.

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