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ITALIAN I7tH & [8TH CENTURY SINFONIAS & SONATAS FOR TRUMPETS & STRINGS 54 G. TORELLI Sinfonia in DG.8) Trumpet, Strings and Continuo A Trumpet and Piano Reduction B Score and Parts MUSICA RARA LONDON WI ITALIAN I7tH & I8TH CENTURY SINFONIAS & SONATAS FOR TRUMPETS & STRINGS 54 G. TORELLI Sinfonia in DG.8) Trumpet, Strings and Continuo A Trumpet and Piano Reduction B Score and Parts MUSICA RARA LONDON WI Gseppe Torlites acounposer for tamper Giysappe Torti (2658-1709) was active inthe orchestra of the Bolognese basil of $. Peranioy fat as violin (1664-1695) and hen as vilinis {17101-1909} dn the intervene Yetta Cuming WHR IRE console mone ‘was dibandes, Torell was 1a be found ia Viena desl Ansbach Unt recerty he fad been tepeesed primary {ss tcomposer fring musi, particulrly n.conocchon withthe rie of theconceio Tn addiion, Tose was by far he host probe Hallan compost for ie rumpe. [eluding works pecerved ‘only in fragmentary form, compassion af his for ome to ares io be foun the arches Of 8, Feronio Only two of his trumpet piees,however, were ever publuieg dune Ne Baroque peiod ace aes gt ae ors ae do out fo the arn eal ence Bro rnp a Wage they coll be brousheto ph Ne Rioagh so pedis have begun (a brag out alate trumpet orks of Toteli* wef! tat only the ication of his complete sola trumpet works, fogether with representative compoutions of Bs for fut abd oor ramets, wi do unicef nto. “With but few evception, these pices bear the tle “sonata of “snfonia™. Caution must be exercised, ing fo associate these armen wath pacar musical forms. As Ernet Newnan tus poset out thee ahead a al on may oF ra“ conc nthe teumpetsonata ties of Gabriel, Yaschiy, grid Hei gastert- foraries“* Even though Tove himse, tm his Opus's of TSR, distinguished between Siaonia ere and Cocteau a ofa is nk pone apply th prin any bua superical manner Co tcumpetsoeata, Indeed, one pee for 4 ented fv the score ~Conzero”, is ao ced “Sinfonia and"sonain inte wet of par tn Toreli's irumpet works, whatever they ae called, a wide spectrum of form and sty is to be found. ranges tam the son da ches pateen ef alierating fst and slow movement as foun in the cater work at Cadati Bononei and Domenie Gabrill and insiuding such wocks of Torli'sas G. 1G. Teniiled-tanats’) nd G. 10 (eotied“sofonsa). totbe roe conce/(y oem in ther mavements, sh 4s 4G, 24 G9 ented “Sinfonia G. 8 and G. 13 (enliled "sonata').” The two poles are represated by G. (tbe sonata da ches typetand G, 1 ia fuledged concerto wth the ovter moverents based The porneie pacing the opposes oops sings vs. cumpet— being given diferent thematic matergh Indeed W was the development of Us iorreiopriasple which wat Terclis main contfbution cathe format te cosrerorny trumpet Yara, ‘According tothe Torelli expert, Franz Giegiig, i quite diftult to etablioh a derenalogy ofthe trumpet pee eg sons, AX bes, af cil) anda late period can Be postulated, based on TorUls two per Sot of service in Bologna SergioP cchivist at San Petronio, has furthermore heen able to differentiate Between ‘Torali's music writing hands of the early and late periods.” We are therefore able to asnign approuimate dates to ‘BT ames arms Ben fhe ls fox fo rams er uring he ely period, ‘The two dated pcs from this group, G. land G., were wyten in (050 and ea rspestvel cop: tions showing Forel’ tate haseriieg syle are G.3,G. 10, and the "Sinfonia avant Popers” Because of the sim entra, Faganel hay aigned thee of the works for one or toot he eat) pefgds on 33 40 the late period. Of the pieces with two rompers, only G. 1$ (1692) and G. 17 (on the basis of Torelli's hand: ‘Srling) belong 16h early period, all the ochera were writen after 1901. One group of poecy can Pe asigted Si rang fe Toei le per: ihe vrs oma oor Too ot tied the eae Payment of moscians in §, Pettonio wal the year [708 "© The only ated piece for tumpets and oboe O. 3, ‘Nasin fact writen foramaccademinin 117. The wacknemplcy mgtrumpets ind oBcesofen have dahot Sovemens Sppendedcathem, nd this they often approach ihe shasta ule, asfarasfarmapconvermed. \Geeasions fr which tbe Bologna trumpet pieces were compared For what occasions were these pieces composed”? What function did they full? Wich the exception ofa few pieces written for secular occasions such a9 acraemi, Whey were creed to lend iplender to: he Sinfonia in D (G.8) a ‘Trampet, Strings = Basso Continuo Giuseppe TORELLE tod and aang by TP Dick and EH Tar ‘Trumpet (2) World Copyright 1978 by Musics fara, London, W. 1. fAllegra) er fe Tere. = = of] = Printed in Engler by The Clanic Pras kid, Porta Seasex

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