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Community Action isk
Saint Paul, MN 55104
450 Syndicate Street N
& Washington Counties
Partnership of Ramsey
Community Action
A special edition to close friends of Community Action Partnership
of Ramsey & Washington Counties

Dear Friend,
Across the nation, 1,100 Community Action
Agencies serving 20.7 million low-income indi
are at risk. Deep cuts to state and federal gran
would significantly impact our community, citi
. The
service partners and local government agencies
ld be
ripple effect of the loss of these dollars wou
felt throughout the community for years to
In Ramsey & Washington counties, proposed stat
and federal cuts total at least $2.3 million and
could go higher. We need your help – use this
information and call your state and federal
representatives. Valuable programs like the
Community Services Block Grant, Head Start
Energy Assistance should not be cut. Cutting
programs will prolong the recession and lower
likelihood of putting people back to work!
As always, if you’d like to know more, plea
or call
send me an email at
me at 651.603.5950.


Clarence Hightower
Executive Director
March 2011

Impactful Decisions:
Community Action’s web of safety net services to 70,000 people in Ramsey and Washington counties is at risk. Proposed state and federal budget
cuts mean that successful programs that help people become working, contributing citizens would be reduced or completely disappear.
The Community Services Block Grant is the glue that holds these programs together, providing a single point of access to services and access to over
200 community partners for economically disadvantaged people. These connections to business, community, faith and government organizations
have been built in trust over 46 years and are not easily replaced. The Community Services Block Grant leverages millions of additional dollars from
state, local and private sources – a measurable community investment.

Program News: 70,000 People SERVED

The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is the ONLY federal program
Hawaiian/Pacific By Race
focused on services to fight poverty. It supports programs that eliminate barriers 0.2%
to self-sufficiency and put people to work – programs like financial education, car Other
ownership and employment help. CSBG funds also create programs addressing the 9%
core causes of poverty such as lack of transportation, assets and employment. 29%
Last year, Community Action quickly expanded its jobs program and developed a crisis 27%

response program to handle a $1.6 million CSBG grant – successfully creating and Black or
maintaining jobs for 151 people and helping keep 725 people in their homes with African American
transportation to their jobs.
American Indian/
If we lose CSBG funds, 1050 participants will get no help, $966,000 in funds passed Alaska Native
on to participants and other nonprofits will be lost, $619,000 in volunteer work will
be gone along with our 1500 economically disadvantaged volunteers.
70+ By Age
Potential loss: $1.073 million. 5%
Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM) is at risk. FAIM increases 7%
family and community stability among low-wage earners through matched savings 45-54 15%
accounts and financial education. Governor Dayton has proposed eliminating this 9%
program. Many businesses support FAIM, including Wells-Fargo, Ecolab, TCF and 15%
Bremer Bank. They know that FAIM creates value and equity in the community. The 24-44
22% 12-17
loss of FAIM means a loss of $1.4 million in leveraged funds from federal, private and 16%
foundation funds. Potential loss: $38,000. 11%

Minnesota Community Action Grant (MCAG) is the state grant that

complements CSBG funding. It provides voter registration and education. In 2010,
Gina came to Community Action needing
we registered 1800 new voters and in 2008 (a presidential year), we registered 2200
assistance. She was unemployed and
new voters. New voters help keep our community strong and our constitution thriving.
behind on rent. Our job counselor
Potential loss: $237,000.
connected her to work support programs,
Cuts proposed by H.R. 1 would affect 12,000 Head Start kids in Minnesota, energy assistance, emergency assistance
including 338 at Community Action in Ramsey County and St. Paul. Nobel prize- and her local food shelf. They discussed
winning economist James Heckman says that early childhood education generates Gina’s employment history, steps to
a 7%-10% return on investment each year. A cut in Head Start funding loses our look for employment and reviewed her
community $7 for every $1 invested based on increased earnings, employment, family résumé. They improved the content of
stability, and decreased welfare dependency, crime costs, grade repetition and special her résumé, highlighting her fluency in
education. Potential loss: $2.8 million. American Sign Language. Result: Gina
Note: Potential loss dollars stated are for CAPRW only. At a state and national level, obtained a full-time job working for a
proposed cuts are significantly increased. medical clinic making $16.25 per hour.

Community Action Partnership of Ramsey & Washington Counties • 450 Syndicate Street N, Saint Paul, MN 55104 • 651-645-6445 •

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