Tues-27 p4 Milestone4

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community


Team Number: Tues-27

Please list full names and MacID’s of all present Team Members
Full Name: MacID:
Emilia Pisic pisice
Pritika Thevakanthan thevakap
Kyle McMaster Mcmask2
Amine Hassine hassinem
Kevin Bird Birdk6

1 Project-4
ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community


Team Number: Tues-27

1. Take picture(s) of your refined prototype.

→ Insert your photo(s) as a Picture (Insert > Picture > This Device)
→ Do not include more than two pictures per page

Insert picture(s) of your previous prototype(s) below.

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

*Limit screenshots to no more than 2 per page. For additional screenshots, please copy and paste
the above on a new page.

Insert picture(s) of your refined prototype below.

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

*Limit screenshots to no more than 2 per page. For additional screenshots, please copy and paste
the above on a new page.

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

Team Number: Tues-27

2. Include details on how design concept was refined (what feedback was incorporated, what
features are different than previous refined concept (initial prototype), etc.).
Include details on your thought process and how the concept was refined below, with notes on
relevant feedback that was incorporated (max. 200 words).
The prototype was refined by bringing it from a sketch and rudimentary toy device into a dynamic
CAD assembly. This allowed us to view the system in much more detail and implement details
such as dimensions of the device, efficiency in real life, mass, and possible points of
danger/improvement. Feedback that was incorporated from the last prototype include identifying
points where the device could potentially pinch the client if misused, and some issues with how
the device would be encumbering to move with the client’s difficulties. The dimensions were
designed with greater accuracy and a proper motion simulation was conducted to consider
mobility. This would generate more valuable feedback for the next review and allow deeper

9 Project-4
ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

Team Number: Tues-27

3. Create a detailed prototype testing plan. (Max 500 words)
→ Consider what is feasible with the resources you have
→ “Testing” can include analytic solutions such as hand calculations, motion simulations
in Inventor
→ Explore what you might do if you had more time, money, tools, etc.
→ Use IEEE referencing if any research is done

Insert your Present Testing Plan (how you would test your prototype with the resources that you
have available).
- AT LEAST 3 objectives and metrics with their respective testing plan. Metrics clearly
measure the related objectives and testing plans align with metrics
- The provided plan aligns with the objectives and metrics and all parts of testing plans are
feasible (can be measured based on current available resources).
- Future plan includes at least 2 sections that explain how the current testing plan can be
improved by providing more resources.
- Testing the prototype’s range of motion using simulations
- METRIC: Number of settings/ modes/ Adjustments
Easy to use
- METRIC: Mass (not too heavy to move/ adjust)
- METRIC: Number of inputs (straightforward instructions)
- METRIC: Dimensions (easy to hold)

- METRIC: Does not put additional weight/pressure on joints

- Subjective
- Metric is measured based on the client’s individual comfort
The metric we chose for multifunctionality was how many settings or positions the device has.
This can be tested be ensuring the full range of motion can be achieved in various positions. It
will be done using a motion simulation adjusting height, position, or angles. A successful design
would be able to be used in all the positions the client typically paints in.

10 Project-4
ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

Safety was considered in the beginning of the prototype stages and incorporated into the design.
This can be tested from observation and experimentation. For example, if an edge looks sharp it
was rounded, the predicted weight of the model is too heavy, material was minimized, etc. We
also want to ensure the design does not provide additional strain to the client. The client should
be able to adjust the design without additional strain on their joints. To test this, we will run a force
analysis to see how difficult it is to adjust the easel.

Comfort will be hard to test by using a CAD model. Taking this into consideration, the device was
designed with comfort in mind. The client likes to paint in several different positions and this easel
will help her cycle through these positions more easily. To test the comfort of the device, we can
compare how a computer model of a person of a similar size to the client interacts with the device.
We can further research materials that are readily available and test our own comfort with these
interactions. This would allow us to make some more accurate predictions to client comfort.

To test how easy to use the device is we should test how intuitive the process of making
adjustments is and how much force it takes to make these adjustments. A completely intuitive
design would not need instructions to be understood. We can test this by showing the CAD model
to people who are unfamiliar with the design and seeing how they interact with it. We can use the
force analysis from the safety test to see how easy it is to make adjustments with the design.

Insert your Future Testing Plan (how you would test your prototype with the resources that you
do not currently have available but may have in the future).
Overall, in future testing it would be ideal to have a physical prototype allowing for client usage,
interaction, and feedback. This would help analyze the practicality for the specific objectives. Our
future testing plan would include a physical prototype of our design on CAD.
In future testing, safety can be evaluated through having different clients interact with the device
and propose their concerns. We can create durability simulations changing one factor at a time
to create the best overall outcome.
To test the multifunctionality of the physical design of our CAD model, we can test the number of
settings and modes the device has. The design must maximize the efficiency of the different
functions of the model. If successful, client should be able to use the easel in all different
positions when painting.
Comfort will be easy to test using the physical design of our CAD model. Comfort is subjective
and this can only be tested based on the clients’ preference. A physical device allows individual
evaluation and suggestions for improvements. Additionally, this device will bring her comfort
mentally as the client will be able to use the easel at their preferred setting.

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

For easy use, if this device was built it would allow for more experimentation. We could test out
the functionality of the device by going through the different motions of painting using different
people. If a problem or confusion arises, we can evaluate how to minimize this.

12 Project-4
ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

Team Number: Tues-27

4. Fill out the table below, detailing each team member’s contribution to this stage
Team Member’s Full Name: Contribution:
Emilia Pisic - Worked through the testing plan and
suggested ways to overcome
subjective testing
- Proposed peer feedback and
suggested improvements to design
- Conducted research after the design
review to examine new techniques to
eliminate the uncertainty and issues in
the current design
- Suggested ideas to the IAIs to
generate a discussion and analysis on
the advantages or disadvantages each
solution would bring
- Created a future plan that would help
ensure the team is in line with the
timeline of the project
Pritika Thevakanthan - Generated a future testing plan that
would be implemented given the proper
- Gave valuable suggestions to design to
provide a unique perspective
- Further improved on current testing
plan to include the testing of the
implemented feedback
Kyle McMaster - Wrote the current test plan for comfort
and elaborated on all other objective’s
test plans.
- Created detailed notes during design
studio that examined each idea in
- Referenced previous client visit notes
and ensured the design practicality and
efficiency matched with the client’s own

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

- Encouraged discussion after design

feedback and proposed multiple
solutions to feedback
- Further helped discuss and create a
timeline and plan for future meetings

Amine Hassine - Created one part of the refined

prototype assembly
- Provided feedback to design
- Discussed the issues that arise during
the construction of the model and the
solutions to the details
Kevin Bird - Created a part of the refined prototype
- Presented and discussed the mobility
of the model during design review
- Generated a professional discussion
with the design reviewers and asked
for feedback or improvements on
issues that were not apparent
- Integrated the designs and created
modifications to the design from the
- Discussed the realistic limitations and
achievements that could ensure a
working design within the time

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community


Team Number: Tues-27

Include feedback from peers in this row.

- Easel takes a lot of space and might not be ideal for a smaller studio
- Need to make it safer: there are many pinch points and providing a shell or case will be
safer for client as well as kids
- This could be heavy and if the client would like to move the easel it could generate more
problems: minimizing material or implementing a portable idea would be helpful
- Attach stickers/warning labels for safter purposes
- The easel should be able to move with less adjustments: create a program, remote or
automize the motions
- Eliminate the reliance on the back rail sticking out (this developed a in depth discussion
with research on springs, linkages and pulley systems, we further discussed ideas with
TAs and IAIs and created sketches of possible ideas)
Include feedback from science students in this row.
Design Review Feedback
Unique design and could potentially help the client
- Should be child proofed: shell casing, soft materials
- Make sure fingers don’t get stuck on pinching points: how to eliminate the possibility?
- Maybe 2 simultaneous buttons to prevent accidental motion
- Phone app, remote, buttons?
For the back rail
- Make back rail telescopic
- Part where joint attaches to rail no longer slides – instead attached to rail and rail slides
Make pre-sets
- If she is comfortable she can save a preset so does not nee to make continuous adjustments
- Comparable to a car preset (enter car it identifies your comfortable position)
Customize it!
- Include stickers, favourite colours and personalized touches: encourages client to use it
- Doesn’t look like a traditional medical device: reduces stigma, overall looks cool
If applicable, include feedback from the client in this row.

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ENGINEER 1P13 – Project Four: Power in Community

The client was unable to given induvial feedback to our design. To consider the client’s preferences
and values the client notes were referenced multiple times to ensure the feedback was directed to
ensuring her satsifcation.

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