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Word formation

Prefixes are letters which we add to the beginning of a word to make a new word with a
different meaning. Prefixes can, for example, create a new word opposite in meaning to the
word the prefix is attached to. They can also make a word negative or express relations of
time, place or manner.
Here are some examples:

prefixed word type of meaning

possible impossible opposite

able unable opposite/negation

payment non-payment negation

war pre-war time (before)

terrestrial place (outside of/beyond)

cook overcook manner (too much)

I’m sorry I was unable to attend the meeting.

Non-payment of fees could result in a student being asked to leave the course.
Has anyone ever really met an extraterrestrial being? (meaning a being from another planet)
The meat was overcooked and quite tasteless.

The most common prefixes

prefix meaning examples

anti- against/opposed to anti-government, anti-racist, anti-war

prefix meaning examples

auto- self autobiography, automobile

de-classify, decontaminate,
de- reverse or change

dis- reverse or remove disagree, displeasure, disqualify

down- reduce or lower downgrade, downhearted

extra- beyond extraordinary, extraterrestrial

hyper- extreme hyperactive, hypertension

il-, im-, in-,

not illegal, impossible, insecure, irregular

inter- between interactive, international

mega- very big, important megabyte, mega-deal, megaton

mid- middle midday, midnight, mid-October

mis- incorrectly, badly misaligned, mislead, misspelt

non- not non-payment, non-smoking

over- too much overcook, overcharge, overrate

prefix meaning examples

out- go beyond outdo, out-perform, outrun

post- after post-election, post-war

pre- before prehistoric, pre-war

pro- in favour of pro-communist, pro-democracy

re- again reconsider, redo, rewrite

semi- half semicircle, semi-retired

sub- under, below submarine, sub-Saharan

super- above, beyond super-hero, supermodel

tele- at a distance television, telepathic

trans- across transatlantic, transfer

ultra- extremely ultra-compact, ultrasound

un- remove, reverse, not undo, unpack, unhappy

under- less than, beneath undercook, underestimate

up- make or move higher upgrade, uphill

Writing prefixes: hyphens (super-hero or supermodel)

There are no absolute rules for when to use a hyphen or when to write a prefixed word as one
whole word (see the examples in the table). A good learner’s dictionary will tell you how to
write a prefixed word.

Warnings and advice


–   Giving advice means to give (someone) a recommendation about what should be done.

Asking for advice

•What should…………………………….. ?
•What do you think I should…………?
•What do you advise?
•Could you give me some advice for ….?
•What would you do if……….?
•Do you think I should …..?

Giving Advice

•You should/ought to……….

•I think you should/ought to………
•You ought to………………
•I advise you to
•If I were you, I would……..
•I would recommend that you ……
•You’d better tell …………..
•You must ……………….

– Warning is a notice, or pointing out existing or potential danger to one who would otherwise would
not be aware of it.

Giving warnings

•Look out! There is a snake beside you.

•Don’t step on the grass!
•No smoking!
•No hunting!
•Be silent
•No camping without permission!
•Do not cut down the trees!
•Keep out of the reach of children!

1.Explain in English the following words. Use the dictionary if necessary.

attack estimate
strength a shark
bite attach
harm a lifeguard
oxygen conscious

2. Read the text Saving Jesse’s arm. Underline the prefixes, do exercise 7 (part a and b) and check in
V8.4 p132.

3. Write a story about a frightening or exciting experience you have had.

-when and where it happened
-how the story started
-what happened in the end

4. 8 Review p67.

5. Put the correct prefix in each box to complete the sentence. Include hyphens (-) where necessary
over pre- non- mis
under anti- pro- multi

1. The  lingual staff at this school will make you feel very welcome.

2. He has been charged with  use of company funds.

3. government forces have won the latest battle and the Prime Minister seems safe for
the time being.

4. This was an early prototype of an  aircraft missile but was replaced within a year due
to repeated malfunction.

5. The meat was superb but the pasta was completely  cooked and tasted like wet

6. The bar was closed down for having sold alcoholic drinks to  age customers.

7. I am not a socialist now. I would describe myself as an  communist but I have
changed my opinions on many matters.

8. Many Hollywood celebrities now sign  nuptial agreements to prevent financial

disputes if things go wrong.

9. I used to work for a large  profit organisation that worked in the Third World to
improve education provision.

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