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KITE Case 1- 2007-1

Grade: 2
Subject: Science
Technology Used: Presentation Software (PowerPoint)

Summary: The teacher was teaching her class about research skills and PowerPoint
presentations. She used planets to teach these skills and to teach the students about science.
While they were creating their PowerPoints, students had to also learn how to search for an
image and download it onto a slide. Also, they learned how to create a graph within the slide
presentation. The teacher taught this through modeling. They would model in the classroom what
the class was going to do in the computer lab. After that the class would go to the computer lab
and work on the PowerPoints. They also had their parents involved from the beginning to make
the students more excited about the project. After the presentations were completed, the parents
were allowed to come watch the presentations that were created over a span of three weeks. The
teacher had a rubric and all the students knew what was expected from them at the end of the

Reflection: This case was a good case for technology because students were exposed to new
technology that they had never used before but had most likely seen many times. Students were
also able to research different planets using the internet while at school and at home. The teacher
had to model the project for the students because they were only in second grade. The students
also received support from her while in the computer lab to make sure they were understanding
the material. The teacher used the technology in a way to advance her students abilities and to
expose them to new and exciting technology. They were able to meet the objective while still
learning about planets and how to make a presentation. The teacher met the NETS for teachers in
the area of Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences “plan for the
management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.” The teacher
managed the technology that was available to her and used it according to what the learning
activities were. As the teacher stated, if they were to only have five computers instead of 20 to 25
it would have been much more difficult to complete the project. Using the SAMR Model, this
activity is classified as the modification section. The teacher transforms this activity into
something that the students can be excited about instead of filling in notes or reading books.
They were able to actively participate in what they were learning based on the information that
they found on the internet.

Suggestions for Improvement: Given the wording in the interview this was conducted a few
years ago because they had to download the PowerPoints onto a disk in order to show them.
Now, a way that can improve this lesson currently would be to have the students share the url
that is attached to their presentation with the teacher so the teacher can pull up the presentation
quicker. Students could also create different types of presentations like some could use
PowerPoint while others could use Voki. Students could have their characters explain the planets
they were learning about. The hardware and software that the teacher had was limited. This
caused issues with the activity because the teacher had to make sure that the computer lab was
available when they were needing to use it. Having more computers in the classroom with
internet connection would have helped both the teacher and the students in that way.

KITE Case 2- 1107-1

Grade: 4
Subject: Math, Science, Social Studies, English/Language Arts
Technology Used: Word Processing, Internet Searching, Presentation Software (PowerPoint),

Summary: This teacher used many different subjects in order to properly execute this activity.
The students had to figure out how to cross the world in 80 days by purchasing a hot air balloon.
The students would then have to make stops for gas. They had to figure out the shortest way to
make it around the world by using a map. Also, they were responsible for calculating their cost
for travel expenses which included gas and food. Next, students had to log their stops and
mileage to have an accurate account of their travels having to put all the information into a
presentation to present. This activity is a group activity and students need to collaborate with
each other for it to be successful. Students have to use the internet to search for images that will
be placed in the presentation. The students are assessed using a scoring guide. The map and math
sections are graded separately from each other and the remainder of the assignment. Spelling and
grammar is part of the general assessment. The teacher observes the students while they are
working to see how well the groups are doing.

Reflection: The case is a good example of the use of technology because of how the students
need to find the information to complete the activity. The students also have access to websites
that can help with distance from each place. Also, students are to use a presentation software to
better assist them with the activity. Students adequately used technology to perform proper
research on the countries they were planning on stopping in. They also had to find images of
those countries to include within the presentation. The teacher met the NETS for teachers by
using Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum. The teacher addressed the content standards and
technology standards to better facilitate an experience for the students using technology. Using
the SAMR Model, the teacher fulfills the redefinition aspect of the model. The students could be
only reading books from the library about the countries or calculating random math problems but
instead the teacher transformed the assignment to better their learning. The teacher created an
assignment to engage the students fully so they would gain the knowledge needed to succeed.

Suggestions for Improvement: There is some room for improvement with this case. Adding a
video element to the project could definitely enhance the whole project, having students present
through a video rather than a PowerPoint can help strengthen students' abilities. Students could
use iMovie, Voki, animoto, and many others to present their project. Students could also use
Plotagon. This way they are able to add a whole storyline to their project. A way that the teacher
can help combat the issue with the internet would be to have some books downloaded onto a
computer or tablet and then if they experience an issue the group has that book to fall back on.
The group can split the chapters up and each person can write down important facts they read.
This way students are still using technology but not being affected by the internet not working

KITE Case 3- 1108-1

Grade: 4
Subject: Social Studies, English/Language Arts
Technology Used: Word Processing, Internet Searching, Concept Mapping

Summary: This lesson or activity is based around Social Studies and ELA. Students pick an
individual to write about and research that person so that they can create a biography. After the
students make notes about that person, they then create an Inspiration Web about the ideas and
notes that they had taken down earlier while reading. The students then create a presentation of
the individual. Students are able to collaborate during parts of the assignment but not during the
whole assignment. The teacher uses scoring guides to better assess what the students have
learned and how well they met the expectations of the teacher. While the students are working,
the teacher circulates the room to assist students if or when they need it.

Reflection: This is a good case when it comes to using technology because students are able to
use software that they are unfamiliar with and use research tools off the internet to better their
project. Students are working on their writing and researching skills to better the abilities that
they need in the future. The teacher met the objectives by using the technology appropriately
because she used multiple forms of technology in order for the students to be able to complete
the project. According to NETS, the teacher met the Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
section of NETS because they were able to manage the students’ learning activities in an
environment that is technologically enhanced. By providing students with different software to
use to create their own web and also encouraging students to research the individual using the
internet. Using the ASMR Model, the teacher is using the substitution aspect of the model
because instead of the students writing out all of their information collected, they are actually
using a word processor.

Suggestions for Improvement: Using the Inspiration software is very important and exposes the
students to new technology. Students can find videos about their individual instead of only
reading a book about them. They could use Youtube to find more information that may not be in
the books. Another way to improve this lesson, would be instead of having students write about
the person they create a well put together presentation that starts from the birth of their individual
until either their death or present. This can allow students so much more room to be creative with
their skills. After reading the biographies, students could create their own autobiographies and
record themselves reading their live story. This can help students better understand each other
and promote unity within their environment after hearing everyone's stories.

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