America The Story of US - Cities-Viewingguide

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America: The Story of Us

E7: Cities
1. Who donated the Statue of Liberty?

2. What city was it made in?

3. How many cities were jockeying for the statue?

4. What was the name of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper?

5. How many people read Pulitzer’s paper daily?

6. What did workers put in the drying base for good luck?

7. Who did the sculpture model the face of the statue after?

8. How many years did it take for the Statue of Liberty to oxidize and turn

9. In 2 decades, how many immigrants came through Ellis Island?

10. What process did Carnegie use to mass-produce steel?

11. What groups make up the people known as “Roughnecks”?

12. What was Burn’s method of questioning criminals known as?

13. Who took pictures of NYC slums?

14. What was the name of his book?

15. In 2 years, how many power plants were built?

16. What was the latest fashion for working women?

17. How many women worked at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?

18. What happened to the metal fire escape?

19. How many people died in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire?
America: The Story of Us
E8: Boom
1. What will power the 20th century?

2. How much would the Texas oil reserves be worth in today’s money?

3. What two factors sparked the hunt for oil?

4. How much did the Hamill’s get paid to drill oil?

5. What is the “answer to all of their problems”?

6. How much did their investors make off of their discovery?

7. What is the name of the car that Ford built for the common man?

8. In 1904, what was Los Angeles running out of?

9. What was the Great Migration?

10. How is Henry Ford unique?

11. What did many white workers fear?

12. How did the Chicago race riot of 1919 begin?

13. What does Prohibition create a nation of?

14. In what city and state was the largest amount of moonshine produced?

15. How many gallons of moonshine were produced?

16. Who is Chicago’s most notorious gangster?

17. Who was Capone’s rival?

18. Which amendment gives the government the right to tax personal income?

19. What was Wilson able to arrest Al Capone for?

20. What date marked the end of Prohibition?

21. Do you think Prohibition was a good or bad thing? (explain using 3-4

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