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Jake Kolar 4/12/21

Dr. O’Sullivan EDU355

Learning Segment
Lesson #1
Teacher Candidate(s): Jake Kolar School: SUNY Date: 4/12/21
Grade: 4th
Unit/Activity: Striking Short
Central Focus (entire lesson segment): strike an object into a hoop at varying distances # in class: 10-12
using the mature pattern of the underhand strike, using a variety of different forces
and directions, provide and accept corrective feedback from teacher and peers, and
identifying different activities that contribute to the different components of HRF.
Lesson Focus: Manipulative skill
National Outcomes (Code + Text):
Strikes an object with a short-hand-led implement while demonstrating a mature
Applies the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-
handled implement, sending it toward a designated target.
Lesson S4.E3.4
Plan1 NYS/Natio Listen Respectfully to corrective feedback from others (e.g., peers, adults).
1 of 3 nal
Engages actively in the activities of physical education class, both teacher-directed
and independent.
NYS Outcomes (Code + Text):
Strikes an object with a short-hand-led implement while demonstrating a mature
Applies the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-
handled implement, sending it toward a designated target.
Listen Respectfully to corrective feedback from others (e.g., peers, adults).
Engages actively in the activities of physical education class, both teacher-directed
and independent.

Objectives Length of class: 45

Assessment Tool
Situation / Task / Criteria mins
1/1 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to perform Teacher Teaching Styles:
Psychomotor Observation Command
Domain the under hand strike correctly, with a proper backswing, Practice
good eye contact, and follow through high to low.

1 Lesson plan updated August 14, 2020 – Dr. Baert

Throughout the lesson, students will be able to accept and Inclusion
Affective Teacher
4/4 Cooperative
Domain apply corrective feedback from the teacher at least 1 time. Observation Stations

By the end of the lesson in the closure, students will identify

2/2 a variety of cues for the mature pattern of the underhand
strike by verbally stating them and filling out the exit slip.
Step opposite
High to Low
Pull back Teacher
Cognitive Eye contact Observation
Domain List of Underhand Strike
Academic Force CFU Questions
Language Backswing
Used Follow through
Corrective Feedback

Fitness During the fitness activity, students will be able to identify Teacher Equipment:
Objective physical activities that contribute to fitness in the Observation Paddles
3/3 Rackets
Health/Skill muscular strength component by verbally stating them.
PM/Cogn CFU Questions Hula Hoops
Common Core Balloons

During the lesson, students will ensure safety in the References(e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete
/ classroom by following the list of class rules that are web address URL):
Safety enforced at the beginning of every class. - Graham, G., Holt/Hale, S. A., & Parker, M.
Statement (2013). Children moving: A reflective approach to
teaching physical education (9th ed.). New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill Companies
National Standards – The physically literate individual:
1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and
New York State Standards (2020) – Click the link to find the outcomes under each standard movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. tactics related to movement
Standard 2: Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance. and performance.
Standard 3: Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and 3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and
fitness. maintain a health-enhancing
Standard 4: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 5: Recognizes the value of physical activity for overall wellness, enjoyment, challenge, and/or self-expression. 4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that
Standard 6: Recognizes career opportunities and manages personal and community resources related to physical activity and fitness respects self and others.
to achieve and maintain overall wellness. 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health,
enjoyment, challenge, self-
expression, and/or social interaction.

Tim Assessments,
Lesson Organizatio
e Reminders
Compone n Description
(min CFU, Academic
s) Language, Alignment
to objectives
Instant 5 X X X X Alright boys and girls, today for our instant activity we are going to get with a partner, and grab Teacher Observation
Activity mins one ball each. First, I want you to line up facing your partner about 3 feet apart. Then, you are
going to use the underhand throw to throw the ball to your partner. They are going to catch it, Try to use the underhand
X X X X and use the underhand throw to toss it back. If both tosses are caught, each partner takes two throw the whole time. If
T steps backwards and then go again. Continue this until one partner drops the ball. If so, then you are having trouble
come back in and restart at 3 feet. Complete this for 5 minutes while I take attendance. reaching your partner, try
to follow through more, if
you still can’t reach, you
can use the overhand
Transition Okay, and Stop!. Bring it in, great job boys and girls, I saw some great throws and catches.
I- Good Morning boys and girls my name is Mr. Kolar and today we are going to be focusing on
the proper form of the underhand strike!
H- It is super important that everyone pays close attention today because this is our first day of
CFU Question:
Introductio the underhand strike and we will be learning the proper fundamentals so if you pay attention
“Has anyone performed
n, Signal today you will be ready to go for the upcoming classes.
XXXX the underhand strike
for S/A- My Signal for attention is going to be the clap. When you hear me clap two times I want you
2 XXXX before and think they
Attention, to stop what you are doing and wait for further instruction.
mins know a cue?”
Hook, P- By the end of the lesson you will be able to perform the underhand strike with correct form.
Expectatio A- During the lesson, students will accept and apply corrective feedback from the teacher at
“What are the rules of the
ns least 1 time.
C- By the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify the cues for the underhand strike.
F- Students will be able to name a variety of activities that work muscular strength.
SS- Everyone will follow the list of rules enforced each day in class.
30 Okay, before we get started with the underhand strike, we are going to complete our fitness
sec activity.
Teacher Observation

CFU Questions:
“What part of the body do
In today's fitness activity, we are going to be working on activities pertaining to the muscular push ups work on?”
Fitness 2 strength component of HRF. I want everyone to complete 5 push ups, 10 sit ups, and then 10
Activity mins reps of a muscular strength activity of your choice. When you are finished, sit criss-cross “What part of the body do
applesauce and look at me so I know you are done. sit ups work on?”
“Can we name a few of
our favorite muscular
strength activities?”
30 *Clap Clap* Great job everyone I can see your muscles popping from here! Now we are going to
sec get into our main focus today, the underhand strike.
Body of Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet.
(Lesson Cues Variations / Modification –
Focus) Learning Tasks (Refinements) – Add variations to the learning tasks Adaptations,
a) For each learning task, please describe Simple words to to make it easier and harder Assessments,
demonstrations and/or questions that will facilitate improve according to needs and abilities of Reminders
student learning and engagement. performance and the students (lower and higher CFU, Academic
b) Describe the learning task. E.g. Hit the ball over the understanding. skilled students). Language, Alignment
net to your partner 10 times. E.g. Eyes at to objectives
a. For the first task, we are going to be striking a balloon with a paddle trying to keep it
Task #1 from hitting the floor. How many hits do you think you guys can get in a row?
b. For this task each student will get 1. Eye Contact Teacher Observation
X X X their own balloon and paddle. In 2. Step Opposite Easier – If you are struggling, get a
X X their own personal space, they will 3. balloon with more air in it. Reminder:
X X X try to see how many hits in a row Focus on “Eye Contact”
they can get before the balloon Harder - Get with a partner and hit it
T touches the ground. back and forth AL: Paddle
Eye Contact
30 *Clap Clap* Bring it in! Awesome job! Who got more than 5 in a row? 10? 15?? Wow great job,
10 a. For this next activity, we are going to be striking a suspended ball with a racket. Do
Task #2 you guys know the difference between a paddle and a racket?
X X b. In this activity, we are 1.Pull Back Easier – Hit a bigger ball that is Teacher Observation:
X X going to be hitting a ball 2.Low to High suspended.
X X that is suspended in the 3. AL: Racket
X X air. This takes away the Harder - Try unsuspending the ball Pull Back
T challenge of hitting a and hitting it as it drops. Low to High
falling ball so you can Backswing
focus on your form. Follow through
During this task, we want Corrective Feedback
to focus on our backswing
and follow through. I will
be walking around
providing students with
corrective feedback on
how to improve. I want to
see how well you can
accept the feedback and
apply it to your next
30 *Clap Clap* Good job everyone, I saw some solid backswings and follow throughs.
a. For our next task, we are going to put what we just learned together and perform the
Task #3 full movement of the underhand strike. Students are going to partner up and volley a
ball back and forth, striking it with rackets.
1 Step opposite Teacher Observation
b. For this task, each student 2. Eye contact
X X X X will find a partner, a ball 3. Pull back CFU Questions:
they want to use, and a 4. Low to High Easier – Move closer to your partner What are all of the cues
racket. They will stand / use a bigger ball or a balloon. we went over?
roughly 10 feet apart and
X X X X strike the ball back and Harder - Move further away from AL: Racket
forth trying to not let it hit your partner, use a birdie. Step opposite
T the floor. Eye contact
Pull Back
Low to High.
30 *Clap Clap* Okay, Bring it in. Great job today everyone I saw some huge improvements in
sec everyone's underhand strike. Now, let's review.
Task #4 a.
b. 1. Easier –
3. Harder -


Task #5 a.

a. 1. Easier –
3. Harder -
Really great job today everyone! I saw
some really good things today! Now can
you answer some quick review
Closure, XXXX CFU Questions:
5 questions? Awesome job today, I want
Hook to XXXX “What are the cues of the lesson?”
mins everyone to practice the underhand
Next T “What is 1 muscular strength activity?”
strike on their own because next class
we are going to be doing more of it!
Have a good day, see you next class.
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Evaluation Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results
of Lesson
Teacher Reflection Notes:

(Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and number

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