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Studentbooklet course 1 - Chapter 4 - Sections 1, 2 and 3 Page

Goals: Identify people in your family........................................3
Vocabulary. Family relationships...........................................3
Grammar. Be: questions with Who .....................................5
Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe people...............................7
Goals: Describing people in your family.....................................7
Grammar. Verb Be with Adjectives / Adverbs very and so.......8
Goals: Talk about your family................................................11
Grammar. Have / Has: affirmative statements ..........................11
Vocabulary. Numbers from 21 to 100.........................................13
Grammar. Be: questions with How old ................................14
Chapter 4, Section 1

Goals: Identify people in your family.

Vocabulary. Family relationships.

1. grandparents 2. grandmother 3. grandfather

4. parents 5. mother

6. father
7. children 8. daughter 9. son

one child / singular

two children / plural
Studentbooklet course 1 - Chapter 4 - Sections 1, 2 and 3 Page 4

10. grandchildren 11. grandson

12. granddaughter

13. couple (spouses) 14. wife 15. husband

16. siblings 17. brother 17. sister

Practice. Write two family members for each category.

0. parents mother father

1. children daughter son

2. siblings sister brother

3. couple wife husband

Studentbooklet course 1 - Chapter 4 - Sections 1, 2 and 3 Page 5

4. grandparents grandmother grandfather

5. grandchildren granddaughter grandson

Grammar. Be : question s wit h Wh o

Use Who to ask about people.


Who is she? She's my sister.

Who is he ? He's Jack. He's my father.
Who's that? That's my father.

Who are they? They're my parents.

Who are Ana and Luis? They're my children.

Practice. Complete the questions. Use Who's or Who are and he, she, or they.

1. A: Who's he? B: He´s my

2. A: Who´s she ? grandfather. B: She's

3. A: Who´s he ? my mother.

4. A: Who´s he ? B: He's Mr. Evan's

5. A: Who´s she ? friend. B: He's my

6. A: Who are they ? grandfather. B: She's

Robert's wife.

B: They are good neighbors.

Conversation. Identify people.
A: Who's that?
B: That's my sister.
A: And who are they?
B: They're my parents, Jack and Kate.

Practice. Complete the conversation.

A: Who ´s that?
B: That's mybrother. A: And who are they?
B: They´remy parents, Jack and Kate.
Chapter 4, Section 2

Goals: Describing people in your family.

Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe people.

1. short 2. tall 3. old

4. young 5. pretty

6. handsome
7. good-looking

8. cute
Studentbooklet course 1 - Chapter 4 - Sections 1, 2 and 3 Page 8

Grammar. Ver b B e wit h A djecti v e s / A d v erb s v er y and so.

Describe people with a form of be and an adjective.

She’s pretty. They’re tall.
He’s handsome. Your children are
cute. The adverbs so and very make adjectives

She’s so pretty. They’re very tall.

Practice. Look at the photos and complete each sentence with the form of Verb Be and an Adjective.

1. Your sister she´sso pretty.

2. Your daughter she´sso short.

3. Our grandfather he´sso old.

4. My parents they areso handsome.

5. His wife she´sso tall.

6. Our son he´sso young.

Practice. Write five sentences about people in your family.

Use Adjectives and the adverbs so and very to describe every person.

1. My brother is an athlete and he´s so young.

2. My father is an engineer and he´s so tall.

3. My grandfather is a chef and he´s so old.

4. My mother is a nurse and she´s so handsome.

5. My sister is a student and she´s so pretty.

Conversation. Read and repeat.
A: Tell me about your father.
B: Well, he´s a doctor and he´s very tall. A: And how about your mother?
B: She´s an engineer. She´s very pretty.

Practice. Complete the conversation.

A: Tell me about your grandfather.

B:Well, he´sa militaryand he´svery tall .
A: And how about your grandmother?
B: She´s a nurse. She´s very pretty.
Chapter 4, Section 3

Goals: Talk about your family.

Grammar. H a v e / H as : a ffirm a ti v e st a t eme n t s

Look at these affirmative statements with have and has.

You have a
son. We

He has three daughters.

She has a baby.
Studentbooklet course 1 - Chapter 4 - Sections 1, 2 and 3 Page 12

Practice. Complete with have or has.

1.I have a dog and a cat.

2. She has a brother and a sister.

3.They have six children.

4.You have a good English level.

5.You and I have the same teacher.

6. We don´t have any money.

7. They have a new car.

8. Oscar has a good job.

9. The school have a big building.

10.Let´s have a party.

11. I have a new friend.

12.My brother has five children.

13.Mrs. Brown has two brothers.

14.Mr. and Mrs. Clark have three grandchildren.

15. Their daughter have a pet.

Vocabulary. Numbers from 21 to 100.

21 twenty-one 28 twenty-eight
twenty-two 29 twenty-nine
23 twenty-three sixty
30 thirty
24 twenty-four 31 thirty-one
32 thirty-two
70 seventy

27 twenty-seven
40 forty
80 eighty

50 fifty
90 ninety

100 one hundred

101 one hundred one


13 – 30 14 – 40 15 – 50 16 –
17 – 70 18 – 80 19 – 90 60
Grammar. Be : question s wit h H o w old .

Use How old to ask about age.


How old is Bob? He’s eighteen years old.

How old is your sister? She’s twenty-one.
How old is Jenny? Twenty-seven.
How old are they? He’s thirty-five, and she’s twenty-nine.
How old are your grandparents? They’re both 85.

Practice. Complete the questions with How old is or How old are, and
answer the questions.

1. How old is your sister? (14) She´s 14 years old.

2. How old is your brother? (26) He´s 26 years old.

3. How old are your parents? (49) They are 49 years old.

4. How old is your best friend? He´s 19 years old.

5. How old is your mother? (50) She´s 50 years old.

6. How old are you? I´m 23 years old.

Conversation. Read and repeat.
A: I have two sisters and one brother. B: Really? How old are your sisters? A: Ana is 20 and K
B: And how old is your brother? A: He is 17.

tice. Complete the conversation.

ave two sisters and one brother. B: Really? How old are you sisters? A: Shery is 13 and Aya
d how old is you brother?
He is 21.

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