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Jacqueline Hawkins <jacqueline.hawkins@garrettcountyschools.


Algebra I Meeting Follow-up

1 message

Jacqueline Hawkins <> Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 12:16 PM

To: Brian Schilpp <>


Items for follow-up from your conversation with us:

- I am interested in completing the ALEKS trial, but only with my Algebra class. I checked out ALEKS online and if I am envisioning
it correctly, I could assign 30 minutes on ALEKS on an asynchronous day or give something students to work on if they have
downtime in the classroom. I am hopeful it will fill gaps as the Algebra group seems to have a lot as they jumped from part of
7th grade math to Algebra I.  

- We had no other volunteers for the ALEKS trial. Overall, teachers felt they needed more information and that the time to
implement it may not be there. Also, students are not completing work for the course and since adaptive assignments are not
dealing with current content, they were not looking to throw more work in there. I am hopeful my honors group would be more

-Khan Meeting- I am interested in attending. However, Dave is holding a staff meeting in the afternoon, so it may not be possible.
I would like to see what they can offer. We all shared much frustration with Khan Academy mostly due to students lacking
motivation. It was shared that Gregg Hostetler uses it in Trig/Calc with online learning. He may be a good person to talk to about

- Algebra II gaps- It was noted that having Geometry between the Algebra courses causes much learning loss. Before Common
Core and PARCC testing we had the course order as Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry. At the time we felt this was very successful.
However, we had to switch the order as some Geometry appears on the Algebra II PARCC/ MCAP.  It was suggested that we look at
the possibility of switching the order back again, or look at using the Geometry class to review Algebra skills that are forgotten
by Algebra II.

Algebra I
After much discussion, we agreed to:
- Move chapter 7 (Exponents and Exponential Functions) to the end of the course. We hope to get there, but many of the topics
in this chapter are taught more extensively in Algebra 2 and not as much needed in Algebra I.

- MCAP is typically heavy in quadratics (Chapter 9), so we want to comfortably teach this content.

Thank you,
Jacqueline Hawkins
Mathematics Teacher
Northern Middle School

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