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Tasks, groups, physical processes of freight transport systems, transport

chains. Development directions of freight transport system.
 In general terms: the tasks are moving materials and products between the
value chain and a company´s various site
 For business organizations: the creation of external material flow on the one
hand with the supplier environment (suppliers and on the other hand with the
user, consumer environment (buyers)
 Logistical approach: The realization of the material flow and the related flow
of information in the logistic chains between companies (between micro
logistics systems.

Groups: public and non-public.

Physical processes of freight transport systems: LST (storage, loading and

transport) physical processed and supply chain and carry out freight transport.

Transport chain: A series of LTS that are linked together in a technical and
organization way. (coordinates for the purpose of delivering goods).
 Direct: on a track with the same vehicle.
 Multiple: more than one vehicle. Different paths. Transhipment is required. It
can be traditional and combined

2. Characterization and comparison of transport modes. The evolution of
transport performance and the modal split of freight transport.

For a long time the share of rail transport has decreased, the road has grown, the mais
reasons for that are the flexibility, lower investment demand, speed and door to door

The Demand growth is expected: up to 50% by 2020 compared to 2000. The reasons
for that are:
 Globalization
 EU-integration
 Decrease in production depth
 Up-to-date manufacturing and trade management processes ( custom
manufacturing, JIT, ECR)
 Increasin product range
 Decrease in product life cycle

A key objective in europpe is to route road traffic to rail and waterways, promarily
through the extencios of combined transport
3 Characterization of the goods transported, transport units, unit load creation.

4 Stresses during the transportation (rail and road)

5 - Loading vehicles, general considerations, bridging devices.

 Loading is usually the task of the hauler, except for the cargo (formerly piece goods) that
the freighter carries
 The operator responsible for dize and load capacity and fixing the cargo
 The freighter is responsible for checking the loading.

Bridging devices:

 Mechanical ramp equalizers: for vehicle of almos the same platform height
 Hydraulic ramp equalizers: for different height vehicles
 Feed tongue to bridge the distance
 Bridging plates
 Bridging structures
 Lifting tables
 Lock-gate solutions
6 - Fastening equipment, cargo securing methods.
 Bandage tying elements
 Fixing chains steel ropes
 Wrap
 Anti-slip rubber pads
 Anti-slip non rubber paddles
 Anti-slip sheets

Cargo securing methods

 By wedging: Gripping structure fixing, barricade
 By fixing elements: direct fixing, tightening lashing

7 - Transport networks, strategic and operational problems, mathematical

 In case of rail transport, the strains occurring during the sorting are measured
 Depending on the speed of the forward speed, an elastic or inflexible collision
 The magnitude of the force in the buffers depends on:

Method of calculation:
Flexible collision and inelastic collision
 Determination of 2F
 Determining wagons deceleration newtom II
 Determination of strains on goods wagons Newtom II
8 Topography: Earth's geometry, shape and base surfaces
Earth is not spherical, but for the sake of simplicity we start from the sphere.
A point on the earth´s surface is defined horizontally with two data. One is the
latitude, which is the angle that the line joining the center of the earth and
spatial point closes with the equator plane. The equator latitude is this gama =
The theoretical shape of the earth is considered to be the level surface of the
difficulty field at a point designated at the height of the sea and is referred to as

9 GIS: topological model, maps, basic operations

Topological model: Gis (Geaographic information system) is an organized set
of hardware, spatial data and management personnel for locating, storing,
update, analysing, and displaying location-related information.
Describe the continuity and neighborhood relationship between the map
Topological data are independent of the choice coordinate system.
Accelerates the performance of analyses.
Points: singles, chain or node.
Lines: linear object contain breakpoint which are based on a (usually linear)
legitimacy of the line object. Two types of point type can be separate in the
 The chain: (the arc) that forms the chain (a sequence of breakpoints
constitutes the chain that is always between two nodes and points from
one node to the other.
 And the node (the nodes are located at the ends of the chains, either
because the line object is in the node, or that the object is branched in
the node or interested with another line object
Polygons: A continuous area with basic elements, the polygon is clearly

Maps: The digital map is a numerical description of the map that can be
handled by a computer.
They are prepared as :
 Raster map with a secondary data gains EX. Digitalization
 Vector map: numerical data from primary data gains, in other cases by
digitalization (vectorization)
Basic operation on vector map: Distance concepts, Intersection points of
straight sections, Lenght of sections, district, area, Replacing area type objects
10 Graph theory: resistance matrices, shortest path, definition of shortest
path from one starting point to other points.

Definitions of shortest path: We have reached a minimum distance in graph theorem

between two different U and V vertices of graph. If the edges of a graph do nor have
weight, this means a path between the U and V vertices with the least number of
edges. If there are weghts on the edges of the graph, then we are taking about path
whose weight are minimized. So, if given a graph 𝐺 = (𝑉, 𝐸) with
the 𝑘 (𝑓), 𝑓 ∈ 𝐸 weights, then
Distance between U and V is equal to the sum of the minimum K
function which P belongs to the rounte.
Definition of shortest path from one starting point to other points: Find the
shortest patch to all vectors from a given vector. The following methods are known
for the solution:
Width search: For unit weighted graphs.
Dijkstra Algorithm: in weighted directed directed graphs
Bellman-ford algorithm (for negative weight edges).
Resistance matrices: Infinity high resistance, Distance (airline, measured on the road
network), cost, time. Used for: freight performance, material handling performance,

11 Determination of the shortest path between all vertices, heuristic search

The shortest route between all the vertices: •Find all the u and v vertices from a u
to the shortest way to the vertex v. The following methods are known for the
 Floyd / Warshall algorithm and Johnson's algorithm (gives quick results on
rare graphs)
Heuristic search : Strategies that know that one of the intermediate states is "more
promising" than another intermediate state is called an informed search or heuristic
search strategy.
The general approach is best-first called a search. The basic idea of the method is to
move to the top of the graph with the smallest value. The value of the vertices is a
so-called using the evaluative function f(n). The method is practically an algorithm
family whose elements are
distinguished by different evaluation functions. The key element of these algorithms is
the h(n) heuristic function.
Heuristic function: Estimated cost of the cheapest way from the n node to the
12 The mathematical model of the TSP, solution methods, approximate
Mathematical model of the TSP

Solution methods : exact methods, heuristics methods.

Aproximation methods:Neares neighboor heuristic, nearest addition heuristic,

13 The optimal solution methods of TSP

 Enumeration method,
 branch and bound (BAB) Method,
 Hungarian Method

14 The mathematical model of the VRP, solution methods of CVRP

In the case of a simple VRP, only the distance between the stations (access time) is
the dominant factor to be taken into account in the optimization, that is to look for the
fewest number of vehicles (tour numbers) that allow the smallest total distance (total
time) we can solve it.

The capacity (s) of the vehicles used, or their needs (distribution or collection), the
number of stations that can be visited by a vehicle is limited by the capacity of the
station and the capacity of the vehicle used (Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

Nearest Neighbor Heuristic, Sweep Algorithm, Ant Colony Algorithms

15 CVRPTW, VRPB methods, improvement of initial solution

Time Oriented Nearest Neighbor Heuristic: taking intoaccount the capacity, time
window and arrival time;that is, by treating spatial and temporal proximity
 Time Oriented Sweep Heuristic
 Extended Clark and Wright
 Insertion Heuristic: it is based on serving a stationas part of a tour more
economical than targeting Weighted Time Distance Heuristic
 Lambda Local Search Heuristics (for local search)

Design of vehicle traffic (route, timetable) and vehicle number between deliveries
and discharges, which ensures that the goods available at the dispatch places arrive at
their place of destination and, as far as possible,
vehicles are always loaded with goods.

From the point of view of the task, it is indifferent to what kind of goods it is,
but the key is that the parameters of the vehicles used are the same and that
the goods in question can be removed from one or more vehicles.
16 Possibilities of application of the ant colony algorithm
Ant seek for food in the wild for the first time in a random way, and when they find
food, they mark the return way with pheromone. Other ants, based on the pheromone
signal on the roads are more likely to choose the marked path instead of random
Shorter trips can be traversed faster, so they contain more pheromones and on the
longer trips will be less pheromones. Over time, the amount of pheromone on the
roads decreases (vaporizes), blocking the deposition at local optimum.

The goal is to carry out the transport tasks with the highest possible tour level profit
from the depot of the vehicle, taking into account the restrictive conditions.

17 Route first - cluster second type VRP solutions

 The first step is to solve the task as a TSP task, where the tour is part of the
depot and all the points to be taken into account, here we do not take into
account the capacity constraints of the vehicles.
 We then divide the tour (realistically possible tours, observing the limiting
factors: capacity, time etc.).
 For division, we add the numbering of the points according to their order in the
tour: depot serial number 0, starting from a starting point, the numbers are
sequentially numbered up to n.
 From this we get dij distances from which we can calculate cij values. A cij
shows the distance to be made (0; i+1; i+2; …; j; 0) between these points.
 That is, in fact, we look for the shortest path between each point (if TSP is
optimally solved)

 Planninga giant tour: using a simpler starting solution

 Cij values: aims to get fewer vehicle numbers
 Floyd-Warshall's solution of the matrix containing Cij values, which
gives the foundation of the giant tour (taking into account the vehicle
number, capacity, time windoes, etc.)
 Single optimization of partitions may also be required by using local

 Because of the speed it makes it possible to make variations, using simpler
 Is is relatively easyto divide the giant tour(with simpler heuristics).
 The number of vehicles canbe influenced implicitly.
 Starting from a solved TSP will guarantee that nearby points in a tour are
expected to be together served.

 Rarely used method, because the emphasis is on the cluster defined by
 It is not always true that divisions of an optimal TSP following a giant tour
lead to optimum VRP (TSP needs to be reset to the part track).
 Giant tour TSP solution can be computationally complex.

18 Telematics, GNSS, on-board computers, transport management systems

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