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BA(JMC) 204- Basics of Advertising

Advertising Models: AIDA & DAGMAR

Yashasvika Yadav


Models help in simplify concepts. AIDA and DAGMAR are two very important models of
Advertising which help in understanding the steps for creating effective advertising. We
will study both the models with the help of various examples for easy comprehension

What are Advertising Models?

Advertising models help in delivering messages and crafting an effective marketing strategy.
Models help in understanding the concepts, create discussions, enhance explanations and
provide representations of concepts.


AIDA Model is considered essential for the success of Marketing, implementation of the four
steps specified in the model results in effective advertising strategy. The model identified the
steps that an individual goes through while making a purchasing decision. It is essential that
advertisers and marketers ensure that all four steps of the model are followed for successful

AIDA the acronym stands for:

❖ Attention: To attract the attention of the

consumer or creating awareness about the
product or service, sometimes the best way to
generate attention is by disruption. Attention
of the consumers usually can be attained by
placing ads on prominent location or shock
factor, there are various innovative ways, for
instance- AIRCEL- Save the Tiger Campaign
Guerrilla Marketing for Attention. Image Credits: Google
instantly generated awareness amongst people.
❖ Interest- the attention in the product or service
has been generated, now you need to keep their
interest. To encourage interest in the consumers you
will highlight the benefit being offered or anything
additional which will lead the consumer to further
research about the product. It is difficult to generate
Save The Tiger Campaign. Image Credits: Google
Images interest in the product particularly when your product
isn’t interesting. For example- Insurance, Banking,
Furniture, Housing ads. For instance- The Policy Bazar Health Insurance
advertisement featuring Pankaj Tripathi hilariously portrays the benefits of insurance
❖ Desire- Generate desire by offering a
benefit that no other competitor is
giving or by creating an emotional
bond with the consumer, show your
brand personality, the consumer should
want your product. The preference
shifts from liking to wanting it.
Highlight what your consumers will Image Credits: Google Images

miss if they don’t buy the product or

services. For example- tempting images of food items being offered at affordable
price packages or one plus one offers
❖ Action: This is the final step which influences the traget audience to take action, the
action can be in the form of the consumer downloading the brochure searching further
for the product.

This model is implemented by the tele caller brands which first grab your attention with the
product then they interest you with the benefits being offered followed by offering some
freebies with the main product and then generates action by setting a timer and constantly
reminding about the benefits of the product. The model is not limited to just advertising, it is
a marketing model being used in various spheres. It is used by Movie Producers to pique
interest in their movies and generate action


Kahaani(2012) starring Vidya Balan was a Hindi film mystery movie, the movie generated
a lot of interest because of the promotions, let us understand it through the frame of AIDA
• Attention: The poster was released on
social media followed by trailer of the
movie where a pregnant woman is searching
for her husband, the script looked fresh and
generated curiosity
• Interest: Vidya Balan used to attend
all press conferences, public appearances,
events with a baby bump. Everyone was
intrigued by the baby bump.
• Desire: Vidya Balan used to go to
every event and highlight that the mystery
will be revealed on the date of movie
release. Besides, the producer kept sharing
songs and snippet from the movie
• Action: Naturally the audience was

Image Credits: Google Images hooked, they awaited the release and the
movie was worth the hype.


DAGMAR, the acronym stands for Defining Advertising Goal for Measured Advertising
Results. The model indicates a marketing approach for measuring advertising results. The
model outlines steps for effective advertising campaign. The model suggests that consumer
goes through five phases about the product- unaware, aware, comprehension, conviction and
action. The model also signifies the importance of target audience and setting up of a
measurable objective to evaluate the success of the campaign. The model was proposed by
Russell Colley in 1961. The following stages suggested in the model are mentioned below:

❖ Awareness: The most important task of advertising strategy is to make the consumer
aware about the product. The awareness
should not be taken for granted as in a
product parity market brands keep
advertising. The brand needs to keep the
consumer aware about its presence in the
market. For example- Coke advertises
Image Credits: Google Images frequently despite being the top of the mind
brand and dominant in the aerated beverage

Objective: Generate awareness amongst the target audience by April 2020

❖ Comprehension: Apart from generating

awareness, the advertisers need to
reinforce the consumers about the
benefits being offered by the product. As
awareness itself is not enough to
motivate the consumer to purchase the
product. For example- FOGG,
advertisement which focuses on the Image Credits: Google Images

benefit of offering deodorant and not


Objective: To inform about the benefits and USP of the product by April 2020

❖ Conviction: Advertisers have to establish that

the product is meant for the consumer and they
should absolutely have it. The customer is aware
about the different products and their benefits,
customers should be motivated to try this product

Image Credits: Google Images

at the next purchase.Advertisers should offer something not being offered by the

Objective: To create favourable image for the brand compared to competition by April 2020

❖ Action- The customer is motivated to purchase the product. For example- Sabse sasta
Wednesday by Big Bazaar

Objective: To motivate the consumer to purchase the product.

The goal is to motivate consumers to purchase the product, the company should identify
the target segment to market the product or services effectively. Post identification of the
target audience, the brands should implement the DAGMAR method. The objective
should be concrete, measurable and a specified time limit to accomplish the task.


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