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Adrian Tirado

La Raza
My Family
I remember one time julian and me were
My mom is a very messing around with my mom, so my mom
independent and was in her room trying to make my sister
andrea fall asleep and once she fell asleep
hardworking person.She’s we went in there messing around with my
an amazing mom she mom, so me and julian went out of the
room and we waited and watched my mom
always manages to keep to see if she was distracted. My mom was
all of us in an amazing watching something on the tablet and we
scared her and she dropped the tablet on
vibe. My mom has always her face! She wanted to yell but she held it
been there for me even in, then she chased us all around the
house hitting us with the belt. At one point
when she went through we ran into our rooms hiding in the closet
rough times. and we checked if she was in my room and
we peeked out and wham we got hit in the
face with the belt
One memory with julian was
Brother when we were swinging my
brothers truck in a parking lot
and and we were spinning in
My brother julian is a circles making huge smoke
independent person that clouds it was fun !
never asks for help and he is
an very energetic person but i
feel he’s bipolar because one
day he can be happy and the
next he can be really mad
Best Friends
These two guys right
here are like my left hand and
my right hand there always
gonna be there i’ve been
friends with them since
freshman year the one on the
left is my friend jesus and on
the right is marcos
motor sports
One fun fact about me is that i love motorsports, i
love to ride quads and dirtbikes even though i don’t own
either one i just have a passion once i get on one it just
makes me feel at peace riding it's like a stress reliever
for me Once im older im going to have a couple of
My favorite artist is little Uzi vert i have been
listening to him for the longest like towards the end
of 2015 i started listening to his music and i’ve been
on his music vibe since !
Playing video games is one of my favorite
things to do because its so fun playing online
games with other people like on call of duty it’ll be
so fun playing warzone with random people and
you have to strategize what your going to do to win
the game and grand theft auto is like a huge open
world map with missions and challenges that you
can do while roaming around in the online map.
Another game is rocket league it's like a fifa but with
cars it sounds a little crazy but its so fun trying to
maneuver the car to hit the ball into the goal
Im learning how to play the guitar it’s a
little frustrating but i’m getting better everyday
that i practice but what’s really exciting is that im
getting my twelve string guitar soon so that
should be really exciting

Thats how my guitars look like <3

I love working on engines when i joined my
small engines class in freshman year i knew this
was the career that i was going to pursue, The
job that i want is to be a diesel technician i hope
that i can get into one of those schools
What i really enjoyed about high school was the interactions i would have with
the teachers and students like asking your partner for help because i wasn’t
paying attention to the teacher or when i have to work in groups to do an
assignment that was something different that puts me out of my comfort zone
Another thing what i like about high school was hanging out with my friends
during lunch and break having no worries in the world only about the classes we
have next or when the food fair came around towards the end of the year or the
rallys sometimes they were good but i felt like when they made rally days ling
instead of early outs really ruined the fun about rallys
Moving through classes was great too because sometimes you might bump into
someone you know and your catching up while walking to class it's just on a whole other
level of talking because it has to be short or you might be tardy to your next class, i just miss
the social interactions i had during school now im just at home by myself for hours on end…
Me and my grandpa have been through
thick and thin and i love him with all of my heart
and what my family says is that i’m his exact
twin like literally my grandma tell me all the time
that i act like my grandpa and i look like him
when he was younger so my grandpa
represents me
I built a shed
This summer me and my pops made a
extension on our garage in our backyard
this year we built it from an existing
shed we did every little thing from the
walls to the roof and the paint
Which is the lie ?
I live on a ranch

I know how to do a backflip

Im in gymnastics

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