Aβ Accumulation in Vmo Contributes to Masticatory Dysfunction in 5XFAD Mice

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JDRXXX10.1177/00220345211000263Journal of Dental ResearchA<span class="symbol" cstyle="symbol">β</span> Accumulation in Vmo

Research Reports: Biological

Journal of Dental Research
Aβ Accumulation in Vmo Contributes to © International & American Associations
for Dental Research 2021

Masticatory Dysfunction in 5XFAD Mice Article reuse guidelines:

DOI: 10.1177/00220345211000263

H.B. Kim1*, D. Kim2*, H. Kim3, W. Kim1, S. Chung1, S.H. Lee2, H.R. Kim4,
and S.B. Oh1,2,3

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) shows various symptoms that reflect cognitive impairment and loss of neural circuit integrity. Sensory
dysfunctions such as olfactory and ocular pathology are also observed and used as indicators for early detection of AD. Although
mastication is suggested to correlate with AD progression, changes in the masticatory system have yet to be established in transgenic
animal models of AD. In the present study, we have assessed pathologic hallmarks of AD with the masticatory behavior of 5XFAD
mice. We found that masticatory efficiency and maximum biting force were decreased in 5XFAD mice, with no significant change in
general motor function. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed significant accumulation of Aβ (amyloid β), increased microglia number,
and cell death in Vmo (trigeminal motor nucleus) as compared with other cranial motor nuclei that innervate the orofacial region.
Masseter muscle weight and muscle fiber size were also decreased in 5XFAD mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that
Aβ accumulation in Vmo contributes to masticatory dysfunction in 5XFAD mice, suggesting a close association between masticatory
dysfunction and dementia.

Keywords: amyloid β, dementia, trigeminal motor nucleus, masseter muscle, Alzheimer’s disease, mastication

Introduction neurogenesis, and spatial memory test performance have been

consistently reported (Piancino et al. 2020). Thus, disturbed
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most common causes mastication can negatively affect not only the normal function
of dementia that results from the progressive degeneration of of the hippocampus but also hippocampus-dependent memory
the central nervous system (Rosen et al. 1984). AD is generally and cognition. However, Aβ accumulation or neuronal loss in
thought to result from neuronal death caused by the accumula- mastication-related brainstem regions has yet to be observed in
tion of amyloid β (Aβ) protein. Aβ, the neurotoxic peptide that patients with AD or in a 5XFAD animal model of AD (Parvizi
is cleaved from amyloid precursor protein, can aggregate to et al. 2001; Uematsu et al. 2018). Amyloid precursor protein
form Aβ plaques that are commonly found in the brain of and calpain-I are highly expressed and extensively colocalized
patients with AD (He et al. 2018). Brain imaging of patients in the trigeminal motor nucleus (Vmo) as compared with the
with AD has revealed degeneration of symptom-related brain other cranial motor nuclei, and they are observed in brain
regions (e.g., hippocampus), and this may cause memory dete- regions with Aβ deposition in patients with AD (Siman et al.
rioration (Deweer et al. 1995). Aβ accumulations are also seen
in the temporal lobe, which may correlate to the sensory and
motor dysfunctions seen in patients with AD, such as olfactory, 1
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, College of Natural
ocular, and gait problems (O’Keeffe et al. 1996; Mesholam Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
et al. 1998; Lewis et al. 2006; Frost et al. 2010; He et al. 2018). Dental Research Institute and Department of Neurobiology and
However, Aβ accumulation has yet to be addressed in the oro- Physiology, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
facial sensorimotor system despite the correlation observed in 3
Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Seoul National University,
oral dysfunction and cognitive impairment (Onozuka et al. Seoul, Republic of Korea
2000; Campos et al. 2017). 4
College of Dentistry, Dankook University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea
Recent clinical studies have found significant cognitive *Authors contributing equally to this article.
decline in patients with AD, with oral impairments and masti-
A supplemental appendix to this article is available online.
catory malfunctions including oral dyskinesia, periodontitis,
and tooth loss (Singhrao et al. 2014; Campos et al. 2017). Corresponding Authors:
Furthermore, a meta-analysis of cohort studies found that indi- S.B. Oh, Dental Research Institute and Department of Neurobiology and
Physiology, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, 101 Daehak-
viduals with <20 teeth were more likely to develop cognitive
ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03080, Republic of Korea.
impairment and dementia, supporting the close correlation Email: odolbae@snu.ac.kr
between tooth loss and cognitive decline (Cerutti-Kopplin H.R. Kim, College of Dentistry, Dankook University, Cheonan 31116,
et al. 2016). In various animal models of altered mastication, Republic of Korea.
decreases in hippocampal neuron number, synaptic activity, Email: hrkimdp@dankook.ac.kr
2 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

1990). This suggests a correlation between Aβ accumulation in Immunohistochemistry

Vmo and masticatory dysfunction.
Transgenic AD mouse models were created to replicate the The samples were prepared following the method previously
degenerative brain progression of human AD through the described (Lee et al. 2020). Brain sections were blocked for 2 h
genetic mutation of amyloid precursor protein and/or preseni- at room temperature with 4% normal horse serum (NHS) in
lin to increase Aβ40/42 production (Oakley et al. 2006). Of the 0.3% Triton-X in phosphate-buffered saline (PBST) and then
many transgenic AD models, 5XFAD (Tg6799) mouse is well incubated with primary antibodies: mouse anti-Aβ monoclonal
known to cause Aβ pathology as early as 1 to 2 mo of age and antibody (4G8, SIG-39220; BioLegend), goat anti-choline acet-
impairment of spatial working memory by 6 mo (Lewis et al. yltransferase (ChAT, AB144P; Merck Millipore), rabbit anti-
2006; Devi and Ohno 2010; Eimer and Vassar 2013). In this cleaved caspase-3 (cas-3, 9664; Cell Signaling Technology),
study, we investigated whether Vmo manifests Aβ pathology and rabbit anti-Iba-1 (Iba-1, 019-19741; FujiFilm) in 4% NHS
in 5XFAD mice and, if so, whether Aβ pathology of Vmo is in 0.3% PBST for 2 d at room temperature. The sections were
associated with masticatory dysfunction in an early stage of washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and then incu-
dementia (5 mo old). bated with secondary antibodies: donkey anti-goat cy3 (705-
165-147; Jackson Laboratory), donkey anti-rabbit cy3
(711-165-152; Jackson Laboratory), and donkey anti-mouse
Materials and Methods Alexa Fluor 488 (715-545-150; Jackson Laboratory) in 0.3%
PBST for 2 h at room temperature. For the Aβ plaque staining,
Mice 1% thioflavin S (T-1892; Sigma) was applied for 12 min and
All experiments were performed with 5-mo-old male 5XFAD then washed with PBS.
mice (Tg6799; stock 006554, Jackson Laboratory) and littermate Muscle sections were blocked with 2% NHS in 0.3% PBST
mice, maintained in a temperature-controlled room (23 ± 1 °C, for 2 h and incubated with rabbit anti-laminin polyclonal anti-
12/12 h light/dark cycle) with standard laboratory chow (pellet body (ab11575; Abcam) in 2% NHS in 0.3% PBST for 2 d at
diet) and water ad libitum unless otherwise noted. All experimen- room temperature. The sections were washed with PBS and
tal procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care incubated with donkey anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 (711-545-
and Use Committee at Seoul National University. This study con- 152; Jackson Laboratory) in 0.3% PBST for 2 h at room
formed to the ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting temperature.
In Vivo Experiments) for preclinical animal studies.
Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining
Animal Behavior Tests The samples of mandible and masseter muscle were fixed with
For the masticatory behavior test, all mice were fasted 24 h and formalin and sequentially dehydrated with 80% to100% etha-
then habituated for 1 h in a clear acrylic cage. Animals were nol in increasing concentration. The tissues were then infil-
exposed to chow that was wrapped with aluminum foil except trated with resin (Technovit 7200; Heraeus Kulzer GmbH).
1 cm of the end. The masticatory behavior was recorded by The tissue blocks were sectioned in 30-μm thickness.
video camera for 1 h. The chow-approaching number was
defined as the sum of the individual events that the mouse bit Micro–computed tomography
and masticated the chow in a sequence. The chow-approaching
time was defined as the total time that the mouse spent on the The head specimens of 5XFAD and littermates were sagittally
biting-and-masticating sequence. Chow approach without a split into 2 symmetrical parts, which were then postfixed in 4%
biting-and-mastication sequence, such as sniffing and touch- paraformaldehyde at 4 °C for 2 d. Scanning of the first man-
ing, was all excluded from data analysis. Mice body weight dibular molar of 5XFAD and littermate mice was performed by
and chow weight were measured before and after the mastica- Skyscan 1172 (Bruker). The scanning parameters were 6.92-
tory efficiency test to obtain chow consumption per body μm pixel size, 70-kV x-ray voltage, 141-μA electric current,
weight. All analysis was done blind to the experimental groups and 0.5-mm aluminum filter. All data sets were reconstructed
to avoid experimental bias. with NRecon software (SkyScan). By using the protocol modi-
The maximal biting force of the mice was recorded with a fied from the quantitative analysis of rat jawbone microstruc-
Piezo sensor (FlexiForce, A201; Tekscan) by mildly restraining tures (Chatterjee et al. 2017), the volume of the whole first
the mouse with a hand for free head movement and by placing the molar, crown, and canal from each genotype was analyzed by
tip of the Piezo sensor in front of the snout, leaving it to freely CT Analyzer (version; Bruker).
bite with incisors. The biting force was measured for 200 s per
mouse, and the data were digitalized by FlexiForce software. The
Data Analysis and Statistics
maximal biting force was determined from the highest score.
A rotarod test was performed as previously described All histologic analyses were processed by ZEN 3.2 Blue
(Singh et al. 2018) with modifications. The rotarod retention (Zeiss) and ImageJ (National Institutes of Health) software.
time was automatically measured from start to animal fall from All statistics were performed by Prism software (version
the horizontal bar by the rotarod apparatus. 6.01; GraphPad). Comparison among multiple groups was
Aβ Accumulation in Vmo 3

Chow consumption/body weight B C

** **

Chow approaching time (sec)

0.025 250 80

Chow approaching number

(8) (8)
0.020 (7) 200
60 (8)
0.015 150
(8) 40
0.010 100 (8)

0.005 50

0.000 0 0
Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD


Rotarod retention time (sec)

* 60
Maxium biting force (unit)

(12) (12)
100 40

50 20

0 0
Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD

Figure 1.  Measurement of masticatory efficiency in 5XFAD mice. (A) Weight of chow fed to mice was divided by the body weight of the individual
mice before the experiment (P = .4153, n = 7 or 8/group). (B) Total time spent chow feeding (P = .0012, n = 8/group) and (C) the chow-approaching
number (P = .0029, n = 8/group). (D) Maximal biting force (P = .0469, n = 12/group) and (E) rotarod body performance test (P = .8443, n = 12/group).
(A–E) The 5XFAD mice versus littermate controls. All n values are presented in parentheses. Student’s t test. Mean ± SEM. *P < .05. **P < .01.

made by 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni mice (Fig. 1B, C). Next, we compared the maximal biting
post hoc test, and comparison between 2 groups was made with force, and 5XFAD mice showed significantly decreased maxi-
a Student’s t test. Differences with P values <.05 were regarded mal biting force than the littermate mice (Student’s t test,
as statistically significant. P = .0469, n = 12/group; Fig. 1D). However, when we measured
the general motor activity of the mice by the rotarod perfor-
mance test, there was no difference in the retention time
Supplemental Information between the groups (Student’s t test, P = 0.8443, n = 12/group;
Detailed materials and methods are included in the Appendix. Fig. 1E).

Results Aβ Accumulated Specifically in Vmo of 5XFAD Mice

5XFAD Mice Showed Decreased Masticatory We then investigated the Aβ accumulation in various cranial
motor nuclei, such as Vmo, which directly innervates to the
Function masticatory muscle; the facial motor nucleus (7th cranial motor
We used 5-mo-old 5XFAD mice when the animals were known nucleus) and the hypoglossal motor nucleus (12th cranial
to have cognitive impairment (Lewis et al. 2006). We first motor nucleus), which are involved in the movement of the
examined the masticatory function of 5XFAD mice by measur- orofacial region; and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
ing the chow consumption behavior after 24-h fasting. There nerve (10th cranial motor nucleus) as the control cranial motor
was no difference in chow consumption between 5XFAD and nucleus (Nakamura et al. 2004). We identified motor neurons
littermate mice (Student’s t test, P = .4153, n = 7 or 8/group; with cholinergic neuronal marker (ChAT), and Aβ accumula-
Fig. 1A), but the total time spent in chow-feeding behavior tion was determined by immunostaining with anti-Aβ 17-24
(Student’s t test, P = .0012, n = 8/group) and the total number of antibody (clone 4G8; Tousseyn et al. 2015) and thioflavin S
approaches (Student’s t test, P = .0029, n = 8/group) were sig- fluorescent dye for targeting Aβ plaque (Yuan and Grutzendler
nificantly increased in the 5XFAD mice versus the littermate 2016; Fig. 2A). The staining showed a distinct accumulation of
4 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

no accumulation of Aβ was found in the littermate

A mice (Fig. 2A). We examined Aβ plaque accumu-
lation in the subregions of Vmo in 5XFAD mice—
the ventromedial Vmo (VM Vmo; jaw-opening
muscle) and the dorsolateral Vmo (DL Vmo; jaw-
closing muscle)—and observed significantly
increased Aβ plaque accumulation in the DL Vmo
as compared with VM Vmo (1-way ANOVA: F[2,
6] = 9.231, P = .0148 with Bonferroni post test,
n = 3; Fig. 2D, E).

Preferential Microglial Activation

and Cell Death of Vmo in 5XFAD Mice
Since toxic Aβ oligomers have been proposed to
cause brain inflammation and neuronal degenera-
A plagues / area (mm2)
ChAT+ A + / ChAT+

tion (Butterfield and Lashuel 2010; Grimaldi et al.
100 2018), we next examined the microglial activation
0.4 and cell death of Vmo neurons in 5XFAD mice.
0.2 (6)
When we immunostained microglia with Iba-1 as
(6) (6)
a surrogate of microglial activation, we observed
5N 7N 10N 12N
5N 7N 10N 12N
an increased number of microglia in Vmo as com-
pared with the other nuclei in the 5XFAD mice
D E (Student’s t test, P = .0035, n = 3 or 4/group; Fig.
Trigeminal motor nucleus
Rostral Caudal 3B). The percentage of activated microglia with
deramification and swelling of cell body (Fig. 3C)
was also significantly increased in Vmo versus the
150 other nuclei (1-way ANOVA: F[3, 12] = 46.33,
P < .0001 with Bonferroni posttest, n = 4/group;
Fig. 3D). The number of activated microglia in
50 Vmo was also significantly increased in the
5XFAD mice as compared with the littermate mice
(Student’s t test, P = .0002, n = 3 or 4/group; Fig.
3E). To confirm the neuronal degeneration of
Jaw opening (VM Vmo) Jaw closing (DL Vmo)
Vmo, we analyzed immunoreactive cells with
active caspase-3, a cell death marker, which were
Figure 2. Amyloid β (Aβ) accumulation in the cranial motor nuclei of 5XFAD mice.
found only in Vmo of the 5XFAD mice (Fig. 3F).
(A) Staining of Aβ (purple), thioflavin S (green), and ChAT (choline acetyltransferase;
red). Arrowhead (white) indicates colocalization of ChAT, thioflavin S, and Aβ The number of ChAT-positive cells was signifi-
staining. Squarebox shows zoomed-in image of arrowhead region. Scale bar (white): cantly decreased in the 5XFAD mice as compared
50 μm. (B) Quantitative data show ratio of Aβ+:ChAT+ neurons. One-way analysis of with the littermate mice (Student’s t test, P = .0173,
variance (ANOVA): F(3, 20) = 83.35, P < .0001, with Bonferroni post test. Mean ± SEM.
****P < .0001. n = 6 mice/group. (C) Number of Aβ plaque in ChAT+ area from cranial n = 5 or 6/group; Fig. 3G), whereas the total size of
nuclei (5N, 7N, 10N, and 12N). Trigeminal motor nucleus (Vmo), 5N; facial motor Vmo did not differ between the groups (Student’s
nucleus, 7N; vagus nucleus, 10N; hypoglossal nucleus, 12N. One-way ANOVA: F(3, t test, P = .3203, n = 5 or 6/group; Fig. 3H).
20) = 67.24, P < .0001, with Bonferroni post test. Mean ± SEM. ****P < .0001. n = 6 to
9 mice/group. (D) Staining of thioflavin S (green) and ChAT (red) in rostral to caudal
Vmo. The dotted line (white) represents the ventromedial (VM) Vmo region innervating
the jaw-opening muscle, and the solid line (white) represents the dorsolateral (DL)
Masseter Muscle Weight and Fiber
Vmo region innervating the jaw-closing muscle. Scale bar (white): 200 μm. (E) Number Thickness Were Decreased
of Aβ plaque in ChAT+ area from whole Vmo, VM Vmo, and DL Vmo. One-way
ANOVA: F(2, 6) = 9.231, P = .0148, with Bonferroni post test. Mean ± SEM. *P < .05. in 5XFAD Mice
n = 3. All n values are presented in parentheses.
Finally, we investigated the changes of the masti-
catory muscle innervated by Vmo neurons and
Aβ plaque in a ChAT-positive area of Vmo as compared with observed a significant decrease in weight (Student’s t test,
the other cranial nuclei in 5XFAD mice (Fig. 2B; 1-way P = .0208, n = 5/group; Fig. 4A) and area (Student’s t test,
ANOVA: F[3, 20] = 83.35, P < .0001 with Bonferroni post test, P = .0428, n = 5/group; Fig. 4B, C) of masseter muscle in the
n = 6/group; Fig. 2C; 1-way ANOVA: F[3, 20] =  67.24, 5XFAD mice as compared with the littermate mice. The
P < .0001 with Bonferroni post test, n = 6 to 9/group). However, thickness of masseter muscle fiber was also significantly
Aβ Accumulation in Vmo 5

A 5N 7N 10N & 12N B

300 (4)

Total microglia number /



area (mm2)
200 (3)
(3) (4)

5N 7N 10N 12N
Iba-1 ChAT


Activated microglia number/


/ total microglia number (%)

(4) 40
Activated microglia 40

area (mm2)
10 (3)
10 (4) (4)
Iba-1 ChAT 5N 7N 10N 12N
Littermate 5XFAD

F 5N 7N 10N & 12N G H

ChAT positive cell / area (mm2)

Trigeminal nucleus size (mm2)

350 0.3

(6) (6)
280 (5)



0 0.0
Active caspase-3 ChAT Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD

Figure 3.  Brain inflammation and cell death in the cranial motor nuclei of 5XFAD mice. (A) Immunostaining of ChAT (choline acetyltransferase;
green) and IBa1 (red). Scale bar (white): 50 μm. (B) Total number of microglia/area (mm2) (P = .0035, n = 3 or 4/group). (C) Immunostaining of microglia
in 5N: activated (asterisk) and deactivated (arrowhead) form. Scale bar (white): 50 μm. (D) Percentage of activated microglia to the total number of
microglia in 5N, 7N, 10N, and 12N. One-way analysis of variance: F(3, 12) = 46.33, P < .0001, with Bonferroni post test. Mean ± SEM. n = 4/group. (E)
Activated microglia per area unit (mm2). P = .0002. n = 3 or 4/group. (F) Staining of ChAT (green) and caspase-3 (red). Chat+ and caspase-3+ cells are
presented in arrows. Scale bar (white): 50 μm. (G) Number of ChAT+ cells per area unit (mm2) in 5N (P = .0173, n = 5 or 6/group) and (H) size of the
5N (mm2; P = .3203, n = 5 or 6/group). Trigeminal motor nucleus, 5N; facial motor nucleus, 7N; vagus nucleus (dorsal-motor), 10N; hypoglossal nucleus,
12N. All n values are presented in parentheses. Mean ± SEM. Student’s t test.

decreased in 5XFAD mice as compared with the littermate innervated by other cranial nuclei, the posterior belly of the
mice, thus showing higher proportion of smaller sized-mus- digastric muscle innervated by the facial motor nucleus
cle fibers (Student’s t test, P = .0338, n = 5/group; Fig. 4D–F). (Student’s t test, P = .1754, n = 3; Appendix Fig. 1A, B) and
However, when we compared the fiber size of the muscles the hyoglossus muscle innervated by the hypoglossal nucleus
6 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

A B Littermate 5XFAD C
Masseter muscle weight (g)


Masseter muscle area (mm2)

(5) 8 (5)
0.15 (5) 6

0.10 4

0.05 2

0.00 0
1mm 1mm
Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD

Masseter muscle
Average muscle fiber size ( m2) 1500 20
Littermate 5XFAD
(5) Littermate (5)

Proportion (% )
1000 5XFAD (5)


100 m 100 m 0 0
Littermate 5XFAD 0 1500 3000 4500
Muscle cell size (um 2)

G Crown Root Whole H I J

0.20 0.15


Whole tooth volume (mm3)

Crown volume (mm3)

Root volume (mm3)

(5) (5) (4)



0.00 0.00 0.0

Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD Littermate 5XFAD

Figure 4.  Histologic characterization of masseter muscle in 5XFAD mice. (A) Masseter muscle weight (P = .0208, n = 5/group). (B) Hematoxylin and
eosin staining of whole maxillary and mandibular coronal section and (C) masseter muscle area (P = .0428, n = 5/group). (D) Representative image
of cross section of masseter muscle stained with laminin (green). (E) Analysis of masseter muscle fiber diameter (P = .0338, n = 5/group) and (F)
size distribution of masseter muscle fiber diameter. (G) Micro–computed tomography and 3-dimensional volumetric measurements of (H) crown
(P = .7056, n = 4 or 5/group), (I) tooth root (P = .4985, n = 4 or 5/group), and (J) whole first mandibular (P = .8302, n = 4 or 5/group) in 5XFAD mice and
littermate. All n values are presented in parentheses. Mean ± SEM. Student’s t test. *P < .05. **P < .01.

(Student’s t test, P =.6278, n = 3; Appendix Fig. 1C, D) Discussion

showed no difference in average muscle fiber size between
5XFAD and littermate mice. To investigate the changes in In this study, we found decreased masticatory efficiency and
masticatory system components other than the muscle, we maximum biting force in 5XFAD mice, without a significant
measured volumetric changes in various components of the change in general motor function. Excessive accumulation of
mandibular first molar (Fig. 4G). The crown (Student’s t test, Aβ, increased number of microglia, and regional cell death
P = .7056, n = 4 or 5/group), root (Student’s t test, P = .4985, were also observed in Vmo, which innervates jaw-closing and
=  4 or 5/group), and whole volume (Student’s t test, jaw-opening muscles (including the masseter muscle), in com-
P = .8302, n = 4 or 5/group) of the first molar were not parison with the other cranial motor nuclei. Furthermore, the
­different between the groups (Fig. 4H–J). weight and muscle fiber size of the masseter muscle, but not
Aβ Accumulation in Vmo 7

the posterior belly of the digastric muscle nor the hyoglossus process. Although we have focused our works on the masseter
muscle, were significantly decreased in 5XFAD mice as com- muscle based on Aβ accumulation in DL Vmo rather than VM
pared with littermates. These results suggest a correlation Vmo, it is likely that jaw-opening muscles are also affected by
between specific Aβ accumulation in Vmo and masticatory Aβ- or mastication-induced pathogenesis in AD. It was interest-
dysfunction in AD. ing to note that Aβ accumulation in other cranial motor nuclei,
In our study, we first examined the outcome of significant such as facial nucleus and hypoglossal nucleus which innervate
Aβ accumulation in Vmo to the masticatory function via sets the orofacial region, was relatively limited, and their target
of behavioral tests. Mastication efficiency was measured when muscles, posterior belly of the digastric muscle and hyoglossus
it naturally occurred. Although the chow intake did not differ muscle, also showed comparable fiber size between 5XFAD
between the groups, 5XFAD mice showed an increase in total and littermate mice (Appendix Fig. 1). Thus, masticatory func-
time spent chow feeding and in number of feeding behaviors tion seems to be more disturbed than any other motor functions
(Fig. 1B–D). These results indicate that 5XFAD mice may in the orofacial area in 5XFAD mice.
have decreased masticatory function, which is consistent with Although there is a lack of direct clinical evidence showing
clinical research showing a functional decline of mastication in the accumulation of Aβ in Vmo, the possibility of occasional
patients with AD, such as increased masticatory cycle time, Aβ accumulation in Vmo due to increased expression and
slow masticatory velocity, and decreased biting force (Karlsson extensive colocalization of amyloid precursor protein and
and Carlsson 1990). The decreased biting force also indicates calpain-I remains high (Siman et al. 1990). Although we found
the disrupted masticatory function in 5XFAD mice (Fig. 1D). masticatory dysfunctions in 5XFAD mice, we should be care-
However, aging might also contribute to the masticatory dys- ful in translating our results directly to clinical observation of
function in 5XFAD mice. It is well established that masseter masticatory efficiency in patients with AD. However, clinical
muscle fiber types change with aging (Grünheid et al. 2009) research indeed showed the functional decline of mastication
and that sarcopenia is observed in masseter muscles in the in patients with AD (Karlsson and Carlsson 1990). Further
elderly (Sakuma and Yamaguchi 2018). Further works on the clinical studies are thus required to show correlation between
detailed analysis of muscle fiber types may help to rule out pathogenesis of AD and masticatory dysfunction.
the aging factor. Interestingly, there was no difference in Given the degeneration of Vmo neurons, our final question
rotarod retention time between 5XFAD mice and littermates was whether Vmo degeneration is accompanied by any impair-
(Fig. 1E), which is consistent with a recent report showing no ments of the peripheral masticatory system. Our results showed
cell deaths observed in the motor neuron of the cervical spinal decreased masseter muscle weight and atrophy based on the
cord of 6-mo-old 5XFAD mice as compared with nontrans- histologic analysis (Fig. 4A–F). A recent study in DstGt homo-
genic littermates (Chu et al. 2017). These results suggest that zygous mice (model of sensory and autonomic neuropathy
the masticatory dysfunction seen in 5-mo-old 5XFAD mice type VI) showed cell death in Vmo motoneurons with masseter
occurs prior to cerebellar or spinal cord degeneration. muscle atrophy and weak activity of electromyography
Aβ, the pathologic hallmark of AD, is highly correlated (Hossain et al. 2018). This phenomenon could be interpreted
with the pathologic process of neural degeneration. The from a study showing muscle weakness caused by denervation
regional profile of Aβ accumulation in brain structures has of motoneuron and presynaptic dysfunction of the neuromus-
been studied with the purpose of interpreting functional altera- cular junction (Kong et al. 2009). In addition, Aβ is known to
tion and progression of the disease stage. For example, Aβ produce cytotoxic effects and attenuate excitatory synaptic
accumulation in cortical regions and the hippocampus has been transmission (Karlsson and Carlsson 1990; Terry et al. 1991).
implicated in cognitive deficiency and decreased function of Taken together, Aβ accumulation in Vmo neurons may lead to
spatial memory (Lewis et al. 2006). Furthermore, several stud- neuronal cell death that decreases the innervation of motoneu-
ies have shown that olfactory malfunction in AD is caused by rons to masseter muscle or disrupts presynaptic modulations
Aβ accumulation in the somatostatin-positive neuronal popu- that alter muscle morphology.
lation of the olfactory bulb (Mesholam et al. 1998; Yoo et al. In conclusion, specific accumulation of Aβ in Vmo is
2017). In agreement with the study that reported Aβ accumula- strongly associated with decreased masticatory efficiency in
tion in Vmo of 3xTGAD mice (Overk et al. 2009), our result 5XFAD mice. This may explain the masticatory dysfunction
demonstrated specific accumulation of Aβ and plaque forma- seen in patients with AD, suggesting a close relationship
tion in Vmo. When we compared DL Vmo (which innervates between mastication and AD.
jaw-closing muscles) and VM Vmo (which innervates jaw-
opening muscles; Travers 2015), Aβ plaque accumulation was Author Contributions
significantly higher in DL Vmo (Fig. 2). A degenerative event, H.B. Kim, contributed to conception, design, and data acquisition,
such as brain inflammation with microglial activation and drafted and critically revised the manuscript; D. Kim, contributed
caspase-3 expression, was also consistently present with Aβ to conception and design, drafted and critically revised the manu-
accumulation (Fig. 3). script; H. Kim, W. Kim, contributed to data acquisition and analy-
The process of mastication results from pattern generation in sis, drafted and critically revised the manuscript; S. Chung, S.H.
the brainstem, and jaw-closing and jaw-opening muscles par- Lee, contributed to data analysis and interpretation, drafted and
ticipate and cooperate with each other during the mastication critically revised the manuscript; H.R. Kim, contributed to
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