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10 2 13 14 16 16 ww 18 19 20 a 2 23 24 25 26 aT 28 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, —_ | Case No. 21F-02402-A. Plaintiff, ] ORDER vs. Date: April 15, 2021, ‘Time: 8:30 a.m. PAUL RUBEN FLORES, Dept.: To be Assigned. Defendant. GOOD CAUSE APPEARING THEREFOR, IT IS ORDERED that this order applies to the following persons: (1) partios to this action; (2) attorneys ‘connected to this case including prosecutors, defense counsel, and their investigators; (3) law enforcement officers including deputies of the San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Department; (4) court clerks and bailiffs; (6) witnesses; (= | public-otticiats; (7) judicial officors or employees; and (8) any agent, deputy or employee of the persons listed above. ITIS FURTHER ORDERED that: 1. No person listed above shall make or authorize for public dissemination extrajudicial statements concerning this case, and that no such persons [PROPOSED] ODER op 1 shall release or authorize the release of any documents, exhibits, or other evidence connected with this case. 2 Noperson listed above shall make any statement for public dissemination concerning the existence or possible existence of any document, exhibit, or other evidence connected with the case. 8. No person listed above shall express for public dissemination or make any comment outside the court concerning the weight or effect of any evidence as tending to establish guilt or innocence. 4. No person listed above shall make any statement for public dissemination concerning the identity of any prospective witness, or the witness’ probable testimony, or the effect thereof. 5. Noperson listed above shall make any statement for public dissemination concerning the nature, source or effect of any evidence obtained as a result of the investigation of this matter. 6. No person listed above shall make any statoment for public dissemination as to the nature, source, or effect of any evidence introduced or testimony given in any proceeding related to this case. 7, Ifa person listed above believes that it is necessary to issue a public statement in response to adverse publicity they may make application to the Court for permission to make such a statement. 8 That this order shall remain in effect until further order of the Court This order is not intended to preclude any witnesées from discussing any matter in connection with the case with any of the attorneys representing the defendant or the government, or any investigators or representatives of such attorneys. Dated: 4hs/ 1 [PROPOSED] ORDER

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