South African Renewable Energy Hybrid Power System Storage Needs, Challenges and Opportunities

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South African Renewable Energy Hybrid Power

System Storage Needs, Challenges
and Opportunities
G. Coppez, Non-member, S. Chowdhury, Member, IEEE and S.P. Chowdhury, Member, IEEE

This creates imbalances within the system and therefore the

Abstract- Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) are becoming an potential for load to be unmet with supply.
increasingly favoured source of clean power. However due to the There are a few ways of introducing stability into the
intermittent and unpredictable nature of renewable resources, system to ensure that there is always sufficient supply for the
energy storage needs to be used to ensure that the load is met by load demand. Hybrid RESs have a better chance of being able
the supply at all times. There are many possible options for to supply the load more consistently as they combine more
energy storage, of which the most popular and technologically
than one type of renewable technology which have different
mature option is batteries. Two main technical issues related to
integrating batteries with RES are firstly, sizing the batteries
times of low and high generation. This distributes the
optimally so as to minimise operating costs of the overall system consistency of supply more evenly, but in some cases will not
and secondly, developing a battery controller to schedule the be sufficient.
charging and discharging cycles of the battery in order to ensure Energy storage is introduced in order to maintain the energy
uninterrupted supply to the loads within specified voltage and balance within the RES with consistency. It enables energy to
frequency limits. The authors are conducting research on be stored when there is an excess of supply, such as during
developing a battery management and control system for a RES daylight hours when PV generation is high and load is low;
which would address the above mentioned issues as built-in and supplies excess energy to the loads to compensate for the
functionalities. The paper reviews different types of batteries,
deficit of supply, such as during night time hours when PV
possible problem areas, modelling and simulation methods
needed for battery performance analysis and design of battery
generation is low and load is high. Energy storage can fulfil
controllers. other functions such as load leveling and enhancing the power
factor and overall efficiency and quality of the power system
Index Terms—battery, energy storage, renewable energy, [1].
energy storage control Batteries form a large part of the capital investment of RESs
and therefore it is important to manage the system to ensure
that the maximum lifespan of the battery is achieved by
Renewable energy systems (RESs) using renewable and controlling its charging and discharging cycles. In addition the
low carbon power sources are being increasingly preferred for system must be sized correctly to ensure that the load is
power generation. As the world moves towards the end of its always met by the supply and to minimise the total cost of the
finite supply of fossil fuel resources, being able to use them system.
sparingly, as well as refining ways of generating electricity These types of systems will have large application
without them, becomes increasingly important. At the same possibility within the context of South Africa. As South Africa
time the adverse effects of burning fossil fuels on the is such a large country, there are many rural areas which are
environment have been acknowledged and the move towards not supplied with electricity by the grid. Hybrid RESs have the
cleaner methods of energy generation is imperative. There are potential to electrify these areas at smaller cost than that of
many advantages to renewable power generation especially extending the grid.
within remote areas where access to established grids is Modelling and simulation of batteries within a RES design
limited and large distances between the existing grid and the has a twofold purpose: firstly, to study their performance in a
area cause the cost of extending the grid to be impractical. stand-alone system as an energy storage device, and secondly
However, there are currently some difficulties associated with to enable the optimization of the size of batteries in order to
stand alone RESs which must be addressed. Firstly, renewable minimise the overall operating costs. Modelling batteries can
energy is by nature intermittent and unpredictable. Secondly, be a challenging task as there are many parameters to take into
the supply of energy, as well as the load needed, fluctuates. account, such as the State of Charge (SoC) of the battery,
various voltages, internal resistances, battery capacitance,
charge resistance, discharge resistance and other values which
do not remain constant.
G. Coppez is with the University of Cape Twon, South Africa (e-mail: The optimisation of the RES is usually done in terms of the
sizing of the components taking the Loss of Power Supply
S.Chowdhury is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of
Cape Town, South Africa (e-mail: Probability (LPSP) as the objective function and minimizing
S. P. Chowdhury is with the Electrical Engineering Department, the system in terms of cost. The same approach is also applied
University of Cape Town, South Africa (e-mail: for battery optimisation.

978-1-4577-1002-5/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

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This paper presents a comprehensive review of battery coil can charge and discharge very quickly giving a quick
modelling and optimisation techniques. The paper is organised response to the system needs [2].
as follows: Different forms of energy storage are reviewed in Chemical storage or battery is the most popular and
Section II. Section III further specifies the operation of frequently used method of energy storage. There are many
batteries and the types of batteries available for power system types of storage within this category with the two main types
applications, outlining their advantages and disadvantages. being flow batteries and normal cell batteries. Flow batteries
Various battery models for a lead acid battery are discussed in are used for large scale applications. The electrolytes are kept
Section IV as well as their implementation. Section V outlines separately in reservoir tanks and moved into the
methods of controlling the system using various battery electrochemical cell using pumps. When the electrolytes flow
controller techniques to ensure maximum lifespan of the through the electrochemical cell, the chemical energy is
battery and Section VI discusses various methods for converted to electrical energy [5]. Power delivered is
optimisation of hybrid renewable energy systems including dependent on the rate at which the electrolytes enter the
energy storage. electrochemical cell and are converted. These batteries are
deemed 75-85% efficient and have a long life span. As the
electrolytes are stored separately, very little self discharge
occurs. Flow batteries are quite costly storage solution as they
Energy storage is a vital part of DG systems. There are involve other elements, such as pumps to move the
currently many options in terms of storage. For large scale electrolytes between the reservoirs and the electrochemical
application, Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and cell [3].
Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) can be used. There are many types of cell batteries which are discussed
CAES uses excess power generated by the power station to in more detail in Section III.
compress air during off peak periods. During peak periods this Looking at the energy storage methods it can be seen that
air is then decompressed in a compression chamber before SMES has the highest efficiency. However, SMES is a
being fed to turbines, increasing energy production during relatively new technology and is very expensive due to the use
peak periods [2]. of superconductive wiring in the coil. Hydrogen storage and
PHS uses two water reservoir storage areas, one above the super-capacitors, as relatively new methods of storage, are not
other, to store energy. This is done by pumping water from the preferred for applications where adequate technical support is
lower reservoir to the upper reservoir during off-peak periods not readily available. The efficiency of hydrogen storage also
and then, during peak load hours, allowing the water to flow does not qualify the cost of the system. For a small power
from the upper reservoir to the lower reservoir, turning a application, the use of CAES as well as PHS is not justified as
generator and converting the energy back into electricity [3]. there are large initial costs involved with the systems,
This ensures availability of water over a whole year for arid particularly in the case of PHS. While CAES is a relatively
and semi-arid countries without large river systems. cheap form of energy storage, system location is limited by the
Hydrogen fuel cell storage is effective for long and short need for underground compressed-air storage caverns.
term storage and consists of three main stages, an Flywheels are efficient and low cost systems, their self
electrolysing stage, a hydrogen storage stage and the fuel cell discharge rate is high and the energy density that they can
stage. In the electrolysing stage, off-peak energy is used to supply is low. This makes them unsuitable for these types of
electrolyse water to create hydrogen ions. This hydrogen is applications. Chemical storage in the form of cell batteries is
then stored in the hydrogen storage stage until the peak load the ideal solution for hybrid RESs as there are no auxiliary
requires more energy. At this point the fuel cell starts systems which need to be run in conjunction with batteries. In
combining the hydrogen with oxygen resulting in a chemical addition, batteries are a very mature form of storage and can
reaction forming water. The energy from this reaction is yield high energy density and high power density at low cost.
harnessed and converted to electrical energy [4]. In the context of hybrid RES in South Africa, reliability,
For high power efficiency application, flywheels, super- efficiency, technical maturity and cost are highlighted as the
capacitors and superconducting magnetic energy storage crucial MCDM factors to be considered. It is seen that
(SMES) can be used. chemical storage offers the best trade off for these criteria, in
Flywheels use off-peak energy to rotate a rotor attached to a being a reliable and technically mature type of energy storage
wheel within a vacuum. Energy is then conserved in kinetic as well as having an efficiency of between 75% and 85%.
form until it is needed. When electrical energy is in high While costs fluctuate between types of batteries, they are on
demand, the kinetic energy is then used to generate power [1]. the whole a cheaper method of energy storage.
Super-capacitors are conventional capacitors with increased The following section focuses on different types of cell
surface area and a double layer of charge which enables a batteries available.
higher energy density than conventional capacitors to be
stored. Super capacitors have a high power density, but
relatively low storage ability when compared with other forms
of energy storage such as batteries [1]. Cell batteries are currently the most used form of energy
SMES uses off peak energy to pass DC current through a storage in renewable energy systems. Cell batteries come in
coil made of superconductive wire. This then creates a various forms and various types. When comparing batteries
magnetic field around the coil in which energy is stored. The amongst each other, important comparison criteria are:
possible depth of discharge of the battery, cost, number of

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charge/discharge cycles the battery can tolerate, efficiency, above, this paper focuses on lead acid batteries, which have
self-discharge, maturity of the technology and energy density. been proven in their use in isolated power systems and which
Within the cell battery group, lead acid batteries are the remain the cheapest option in terms of cell batteries. The need
cheapest and most popular battery. They can tolerate a depth for maintenance and their short lifespan is still an area where
of discharge of 75% and are 72-78% efficient and are improvements need to be made; however when compared with
currently the most matured battery technology [5]. other battery types, specifically for an isolated hybrid
Lithium ion batteries are mostly used within portable renewable energy system, minimization of costs is very
electrical equipments, such as on laptops. This is because they important, lead acid batteries are still considered the best
have a very high efficiency of almost 100%. [5]. However, option and are discussed in more detail.
lithium ion batteries are very expensive and therefore are not
currently considered for larger applications.
Sodium sulphur batteries are efficient batteries which work
well with the pattern of daily charge and discharge. Sodium Lead acid batteries are currently the most used types of
sulphur batteries have a lifespan of 2500 cycles for a depth of batteries in power applications. They are used for varying
discharge of 100% and have an efficiency of 89% but must be energy density requirements, but are most effective for lower
kept at a temperature of 300°C. While these batteries power densities. While they have a good energy density, their
themselves are not expensive, maintaining the battery at power density is limited and therefore the amount of energy
300°C requires energy which decreases the overall efficiency that can be supplied to the system and the time taken to charge
of the storage system and increases the cost [5]. the battery is significant. However, lead acid batteries are still
Nickel cadmium batteries have efficiency between 72 and the best option when it comes to taking both performance and
78%. They can store up to 27MW of power which makes them cost into account [2]. Lead acid batteries have a relatively
very useful. They have high self-discharge rate losing between short lifespan and therefore need to be replaced periodically.
5 and 20% of charge held per month [5]. However, they are This is therefore the limiting factor in isolated power
also expensive and toxic [1]. generation.
Zinc bromine batteries have an efficiency of 75% and Due to the inherent unpredictable nature of renewable
negligible self-discharge. They have high power and energy energy sources and the significant dependence of the power
density [5]. The technology related to Zn-Br batteries is still generated on climatic conditions, it is very important to
relatively new and therefore not as technologically mature as simulate all components of the system together before
others. In addition, these batteries are toxic [1]. implementation to ensure that the power supply needed for the
load is met at all times. The battery forms a crucial part of this
Table 2. Key Battery Attributes Comparison modelling as the battery increases the output predictability of
Attributes Lead Acid Li Ion NaS Ni-Cd Zn-Br the system by making up for energy deficit in times when
Depth of 75% 80% 100% 100% 100% insufficient renewable energy has been generated and by
Discharge storing the excess energy in times when plentiful renewable
Cost Low Very High High and High High energy has been generated. Therefore the extent to which the
heating battery can store and supply energy is very important within
systems a standalone system and must be simulated under all
needed conditions to ensure that the system will be able to meet the
Lifespan 1000 3000 2500 3000 2000 load.
Efficiency 72-78% 100% 89% 72-78% 75% V. LEAD-ACID BATTERY MODELS
Self- Average Negligible Negligible High Negligible
discharge Modelling of lead acid batteries can be done in a number
Maturity of Mature Immature Mature Mature Immature of ways depending on how accurate the model needs to be as
Technology well as which parameters are needed to be taken into
account. Some methods of battery modelling need
Table 2 compares the key features of the batteries discussed experimentation to ascertain the characteristics and plot
in this paper. Within these types, lead acid and nickel response curves for the battery by measuring voltages and
cadmium are the most technologically advanced [5]. The ease currents during the charge and discharge processes. These are
of use of the lead acid batteries and their low cost make them effective in gaining technical knowledge on the battery, but
the most preferred type of energy storage. Lithium ion not very helpful in actual simulation for optimisation and
batteries, whilst having great efficiency and lifespan at high system behaviour analysis purposes [6]. Another way of
depths of discharge, are currently too expensive to be used in modelling the battery is by using an electrical equivalent
large applications. Sodium sulphur batteries are also expensive circuit to represent the various parameters and characteristics
and there is additional need to maintain it at 300°C for optimal of the battery and ascertain their values or equations to
use. While Nickel cadmium batteries have a good lifespan represent their values at different points in the process.
with 100% depth of discharge, they have a very high self- Various battery models are discussed in this section.
discharge rate, making them less ideal for long term energy
storage. Zinc bromine batteries are relatively immature in their C.1. Simple Battery Model
technology and use, so still have to be proved in application. The simple battery model, as shown in Figure 1, represents
For the purposes of this paper and for the reasons stated the battery by an open circuit ideal voltage source and a fixed

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resistance. This model does not take the battery internal resistance and therefore provides high modelling accuracy. As
resistance or SoC into account, both of which are both very all these components change with the SoC of the battery, it is
crucial to accurate dynamic modelling of the system. This complicated to derive equations for each parameter and tests
model can be upgraded by introducing a variable resistance must be carried out on the battery to validate the model [7, 8].
instead of the fixed resistance. This variable resistance is then This model can be used for modelling systems dynamically, to
dependent on the SoC of the system [7]. This model can then assess at each point what the battery voltage is and what
be used for applications where the SoC is irrelevant to current can be fed into the system. This allows the system to
calculations, such as for sizing a system where the system has be optimised in terms of its sizing to ensure that the load will
a fairly constant charge. always be met by the energy supply with the battery as the
energy supply backup for the generation system.

Voc Eo Vb

Fig.1. Simple Circuit Model

C.2. Thevenin Battery Model

The Thevenin Battery Model, as shown in Figure 2, uses an Fig.3. Non-linear Battery Model
ideal voltage source, the internal battery resistance in series
with the ideal voltage source and two parallel branches An improvement on this model is suggested by Jantharamin
connected in series to the rest of the circuit to determine the [8] where the battery EMF is modelled as a voltage
battery voltage. The first parallel branch contains a resistor source, Eo, dependant on the SoC of the battery. The self-
which represents the battery over-voltage resistance and the discharge is still represented by the shunt resistor, Rp, shown
second parallel branch contains a capacitor which represents across the voltage source in Figure 4. Three parallel branches
the capacitance between the electrolyte and the electrodes. are connected to the circuit, with the first branch containing
None of these parameters are dynamic parameters and the capacitor, Co, representing the static charge between the
therefore this model is also limited in its dynamic accuracy as electrolyte and the electrodes. The second and third branches
it does not take the SoC of the battery into account [7, 8]. This contain resistors and diodes, Rd, representing the entire
model can be used effectively for applications which do not resistance of the battery as it is discharging, and Rc
need to consider the dynamic SoC. representing the entire resistance of the battery as it is
charging. The diodes control the direction of the flow of
current. All of these parameters can be determined by fitting
the curves with the curves supplied by the battery
manufacturers. A charging test will only need to be done to
determine the charging resistance. This does suggest an easier
but accurate way to model the battery circuit.

Fig.2. Thevenin Battery Model Circuit

C.3. Non - Linear Dynamic Battery Model

To improve accuracy on the Thevenin Battery Model
established above, the non-linear dynamic battery model is
introduced as shown in Figure 3. This model uses a capacitor,
Cb, to represent the charge of the battery and a shunt resistor,
Rp, to represent its self-discharge. Two parallel branches are
connected to the circuit, each containing a resistor, Rid and Fig. 4. Improved Non-linear Battery Model
Ric respectively, and a diode, each diode facing the opposite
direction. This is to enable different resistances to be used to Within the context of rural South African hybrid RES,
model the charging and discharging behaviour of the internal modelling of the battery is very important. In the design of this
resistance of the battery. Following this, 3 parallel branches system and the modelling and simulation of each component
are connected to the circuit. Similar to the Thevenin battery of the system, the battery will be very important as it will be
model, the first branch contains a capacitor, Co, which supplying energy when PV and wind power cannot generate,
represents the static charge between the electrolyte and the i.e. during periods of low solar irradiance and low wind. It is
electrodes. The second and third parallel branches contain therefore very important that the modelling of the battery is
resistors, Rdo and Rco respectively, and a diode, each facing done in a very thorough way to ensure the reliability of the
opposite directions. These resistors, Rco and Rdo represent the system. Bearing this in mind, a model showing the accurate
over-potential resistance and the under-voltage resistance dynamic life of the battery must be chosen to ensure that
respectively during charging and discharging. This model adequate power can be contained within the system at all
represents the SoC of the battery as well as the internal times. It is therefore crucial that the model used incorporates

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the State of Charge (SoC) of the battery as well as the internal solar energy generation then tracks the load power using
resistance. The SoC of the battery shows the state of the sliding mode control. In both mode 1 and 2, the battery is
battery at any point of its lifetime and allows more accurate recharged and therefore adds to the load on the system. In
control of the system, thereby increasing the reliability of the mode 3, further energy is required and the battery is utilised
system. The simple battery model and the Thevenin battery along with the wind and PV power generated to supply the
model would therefore be improper choices of types of models load.
to be used in simulating the system as neither of them are
dynamic models. The non-linear battery model and improved D.2. Directional Convertor control
non-linear battery models would therefore both be better Hasan et al [11] use a high efficiency bidirectional
choices for dynamic modelling of the system, with the convertor system with high gain buck-boost operations and a
improved non-linear battery model being the most appropriate battery charger controller. The battery charger controller
choice for battery model as it involves the least amount of monitors the DC bus power and the SoC of the battery and
experimental data and therefore has the least margin for error depending on the monitored values puts the battery in charge,
within experimentation. discharge or halt mode as shown if figure 5.
To complete the battery modelling within the entirety of the
system, a battery controlling method needs to be chosen to
control the charging and discharging cycles of the battery.


Batteries form a large part of the capital investment of
hybrid RESs, and therefore it is important to preserve and
extend the battery life where possible [9]. This means ensuring
that the battery always remains within the maximum and
minimum boundaries of State of Charge (SoC) set out by the
manufacturers; that the battery is not allowed to stay at a low
SoC for long periods of time and that high frequency of partial
charging and discharging is avoided. There are different
techniques of controlling this and some of these will be
discussed in this section.
Fig. 5. Bidirectional Convertor Control Algorithm [8]
D.1. High level supervisory control
Torres-Hernández et al [10] use high level control using a Qiang et al [12] use a four directional converter system
supervisory controller in a wind and PV hybrid generation within a hybrid wind-PV system with battery storage. The four
system. The supervisory control consists of 5 modes. In directional DC-DC convertor is a four winding transformer
Modes 1 and 2, the PV and wind systems generate enough which has two input stages, connected respectively to the wind
energy to supply the load as well as charge the battery. In generation system and the PV generation system and two
Mode 3, PV and wind supply at their maximum capability and output stages, connected to the load and battery storage
the battery supplies stored energy to meet the load. In Modes 4 respectively. This system also functions using modes in which
and 5, the load is greater than what the PV, wind and battery the 4 directional convertor becomes a 2, 3 or 4 port convertor
can supply and the supervisory control connects to the grid to dependant on which inputs and outputs are in use.
enable the necessary load to be met. In Modes 1, 2, and 3
sliding mode control is used to ensure that the supply meets D.3. Battery Management Control System
the load. This is done by monitoring the power needed by the Kaiser et al [13] have developed a system using parallel
load and the power of the power generating mechanism and strings of batteries which are each switchable in or out of the
controlling the DC output using a DC-DC convertor to match circuit. Each string is monitored in terms of its SoC and State
them. This control is very effective as constraints can be added of Health (SoH). A DC-DC converter is connected to the DC
into the system as needed and each mode can be controlled bus and each string via a switch to be used for intensive full
separately; for example, in Mode 3, the battery is only used charging. Each string is then monitored separately and only
until it reaches the minimum allowed SoC. At this point, the used within approved range of SoC. If the SoC reaches the
system transitions to another mode. minimum value, the battery string is detached from the load
Another use of sliding mode control and high level using a switch. In addition, the controller takes account of the
supervisory control is presented by Valenciaga et al [9] in a age and stability of each battery string and does an intensive
PV-wind hybrid system with battery storage. This system full charge of each battery string every 14 days using the DC-
operates using 3 modes. Wind is chosen as the primary energy DC converter for higher and more constant charging currents.
generation mechanism and therefore mode 1 is used when The SoH and ageing characteristic of each battery string is
solely the wind power generated is sufficient to power the determined by a capacity test which is done every 6 months.
system. This power is regulated using sliding mode control as Another battery control method is presented by Vanden
described above. In mode 2, increased energy is required by Eynde et al [14]. This control method is used in conjunction
the load, so the wind power is generated at its maximum and with a PV plant and battery storage. The system determines

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the power needed by the load and the power currently being Cost of the system can be measured in different ways, but
generated by the PV plant and calculates which is larger and most commonly is measured by the total annualised cost of the
thereby either connects the battery to the load, discharging it system or the total cost of the system.
and supplying the load, or the excess power is sent to the Annualised cost is made up of annual capital cost, annual
battery to charge it. maintenance and operation cost and annual replacement cost
[17]. The total cost of the system is generally calculated over
20 years and therefore includes the capital cost of the system,
the maintenance cost of the system over 20 years and the
installation costs [18, 19].
Some techniques used for optimising renewable energy
system in terms of LPSP and cost are as follows: Graphical
Construction, Probabilistic Methods, Adaptive Neural
Network and Genetic Algorithm Approaches [15]. These are
outlined below.

E.1. Graphical Construction

Graphical construction is used to optimise in terms of two
criteria. This is an accurate way of optimising the system;
Fig. 6. Battery Control Method [21] however, it restricts which parameters can be used [15].
Graphical construction techniques require time series
Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages chronological data for the systems involved. This enables the
and the nature of the system in which it is to be implemented graph to be plotted using this information. For example in a
is a very crucial part of the decision process. A Battery Hybrid renewable power generation system, where wind
Management Control system or high level supervisory control power generation, solar generation and battery storage are
system would be very useful within a complex system, but used, one could only choose two parameters, such as the size
would possibly become overcomplicated and uneconomical of the battery storage and the size of the solar panels to be
for a simpler system. Directional Convertor control could be optimised in terms of one parameter, for this instance,
implemented very well in a smaller system. The amount of probability of Loss of Load. This method would therefore not
control and flexibility of the system to adjustment may also be take into account other factors, such as how many wind
a criterion when choosing which battery controller to use. turbines are included, the angles of the wind turbine blades,
For use in the rural South African RES context it is the height of the blades above ground, etc.
important that the battery controller be intelligent so as to This is therefore useful for simple systems with few
maximise the uptime of the system before maintenance is parameters, however if a more complex system is to be
required. Bearing this in mind, the battery management system optimised, other techniques will prove more useful.
presented by Kaiser et al [13] is a good method for this system
as it not only takes into account the SoC of the battery, but E.2. Probabilistic and Deterministic Techniques
also takes into account the SoH of the battery ensuring that the Probabilistic techniques can be used in situations where
maximum life cycle of the battery will be achieved. actual hour by hour long-term data is not available and more
To ensure that the load is always met by the supply the general data needs to be used. This method then takes the data
system needs to be sized correctly. Sizing a hybrid renewable that is available and predicts future values, taking into account
energy system is done using optimisation methods to select the (in the case of a hybrid renewable energy system) the
size of the components of the system in a way that meets the fluctuation of supply and load. The second method is less
important criteria of the system. Methods of optimisation are computationally intense and requires minimal time series data
now discussed. [15]. Roy et al. [20] uses an initially probabilistic approach to
optimise a wind-battery hybrid system by creating a
V. OPTIMISATION TECHNIQUES Probability Density Function (PDF) of the wind speed at the
site. This is done by gathering information from the site and
While designing a hybrid RES, the reliability of supply of creating an empirical model of the wind turbine. Belfkira et al.
the system must be kept in mind to ensure that the load will be [18] use statistical models of wind speed and irradiation values
met by the supply at all times. There are many different as inputs to optimise a wind, PV and battery system.
variations of hybrid power systems which will ensure that the Both of these approaches then use a deterministic algorithm
system is reliable. However, economically the system must be to optimise the system. This is done by initially creating a
optimised to ensure the lowest cost possible whilst ‘design space’ of feasible solutions which adhere to the
maintaining the system integrity. A common parameter used maximum LPSP. This design space is then optimised by
to measure the system integrity and reliability is Loss of minimizing an objective function in the space. The objective
Power Supply Probability (LPSP). This is the probability that function in each case is a variation of the cost of the system.
load will encounter an insufficient load supply [15]. LPSP Belfkira et al. [18] use a DIRECT (DIviding RECTangles)
must be monitored as the key parameter to ensure that in algorithm approach to minimising where a vector of the input
optimising the system, the likelihood of the system supply not parameters such as number of wind turbines, size of PV
being able to meet the load at all times is kept very low [16]. panels, size of battery storage are input to minimise within the

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feasible area restricted by the power input and requirements. resulting chromosome to ensure that they still comply to the
Further constraints can be added to this optimization process, restrictions in terms of LPSP. If they do not, chromosome
such as to only use the battery within the recommended State repair occurs by replacing the chromosome with its parent.
of Charge (SoC) and to use the battery as little as possible.
This appears to be an effective method of optimizing the
system and is non-restrictive in terms of the constraints that
can be used to optimise the system.

E.3. Genetic Algorithm (GA)

Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique uses the biological
principles of genetics, namely, crossover, recombination and
mutation in the optimisation procedure. This occurs as the
system solves values of entered parameters for certain
conditions. Different solutions of the values of the set of
parameters are grouped together to form a ‘chromosome’ and
then these chromosomes are crossed over and recombined
until the optimal solution is found. These different sets of
optimal solutions are then recombined to create more optimal
solutions. The selection of the chromosomes for cross-over
and advancing to the next generation is generally controlled by
a fitness factor. These fitness factors are assigned to the
chromosomes based on the accuracy of the solution for the
GA is very useful for solving non-linear problems, in this
Fig. 7 GA Optimisation Flowchart [7]
case for situations where renewable energy system’s supply
fluctuates and the load fluctuates randomly [15].
In the case where the chromosome resulted from cross over,
A sample set of parameters that can be considered for
the chromosome is replaced by the parent with the highest
optimizing a wind-PV-battery hybrid system is as follows:
fitness factor [1].
Number of wind turbines, angle of turbine blades, height
Genetic algorithms are seen to have a lot of success in these
above ground of the blades, number of solar panels with a
optimisation problems and their use is increasing in related
specified size, size of battery storage. The conditions that must
be met are that the system LSLP must be minimised, that the
battery SOC must never go below 40% [15] and the cost must
E.4. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
be minimised. Only those ‘chromosomes’ which then meet
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are methods of
these conditions will be considered for the next generation of
optimisation based on the biological principle of the nervous
solutions [21].
system. The network is made up of neurons which have an
Sharhirinia et al. [17] use a GA technique to optimise a PV,
input and output and a black box between them. A weighting
battery and wind hybrid renewable energy system. A roulette
function related to the suitability of the neuron to the solution
wheel selection method is used, where the size of the roulette
of the problem is attached to each neuron and at each level the
wheel slot is proportional to the chromosome fitness factor.
neuron outputs are summed with respect to their outputs and
This enables the chromosomes most suited to the scenario to
weighting functions to produce an output for the level. This is
have a higher chance of advancing to the next generation and
a parallel processing approach. Different layers of the neurons
cross-over. Different irradiation values and average wind
can be placed in series if needed for higher accuracy.
speeds were used to simulate different scenarios.
ANNs are adaptive by nature and therefore need to be
Ould Bilal et al. [22] shows a case study of an optimisation
trained. Different topologies are used for different instances.
of a wind, PV and battery renewable energy system in
As the main calculation occurs by the learning of the neural
Senegal. An optimisation using Genetic Algorithms to
network, neural networks are appropriate for instances where
minimise the total cost of the system whilst maintaining a low
there is limited data available available. The available data can
LPSP is used with parameters of number of PV modules,
be used to train the neural network and then the neural
power output of wind turbines, battery capacity and number of
network will use what it has learnt to calculate further values.
inverters and regulators.
Training occurs by initially giving the neuron different inputs
Another example of optimizing a PV-wind-battery system
and corresponding output data so that it can calculate the
is reported by Koutroulis et al. [19]. A flow chart of the
process in between [15].
optimization process is shown in Fig.7 [19].
GA and neural networks can be used in conjunction with
A roulette method of selection based on the chromosome
each other to decrease the calculation time of optimisation.
fitness factor is used in this optimisation. The flow chart
This is done by training the neural network to test that the
shown in Fig.7 is repeated until a predefined number of
outputs meet the initial conditions and then using the GA to
generations have been completed and the system is then
create new solutions to feed to the neural network. This
considered optimised. The constraints evaluation and
substantially decreases the time taken to calculate the optimal
chromosome repair after each step consists of testing each

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G. Coppez received her BSc in Engineering in 2006 from the University of
Cape Town, South Africa. She worked as an Automation and Instrumentation
Engineer for a South African marine engineering company, Marine and
Mineral Projects, from 2007 to 2009. She is currently registered as a MSc
(Engineering) Student in the Electrical Engineering Department of the
University of Cape Town. Email:

S.Chowdhury received her BEE and PhD in 1991 and 1998 respectively. She
was connected to M/S M.N. Dastur & Co. Ltd as Electrical Engineer from
1991 to 1996. She served Women’s Polytechnic, Kolkata, India as Senior
Lecturer from 1998 to 2007. She is currently Senior Lecturer in Electrical
Engineering Department of The University of Cape Town, South Africa. She
became Member of IEEE in 2003. She visited Brunel University, UK and The
University of Manchester, UK several times on collaborative research
programme. She has published two books and over 55 papers mainly in power
systems. She is a Member of the IET (UK) and IE(I) and Member of
IEEE(USA). She is acting as YM Coordinator in Indian Network of the
IET(UK). Email:

S.P.Chowdhury received his BEE, MEE and PhD in 1987, 1989 and 1992
respectively. In 1993, he joined E.E.Deptt. of Jadavpur University, Kolkata,
India as Lecturer and served till 2008 in the capacity of Professor. He is
currently Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering Department in the
University of Cape Town, South Africa. He became IEEE Member in 2003.
He visited Brunel University, UK and The University of Manchester, UK
several times on collaborative research programme. He has published two
books and over 110 papers mainly in power systems and renewable energy.
He is a fellow of the IET (UK) with C.Eng. IE (I) and the IETE (I) and
Member of IEEE (USA). He is a member of technical Professional Service
Board of the IET (UK).Email:

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