Properties of The Feedback Loop: Technical University of Gdańsk Department of Medical and Ecological Electronics

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Technical University of Gdańsk

Department of Medical and Ecological Electronics

Laboratory of Basic Electronics

Exercise 5
Properties of the feedback loop

prepared by:
Jarosław Stelter

Gdańsk 1999
1. Properties of the feedback loop exercise programme:
1.1. Analysis of negative feedback influence on amplification, bandwidth, gain field
and sensitivity of circuits element change;
1.2. Analysis of static characteristics of a circuit with positive feedback loop for
different values of feedback difference. Recognition of the comparator principles
of operation;
1.3. Analysis of simple RC generator properties. Practical verification of the generation

2. Equipment specification in laboratory set:

2.1. Laboratory circuit;
2.2. Oscilloscope OS - 351;
2.3. Digital voltmeter V541 (for AC measurements up to 20kHz);
2.4. Digital voltmeter 245P;
2.5. Universal counter PFL - 28A;
2.6. RC generator PW-9;
2.7. Quad power supply KB - 6118;
2.8. Decade resistors MDR - 93 - 6a;
2.9. Decade capacitor DK5;

3. Measurement tasks of the exercise:

Notice: Check the power supply output voltage before connecting laboratory circuit!

3.1. Analysis of the negative feedback loop properties

Using operational amplifier ULY7741 - U1, two decade resistors, generator, oscilloscope
and voltmeter set a measurement circuit as on Fig. 3.1.a (Figure 3.1.b shows the connection




Fig.3.1 .a
a) Set generator to 500Hz. Connect voltmeter to the generator output and set RMS voltage of the
generator output signal equal 50mV. Return to measurement circuit and for the R2=100kΩ,
changing value of R1 decade resistor (following Table 1 settings) measure the output voltage.
Write down the results in Table 1.

Fig. 3.1.b Connection scheme of operational amplifier with negative feedback loop.

b) For R2=100kΩ and selected three values of R1 (use fixed resistors) measure amplitudes of the
output signal in the span of 50Hz - 160kHz. Set the input signal frequencies and RMS voltage
following Table 2 settings. Write down the results in Table 2.

3.2. Circuit with positive feedback loop - comparator with histeresis

Using operational amplifier U1, decade resistor, resistor R2=100kΩ, R3=100kΩ, , DC

adjusted voltage supply (potentiometer 1), oscilloscope and voltmeter set measurement circuit as
on Fig.3.2.a (connection scheme on 3.2.b).

R3 +



Fig. 3.2.a

a) Following R1 settings given in Table 3 find the Uimin and Uimax voltages (for Uimin and Uimax
definition look on figure 5.6). Write down the results in Table 3.

3.3. Analysis of simple RC generators with feedback loop

Using operational amplifier U1, resistor R1 and capacitor C1 connected together on

montage plug, decade resistor and decade capacitor, oscilloscope, counter and voltmeter set a
measurement circuit as on Fig.3.3.a (connection scheme on Figure 3.3.b).


mR nC

Fig. 3.2.b. Comparator with histeresis.

a) Switch counter range to 1s, and connect signal to input B. Switch attenuator set to position
1/10. For the R1=100kΩ, mR=100kΩ, C1=12nF, nC=1.2nF observe the output signal of the
circuit. Write down the frequency (Tab.4), and draw out the observed shape.
b) Modify measurement circuit to that shown on Fig.3.4.a (connection scheme on Figure 3.4.b).
For mR=100kΩ and nC=1.2nF find the Rn value (Rn≈300Ω), for which output signal is
sinusoidal and stable. Observe the output signal of the circuit for selected mR and nC values.
Write down RMS voltage and frequency of oscillations in Table 5.

B Rn


mR R1 C1 V541


4. Measurement data evaluation

For measurement data evaluation check protocol.

In B

Fig. 3.3.b. RC generator

In B

Fig.3.4.b. RC generator with positive and negative feedback.

5. Description
5.1 Feedback general principles

In control systems, feedback consists in comparing the output of the system with the
desired output and making a correction accordingly. In amplifier circuits the output should be a
multiple of the input, so in feedback amplifier the input is compared with an attenuated version of
the output.
The block diagram of the ideal circuit with feedback loop looks on Fig. 5.1 and should
satisfy the following conditions:
• The circuit can be divided into two parts - first active (amplifier) and second passive (circuit in
feedback loop);
• Both parts are unilateral - the active four-terminal-network carrying a signal only from input to
output and second only from output to input of complete circuit;
• The circuit are not loading each other - it means that properties of each part separately are the
same as in the complete circuit with feedback loop.

Xi Xi+Xf Xo

Fig. 5.1 Block diagram of the ideal circuit with feedback loop.

On the basis of Fig.5.1 we can write the following two relationships:

X f = βX 0 (1)

X 0 = A0 X i + X f ) (2)

A0 - transfer function of the active four-terminal-network;
β - transfer function of the passive four-terminal-network.

From (1) and (2) we can obtain the transfer function of the circuit with feedback loop:

X0 A0
Af = = (3)
X i 1 − βA0

The value βA0 is called loop transfer function. The same transfer function with negative sign is
called feedback relation T:

T = − βA0 (4)
and value F:

F = 1 − βA0 = 1 + T (5)
is called feedback difference.
From (5) we can redraw a relationship describing the transfer function of the circuit with
feedback loop:

A0 A
Af = = 0 (6)
1+ T F

The feedback loop is negative if

F = > 1, (7)
and the feedback loop is positive if F < 1.

Because the feedback difference is frequency dependable it is possible that for the same
circuit a feedback loop could be positive for one frequency range and negative for the other.
In practical applications the active four-terminal-network may be realised in different
ways. Closest to the ideal circuit is a circuit with an operational amplifier as active
four-terminal-network. Therefore in this exercise only that case will be considered.

5.2 Properties of the negative feedback loop

Negative feedback is the process of coupling the output back in such a way as to cancel
some of the input. It lowers the amplifier’s gain, but in exchange it also improves other
characteristics, most notably freedom from distortion and nonlinearity, flatness of frequency
response and predictability. In fact, as more negative feedback is used, the resultant amplifier
characteristics become less dependent on the characteristics of the open - loop (no - feedback)
amplifier and finally depend only on the properties of the feedback network itself.
The main properties of the negative feedback loop are the following:
• negative feedback loop is decreasing the absolute value of amplification |F| times;
• negative feedback loop is decreasing the sensitivity of circuit elements change |F| times;
in circuits with one pole transfer function a negative feedback loop is increasing amplification
bandwidth |F| times:

( B3dB ) f = F • B3dB (8)

• negative feedback loop is not changing the amplification field of circuits with one pole
transfer function, therefore the expression

Af•fgf = A0•fg
is valid. (Symbols defined in Figure 5.2)



fg fgf Frequency- (log)

Fig. 5.2 Amplification fields for open and closed feedback loop

There are two simple rules for working out operational amplifier behaviour of external
• the op-amp voltage gain is so high that a fraction of millivolt between the inputs terminals will
swing the output over its full range - that small voltage could be ignored and we can say that
the output attempts to do whatever is necessary to make the voltage difference between the
inputs zero;
• the op-amps draw very little input current (from few nanoamps to picoamps for low input
current types), so we can say that inputs draw no currents.

There are two basic examples of circuits with negative feedback loop. The first one is
shown on Fig.5.3 and is called inverting amplifier
From (3) and basing on mentioned rules we obtain relationship:

Uo Ao R2
Af = = = − (9)
U i 1 − A R1 Ao →∞ R1

R1 +

Fig. 5.3 Inverting amplifier

The second circuit is shown on Fig.5.4 and is called noninverting amplifier. For that case
the Af is:

Uo Ao R
Af = = = 1+ 2 (10)
Ui 1 + A R1 Ao →∞ R1
R1 + R2

R3 -



Fig.5.4 Noninverting amplifier

5.3 The positive feedback loop

The negative feedback is stabilising circuit parameters. In the case of positive feedback it
is quite opposite. Strong positive feedback can destabilise our circuit bringing it to the excitation.
Usually we do not like such effects, but there are some applications, where such unstability is

5.3.1 Comparator with histeresis - is a DC amplifier with strong positive feedback loop. The
transfer function of this circuit could for some input values give more than one output value. If
we consider circuit:




Fig. 5.5 Comparator with histeresis circuit example

the following relations could be stated:

− A0 R1
Af = where: β = , (11)
1 − βA0 R1 + R2

If βA0 = 0 , then from (11) we obtain Af = − A0 . In that case the function U0=f(Ui) looks like I on
Fig.5.6 and satisfies the relationship:

U o max
U i max = (12)
for range Ui1>Ui>Ui2.

In the case of βA0 < 1 the U0=f(Ui) has still the same form and looks like II. When βA0 > 1 the
appropriate characteristic III is different and for one Ui value from range Uimax-Uimin has three
possible U0 values.



Uimin Ui1 Uimax Ui


Fig.5.6 Static characteristics of circuit from Fig.5.5

Ui(s)=0 Xi+f Uo(s)


Fig.5.7 Block diagram of generator with feedback
5.3.2 Positive feedback loop in generators - generation boundary conditions

A generator with feedback loop is a circuit which after initiation can keep oscillations
without any input signal.

For block diagram as on Fig.5.7 we can redraw relationship (3) for amplification for close loop:

U 0 ( s) A0 A
A f ( s) = = = 0 (13)
U i (s) 1 − A0 β (s) F (s)

From (13) and condition U i (s) = 0 , (when U 0 (s) ≠ 0 and s = jω 0 ) we obtain the generation
boundary condition:
F (ω 0 ) = 0 , or AL (ω 0 ) = A0 β (ω 0 ) = 1 (14)

ω 0 - oscillation frequency;
AL (ω 0 ) - loop amplification for oscillation frequency
Practically to keep oscillations in real circuits the loop amplifications should be greater
than 1.
The simplest generator with RC feedback loop is shown on Fig.5.8.


+ positive feedback loop

Fig.5.8 Simple RC generator with
mR nC
Basing on generation boundary condition we can obtain a minimal loop amplification value:

Amin = 1 + +n (15)

and oscillation frequency:

ω0 = (16)
RC mn

In practical applications a negative feedback loop with non-linear element is added to the
presented circuit to obtain stable oscillation amplitude and frequency.

6. References

1. „Liniowe elektroniczne układy analogowe”, A.Guziński,WNT Warszawa 1992

2. „Nieliniowe elektroniczne układy analogowe”, M.Niedźwiecki, M.Rasiukiewicz, WNT 1991


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