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24, Okota Road, Gideon Bus stop, Isolo

Instruction: Answer any FOUR questions
take g as 10m/s2 where necessary
1a. Define the terms resultant and equilibrant of forces.
b. Explain the difference between the two terms
c. A mass of 4kg is supported by two cords which make angles of 40 0 and 600 with the
vertical. Calculate the tension in the two cords
2a. What do you understand by the terms moment of a force, couple and centre of gravity?
b. State the principle of moments
c. A picture 6N is supported by a string on a nail as shown in the diagram. Find the tension
on the strings A and B if the strings are each inclined at 700 to the vertical.

7 7
A 0 T T0 B
0 0

3a. N a number of coplanar parallel forces.
State the conditions of equilibrium for
b. A light beam AB sits on two pivots C and D. A load of 15N hangs at 0, 2m from the
support at C. Find the value of the reaction forces P and Q at C and D. take the distances
as shown in the diagram

6 2 0 4
m m m

4a. State the laws of static friction

b. A metal block of mass 5kg lies on a rough horizontal platform. If a horizontal
force of 8N applied to the block through its centre of mass just slides the block on
the platform. Calculate the coefficient of limiting friction between the block and
the platform.
5a. Define Projectile
b. Give three (3) Applications of projectile
c. A body is projected at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with a velocity of 150ms -1.
Calculate the time it takes the greatest height. [Take g = 10ms -2 and neglect air
6a. Define the terms: Period, Frequency and
6b. A loaded spring performs simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 5cm. If the
maximum acceleration of the load is 20cms-2, calculate the angular frequency of the motion.


24, Okota Road, Gideon Bus stop, Isolo
Instruction: Answer 1 and any other THREE questions
take g as 10m/s2 where necessary

1a. Explain the anomalous behavior of water

1b. If a cube metal box made of iron of side 2cm is to be used for construction, and the
expected temperature difference is 90°C. What will be the expected change in volume
of the cube box if the linear expansivity of iron is 1.25 X 10 -5.

2a. State the laws of static friction

b. A metal block of mass 5kg lies on a rough horizontal platform. If a horizontal
force of 8N applied to the block through its centre of mass just slides the block on
the platform. Calculate the coefficient of limiting friction between the block and
the platform.
3a. What is meant by Friction?
b. State two advantages and disadvantages of friction?
c. State two methods of reducing friction
4a. When does a force do work?
b. What is meant by the term power?
c. A boy whose mass is 40kg finds that he can run up a flight of 45 steps each 16cm
high, in 5.2s.
find the workdone by the boy and the power he develops

5. A stone whirled at the end of a rope 0.3m long, makes 10 revolutions in 2

seconds. Find
a. the angular velocity in rad/s
b. the linear speed.
c. the distance covered in 5seconds
6a. State the difference between linear expansivity and Area Expansivity.
b. A mass of 10kg is moving in a circular path of radius 3m with a uniform speed of
50m/s. Find
(i) the centripetal acceleration
(ii) the centripetal force

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